ESP32 firebase OAuth2.0 access token error -116 - firebase

i'm trying to connect esp32 to firestore but an error appear on the serial monitor
Token info: type = OAuth2.0 access token, status = error
Token error: code: -116, message: mbedTLS, mbedtls_pk_parse_key: PK - Invalid key tag or value
i'm using source code from

Most likely you've not provided the private key string correctly (TLS libraries are rather picky about that), or the private key is not in correct format.
E.g. this is how you generate a 2048 bit RSA keypair in PKCS8 format (which is what the sample code appears to use):
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -m PKCS8 -f testkey
This is how you add the resulting private key as a multiline raw string literal in C++:
const char PRIVATE_KEY[] = R"(-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----


Paramiko No such file or directory: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'

I am coming across issues using the SSHHook class in a DAG.
The error is
File "/usr/local/airflow/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paramiko/", line 307, in _read_private_key_file
with open(filename, "r") as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
What I am doing is taking a PEM key from AWS Secrets Manager and writing it to a file-like object using StringIO.
secrets_manager_hook = SecretsManagerHook()
sm_client = secrets_manager_hook.get_conn()
secret = sm_client.get_secret_value(SecretId='<SECRET>')
pem_key_value = secret["SecretString"]
with StringIO(initial_value=pem_key_value) as pem_file:
ssh_hook=SSHHook(ssh_conn_id=None, remote_host=<HOST>, username='ec2-user', key_file=pem_file)
ssh_hook.exec_ssh_client_command(ssh_client=ssh_hook_conn, command='echo Hello', get_pty=False)
My PEM key that I uploaded as just a plain text secret looks like this
If I print the secret value retrieved from the Boto3 client it is a similar output.
I'm not sure of what the error is related to. Do I explicitly need new line characters \n at the end of every line? How can I implement that? StringIO seems like it already has newline='\n' as a default parameter.
The key_file takes file path. It does not accept a file-like object.
The only way to provide in-memory key is using private_key "extra option" in connection specified by ssh_conn_id.

How can I get X and Y components from a ECC public key in PEM format without private key?

I know we can use openssl to do that. However that requires the private key. In my case, I don't have the private key and only have the public key. I uses Google Cloud HSM and the private key is not accessible directly. I can only download the public key. Then how can I do it?
My public key, it uses secp256r1:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Is openssl required as the solution? I cannot see a way of getting the information you ask for that way.
I got this information via a simple Java program:
EC public key, 256 bits
public x coord: 60967280926790184513158415212015267447322831299023265344568139622352475502467
public y coord: 34455661551278605550386928620071510096611427884751984970963480406192147856389
parameters: secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1] (1.2.840.10045.3.1.7)
The Java code:
String keyAsTxt = "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEhspCFgsa/oSDJajb8DvaLhLURUbDC2UXU1E/a//ht4NMLTadhSMc195SL8YD55tPXR6bvERBrZfYEmpBlkr8BQ==";
byte[] keyAsBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(keyAsTxt);
X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(keyAsBytes);
KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
PublicKey publicKey = keyFactory.generatePublic(keySpec);
You could use:
openssl ec -pubin -noout -text -conv_form uncompressed
This will output:
Public-Key: (256 bit)
ASN1 OID: prime256v1
04 indicating it is uncompressed (we forced this), the X and Y coordinates are just concatenated behind each other:
X (hex): 86:ca:42:16:0b:1a:fe:84:83:25:a8:db:f0:3b:da:2e:12:d4:45:46:c3:0b:65:17:53:51:3f:6b:ff:e1:b7:83
Y (hex): 4c:2d:36:9d:85:23:1c:d7:de:52:2f:c6:03:e7:9b:4f:5d:1e:9b:bc:44:41:ad:97:d8:12:6a:41:96:4a:fc:05
A possible bash pipeline could be (would need to assure openssl text cli output is stable):
| grep -E "^ +.*" | tr -d ' \n' | sed 's/^...//' | sed 's/./ /96'

