How to successfully save leaflet map in a .png image? - r

Out of geocoordinates, I want to draw simple plain points on a city map and save the output as a .png. I'm on Linux Ubuntu 22.04LTS. For the first part I found a pretty brief and straightforward leaflet solution.
library(leaflet); library(htmlwidgets); library(webshot)
m <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles("https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png") %>%
setView(-.12, 51.50, zoom=13)
m$x$options <- append(m$x$options, list("zoomControl" = FALSE))
m <- m %>%
addCircleMarkers(c(-.11, -.12, -.13), c(51.48, 51.52, 51.50),
radius=1, color="red")
However, the second part, saving the .png fails. I tried this solution,
saveWidget(m, "temp.html", selfcontained=TRUE)
webshot("temp.html", file="Rplot.png", cliprect="viewport")
but - using phantomjs 2.1.1 - it gives me these errors:
Auto configuration failed
139740646049728:error:25066067:DSO support routines:DLFCN_LOAD:could not load the shared library:dso_dlfcn.c:185:filename( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
139740646049728:error:25070067:DSO support routines:DSO_load:could not load the shared library:dso_lib.c:244:
139740646049728:error:0E07506E:configuration file routines:MODULE_LOAD_DSO:error loading dso:conf_mod.c:285:module=providers, path=providers
139740646049728:error:0E076071:configuration file routines:MODULE_RUN:unknown module name:conf_mod.c:222:module=providers
Error in webshot("temp.html", file = "Rplot.png", cliprect = "viewport") :
webshot.js returned failure value: 1
In addition: Warning message:
In is.null(x) || : 'length(x) = 4 > 1' in coercion to 'logical(1)'
Using slightly older version phantomjs 1.9.8 gives no error, but the image is completely blank. I used these sources to install phantomjs on Ubuntu: 1.9.8, 2.1.1. I looked into this answer, according to which you have to install the dev version, but I didn't find it useful, because I don't know of a dev version of phantomjs.
I don't necessarily need a interactive leaflet, but I thought the dark theme looks cool and corresponds to the research topic of nocturnal crimes. Thus, I'm openish to a static solution if it looks similar (if it won't use Google).

Use the new package webshot2, which uses the Chrome or Chromium headless browser instead of phantomjs.


Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection [Using R-Studio to plot interactive bar graphs using rCharts, knitr]

I am getting an error when I am trying to run the code below in R-Studio 3.3.2 on a Mac (OS Sierra)
haireye <-
n1 <- nPlot(Freq ~ Hair, group = 'Eye', type = 'multiBarChart',
data = subset(haireye, Sex == 'Male')
n1$save('fig/n1.html', cdn = TRUE)
cat('<iframe src="fig/n1.html" width= 100%, height=600</iframe>')
Pls see output below:
Error in file(con, "w") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message: In file(con, "w") : cannot open file 'fig/n1.html': No such file or directory
But I am able to generate the reqd bar graph in the viewer when I use:
n1$show(cdn = TRUE)
in lieu of n1$save('fig/n1.html', cdn = TRUE)
To take care of write permission issues (if any), I also tried including the line below, altering the WD path wherever necessary.
But it did not help. I see the n1.html file created but it only opens an empty browser.
Any help to resolve this is appreciated.
A lot of times we face this error due to caching in RStudio and in that case, actual code errors don't show up. Restart RStudio and this error will be gone and actual code errors would show.
You have two separate problems.
The connection error appears because the fig/ folder does not exist. Create the folder and the save command will work. R has functions to check the existance of directories and create new ones if you would like to do it in your code.
The second problem comes from the way you save, you should use n1$save('fig/n1.html', standalone = TRUE). Here you have a similar situation.
As a side-note, I would say rCharts is not currently developed or mantained at all, so I would recommend you to use another library for your charts. In my opinion Plotly is quite nice. rCharts brought the NVD3 project to R and the chart style is in my opinion really nice. However, as far as I know both projects are stopped so I would look for a library that is still alive.
I have fixed this problem with good old rm(list=ls()) . I know I have
fallen into sequences where the error stops execution of my script. I fix the error, and then it won't run. This is likely due to lazy evaluation but it is a near impossible problem to diagnose, so the solution at the top works almost all the time.

