How to Exclude Compiled .cshtml (.g.cs) from Build -

While designing a dotnet new template, I've been trying to exclude certain files depending on the build configuration for a MVC web app (ASP.NET Core MVC). This is straightforward to do via \.template.config\template.json, but I want to be able to test different permutations of the template by setting preprocessor directives and excluding certain files from compilation.
For example, if a developer doesn't require identity in their project, certain identity-related files would be excluded as follows via the .csproj file:
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'!='RequiresIdentity|AnyCPU'">
<Compile Remove="**/Areas/Identity/**/*" />
<Compile Remove="**/Views/Admin/**/*" />
I'm confident this is removing the files that are not required when the build config is anything other than RequiresIdentity, but it appears that the .cshtml is precompiled before the source files are removed by the configuration above. This results in many errors of the form shown below, generated by *_cshtml.g.cs files:
CS0246 The type or namespace name 'prop' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Has anyone ran into this problem before and know of any potential workarounds?


Including Unmanaged DLL in NuGet Package Using csproj

I'm developing a .NET Core 2.1 library that depends on an unmanaged DLL. I'd like to include the unmanaged DLL in the NuGet package as well. The problem that I am running into is that if I try to specify all of the information in the .csproj file, the dotnet build process throws the following warning:
warning NU5100: The assembly 'content\lib\subdir\somedll.dll' is not
inside the 'lib' folder and hence it won't be added as a reference
when the package is installed into a project. Move it into the
'lib' folder if it needs to be referenced.
I know that I can embed the unmanaged DLLs by writing a .nuspec (in fact, I have). However, it seems like I shouldn't need to write one with the latest .csproj file format.
Question: How can I use the .csproj file to embed unmanaged DLLs in a NuGet package?
Specifying <ItemGroup><None> in the .csproj file seems to include the files in the output directory but they do not make it into the NuGet package.
Specifying <ItemGroup><Content> in t he .csproj file will get them added to the NuGet package but in the Content directory instead of in the Lib directory.
If I really have to have both a .csproj file and a .nuspec file, what is the best practice for where to put the metadata? In t he .csproj file? In the .nuspec file? Maintain and sync both? Is there a something in the tool chain that can do this for me?
I'm working in Visual Studio Code V1.24, and .NET Core/dotnet V2.1.
You need to specify explicit package path metadata on the element so that the dll/so/dylib file ends up at the right place in the package so that it is recognised as runtime-specific native DLL:
<None Include="unmanaged.dll" Pack="true" PackagePath="runtimes\win-x64\native" />

Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included after migrate to .NET Standard?

Using VS 2017 15.4.0
Following James Montemagno "Upgrading to Xamarin.Forms to .NET Standard"
When trying to Clean/Build I am receiving the error:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by default. You can either remove these items from your project file, or set the 'EnableDefaultEmbeddedResourceItems' property to 'false' if you want to explicitly include them in your project file. For more information, see The duplicate items were: 'App.xaml'; 'MainPage.xaml' App5.core C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.2\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\build\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.targets 274
Any solution please?
Found the solution...
Right click on the new .NET Standard project I have created "App5" and choose Edit App5.csproj
I have deleted this code from the file and the error gone.
<EmbeddedResource Include="App.xaml">
<EmbeddedResource Include="MainPage.xaml">
I found various suggestions, but this answer was easily the best for me, both in simplicity and elegance:
In Solution Explorer, enable "Show All Files". This displays all files in each folder, including those excluded from the project.
For each item listed in the error message:
Exclude from project
Include in project
In Solution Explorer, disable "Show All Files".
My mistake was that I added embedded resource while simulator with app was running.
Soo... I had THIS added automatically inside .csproj file:
<EmbeddedResource Include="**/*" />
Remove it, and then everything should be fine
According to bugzilla of xamarin at some point you were required to insert to make it work with the new csproj format.
<!-- -->
<None Remove="**\*.xaml" />
<Compile Update="**\*.xaml.cs" DependentUpon="%(Filename)" />
<EmbeddedResource Include="**\*.xaml" SubType="Designer" Generator="MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml" />
I would imagine that xamarin decided to add that to the default build targets now.
So to fix it you have to do the following:
Open your shared .csproj file.
Remove all Itemgroups related to adding xaml pages and *.cs
clean + rebuild.
It happened to me in MS Visual Studio for Mac after I have added two font files as embedded resources.
These files were titled with the same prefix (Lora-Regular.ttf & Lora-Bold.ttf) and it looks like my IDE did handle this in a bad way.
Indeed, the following weird line was inserted in my .csproj file :
<EmbeddedResource Include="**/*" />
All I did was removing this line and error disapeared.
Try to clean it manually with these steps:
Close your VS
remove bin and obj folders from iOS, Android and the Common (Your project name) folder.
remove all content from the packages folder
open a terminal, navigate to your projects folder and type nuget locals all -clear
then type nuget restore
and finally open VS again and let me know if the problem still exists
For me issue was in one file name. I used underscore (_) in the filename. I was working with file name AppResource.zh_cn.resx. May be it could help someone.
for me unloading and reloading project again worked!

Where to specify --module flag in VS 2015?

