decrease the time of script running (for loop based) - r

I wrote a script based on two for loops that I would like to optimize to speed up its running time.
Below are reproducible data that I simplified with the code that I am using on my own data.
nuc is a vector with 101 "position" and
tel is a data frame with different coordinates "aa" and "bb"
The aim is to calculate for each position the number of times each position is comprised between each aa and bb coordinate. For example position 111 is comprise between 3 couple of coordinates : G, I and J
ID=c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"))
> tel
aa bb ID
1 153 189 A
2 113 176 B
3 163 185 C
4 117 130 D
5 193 200 E
6 162 189 F
7 110 156 G
8 109 123 H
9 186 198 I
10 103 189 J
# Loop
for (j in 1:length(nuc2)){
for (i in 1:nrow(tel)) {
if (nuc2[j]< tel$bb[i] & nuc2[j]>tel$aa[i])
nuc_occ=data.frame(nuc=nuc2, occ=count_occ_fin)
> head(nuc_occ,20)
nuc occ
1 100 0
2 101 0
3 102 0
4 103 0
5 104 1
6 105 1
7 106 1
8 107 1
9 108 1
10 109 1
11 110 2
12 111 3
13 112 3
14 113 3
15 114 4
16 115 4
17 116 4
18 117 4
19 118 5
20 119 5
In my data, the length of my nuc vector is 9304567 and the number of couple of coordinates is 53 (I will have some hundred soon) and it took more than 60 hours to run the code !!
Any idea to help me to speed up this code ?
I though to the apply function but I am not sure how to combine the two for loop operations.

You can use data.table non-equi join like this:
setDT(tel)[SJ(v=nuc2), on=.(aa<=v, bb>=v)][,.(occ = sum(!, by=.(nuc=aa)]
setDT(tel) sets the tel data.frame to be of class data.table
SJ(v=nuc2) is a convenience function for converting a vector to a data.table; in this case converting nuc2 to a data.table with one column v. I'm doing this becuase I want to join two data.tables, one which is tel (with columns aa,bb and v) and one which has a single column v holding the values in nuc2
the join conditions are in the on=.. param of the setDT(tel)[...] clause; here the join condition is that the v value must be >= the aa value and must be <= the bb value
the final step (i.e. the next chained data.table operation) simply counts the number of rows where ID is not NA, by nuc value (by=.(nuc=aa))
nuc occ
<int> <int>
1: 100 0
2: 101 0
3: 102 0
4: 103 1
5: 104 1
97: 196 2
98: 197 2
99: 198 2
100: 199 1
101: 200 1

Here's a tidyverse solution:
\(x) tel %>%
filter(aa <= x & x <= bb) %>%
summarise(occ=n(), .groups="drop") %>%
add_column(nuc=x, .before=1)
) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
# A tibble: 101 × 2
nuc occ
<int> <int>
1 100 0
2 101 0
3 102 0
4 103 1
5 104 1
6 105 1
7 106 1
8 107 1
9 108 1
10 109 2
# … with 91 more rows
Using microbenchmark to assess performance, this gives
Unit: nanoseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
lapply 7 9 8.8 9 9 9 10
original 8 9 23.8 9 9 158 10
In other words, a decrease in speed of about two-thirds. And the tidyverse is not known for speed. A base R solution is likely to be faster still.


