Batched Write/Transaction in Cloud Function keeps failing - firebase

I'm trying to make changes to several documents in a cloud function once I receive a callback. My code was working when I only had to update one document, but now I need to update several documents atomically in the same function.
I need to read a certain document and then update other documents based on the information held in an array in the original document. I tried to do this using forEach but I get this error in the console whether I'm using a transaction or a batched write:
Error: Cannot modify a WriteBatch that has been committed.
at WriteBatch.verifyNotCommitted (/workspace/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/write-batch.js:126:19)
at WriteBatch.update (/workspace/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/write-batch.js:315:14)
at loyaltyIds.forEach (/workspace/index.js:323:31)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Error: Process exited with code 16
at process.on.code (/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/#google-cloud/functions-framework/build/src/invoker.js:92:22)
at process.emit (events.js:198:13)
at process.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20)
at process.exit (internal/process/per_thread.js:168:15)
at sendCrashResponse (/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/#google-cloud/functions-framework/build/src/logger.js:44:9)
at process.on.err (/layers/google.nodejs.functions-framework/functions-framework/node_modules/#google-cloud/functions-framework/build/src/invoker.js:88:44)
at process.emit (events.js:198:13)
at process.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20)
at emitPromiseRejectionWarnings (internal/process/promises.js:140:18)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:69:34)
And what I end up with is the document outside the for loop is updated but the documents inside the for loop are not - which defeats the purpose of an atomic operation.
It also takes a long time to complete the write operation to Firestore. Where am I going wrong?
Below is what I've tried:
Using batched write:
const txDoc = await txRef.get();
if (txDoc.exists) {
console.log('Transaction Document Found');
const userId =;
const loyaltyIds =;
const pointsAwardedMap =;
let batch = db.batch();
loyaltyIds.forEach(async lpId => {
// There are 2 elements in the loyaltyIds lis
console.log('Inside for loop');
let cardId = 'u_' + userId + '-l_' + lpId; // 'u_$userId-l_$lpId'
let cardRef = db.collection('users').doc(userId).collection('userLoyaltyCards').doc(cardId);
let lpMap = pointsAwardedMap[lpId];
// Get the user LC doc
let cardDoc = await cardRef.get();
if (cardDoc.exists) {
batch.update(cardRef, {
'pointsBalance': + lpMap['points'],
'totalSpend': +,
'numberOfPurchases': + 1,
'pointsEarned': + lpMap['points'],
'lastPurchaseDate': admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
// Then we update the tx doc
batch.update(txRef, {
transactionCode: `${receiptNo}`,
transactionType: "purchase",
transactionSuccess: true,
}); // only this gets update
console.log('Firebase Transaction success');
return batch.commit();
} else { return null; }
Using transaction operation:
await db.runTransaction(async t => {
const txDoc = await t.get(txRef);
if (txDoc.exists) {
// userId
// For each lp we update the user loyalty card that goes with it
const userId =;
const loyaltyIds =;
const pointsAwardedMap =;
// What the pointsAwarded map looks like from the transaction:
// var pointsAwarded = {
// lp1: {
// lpName: 'Jeff',
// lpId: 'lp.lpId',
// points: 'points1',
// cashbackPct: 'lp.cashbackPct',
// vendorId: 'lp.vendorId',
// vendorName: 'lp.vendorName',
// },
// lp2: {
// lpName: 'Susan',
// lpId: 'lp.lpId',
// points: 'points2',
// cashbackPct: 'lp.cashbackPct',
// vendorId: 'lp.vendorId',
// vendorName: 'lp.vendorName',
// },
// };
loyaltyIds.forEach(async (lpId) => {
// We update the user loyalty cards
console.log('Inside for loop');
let cardId = 'u_' + userId + '-l_' + lpId; // 'u_$userId-l_$lpId'
let cardRef = db.collection('users').doc(userId).collection('userLoyaltyCards').doc(cardId);
let lpMap = pointsAwardedMap[lpId];
// Get the user LC doc
let cardDoc = await t.get(cardRef);
// We create the initial loyalty card doc without relying on the cloud function
if (cardDoc.exists) {
// Users LC found, we simply update with this transaction
// `${mpesaReceiptNo}`, this is how to add a var as a field value in firestore
t.update(cardRef, {
'pointsBalance': + lpMap['points'],
'totalSpend': +,
'numberOfPurchases': + 1,
'pointsEarned': + lpMap['points'],
'lastPurchaseDate': admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
}); // end of loyalty card update loop
// Then we update the transaction doc
console.log('Transaction Document Found')
t.update(txRef, {
transactionCode: `${mpesaReceiptNo}`,
transactionType: "purchase",
transactionSuccess: true,
console.log('Firebase Transaction success');
I've tried to use a normal for loop but I still get the same errors. I even tried to incorporate the batch.commit statement in the loop so it only executes when the loop completes. Still - same errors.
try {
return txRef.get().then( async txDoc => {
if (txDoc.exists) {
const userId =;
const loyaltyIds =;
const pointsAwardedMap =;
const batch = db.batch();
// loyaltyIds.forEach(lpId => {
for (let i = 0; i < loyaltyIds.length; i++) {
// We update the user loyalty cards
const lpId = loyaltyIds[i];
console.log('Inside for loop');
const cardId = 'u_' + userId + '-l_' + lpId; // 'u_$userId-l_$lpId'
const cardRef = db.collection('users').doc(userId).collection('userLoyaltyCards').doc(cardId);
const lpMap = pointsAwardedMap[lpId];
// Get the user LC doc
cardRef.get().then(cardDoc => {
// We created the initial loyalty card doc without relying on the cloud function
if (cardDoc.exists) {
console.log('Card found');
// Users LC found, we simply update with this transaction
// `${mpesaReceiptNo}`, this is how to add a var as a field value in firestore
batch.update(cardRef, {
'pointsBalance': + lpMap['points'],
'totalSpend': +,
'numberOfPurchases': + 1,
'pointsEarned': + lpMap['points'],
'lastPurchaseDate': admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
if (i + 1 == loyaltyIds.length) {
console.log('Loyalty card loop complete, now going to update other things and commit the batch.');
// Update the transaction document
batch.update(txRef, {
transactionCode: `${mpesaReceiptNo}`,
transactionType: "purchase",
transactionSuccess: true,
console.log('Committing the batch');
return batch.commit();
} // end of for loop
} else {
console.log('Transaction Doc not found, terminating function.');
return null;
}).then(function () {
return null;
).catch(function (error) {
// throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', 'An error occurred when trying to sort the posts.');
return null;

