Change select drop down into radio buttons in wordpress - wordpress

I'm trying to make it so all the options in the drop down are represented with a radio button and clicking on a radio button changes the drop down selection.
However since I'm on WordPress I'm struggling on knowing where to put the code and what code to put.


Cypress multiple radio button selection with dynamic value

Single radio can be selected using
If there is multiple radio buttons code on page with dynamic values for buttons.
How to select multi radio buttons in cypress automation testing?
There is a documentation about it :
its mentioned you should use 'cy.get('[type="radio"]').check()' in order to select all radio buttons.
hope this helps.see the image also

Fixing CSS for Radio Button - WooCommerce

The problem: Radio Button for shipping options successfully goes to selected state which clicked, but does not show a black dot in the selected item to show to the user that it's been selected.
This is on this WooCommerce checkout page of my site. Sorry, the only way to go there is to first select an item on the store, then proceed to checkout:
I've inspected the using google chrome inspect page and cannot for the life of me figure out if this is an issue with: 1) My Uncode theme styles, 2) WooCommerce styles, or 3) something else.
Thanks for any insight on this.
When removing the "webkit-appearance: none" property on the radio button form or changing it (webkit-appearance: checkbox) the button appears checked.
The properties
I think something else is overwritting the original style of the button.

How to peoplecode with radio button

Anyone of you who knows how to peoplecode with the value choosen with radio button?
I have this page with radio button of academic programs and when a user select from one of the programs, I want to print a report basing on that program chosen in the radio button.
Any idea where to start and how to do this?
Thanks so much for the help.
Open the page in Application Designer and check the properties of the radio button fields.
They will look something like this:
All the related radio buttons will have the same record and field, but a different value.
To execute code, based on the selected radio button, you would evaluate the value:
Evaluate RECORD.FIELD.Value
When "VAL1"
When "VAL2"
/* Error */
Note: Fields used for radio buttons have to have XLAT validation IIRC

How to have a symbol appear in a radio button before it is selected

I am using an adapted version of some nice CSS radio buttons that I found here, but I need them to have symbols in them, as each one will represent a specific user action. Specifically, I am using a plus symbol and an arrow symbol. I am able to change the "X" symbol in the custom radio buttons to a plus symbol and an arrow symbol, but I cannot figure out how to have them still appear before the radio button itself is selected. Right now, you can only see it after it is selected. I have tried moving the content: '\25B2' property to every other selector in the CSS, but it never seems to appear, I still have to select the radio button before it becomes visible. I really need these symbols to be visible at all times so they user knows which one to select.
you need to set checked pass **checked** attribute in input type radio like
here is code

how to display radio button label in front of the radio button?

I was trying to use radio button control in but I'm experiencing a problem that, the label of the radio button is getting displayed under the radio button. I want to use it in front of the radio button. Is there any property of a radio button with which the label can be displayed in front of the radio button.?
It might be because the text that you add is long or space for total control is less so the text is getting wrapped. Try giving some large fixed width to the control. It would be better if you post some code.