Calculate mean of all groups except the current group

I have a data frame with two grouping variables, 'mkt' and 'mdl', and some values 'pr':
df <- data.frame(mkt = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2),
mdl = c('a','a','b','b','b','a','b','a','b'),
pr = c(120,120,110,110,145,130,145,130, 145))
mkt mdl pr
1 1 a 120
2 1 a 120
3 1 b 110
4 1 b 110
5 2 b 145
6 2 a 130
7 2 b 145
8 2 a 130
9 2 b 145
Within each 'mkt', the mean 'pr' for each 'mdl' should be calculated as the mean of 'pr' of all other 'mdl' in the same 'mkt', except the current 'mdl'.
For example, for the group defined by mkt == 1 and mdl == a, the 'avgother' is calculated as the average of 'pt' for mkt == 1 (same 'mkt') and mdl == b (all other 'mdl' than the current group a).
Desired result:
# mkt mdl pr avgother
# 1 1 a 120 110
# 2 1 a 120 110
# 3 1 b 110 120
# 4 1 b 110 120
# 5 2 b 145 130
# 6 2 a 130 145
# 7 2 b 145 130
# 8 2 a 130 145
# 9 2 b 145 130
First get the average of each mkt and mdl values and for each mkt exclude the current value and get the average of remaining values.
df %>%
group_by(mkt, mdl) %>%
summarise(avgother = mean(pr)) %>%
mutate(avgother = map_dbl(row_number(), ~mean(avgother[-.x]))) %>%
ungroup %>%
inner_join(df, by = c('mkt', 'mdl'))
# mkt mdl avgother pr
# <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 a 110 120
#2 1 a 110 120
#3 1 b 120 110
#4 1 b 120 110
#5 2 a 145 130
#6 2 a 145 130
#7 2 b 130 145
#8 2 b 130 145
#9 2 b 130 145
Using data.table, calculate sum and length by 'mkt'. Then, within each mkt-mdl group, calculate mean as (mkt sum - group sum) / (mkt length - group length)
setDT(df)[ , `:=`(s = sum(pr), n = .N), by = mkt]
df[ , avgother := (s - sum(pr)) / (n - .N), by = .(mkt, mdl)]
df[ , `:=`(s = NULL, n = NULL)]
# mkt mdl pr avgother
# 1: 1 a 120 110
# 2: 1 a 120 110
# 3: 1 b 110 120
# 4: 1 b 110 120
# 5: 2 b 145 130
# 6: 2 a 130 145
# 7: 2 b 145 130
# 8: 2 a 130 145
# 9: 2 b 145 130
Consider base R with multiple ave calls for different level grouping calculation using the decomposed version of mean with sum / count:
df <- within(df, {
avgoth <- (ave(pr, mkt, FUN=sum) - ave(pr, mkt, mdl, FUN=sum)) /
(ave(pr, mkt, FUN=length) - ave(pr, mkt, mdl, FUN=length))
# mkt mdl pr avgoth
# 1 1 a 120 110
# 2 1 a 120 110
# 3 1 b 110 120
# 4 1 b 110 120
# 5 2 b 145 130
# 6 2 a 130 145
# 7 2 b 145 130
# 8 2 a 130 145
# 9 2 b 145 130
For the sake of completeness, here is another data.table approach which uses grouping by each i, i.e., join and aggregate simultaneously.
For demonstration, an enhanced sample dataset is used which has a third market with 3 products:
df <- data.frame(mkt = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3),
mdl = c('a','a','b','b','b','a','b','a','b', letters[1:3]),
pr = c(120,120,110,110,145,130,145,130, 145, 1:3))
mdt <- setDT(df)[, .(mdl, s = sum(pr), .N), by = .(mkt)]
df[mdt, on = .(mkt, mdl), avgother := (sum(pr) - s) / (.N - N), by = .EACHI][]
mkt mdl pr avgother
1: 1 a 120 110.0
2: 1 a 120 110.0
3: 1 b 110 120.0
4: 1 b 110 120.0
5: 2 b 145 130.0
6: 2 a 130 145.0
7: 2 b 145 130.0
8: 2 a 130 145.0
9: 2 b 145 130.0
10: 3 a 1 2.5
11: 3 b 2 2.0
12: 3 c 3 1.5
The temporay table mdt contains the sum and count of prices within each mkt but replicated for each product mdl within the market:
mkt mdl s N
1: 1 a 460 4
2: 1 a 460 4
3: 1 b 460 4
4: 1 b 460 4
5: 2 b 695 5
6: 2 a 695 5
7: 2 b 695 5
8: 2 a 695 5
9: 2 b 695 5
10: 3 a 6 3
11: 3 b 6 3
12: 3 c 6 3
Having mkt and mdl in mdt allows for grouping by each i (by = .EACHI)
Here is an approach which computes avgother directly by subsetting pr values which do not belong to the actual value of mdl before computing the averages.
This is quite different to the other answers posted so far which justifies to post this as a separate answer, IMHO.
# enhanced sample dataset covering more corner cases
df <- data.frame(mkt = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4),
mdl = c('a','a','b','b','b','a','b','a','b', letters[1:3],'d'),
pr = c(120,120,110,110,145,130,145,130, 145, 1:3, 9))
setDT(df)[, avgother := sapply(mdl, function(m) mean(pr[m != mdl])), by = mkt][]
mkt mdl pr avgother
1: 1 a 120 110.0
2: 1 a 120 110.0
3: 1 b 110 120.0
4: 1 b 110 120.0
5: 2 b 145 130.0
6: 2 a 130 145.0
7: 2 b 145 130.0
8: 2 a 130 145.0
9: 2 b 145 130.0
10: 3 a 1 2.5
11: 3 b 2 2.0
12: 3 c 3 1.5
13: 4 d 9 NaN
Difference between approaches
The other answers share more or less the same approach (although implemented in different manners)
compute sums and counts of pr for each mkt
compute sums and counts of prfor each mkt and mdl
subtract mkt/mdl sums and counts from mkt sums and counts
compute avgother
This approach
groups by mkt
loops through mdl within each mkt,
subsets pr to drop values which do not belong to the actual value of mdl
before computing mean() directly.
Caveat concerning performance: Although the code essentially is a one-liner it does not imply it is the fastest.