I think your problem is related to promises. You must await for the batch.commit(), which was not done in your code. No need to use the await for batch.update(), only for the batch.commit().
Usage of the map with the Promise.all is very important here to ensure you await for all the loop operations to be completed.
I updated your code using awaits, I could not test it since I don't have access to your DB, but I think it should solve your problem with the batch.
try {
const txDoc = await txRef.get();
if (txDoc.exists) {
const userId =;
const loyaltyIds =;
const pointsAwardedMap =;
const batch = db.batch();
await Promise.all( (lpId, i) => {
const cardId = 'u_' + userId + '-l_' + lpId; // 'u_$userId-l_$lpId'
const cardRef = db.collection('users').doc(userId).collection('userLoyaltyCards').doc(cardId);
const lpMap = pointsAwardedMap[lpId];
const cardDoc = await cardRef.get();
if (cardDoc.exists) {
batch.update(cardRef, {
'pointsBalance': + lpMap['points'],
'totalSpend': +,
'numberOfPurchases': + 1,
'pointsEarned': + lpMap['points'],
'lastPurchaseDate': admin.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
if (i + 1 == loyaltyIds.length) {
batch.update(txRef, {
transactionCode: `${mpesaReceiptNo}`,
transactionType: "purchase",
transactionSuccess: true,
await batch.commit();
return null;
} else {
console.log('Transaction Doc not found, terminating function.');
return null;
} catch (error) {
return null;