Failed deploy datapower helm chart in IBM private cloud

I try to deploy a datapower inside IPC with the following parameter
"ibm-datapower-dev": {
"name": "ibm-datapower-dev",
"crypto.frontsideCert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICijCCAXICAQAwRTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQVUxEzARBgNVBAgMClNvbWUtU3RhdGUx ITAfBgNVBAoMGEludGVybmV0IFdpZGdpdHMgUHR5IEx0ZDCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcN AQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAK2cJ7rtqGPsFoFNLjOQ08knGO429u+EdIEPiXvc nvumhIoSmOquUOzyIOqPCY35Wso2EjS97dH3Qa+X8Qo8L6FfmWDBn4C6RWVPxxh1 a2P0TM1eSzPP/bVU0yghgdgPkU6jYfA0OmnBN3KOHl39gc86cI8tXUxstnlACzv+ me1RKmvMfy+IE3C0qBvvPjhNjIU4vx9OJ/DaxMh2shJxHlt718mZTCy/fAqE5bc5 19Atxy7aPD9LFWQ6/mGbnLzH8l4MqrZYFkVkZx8h3uYt3eyN0co4FicBuGtgs97s VcpZz9tC2yFEi25Iql+AdGuaK+hMNU2pF5GdNaARlyLjemECAwEAAaAAMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBvGtz0xYQOX1SqTdutLLKSJdlUt3jin3NoEvvDKAHhmpnc DDMfamqM4wjXb1JlTQKSHAdgLB/KHMgJPlb4pn9pHVCsZ9cEwz0Qz0oGPyr/rmYC IZRfmImqKdDLDhVWyK8GLv6cYwQEkuRMzytXX8DMcJcWRXuJj3cuyVGQ7BKxSnl7 0U9pbUb8mNwcvJnZfsfL4AIQR2//NoTVI+XKXg9INoJXa4WaWXAYR4QlV1+Ow52P uGnBaCsCx+JbD+2hhbbGJNzPqG1ZaZUEvnQiqOTcVseeGg6uLZ4KAGaJ52ZVWcmT Lmt+TMkML8Ajm11mJnqJIclMXs61rsHVPHbjVl5q -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----",
"crypto.frontsideKey": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpAIBAAKCAQEArZwnuu2oY+wWgU0uM5DTyScY7jb274R0gQ+Je9ye+6aEihKY 6q5Q7PIg6o8JjflayjYSNL3t0fdBr5fxCjwvoV+ZYMGfgLpFZU/HGHVrY/RMzV5L M8/9tVTTKCGB2A+RTqNh8DQ6acE3co4eXf2Bzzpwjy1dTGy2eUALO/6Z7VEqa8x/ L4gTcLSoG+8+OE2MhTi/H04n8NrEyHayEnEeW3vXyZlMLL98CoTltznX0C3HLto8 P0sVZDr+YZucvMfyXgyqtlgWRWRnHyHe5i3d7I3RyjgWJwG4a2Cz3uxVylnP20Lb IUSLbkiqX4B0a5or6Ew1TakXkZ01oBGXIuN6YQIDAQABAoIBAEI3znuhDFpYgVj+ PEIU2oLd88dglZ1T8zAK4hCpXMZ1hBY587OHm3xU+jMdLbLGSlfYeec+DkjIu3gj Rx/1RuGRWioqkBEEe1WiMTlmB/kPBIBMl/iCO63/Va734NOtVGofLUr2UNVniiOa i4CkIfANxUMHNY/h41OqFt7iRInci3ILaHBwvLQLUc0ZHZcP1jHH/6zLxsx7ueap XbOFOrRgVt620HIDBtCntJBO24KN3TveKuLSrZPGU3G/dilOEA8kTdl9ftD4Qgbe Y4sZ0sz72WjHNSVOrdTNfyLKPOmbTs+qGW7SZWOWkDmvmLO5fu6fPWnjZqTikaUz ZWfuhJUCgYEA3x1+573AblgZGshKWFa33dYHvCOVjaqUfbNyvqWEA64vl/VBhOGU 8WUFAVlqX5tN1NxUF9KLF5Ed2iIRb8d1VUb4gTCs8BVX1rJN2VFzYIBwr66G/9bO KHAH2ABq7PgRWxEBvsvgbD6gwPAgWtx+KiSGaX1V3qvmASoz1Vj4wMcCgYEAxzK+ 1YngK9Jc4JgJMYqkfRHKwjBq99CzKJHKtXzaHVqcFmH2OqmwGWb4t0DyQsi5PKVM u4OFS3/vgSKpEwem94dB6OwuAioeX6pSkYW4qGLhOm9V9iPrjg/Q4v5+ym6iNMB+ 0CZdeR1TGI1qLFkv8ziSdN1K2Ycv2fYGSRpNE5cCgYEAgTG2M4C39e1DlDOYgTCt xWHTFslQJzk4RNVtQyHaoLrzSj21E7oAIgvJ6y8YnoXyeqiedTDwY9QfAhmqGRzZ P2kaKszBxz/EnkifNZCpi560Ibag63I57EZ69EPBprg6bI4bgZzStjtJoI8rXRHC aKq/vkPaPlcxl0kVvJuJZy8CgYEApqw7KQl4XLJjrDkKWD2dbFjawqkol7o0bhmu 9zREfJM4TzIgiO06v8Z9DTh2fJLfC3N0ROHDQm0FxZNuzNF2T18JMw+LX5xGVd15 wPGWlK5HrlFCJ/XePrvVGFnBVThE2MbIVPoE9DYpNT3+PKVTjbskMEyJOIH48/L7 R2eOXnkCgYBRCjh9ns9PSneKWGfz+ymlB0b4kCZBU69Q3ladgN50oxG6QmiccObT EXEeUl+XqhlhyR7MeNSz7IUugHSVKqpa2fGFTQ3Uk7k6QslSXHcJFl3HBjK/Ejcc H8zB9FPVe1gOqeK2HBnThC7zWOseGrBMWhyeH2cNdGXnw+dexWUTig== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----",
"datapowerEnv.workerThreads": "4",
"image.pullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"image.repository": "ibmcom/datapower",
"image.tag": "7.6.0",
"patternName": "webApplicationProxy",
"replicaCount": "1",
"resources.limits.cpu": "4",
"resources.limits.memory": "8Gi",
"resources.requests.cpu": "2",
"resources.requests.memory": "4Gi",
"": "datapower",
"service.type": "NodePort",
"webApplicationProxy.backendURL": "",
"webApplicationProxy.containerPort": "8443"
and it failed (and no log info is available)
Just to complete info I generate the cert/key inside linux with the following command
generate key
openssl genrsa -out /tmp/hostname.key 2048
genrate cert
openssl req -new -key /tmp/hostname.key -out /tmp/hostname-2017.req
what is wrong ? where info/log is available to understand the error ?
The only way I can get the ICP GUI to accept my keys and certs is to strip out the header, footer, and line feeds. Only one continuous, encrypted string remains.
You should base64 encode the key and cert. They'll be used as a k8s secret, and those are required to be base64 encoded.
First, let's understand what these values are doing.
Each of the keys crypto.frontsideCert and crypto.frontsideKey map to values used in a Kubernetes secret. You can actually see how these values are substituted in the chart:
And to provide a secret to Kubernetes, the value must be base-64 encoded. While the secret isn't really encrypted, it will be obscured from casual observation.
You can base64 encode these strings using base64 on your favorite linux distro:
cat /tmp/hostname.key | base64
# Outputs a large block of text, which typically ends in "==" cat
cat /tmp/hostname-2017.req | base64
# Outputs a large block of text, which typically ends in "=="
If you're ever concerned that the value in a secret isn't what you expect, you can always verify it:
echo "This is an obscured secret." | base64
echo VGhpcyBpcyBhbiBvYnNjdXJlZCBzZWNyZXQuCg== | base64 --decode
This is an obscured secret.