Increment by one to each duplicate value

I am trying to find a proper way, in R, to find duplicated values, and add the value 1 to each subsequent duplicated value grouped by id. For example:
data = data.table(id = c('1','1','1','1','1','2','2','2'),
value = c(95,100,101,101,101,20,35,38))
data$new_value <- ifelse(data[ , data$value] == lag(data$value,1),
lag(data$value, 1) + 1 ,data$value)
data$desired_value <- c(95,100,101,102,103,20,35,38)
id value new_value desired_value
1: 1 95 NA 95
2: 1 100 100 100
3: 1 101 101 101 # first 101 in id 1: add 0
4: 1 101 102 102 # second 101 in id 1: add 1
5: 1 101 102 103 # third 101 in id 1: add 2
6: 2 20 20 20
7: 2 35 35 35
8: 2 38 38 38
I tried doing this with ifelse, but it doesn't work recursively so it only applies to the following row, and not any subsequent rows. Also the lag function results in me losing the first value in value.
I've seen examples with character variables with make.names or make.unique, but haven't been able to find a solution for a duplicated numeric value.
Background: I am doing a survival analysis and I am finding that with my data there are stop times that are the same, so I need to make it unique by adding a 1 (stop times are in seconds).
Here's an attempt. You're essentially grouping by id and value and adding 0:(length(value)-1). So:
data[, onemore := value + (0:(.N-1)), by=.(id, value)]
# id value new_value desired_value onemore
#1: 1 95 96 95 95
#2: 1 100 101 100 100
#3: 1 101 102 101 101
#4: 1 101 102 102 102
#5: 1 101 102 103 103
#6: 2 20 21 20 20
#7: 2 35 36 35 35
#8: 2 38 39 38 38
With base R we can use ave where we take the first value of each group and basically add the row number of that row in that group.
data$value1 <- ave(data$value, data$id, data$value, FUN = function(x)
x[1] + seq_along(x) - 1)
# id value new_value desired_value value1
#1: 1 95 96 95 95
#2: 1 100 101 100 100
#3: 1 101 102 101 101
#4: 1 101 102 102 102
#5: 1 101 102 103 103
#6: 2 20 21 20 20
#7: 2 35 36 35 35
#8: 2 38 39 38 38
Here is one option with tidyverse
data %>%
group_by(id, value) %>%
mutate(onemore = value + row_number()-1)
# id value onemore
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 95 95
#2 1 100 100
#3 1 101 101
#4 1 101 102
#5 1 101 103
#6 2 20 20
#7 2 35 35
#8 2 38 38
Or we can use base R without anonymous function call
data$onemore <- with(data, value + ave(value, id, value, FUN =seq_along)-1)
#[1] 95 100 101 102 103 20 35 38
To avoid (a potentially costly) by, you may use rowid:
data[, res := value + rowid(id, value) - 1]
# data
# id value new_value desired_value res
# 1: 1 95 96 95 95
# 2: 1 100 101 100 100
# 3: 1 101 102 101 101
# 4: 1 101 102 102 102
# 5: 1 101 102 103 103
# 6: 2 20 21 20 20
# 7: 2 35 36 35 35
# 8: 2 38 39 38 38