Firebase listUsers fails to get All users after a certain page

I'm using a pubsub firebase function (cron), and inside this function Im calling firebase auth users, to fill some missing data in a profile collection
Im paginating with the pageToken, the first token passed is undefined then I save it in a config db and read the token to get the next page
The issue is that I have 170K records, and listusers returns an undefined token at the 6th page (6k users) which is frsutrating
here is the code:
.schedule('*/30 * * * *')
.onRun(async () => {
const page = firestore.collection('config').doc('pageToken');
const doc = (await page.get()).data();
// Check if last page don't run again
const last = doc?.last;
if (last) return;
// Load page
const pageToken = doc?.pageToken || undefined;
let pageNumber = doc?.pageNumber as number;
return firebaseAdmin
.listUsers(1000, pageToken)
.then(async listUsersResult => {
for (const userRecord of listUsersResult.users) {
// Fetch Profile
try {
const profile = await firestore
// data foramtting here
// compared profile data & fixed data
const payload = JSON.parse(
...(!userRecord.phoneNumber && {
// Profile doesn't exist : Create
if (!profileData && payload) {
await profile.create({
Migrated: true,
} else if (profileData && payload) {
const data = compare(profileData, payload);
if (data) {
// Profile exists: Update
await profile.update(data);
if (userRecord.phoneNumber)
await profile.update({
phone: firebaseAdmin.firestore.FieldValue.delete(),
} catch (err) {
functions.logger.error('Some Error', err);
if (!listUsersResult.pageToken) {
return await firestore
last: true,
// List next batch of users.
return await firestore
pageToken: listUsersResult.pageToken,
so after in page 6, I have a last:true property added to the firestore however there is 164k data are missing
any idea ?

Why my transaction() function doesn't work? in my case I want to increase my klik data

How to increment my klik data?
klik = async() => {
var ref = await firebase.database().ref('/listPenerbangan/001/-MeFcuKWWE62PCvhJysB/klik')
ref.transaction(function(klik) {
return klik + 1
Here is an image of my Firebase Realtime Database:
On this line, you create a reference to a location in your database:
var ref = await firebase.database().ref('/listPenerbangan/001/-MeFcuKWWE62PCvhJysB/klik')
As this line isn't asynchronous, await isn't needed here and you should use const/let instead of var where possible in modern JavaScript.
const ref = firebase.database()
On the next line:
ref.transaction(function(klik) {
return klik + 1
You start a transaction (docs) but don't listen for its result (which is a Promise<{ committed: boolean, snapshot: DataSnapshot | null }>).
// ⬇⬇ return added here to let the caller of `klik()` handle errors
return ref.transaction(function (klik) {
// klik may be null! (parent document doesn't exist?)
// even though `null + 1 == 1`, you might want to do something
return klik + 1;
Which ends up with:
klik = async () => {
const ref = firebase.database()
return ref.transaction(function(klik) {
return klik + 1
or the simpler:
klik = async () => {
return firebase.database()
.transaction(klik => klik + 1);
Because you are only incrementing a value, you can cut out the transaction by using a ServerValue.increment() instruction (docs) instead to make the change on the server itself:
klik = async () => {
return firebase.database()
If klik is the event handler for a button, you should make sure to handle the success or failure of the database write in the handler for klik:
const addKlik = async () => {
return firebase.database()
klik = () => {
return addKlik()
.then(() => {
// klik added, do something?
// (or remove this `.then()`)
.catch((err) => {
// TODO: handle errors better than this
console.error("klik failed: ", err);
alert("klik failed! " + (err.code || err.message));

Recursively get a list of users [Firebase + Saga]

As Firebase’s Firestore only allows 10 items at each query. I need to recursively query users in batches of 10 users.
This is what I've done referencing from Composing Sagas
, but users returns a list of undefined. What have I done wrong? Or is there a better (more efficient) way to query a list of users from Firestore? Note: I have to use Redux-Saga.
export function* watchGetListUsersByUids() {
yield takeEvery(USERS_GET_USERS_BY_UIDS, getListUsersByUids);
const getListUsersByUidsAsync = async (list_uid, set) => {
var get_uids = list_uid.slice(set * 10, (set + 1) * 10);
console.log("get_uids", get_uids);
await firestore
.where("uid", "in", get_uids)
.then((data) => =>
.catch((error) => error);
function* getListUsersByUids({ payload }) {
const { uids } = payload;
var numSet = parseInt(uids.length / 10);
var apiCalls = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= numSet; i++) {
apiCalls.push(call(getListUsersByUidsAsync, uids, i));
if (apiCalls.length) {
try {
const users = yield all(apiCalls);
console.log(users); // <-- [undefined, undefined, ...]
} catch (error) {

