Can .Net application with 4.5 work with SQL Server 2017 -

I have an application with target framework as 4.5 and the SQL Server that I am connecting to is 2012 ,I need to upgrade from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2017.
Will my application need any changes ? Will still work after the upgrade?

Upgrade of SQL server tends to be problem free.
In fact such upgrades have never caused a problem for me.
So, I'm comfortable stating that such a upgrade should be problem free, and very rare if any code changes are required.
It's possible you have used some SQL features that been deprecated, but even that's rare.
So just upgrade, test some of the features and you should be good to go.
So, based on experience, such upgrades tend to be problem free. So this type of upgrade in general is quite seamless, and say upgrade of the web server would be something of greater concern and potential issues.


migration from sql server 2000 to sql server 2012 API side

In my firm we need an upgrade and so we decided to upgrade our system. We have now an SQL Server 2000 IIS 5.0 and .Net version 2.
I have also also api that written also with vs 2000 with .net version 2 that connected to the server. The api is very simple and there no complex query to the server.
the upgrade we will do will transfer our system to server 2012 IIS 8 and because we will upgrade also our vs (2010? 2012? whats better?) the .net framework will update as well.
The migration itself between the databases will do a dba (I know he need to transfer the database first to 2005/2008 and only then to 2012) my job is to make sure the API will work.
Can you name all the things I should take care of them on the api side before the upgrade
(if there lack of information ask and I will tell)
Here are some topics you may want to go through:
MSDN: Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2012, Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2012, Behavior Changes to SQL Server Features in SQL Server 2012
If your app uses any of the functionality that had changed you will need to make necessary changes to make it work smoothly in the new environment.
Also checkout the following link:
Migration guide from Dell

Are there any file-copy deployable web servers that can serve Asp.Net MVC content?

I have been using the Uniform Server for doing local development without any huge commitment or any server-style footprint on my dev box.
I'd like to enable a similar experience for Asp.Net MVC 3 and Razor development. But I'd like to avoid installing IIS, SQL Server, and Visual Studio. I'd like to avoid installing any server software, except via a file copy. The express versions of VS aren't an improvement, for example.
I can deal with having to install frameworks, like the .Net Framework 4.0, MVC3, etc.
Is there any existing software capable of this? Is it possible to bend my existing Apache file-copied deployment to do this and work with the .Net Framework?
If not, what is the least I could get away with? Is it possible to install some version of the Asp.Net Development Server without installing full IIS, SQL Server, and Visual Studio?
My hosting provides PHP and Asp.Net support only, and I don't really want to use PHP. I don't want my in-development or throw-away projects to be public, so I'm not going to use my hosting for development. I also want to enable the whole "wipe it clean and start fresh by wiping a directory" development workflow.
On the web server side, the closest approach I know of to what you're suggesting is probably IIS Express.
For the database, have a look at SQL Server Compact Edition -- it's an embedded version that shouldn't require installation.
I believe Cassini is what you are looking for. While I haven't got around to using it, for exactly the same target (MVC 3), it has been sitting in my findings a while now, so please report back if you actually use it with MVC3!
As for a database solution, I would go with an embedded sql ce 4

How to just deploy the Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET website example to a remote dedicated web 2008 server?

I can't believe my eyes it's so hard to do just that ! Why can't I use MS Access instead of SQL Server Express ? So since I'm stucked with SQL Server Express, how can I make it work on my dedicated IIS 7 Server on Windows 2008 ?
I have copied under the root directory of the server. The website works until I try to login then I get:
Failed to generate a user instance of
SQL Server
I cannot find a single article that just explains step by step how to deploy this simple example used by Microsoft or can I ? Then can you point me to this tutorial thanks.
Update: in case it does matter I have installed SQL Server 2008 Express Advance Services Edition.
"Microsoft does not currently recommend, and does not support, Automation of Microsoft Office applications from any unattended, non-interactive client application or component (including ASP, ASP.NET, DCOM, and NT Services), because Office may exhibit unstable behavior and/or deadlock when Office is run in this environment" [1]
Plz check the enumeration of problems in "Problems using server-side Automation of Office" section of [1]
Had not I answered it [2a] in you previous question [2] that in order to deploy one should have managed something to deploy first, i.e. first manage to develop on developing machine targeting the same environment as target machine?
If you cannot manage to do it with SQL Express, you certainly wpuld not manage it with MS Access. It is more complocated and involved.
I still insist on my answers.
Deployment is not magic nor fortune teller, it will not correct your configuration errors or guess what you did not bother to formulate or even wish about. You confuse deployment with the necessity of configuration or even setups as well a knowing them
You cannot deploy without configuring (or knowing) production and developing environments and properly formulating your objective (and question) accordingly.
Just because you do not know what you want, what you can and how does not mean that you cannot believe your eyes.
Considerations for server-side Automation of Office
Why do “I get Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server” with .NET 4 and not .NET 2 ?
Why do "I get Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server" with .NET 4 and not .NET 2?
My answer to your question [2]
Why do "I get Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server" with .NET 4 and not .NET 2?
OK guys I found one kind guru on ASP.NET forum who could answer to the question so never mind. For alone newbies like me it is due to context/user which was application pool identity which has no rights.