TreeTagger in R

I have downloaded TreeTaggerv3.2 for Windows and have configured it per the install.txt. I am trying to use it in R with koRpus package. I have set the kRp.env as -
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en",
preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file",
TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8" )
.My data to be tagged is in a file and trying to use it as treetag("myfile.txt") but it is throwing the error-
Error in matrix(unlist(strsplit(tagged.text, "\t")), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\TreeTagger\bin\tag-english.bat
C:\Users\vivsingh\Desktop\NLP\tree_tag_ex.txt' had status 255
The standalone TreeTagger is working on by windows.Any idea on how it works?
I had the exact same error and warning while trying lemmatization on R word vector following Bernhard Learns blog using windows 7 and R 3.4.1 (x64). The issue was also appearing using textstem package but TreeTagger was running properly in cmd window.
I mixed several answers I found on this post and here is my steps and code running properly:
get into R win_library (~\Documents\R\win-library\3.4\rJava\jri\x64\jri.dll) and copy jri.dll (thanks kravi!) to replace it the parent folder.
close and restart R
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en", preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file", TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")
lemma_tagged <- treetag(lemma_unique$word_clean, treetagger="manual", format="obj", TT.tknz=FALSE , lang="en", TT.options=list(path="c:/TreeTagger", preset="en"))
lemma_tagged_tbl <- tbl_df(lemma_tagged#TT.res)
Hope it helps.
I am posting this answer to keep a record. I also faced the same issue due to incorrect specification of the location of jri.dll on 64-Bit processor and windows 8.1. If we call
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="manual", lang="en", TT.options=list(path="/path/to/tree-tagger-windows-x.x/TreeTagger", preset="en")) and we follow either of following two steps, we can resolve this error:
While installing R, if we install only 64 Bit version of R, and
specify the proper path for these variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /path/to/rJava/jri
JAVA_HOME = /path/to/jdk1.x.x
java.library.path = /path/to/rJava/jri/jri.dll
CLASSPATH = /path/to/rJava/jri
If we already installed both versions viz. 32 bit and 64 bit of R on your computer then just copy jri.dll from /path/to/rJava/jri/x64/jri.dll and replace at path/to/rJava/jri/jri.dll. Further, we need to set the path of above mentioned four variables.
I've got this issue (very similar I guess) and posted query to GitHub.
The current working solution for me for this case was easier than I could expect, just downgrading the koRpus package. This can change with time but this version should remain appropriate.
install_github("unDocUMeantIt/koRpus", ref="0.06-5")
This package is not Java related they said.
You can face the same error while setting up the korpus environment and getting the result from treetagger. For example, when you use:
tagged.text <- treetag(
treetagger = "manual",
lang = "en",
TT.options = list(
path = "c:/Treetagger",
preset = "en"
doc_id = "sample"
You would receive a similar error
Error: Awww, this should not happen: TreeTagger didn't return any useful data.
This can happen if the local TreeTagger setup is incomplete or different from what presets expected.
You should re-run your command with the option 'debug=TRUE'. That will print all relevant configuration.
Look for a line starting with '' and try to execute the full command following it in a command line terminal. Do not close this R session in the meantime, as 'debug=TRUE' will keep temporary files that might be needed.
If running the command after '' does fail, you'll need to fix the TreeTagger setup.
If it does not fail but produce a table with proper results, please contact the author!
Here you need to change the value of treetagger, from
treetagger = "manual"
treetagger = "kRp.env"
However, before that remember to set the kRp.env as #Xochitl C. suggested in their answer
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en", preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file", TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")
Once you do this, you'll get the desired result.