Openssl cannot decrypt message using PuttyGen private key

I've created public and private keys using PuttyGen then the public key was used to encrypt a message.
I am now trying to decrypt such message using the private key with the following command:
echo [my encrypted message] | openssl enc -d -base64 -A | openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey ~/.ssh/private.ppk
but I get the error:
unable to load Private Key
6870300:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:707:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
The private key looks like this (actual key omitted):
PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsa
Encryption: none
Comment: rsa-key-20170724
Public-Lines: 6
Private-Lines: 14
Private-MAC: [...]
What's wrong?
Thanks to this guy I sorted it out.
I've reopened the private key with PuttyGen and exported as OpenSSH, then used this new file to decrypt the message.

PBE-SHA1-3DES uses 168 bit triple DES?

I'm using the following command to encrypt my private key file using OpenSSL:
$ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key.pem -out private_key.der -v1 PBE-SHA1-3DES
The documentation states that the option -v1 PBE-SHA1-3DES will encrypt using triple DES, but doesn't mention which keying option it is using. Can I assume that it uses 168 bit triple DES?
The answer seems to be yes, when I read the file from Java(see also my other question), I can get the algorithm viz.:
1.2.840.113549. from algParams.getAlgorithm()
Googling this yields: pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC
See also:
This is a 3key triple DES, which entails 168 bits.
public static byte[] decryptPrivateKey(byte[] key) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
PBEKeySpec passKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec("p".toCharArray());
EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encryptedKey = new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(key);
System.out.println("key length: " + key.length);
AlgorithmParameters algParams = encryptedKey.getAlgParameters();