Firebase: Flutter: Optimizing for stability: many Transactions vs. Batch writes vs. Set calls

A few months ago, a glorious soul here taught me about transactions. I may have gone a little overboard thinking they were they best thing since sliced bread. The problem they solved was obvious, guaranteed concurrent writes on a single doc. However, I've noticed already with as little as three closely timed function triggers that I produced the dreaded: ------------------------"10 ABORTED: Too much contention on these documents."...-------------------------
Optimizing for stability, my question is: Would it be best practice to use a mixed bag of these write calls for different situations? For example: if a cloud function is writing to a location where I do not expect contention, should it just be a set call? Instead of 4 transactions to various locations, should I use a batch?
Reading the Firebase limitations I assumed I was in the clear with max 60w/doc/sec. However, I've learned now that Transactions can timeout AND only try to write 5 times.
Some background on the app and the contention error:
- It's a basic social media app.
- The contention error came from making three posts in close succession from a single user.
- Each post triggers a cloud function that does several transactions to link the post to appropriate places. i.e. followers, feed, groups, sends notifications, and sets activity feed docs for each follower.
Side question: Am I wrongly understanding that firebase can handle an app with this level of activity?
EDIT: I was aware of these firebase limitations early on and did my best work to keep documents and collections spread apart appropriately.
CODE EDIT: index.js: adminPostReview is the specific function to throw the error (did the best I could to simplify).
The specific transaction to throw the error, I believe, is the call to transactionDayIndexAdd().
function transactionDelete(docRef) {
return db.runTransaction(async t => {
var doc = await t.get(docRef);
if (doc.exists)
// THIS FUNCTION. Is it bad to read and set two documents?
function transactionDayIndexAdd(docRef, dayPosted, postId, userId) {
return db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
var postMap = {};
const doc = await t.get(docRef.doc(dayPosted));
if (doc.exists) {
postMap =;
} else {
const indexDoc = await t.get(docRef.doc('index'));
var newIndex = indexDoc.exists ? : {};
newIndex[dayPosted] = true;
t.set(docRef.doc('index'), { 'index': newIndex });
postMap[postId] = userId;
t.set(doc.ref, { 'pids': postMap });
exports.adminPostReview = functions.firestore
.onUpdate(async (change, context) => {
const postId = context.params.postId;
const userId =;
const approvedMaks =;
const approvedRita =;
var promises = [];
if (approvedMaks == false || approvedRita == false) {
else if (approvedMaks == true || approvedRita == true) {
var newPost =;
if (approvedMaks != null || approvedRita != null) {
async function postLive(newPost) {
const userId = newPost.ownerId;
const postId = newPost.postId;
const dayPosted = newPost.dayPosted;
var postToFeed = newPost.postToFeed;
var postToGroups = newPost.postToGroups;
newPost.approved = true;
delete newPost.postToFeed;
delete newPost.postToGroups;
var batch = db.batch();
var promises = [];
if (postToFeed == true) {
promises.push(transactionDayIndexAdd(db.collection("feedRandom"), dayPosted, postId, userId));
var querySnap = await db.collection('followers')
.get(); follower => {
dayPosted, postId, userId));
media1Url: newPost.media1Url,
media2Url: newPost.media2Url,
postId: newPost.postId,
timestamp: newPost.timestamp,
type: 'newFollowingPost',
userId: userId,
userProfileImg: newPost.ownerProfileImg,
username: newPost.username,
displayName: newPost.displayName,
if ( != null) {
const payload = {
notification: {
title: 'Someone you follow made a new post!',
body: `${newPost.username} has a new post.`
data: {
vestiq_type: 'newFollowingPost',
vestiq_fid: userId,
vestiq_pid: postId,
vestiq_displayName: newPost.displayName,
vestiq_photoUrl: newPost.ownerProfileImg,
vestiq_username: newPost.username,
var user = await db.collection('users').doc(;
if ( == true)
promises.push(pushNotification(, payload));
if (postToGroups != null && postToGroups.length > 0) {
promises.push(pushGroupPosts(postToGroups, userId, postId, newPost));
return Promise.all(promises);
} else return Promise.all(promises);
else if (postToGroups != null && postToGroups.length > 0) {
promises.push(pushGroupPosts(postToGroups, userId, postId, newPost));
return Promise.all(promises);
async function pushGroupPosts(postToGroups, userId, postId, newPost) {
var groupBatch = db.batch();
postToGroups.forEach((gid) => {
{ 'gid': gid, 'postId': postId },
return push(groupBatch.commit());
I was able to fix the contention problem by splitting transactionDayIndexAdd() into two separate transactions. I flip a bool to determine if the second should run instead.
This leads me to believe that the nested t.get/t.set transaction significantly increases chances for contention issues. Since the split, I have not been able to reproduce the error. Here is the new transactionDayIndexAdd() for those who are curious.
HOWEVER, my original question still stands regarding optimising for stability.
async function transactionDayIndexAdd(docRef, dayPosted, postId, userId) {
var dayAdd = 0;
var promises = [];
await db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
var postMap = {};
const doc = await t.get(docRef.doc(dayPosted));
if (doc.exists)
postMap =;
else {
dayAdd = 1;
postMap[postId] = userId;
t.set(doc.ref, { 'pids': postMap });
if (dayAdd == 1) {
promises.push(db.runTransaction(async (t) => {
const indexDoc = await t.get(docRef.doc('index'));
var newIndex = indexDoc.exists ? : {};
newIndex[dayPosted] = true;
t.set(indexDoc.ref, { 'index': newIndex });
return await Promise.all(promises);