Rank function to rank multiple variables in R

I am trying to rank multiple numeric variables ( around 700+ variables) in the data and am not sure exactly how to do this as I am still pretty new to using R.
I do not want to overwrite the ranked values in the same variable and hence need to create a new rank variable for each of these numeric variables.
From reading the posts, I believe assign and transform function along with rank maybe able to solve this. I tried implementing as below ( sample data and code) and am struggling to get it to work.
The output dataset in addition to variables xcount, xvisit, ysales need to be populated
With variables xcount_rank, xvisit_rank, ysales_rank containing the ranked values.
input <- read.table(header=F, text="101 2 5 6
102 3 4 7
103 9 12 15")
colnames(input) <- c("id","xcount","xvisit","ysales")
input1 <- input[,2:4] #need to rank the numeric variables besides id
for (i in 1:3)
assign(paste(input1[,i],"rank",sep="_")) =
FUN = rank(-input1[,i], ties.method = "first"))
input[paste(names(input)[2:4], "rank", sep = "_")] <-
lapply(input[2:4], cut, breaks = 10)
The problem with this approach is that it's creating the rank values as (101, 230] , (230, 450] etc whereas I would like to see the values in the rank variable to be populated as 1, 2 etc up to 10 categories as per the splits I did. Is there any way to achieve this? input[5:7] <- lapply(input[5:7], rank, ties.method = "first")
The approach I tried from the solutions provided below is:
input <- read.table(header=F, text="101 20 5 6
102 2 4 7
103 9 12 15
104 100 8 7
105 450 12 65
109 25 28 145
112 854 56 93")
colnames(input) <- c("id","xcount","xvisit","ysales")
input[paste(names(input)[2:4], "rank", sep = "_")] <-
lapply(input[2:4], cut, breaks = 3)
Current output I get is:
id xcount xvisit ysales xcount_rank xvisit_rank ysales_rank
1 101 20 5 6 (1.15,286] (3.95,21.3] (5.86,52.3]
2 102 2 4 7 (1.15,286] (3.95,21.3] (5.86,52.3]
3 103 9 12 15 (1.15,286] (3.95,21.3] (5.86,52.3]
4 104 100 8 7 (1.15,286] (3.95,21.3] (5.86,52.3]
5 105 450 12 65 (286,570] (3.95,21.3] (52.3,98.7]
6 109 25 28 145 (1.15,286] (21.3,38.7] (98.7,145]
7 112 854 56 93 (570,855] (38.7,56.1] (52.3,98.7]
Desired output:
id xcount xvisit ysales xcount_rank xvisit_rank ysales_rank
1 101 20 5 6 1 1 1
2 102 2 4 7 1 1 1
3 103 9 12 15 1 1 1
4 104 100 8 7 1 1 1
5 105 450 12 65 2 1 2
6 109 25 28 145 1 2 3
Would like to see the records in the group they would fall under if I try to rank the interval values.
Using dplyr
nm1 <- paste("rank", names(input)[2:4], sep="_")
input[nm1] <- mutate_each(input[2:4],funs(rank(., ties.method="first")))
# id xcount xvisit ysales rank_xcount rank_xvisit rank_ysales
#1 101 2 5 6 1 2 1
#2 102 3 4 7 2 1 2
#3 103 9 12 15 3 3 3
Based on the new input and using cut
input[nm1] <- mutate_each(input[2:4], funs(cut(., breaks=3, labels=FALSE)))
# id xcount xvisit ysales rank_xcount rank_xvisit rank_ysales
#1 101 20 5 6 1 1 1
#2 102 2 4 7 1 1 1
#3 103 9 12 15 1 1 1
#4 104 100 8 7 1 1 1
#5 105 450 12 65 2 1 2
#6 109 25 28 145 1 2 3
#7 112 854 56 93 3 3 2