How do I find a ASP.NET hosting company that supports SQL Server with CLR enabled?

So I developed a web application in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008. Part of the SQL code I implemented as a .NET assembly (instead of t-sql) because it is performing intense calculations that are better written in C#.
Now I am ready to deploy my application, but I am stuck looking for a hosting company that allows this. Scratch out Discount ASP (see this forum post). I tried emailing other hosting companies and I either get no reply or they say they will not support it.
Any recommendations? What's the big deal with having CLR enabled in SQL Server?
it is disabled by default and most shared hosts will be reluctant to enable it because of the potential added security issues. You could post a request to webhostingtalk. Some options:
Amazon EC2 with SQL Server or SQL Server Express Edition, a VPS (1and1 has a pretty good deal right now) running Express Edition, or of course your own dedicated box
On Amazon EC2 you get your own dedicated box, so you are free to enable / install what you see fit. You could configure a vanilla server then install the SQL Enterprise eval if you wanted.
Your own dedicated box with SQL Express may be your best bet.

Would building an application using a Sql Server Database File (mdf) be a terrible idea?

I'm working on a side project that would be a simple web application to maintain a list of classes and their upcoming schedules.
I would really like to use Linq to SQL for this project, but unfortunately the server environment I'm developing for only has MySql available. I've dabbled briefly with Subsonic but it just doesn't get the job done.
The database requirements for this application aren't that great, though, so I'm curious if using an MDF file in App_Data would be a workable solution. Otherwise, it appears I'm going to have to hand-code sql queries which I want to avoid at all costs.
Take a look at Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition. I believe you can work with MDF files without having to run a server. All code runs in process. I believe it has some limitations but it may work for you and I think it's free.
To the best of my knowledge, you can attach directly to the MDF (called a "user instance", rather than attaching the MDF to a "server instance") only if SQL Server Express is installed on that machine. So your machine that has MySql on it would also have to run SQL Server Express.
I've long since completed the project which prompted this question, but recently I've had another project come along with very minor data requirements, so I spent some more time experimenting with this.
I had assumed that Sql Server Express required licensing fees to deploy, but this is not in fact the case. According to Microsoft's website, you are free to use it with certain restrictions:
Maximum database size: 4 GB
Maximum memory used: 1 GB
Maximum CPUs used: 1 (complete procs, not cores)
Sql Server Compact is a bad idea for web applications because it requires a hack to make it work, and it isn't built for the concurrent access you'd need for the web. But if your application can fit within the modest limitations of Sql Server Express, it works pretty well. And since it speaks regular T-SQL like its larger siblings, you can use Linq to SQL with it.
I hear that Linq to Sql support is now in the Mono trunk for the 2.6 release, so L2S' tight-coupling to Sql Server will likely be a moot point in the near future. I will either end up porting my code to use Mono's superior Linq to Sql implementation on the db of my choice, or go another route entirely (SubSonic has improved by leaps and bounds since I last tried it). But for the time being, Sql Server Express is a valid choice for very small database-driven apps.
More likely you'd put an Access database in App_Data. If you're using a MSSQL MDF file, you'll definitely still need either MSSQL or MSSQL-Express.
Your question is confusing, however. You seem to interchanging data access, ORM and the actual database. You can use SubSonic with MySQL, but you cannot use LINQ to SQL with non-MS databases or MS Access.
One of the few differences between SQL Server Express and the "full" SQL Server is the ability to automatically attach to MDF files - what Microsoft call "xcopy deployment".
SQL Server Express is free (as in beer) so unless you have no administrator rights on the box for installation, this should work fine.
+1 for SQL Server Compact. It's free and there's no 'engine' in the sense of a full-time service, but you do have to deploy a runtime (it's just two .dll files).
I don't understand... what do you mean by "having an MDF file in App_Data"? You need a proper SQL Server installation for that to work. You can always use the free SQL Server Express for developing the application, and then move the database to the proper SQL Server once you are done. Check here.
It appears that I was misunderstanding how mdf files are accessed through .net. There is no MS SQL Server available on the server, so it looks like I'm screwed.
+1 for SQL Server Compact. It's free and there's no 'engine' in the sense of a full-time service, but you do have to deploy a runtime (it's just two .dll files).
Does linq to sql work with that though?
you can't use SQL Server Compact with or web development