firebase function on db trigger throws Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value

my firebase function based on realtime database trigger looks like below
exports.on_user_created = functions.database.ref("/users/{id}")
.onCreate((change, context) => {
console.log("start of on_user_created ")
const user = change.val();
console.log("New user:::" + JSON.stringify(user))
const uid = user._uid
const referralCode = user._referralCode
console.log("creating referral node for uid:" + uid + " with code:" + referralCode)
if(referralCode === undefined){
console.error("No referral code created for the user while sign up. Referral node cannot be created.")
return true
var db = admin.database();
var ref = db.ref('referrals')
ref.child(referralCode).set({"uid": uid}).then(
(resp) => {
console.log("referral node created")
return true
(err) => {
console.error("unable to create referral node on user create:" + err)
return true
it on run throws
5:47:02.035 AM on_user_created Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value
I am failing to understand why
Adapted following Doug's comment below: "If you have no async work to be done, it's typical to return null"
This is because you don't return the Promise returned by the set() asynchronous operation.
You should do something like:
exports.on_user_created = functions.database.ref("/users/{id}")
.onCreate((change, context) => {
console.log("start of on_user_created ")
const user = change.val();
console.log("New user:::" + JSON.stringify(user))
const uid = user._uid
const referralCode = user._referralCode
console.log("creating referral node for uid:" + uid + " with code:" + referralCode)
if(referralCode === undefined){
console.error("No referral code created for the user while sign up. Referral node cannot be created.")
return null // <-- See Doug's comment below.
var db = admin.database();
var ref = db.ref('referrals')
return ref.child(referralCode).set({"uid": uid}).then( // <-- !! Here we return
(resp) => {
console.log("referral node created")
return null
(err) => {
console.error("unable to create referral node on user create:" + err)
return null
Note that you could streamline your code as follows if you don't need the console.log()s, e.g. for production.
exports.on_user_created = functions.database.ref("/users/{id}")
.onCreate((change, context) => {
const user = change.val();
const uid = user._uid
const referralCode = user._referralCode
if (referralCode === undefined) {
return null;
} else {
var db = admin.database();
var ref = db.ref('referrals')
return ref.child(referralCode).set({"uid": uid});
For more detail on the importance of returning the promises in a Cloud Function, I would suggest you watch the official video series and in particular the ones titled "Learn JavaScript Promises":