I am trying to make an interactive map using leafletR package according to a ZevRoss blog. But there is an error in the code

The ZevRoss blog is as follow:
The code with error is:
# ----- Write data to GeoJSON
leafdat<-paste(downloaddir, "/", filename, ".geojson", sep="")
writeOGR(subdat, leafdat, layer="", driver="GeoJSON")
And the error is:
Error in writeOGR(subdat, leafdat, layer = "", driver = "GeoJSON") :
GDAL Error 3: Cannot open file 'd:/Leaflet/County_2010Census_DP1.geojson'
Because I am a freshman in R, I searched for this problem a lot and didn't get any good answer.
I am using Rstudio R version 3.1.1(2014-07-10) on windows 7 32bit.
My rgdal version is 0.9-1.
The other code in the blog runs successfully, this sentence seems to be the only difficult point.
You could create GeoJSON using leafletR package:
Your_GeoJSON <- toGeoJSON(data=YourData, dest=getwd())
I've tried to find a solution for this mysterious error for some time.
Eventually I found this post on the Gdal package errors' tickets site that clarified the problem and gave a solution.
Basically the problem is in the interface between rgdal and Gdal (Gdal changed their way to work and the latest version of rgdal hasn't watched up yet):
writeOGR() calls ogrCheckExists("foo.geojson") to check first if the file exists before creating a new dataset.
In the 1.11 version the OGR GeoJSON driver will emit an error message that this file doesn't exists, whereas previous version didn't emit an error message.
rgdal catches this error as a fatal one and doesn't go to the writing step. This should be fixed in rgdal.
Meanwhile you have an easy workaround : add check_exists = FALSE as a parameter to writeOGR()
Therefore the following code will work:
writeOGR(spDf,'foo.geojson','spDf', driver='GeoJSON',check_exists = FALSE)
Of course if there is already a geojson file with the chosen name at the location writeOGR still fails.
Even though you already have a 'd:' drive on your computer and you have permission to write to that drive, try the following:
leafdat<-paste(downloaddir, "/", ".geojson", sep="")
> leafdat
> "d:/Leaflet/.geojson"
writeOGR(subdat, leafdat, layer="", driver="GeoJSON")
Then you may get ".geojson" file on "d:/Leaflet". Change the file name ".geojson" to "County_2010Census_DP1.geojson".

issue with get_rollit_source

I tried to use get_rollit_source from the RcppRoll package as follows:
I get an error:
Error in get("outFile", envir = environment(fun)) :
object 'outFile' not found
I tried
I get an error:
Error in get_rollit_source(roll_max, edit = TRUE, RStudio = FALSE, outFile = outFile) :
File does not exist!
How can fix this issue?
I noticed that the RcppRoll folder in the R library doesn't contain any src directory. Should I download it?
get_rollit_source only works for 'custom' functions. For things baked into the package, you could just download + read the source code (you can download the source tarball here, or go to the GitHub repo).
Anyway, something like the following should work:
rolling_sqsum <- rollit(final_trans = "x * x")
(I wrote this package quite a while back when I was still learning R / Rcpp so there are definitely some rough edges...)

R Colored dendrogram suggestions?

I want to make colored dendrograms and have yet to find a sufficient library:
This graphic/library looks promising but cannot install the A2E library?
Trying to install on windows, downloaded the tar.gz file and cannot install package from the R console.
In addition:
Warning messages:
1: In unzip(zipname, exdir = dest) : error 1 in extracting from zip file
2: In gzfile(file, "r") :
cannot open compressed file 'A2R_0.0-4.tar.gz/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Can anyone see if they can get this A2R library working, confirm error, or suggest a good colored dendrogram library?
(It might help if you spelled it correctly.) A2R is a source package. So you might need to have the system toolchain for compilation. Those are typically in your system if you are on Linux, but not if you are on a Mac (as I am) or on Windows. The package does compile from source on a Mac. And the compilation process may not have needed the toolchain. So try this:
install.packages("<fullpath> A2R_0.0-4.tar.gz", type ="source")
There are a few other dependencies: 'trimcluster', 'prabclus' , 'MASS' , 'cluster', 'mclust', 'flexmix', 'modeltools', 'stats4', 'multcomp', 'mvtnorm'. I am able to get most of that graphic but the left side curve does not appear as shown and I did get an error:
Error in hubertgamma[i] <- cluster.stats(d.usa, cutree(h.usa, k = i + :
replacement has length zero:
If you do not want the heights of the dendrogram scaled to their depth you can add this modification to the hclust object:
h.usa$height <- log(h.usa$height)
You could use the dendrapply() function in R's built-in dendrogram code to apply custom leaf and node coloring. See the following mailing list thread for hints.
