Making a "Race" Between Two Variables - r

I would like to make two variables ("a" and "b") that keep:
taking a random value less ALWAYS than their current value (i.e. a1 > a2 > a3 ...> an , b1 > b2 > b3 ... bn ALWAYS)
until one of them less than or equal to 0:
I showed a demo below:
#iteration 1
a1 = 100 - rnorm(1,5,10)
b1 = 100 -rnorm(1,5,10)
a2 = a1 - rnorm(1,5,10)
b2 = b1 -rnorm(1,5,10)
a3 = a2 - rnorm(1,5,10)
b3 = b2 -rnorm(1,5,10)
I would then like to repeat this many times. In the end, this would look something :
Currently, I am doing this manually, and then using the bind_rows() command to "pile" each iteration on top of each other. Can someone please show me a faster way to do this?
Thank you!

You could write a smallrecursive function:
fun <- function(x){
if(any(x < 0)) x
else rbind(x, fun(x - abs(rnorm(length(x),5,10)) ))
Now for 1 draw of A and B:
fun(c(A=100, B=100))
x 100.00000 100.000000
x 98.73546 93.163567
x 95.37918 72.210759
x 87.08410 69.006075
x 77.20981 56.622828
x 66.45199 54.676712
x 46.33418 45.778279
x 45.12178 28.631280
x 28.87247 24.080617
x 24.03437 9.642254
10.82216 -1.296759
We can use this within a function to replicate. Will maintain BASE R although can be simplified in tidyverse:
random_seq <- function(n, start){
fun <- function(x){
if(any(x < 0)) c(x)
else rbind(x, fun(x - abs(rnorm(length(x),5,10)) ))
R <-replicate(n, data.frame(fun(start), row.names = NULL), simplify = FALSE)
S <-, Map(cbind, id = seq(R), R))
U <-transform(S, time = ave(id, id, FUN = seq_along))
reshape(U, dir='wide', idvar = 'id', sep='')
random_seq(4, c(A=20,B=20))
id A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 A4 B4
1 1 20 20 18.7354619 13.163567 15.379176 -7.789241 NA NA
4 2 20 20 11.7049223 16.795316 1.830632 4.412069 -8.927182 2.465953
8 3 20 20 -0.1178117 11.101568 NA NA NA NA
10 4 20 20 18.7875942 2.853001 2.538285 -1.697663 NA NA
if interested, fun can directly reproduce the names:
fun <- function(x){
nms <- as.numeric(sub('\\D+', '',names(x))) + 1
names(x) <- paste0(sub("\\d+", '', names(x)), nms)
if(any(x < 0)) c(x)
else c(x, Recall(x - abs(rnorm(length(x),5,10)) ))
fun(c(A0=20, B0=30))
A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3
20.000000 30.000000 11.234808 23.323201 -9.611483 1.544311

Here's a function that runs a single start to 0, nicely configurable, and we can use replicate to run it as many times as needed, returning a list.
to_0 = function(start = 100, fun = runif, ..., n = 1000) {
if(start <= 0) stop("Must start greater than 0")
result = start - c(0, cumsum(fun(n, ...)))
if(all(result > 0)) stop("Didn't reach 0, set a higher n or check inputs.")
first_0 = match(TRUE, result < 0)
I used runif as the default instead of your rnorm because you say you want the series to be strictly decreasing, but rnorm is sometimes positive and sometimes negative so it will sometimes lead to increases.
I cut off the series at the first negative value. Since the lengths of each run are different, a data.frame seems like a bad choice, keeping them in a list is better. We can use lengths() to see how long each vector in the list is.
The function is parametrized, so you can easily try out other distributions or custom functions, e.g., to_0(start = 100, fun = rexp, rate = 0.1). Below I demonstrate with the uniform distribution starting at 10.
race = replicate(n = 100, to_0(start = 10))
# [[1]]
# [1] 10.00000000 9.02303800 8.64912196 7.88761993 7.06512831 6.49158390 5.80017147 5.41110962 4.94216364 4.39885390 3.47396185
# [12] 3.33516427 2.63317707 2.47098343 1.87167641 1.36564030 0.46366678 0.06316398 0.03221901 -0.03913915
# [[2]]
# [1] 10.00000000 9.27320918 8.54814801 7.77974923 7.34440424 7.27499236 6.76825217 6.75134855 6.20214287 5.43031741 4.56633348
# [12] 3.59288910 3.24547860 2.60269295 1.75639299 1.73279651 1.72371866 1.38211688 0.71933800 0.04916749 -0.40714758
# [[3]]
# [1] 10.00000000 9.08923490 9.06189460 8.69397353 8.30179409 8.11077841 7.96295850 7.49701585 6.52812608 6.26480567 5.34558158
# [12] 5.31801508 4.90573089 3.98774633 3.89046321 3.70358854 3.61482042 3.53824450 3.36900151 2.86522484 2.23295349 1.80544403
# [23] 0.82311022 0.73664857 -0.09385818
# [[4]]
# [1] 10.0000000 9.2172681 8.4175584 8.1672679 7.3683421 7.3373712 7.0319788 6.6512214 5.7210315 5.2732412 4.6817849 4.1065416
# [13] 3.9452541 3.4009742 2.5018050 1.5316136 0.7175295 0.4410275 -0.1859260
# [[5]]
# [1] 10.00000000 9.91914621 9.90238843 9.82993154 9.33156028 8.90827720 8.44160294 7.46348397 6.76539075 6.27298443 5.97401412
# [12] 5.03395592 4.55537992 3.75737919 2.82175869 2.75045000 2.70081885 2.67523320 2.20266408 2.12695183 1.25880525 0.57011279
# [23] 0.03173135 -0.79275633
# [[6]]
# [1] 10.0000000 9.9292630 9.6154147 9.0754730 8.7814754 8.5273701 7.6998567 6.8127609 5.9944598 5.6232599 5.1505038 4.8676191
# [13] 4.6337121 4.5868438 4.0435219 3.0981151 2.2621741 1.9925101 1.2104707 0.9334569 0.7574446 0.1643009 -0.5220925
# [1] 20 21 25 19 24 23 21 24 23 22 25 24 19 19 23 17 19 23 25 21 24 25 18 22 24 25 19 19 23 22 19 26 20 23 24 24 22 21 25 23 21 28 19 20 16 20
# [47] 22 25 20 22 23 23 24 22 19 23 23 23 22 18 22 23 24 21 21 23 21 22 20 25 22 23 21 17 20 20 16 25 21 21 21 20 20 19 24 19 23 24 26 25 20 21
# [93] 23 17 27 18 30 24 21 23