I am using typescript 1.5 and VS 2015 RC with new ASP.NET 5 Project templates.
Typescript compiles fine however I am getting the following error on my exported classes:
cannot compile external modules unless the "-module" flag is provided
I want to silence this error however I am unable to specify any typescript options though VS 2015. I also tried tsconfig.json file however it seems it is not effective to just add this file. Perhaps there is an additional step I am missing. What can I do ?
Typically this setting is in the project properties on the TypeScript build tab in the project properties (for your current build configuration such as Debug or Release).
Since you are saying that the TypeScript build tab doesn't appear, you may not have a valid reference to the TypeScript "props" file in your project. Look for a line like this in your .csproj or similar file:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props')" />
If it doesn't exist, add it to your project and then fix up the path to be correct for your install of Visual Studio and TypeScript (just search for the "Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props" file on your hard drive). When you reload the project, the TypeScript build properties tab should appear.
The other thing you need is a reference to the TypeScript "targets" file such as this:
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets')" />
Note that a targets reference generally has to be as low as possible in your project - possibly even just before the </Project> tag.
Initialization of TypeScript in Visual Studio is dependent on the .props and .targets files existing so that could also be the issue.

MSDeploy Package has Missing Files

I'm using MSBuild to build a web application project and adding parameters to create the package file. All of that is good. I get two folders in the _PublishedWebSites output:
In the ApplicationName folder, the entire site is there and I can simply copy this folder over to the website and it will run.
In the Package folder I've got the expected 5 files:
When deploying the package however, the web application dll (AppName.dll) is missing, as are a few other important referenced dependencies.
Inspecting the package itself does reveal that the files are in fact missing from the web applications bin directory.
This is very odd, considering the files are all in the root AppName folder, but not in the package found in AppName_Package folder.
The only MSDeploy related modification I've made is that I am overriding the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn target to copy in some handlers from a library project, and this all works nicely.
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<_CustomFiles Include="..\Libraries\CodeLibrary1\**\*.ashx" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
So, I'm not able to determine why the web application's DLL, and only a few other (referenced)DLLs are removed from the bin directory during the package creation process (but not all - maybe 3%).
Any ideas what I should be looking for in the log file?
EDIT: (Response to Sayed):
I truly appreciate you answering my post. Unfortunately I’m not sure we are on the same page. Like I said, I might not have explained my problem well enough to actually clue others in on exactly what my issue is. Let me try once more to clarify
Getting external files copied into my web application was not the problem. I understand that scanning over my post and seeing the all too common “CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn” element set off a few red flags, alarms, bells and whisles. . It seems to be a common thing people are struggling with, and as you point out, there have been some issues with it being executed. That worked OK for me.
My problem has more to do with project referenced DLLs, AND most importantly the application DLL itself not being copied.
More tweaking around today has revealed something I was not aware of. For instance:
Kicking off a Build on TFS outputs a couple things:
The source from TFS is output to the Source Directory (SourceDir)
This only contains the output what is checked into TFS
This does not include project or file references, only what is committed in TFS
The output of the build is into two folders
Binaries (includes project and file references)
Sources (only what is included/committed in TFS)
Inside Binaries I find the _publishedWebsites folder, as well as all project and file references, while inside Sources there are just the files that are checked into TFS.
My problem, or confusion, was thinking that when I pass in the following parameters to MSBuild Arguments, it would take the output from the build (_PublishedWebsites) and use those files to create the package. It does not do that.
The actual process builds a package based on the files in the SOURCES folder. So, here is my dilemma/confusion, because I did not commit my application dll into source, it was not being included in the package, and therefore was not being sent off to the test site on the test server.
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=True /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=RemoteAgent /p:MSDeployServiceUrl=http://<mytestsite> /p:DeployIisAppPath="<AppName>" /p:UserName=<domain\user> /p:Password=<mypassword> /p:SkipExtraFilesOnServer=false /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True
To wrap this up, once I “checkout for edit” my application DLL on my dev machine, and them compile the solution, and finally commit the application DLL to source control, then it is included in the package because it is included as just another source item.
So, I guess this becomes my fault for not understanding how to get the output of the TFS BUILD into the sources folder, and get that included into the package used by msdeploy.
There is probably something very fundamental that I missed or just skimmed over - and not understood, that the package creation is from the Sources folder and not the _PublishedWebsites folder. Nor do I understand how to get the MSBuild compiled application dll, and project referenced dlls, into my package – replacing the committed source items in source control.
I hope this isn’t a complete waste of your time because I missed a
I appreciate it you can direct me to any existing sources out that already explain this to where I should be able to get my head around it and get this working. Or if it’s so easy to just tell me here.
The issue here is that the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackage target itself is not getting called from the VS2012 targets. We made a lot of changes and this may be a regression on our side. I will look into this to see if there is anything that we can do. Fortunately it should be pretty straight forward to update this to get the behavior that you are looking for. Instead of using CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn you should be able to use PipelineCollectFilesPhaseDependsOn as an alternative. You should be able to change what you have above to
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<Message Text="Inside of CustomCollectFiles" Importance="high"/>
<_CustomFiles Include="C:\Temp\_NET\WAP-AfterPublish\MvcApplication1\additional files\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<DestinationRelativePath>additional files\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)</DestinationRelativePath>
I just tried this for both VS2012 as well as VS2010 so this seems like a better to solution then the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn approach. Can you try that out and let me know what you find out?

AspNetCompiler including files that are not in my project

I'm using msbuild to automatically build and package a website ready for deployment. When I compile and then Publish my project through Visual Studio 2008 everything works fine.
However when I use msbuild I'm getting errors because AspNetCompiler is trying to compile aspx and ascx files that are not included in my .csproj, but still exist in version control.
I know I can just remove them from version control, but can anyone tell me why these files are being compiled?
Here is my msbuild task.
The AspNetCompiler task, which wraps _aspnet_compiler.exe_, compiles all "compilable" files in the application, rather than compiling only those files in the .csproj.
The giveaway is that none of the command-line parameters for the executable take a .csproj as input, only paths. (I suppose one could argue that it would look for a .csproj in the directory, but that is unlikely as it would introduce its own set of issues, such as what to do if someone had put two project files in one directory.)