How to pick value from a particular column in R

My data is in the following form:
I need to create a new column which picks the value from column 3, 4 or 5 depending on the value in column 2(ssmin).
The output would be like this:
I am trying out the following command but this does not help
y$new<- y[which(y$atp==1),na.omit(2+y$ssmin)]
Can any one help me how to write a code for it as my data is in large chunks and i cannot write value individually.
I think this might be what you're trying to do, but I'm not certain:
# atp ssmin Day_1 Day_2 Day_3
# 1 1 2 7 109 173
# 2 0 NA 7 103 136
# 3 1 3 8 102 183
# 4 0 NA 10 89 150
# 5 0 NA 6 93 177
# 6 1 1 10 92 210
x <- vapply(y$ssmin, function(x) unique(grep(x, names(y), value = TRUE)),
vector("character", 1L))
Z <- vector(length = length(x))
for (i in sequence(nrow(y))) {
Z[i] <- if ([i])) NA else y[i, x[i]]
# [1] 109 NA 183 NA NA 10
If I understand your question correctly, the last line you give almost solves your question. You just have to modify it slightly to get only the diagonal elements of the right hand side and only assign it to the applicable elements of the vector new. Here's the modified code.
y[which(y$atp==1), "new"] <- diag(as.matrix(y[which(y$atp==1),na.omit(2+y$ssmin)]))
not very elegant but short
atp ssmin Day_1 Day_2 Day_3
1 1 2 5 97 123
2 0 NA 8 108 165
3 1 3 10 109 190
4 0 NA 9 110 177
5 0 NA 10 91 182
6 1 1 7 94 141
> apply(y,1, function(r)r[r[2]+2])
[1] 97 NA 190 NA NA 7
for a more robust maintainable solution you probably want to hardcode the column names using ddply or somesuch.

R: How to do fastest replacement in R?

I have a input dataframe like this (the real one is very large, so I want to do it faster):
df1 <- data.frame(A=c(1:5), B=c(5:9), C=c(9:13))
1 1 5 9
2 2 6 10
3 3 7 11
4 4 8 12
5 5 9 13
I have a dataframe with replacement code like this (the entries here maybe more than df1):
df2 <- data.frame(X=c(1:15), Y=c(101:115))
1 1 101
2 2 102
3 3 103
4 4 104
5 5 105
6 6 106
7 7 107
8 8 108
9 9 109
10 10 110
11 11 111
12 12 112
13 13 113
14 14 114
15 15 115
By matching df2$X with value in df1$A and df1$B, I want to get a new_df1 by replace df1$A and df1$B with the corresponding values in df2$Y, i.e. resulting this new_df1
1 101 105 9
2 102 106 10
3 103 107 11
4 104 108 12
5 105 109 13
Could you mind to give me some guidance how to do it faster in R, as my dataframe is very large? Many thanks.
As Thilo mentioned Nico's answer assumes that df2 is ordered by X and X contains every integer 1,2,3....
I would prefer to use match() as a more general case:
df1 <- data.frame(A=c(1:5), B=c(5:9), C=c(9:13))
df2 <- data.frame(X=c(1:15), Y=c(101:115))
new_df1 <- df1
new_df1$A <- df2$Y[match(df1$A,df2$X)]
new_df1$B <- df2$Y[match(df1$B,df2$X)]
1 101 105 9
2 102 106 10
3 103 107 11
4 104 108 12
5 105 109 13
It's supereasy! You just need to get the proper offsets in the array.
So for instance, to get the Y column of df2 corresponding to the values in the A column of df1 you'll write df2$Y[df1$A]
Hence, your code will be:
df_new <- data.frame("A" = df2$Y[df1$A], "B" = df2$Y[df1$B], "C" = df1$C)
Here is another (one-liner) way of doing it.
> with(c(df2,df1),data.frame(A = Y[match(A,X)],B = Y[match(B,X)],C))
1 101 105 9
2 102 106 10
3 103 107 11
4 104 108 12
5 105 109 13
However I am not sure whether it will be faster than the other suggestions
