Some dependency issue while running rsync command which I'm not able to find - rsync

I was trying to mirror a site using rsync but it was failing to some reason and throwed the following error:
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at io.c(794) [Receiver=3.1.3]
The same command worked on different computers without installing any software (including rsync)
About the system (OS : Ubuntu 20.04, rsync version 3.1.3)


why does an error happen when I compile R source code on linux server?

I'm new to R and linux. I'm trying to install R on linux server by compiling source code. After executing "./configure" command, an error prompts:
configure: error: Building R requires the 'opendir' system call.
Does anybody know the cause behind it and the ways to fix it?

error in installation of tidyverse package in R

I am facing an error during the installation of tidyverse R package. The R version is 4.2.0 and OS is ubuntu 22.04 (in windows host OS). I have used the following command in R for the installation:
After the installation when I called the library using library(tidyverse), it gives an error:
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't
operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down
along a warning message: `
Warning message:In system("timedatectl", intern = TRUE) : running
command 'timedatectl' had status 1
Kindly help troubleshoot the error.

Connection reset by peer when trying to install private Gitlab R package

I have created an R package that I have hosted in my company's Gitlab, and when I try to use the solution described here to install it I get the following error:
Installation failed: Error in 'git2r_clone': SSL error: syscall failure: Connection reset by peer
A coworker tried to run the same command I did and they managed to do it. Why is this error occurring to me?
Check your Git version and your %PATH% (Windows) or $PATH.
You must have a recent Git, for supporting the right OpenSSL version, and you must not reference any other openssl in your PATH which might be too old.

How to install ROracle on Windows 7 64-bit

This is a follow on to How to install ROracle package on Windows 7?
I'm getting the following error trying to build ROracle
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
unable to load shared object 'D:/Users/a101/Documents/R/win-library/3.0/ROracle/libs/x64/ROracle.dll':
LoadLibrary failure: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
I have RTools and 64-bit Oracle Instantclient installed
I execute the following from an Admin privieledged command line:
set OCI_LIB64=C:/Oracle/instantclient_12_1_x64
set OCI_INC=C:/Oracle/instantclient_12_1_x64/sdk/include
"C:/Program Files/R/R-3.0.0/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL --build ROracle_1.1-10.tar.gz
I've searched around and what I've found says this error is caused by building in mixed mode. I.e. 32-bit R with 64-bit Oracle client library or vice versa. I've been looking at this for many (many) hours and I believe I'm using all 64-bit (OS, R, Oracle client library). All the trace messages seem to indicate 64-bit everywhere. Any thoughts on what I might be missing?
To run dependency walk use Dependecy Walker, choose opening ROracle.dll in this app. I had the same issue since ROracle.dll was searching for OCI x64 (Oracle client), whereas I had x86 version of it installed on my PC.
I came across the same question, with 64bit windows and R...
Since I shifted the ROracle from 32bit to 64bit some days before. After changing the OCI_LIB64, OCI_INC and also add the 64bit instantclient dir to the env variable Path, it works fine in R and RStudio.
But I set up a task scheduler before, using Rscript.exe to run a RCode every day. That task failed since the shift with the same error:"Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : unable to load shared object 'E:/app/R_lib/3.4/ROracle/libs/x64/ROracle.dll': LoadLibrary failure: %1 is not a valid Win32 application."
My final solution is to restart the computer...And the task scheduler works again....guess there should be some 32bit file stored temporarily and need to be deleted before using 64bit ROracle...
You need to add the Oracle Client 32 and 64 bits witk SDK folder directory to the Windows System enviromental variables path. Also need to install rjava package (install java 64 bits) and set JAVA_HOME in R sys.setenv().
install.packages("rJava") #Install Java 64 bits
library(rJava) #Not Errors
Sys.setenv("OCI_LIB32" = "C:/instantclient_12_2_64bits")
Sys.setenv("ORACLE_HOME" = "C:/instantclient_12_2_64bits")
Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME='C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_241')
install.packages(paste0(path,"/ROracle_1.3-1.tar.gz"), repos = NULL, type = "source")
The last message in the install process should be DONE!
In the Windows System enviromental path:
hope this works!

doRedis with strange socket connection error in Ubuntu Linux, R, and RStudio

I am trying to get doRedis R package working in my latest Ubuntu 10.0.4 environment with R 2.12.1. I tried download the latest 2.15.1 but it installs (with apt-get install...) this other version. Anyhow, when I run the following lines from doRedis.R (
library('doRedis') #no issues here
I get the error of:
Error in socketConnection(host, port, open = "a+b", blocking = TRUE, timeout = timeout) :
unused argument(s) (timeout = timeout)
I also have the Redis-server running waiting to accept connections with no problems. I could connect with Redis-cli client no problems. This is all local to the same system.
This runs fine on my Windows 7 with no problems.
The version Ubuntu has in its own repositories is quite old. You can add CRAN to your sources.list and get the latest version through that repository. Read the instructions at this page for more information.
In regard to your real question, it seems that a call to socketConnection includes an input argument it does not support. Please check which version of the package you are running, is it the same as you run under Windows 7? In addition, please upgrade your version of R to 2.15 using the link above.
