How do we sync firebase users into Big Query? - firebase

We have been using the firebase extension to stream (and import) our firestore collection data in BigQuery. That works great.
I was looking for a way to do the same for the users in Firebase Authentication. Any way we can do that?
Thank you

There is no Firebase Extension to export users to BigQuery.
But there is an API in the Admin SDKs that allows you to read all users, so if you combine that with the APIs to write data to BigQuery you can build the functionality yourself.


Can I use firebase for only auth and any other SQL database to store other user data?

Basically I am building a social media type app. I want to manage the auth using firebase firestore (as It is easier) and the contents posted by the user in any other SQL database. Like, if the user uploads a image it will be stored in my own database. Is it possible to link firebase with my own database? If yes, then how?
Firebase Authentication isn't related in any way to Cloud Firestore. You can authenticate your users with Firebase and save the data in any database you want, even in an SQL database. However, Cloud Firestore has some benefits. So I recommend you check the official docs.
Yes, you can use Firebase for auth only and link it to your own database.
You'll have to use the Firebase Admin SDK in your backend. Check out the set up guide.

Export firebase real-time database collection to Bigquery

is any way to Export firebase real-time database collection to bigquery?
firestore-bigquery-export#0.1.13 extension option is available for the firestore database.
There is no built-in or pre-built extension that I know of to provide a similar export to BigQuery from the Firebase Realtime Database. It sounds like a reasonable feature request though, so I recommend filing it here.
In the meantime, keep in mind that all Firebase Extensions are open-source, so you can take the code for the firestore-bigquery-export extension and use that to either create your own extension for RTDB, or otherwise set up an export.

Do any features of Firebase Cloud messaging require a Firebase database?

I'm thinking about implementing Firebase Cloud Messaging without implementing a firebase database and it's unclear to me which features of FCM are supported without having a firebase database.
For instance, getting message delivery statistics ( and sending notifications via the firebase console ( It doesn't explicitly say whether you need a firebase database in either of documents but I'd like to clear about that before implementing it.
So my question is, do you need a firebase database to send notifications via the firebase console or to view message delivery statistics? I know for the latter you need to implement google analytics. And also as a bonus, are there any firebase features that depend on having a firebase database?
Thank you
All FCM features are supported without having to use Realtime Database. They are completely separate products, and are only related as much as you want them to be in your app.

Is it possible to upload data to Cloud Firestore via Powershell with user Authentication?

I can't see much online as to whether it's possible to upload data to Cloud Firestore via Windows Powershell, I know you are able to upload data to the Realtime Database fairly easily, but is this possible for Cloud Firestore?
I need to be able to authenticate a user for upload to follow the database rules and upload rather than using the service account key?
Thanks for any answers or advice you may be able to provide me with.
If you are asking if there is a similar mechanism as the Firebase CLI for reading and writing data to Firestore as there is with Realtime Database, the answer is no, there is no provided tool for that. It currently only provides a mechanism to delete data.
You are certainly free to write your own program using the JavaScript client libraries, which have limited support for Firebase Auth and Firestore on nodejs. You can then invoke your program on the command line. You could also use the REST APIs for both products to write something in any language you want.

Is it possible to create offline firebase app?

I am trying to create a simple notetaking app(ios/android) with the ability to save text and pictures to cloud storage (am using firebase).
so the prototype works fine except when offline.
Firestore has offline capabilities, but Google sign-in does not allow silent-login authentication when offline. (issue)
How can I solve this with just using firebase authentication?
One solution could be storing data offline in files Files and then when online, Authenticate with firebase (run googleSignIn.signInSilently()) and push data to firestore.
Is there a simpler way to do this?