Is it possible to do vectorized sampling by base::sample function in r?

I tried to sample 25 samples by using lapply,
a = list(c(1:5),c(100:105),c(110:115),c(57:62),c(27:32))
is it possible to use base::sample to do the vectorized sampling?
It is not possible using base::sample; however, this kind of vectorized sampling is possible by using runif.
I don't have a good way to vectorize sampling without replacement for an arbitrary number of samples from each vector in x. But we can sample each element of each vector.
Here's a function that vectorizes sampling over a list of vectors. It will return a single vector of samples:
multisample <- function(x, n = lengths(x), replace = FALSE) {
if (replace) {
unlist(x)[, n)*runif(sum(n)) + 1 +, cumsum(lengths(x[-length(x)]))), n)]
} else {
unlist(x)[rank(runif(sum(n)) +, n))]
The equivalent function using lapply:
multisample2 <- function(x, n = lengths(x), replace = FALSE) {
if (replace) {
unlist(lapply(seq_along(n), function(i) sample(x[[i]], n[i], 1)))
} else {
unlist(lapply(x, sample))
Example usage:
x <- list(c(1:9), c(11:18), c(21:27), c(31:36), c(41:45))
# sampling without replacement
#> [1] 9 3 5 8 7 2 1 4 6 18 11 17 12 16 14 13 15 22 26 25 21 27 24 23 36
#> [26] 31 35 34 33 32 45 43 42 44 41
#> [1] 3 6 7 9 2 1 8 4 5 17 16 11 15 14 13 12 18 23 22 26 21 27 24 25 33
#> [26] 32 35 34 31 36 42 43 41 44 45
# sampling with replacement
n <- 7:3 # the number of samples from each vector
multisample(x, n, 1)
#> [1] 9 8 5 9 3 5 3 12 18 12 17 12 16 26 26 24 26 27 33 33 35 32 44 44 43
multisample2(x, n, 1)
#> [1] 9 8 3 7 8 7 8 15 14 15 16 18 14 27 27 21 27 27 33 36 33 34 45 44 41
The vectorized version is considerably faster:
x <- lapply(sample(10:15, 1e4, 1), seq)
n <- sample(10, 1e4, 1)
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(multisample = multisample(x),
multisample2 = multisample2(x))
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> multisample 7.4963 7.993501 8.629845 8.273701 8.732952 13.2050 100
#> multisample2 36.4702 40.518801 41.929437 41.701352 43.040650 63.4695 100
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(multisample = multisample(x, n, 1),
multisample2 = multisample2(x, n, 1))
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> multisample 2.326502 2.39170 2.842023 2.7672 3.183101 4.161801 100
#> multisample2 33.700001 37.61035 39.468619 39.1137 40.055901 72.030602 100
If a list of vectors is desired instead, the functions can be modified:
multisample <- function(x, n = lengths(x), replace = FALSE) {
i <-, n)
if (replace) {
split(unlist(x)[, n)*runif(sum(n)) + 1 +, cumsum(lengths(x[-length(x)]))), n)], i)
} else {
split(unlist(x)[rank(runif(sum(lengths(x))) + i)], i)
multisample2 <- function(x, n = lengths(x), replace = FALSE) {
if (replace) {
lapply(seq_along(n), function(i) sample(x[[i]], n[i], 1))
} else {
lapply(x, sample)
The vectorized version is still much faster.
No. There's no option to stratify the sampling vector with sample(). lapply() is the way to go.

Apply loop for rollapply windows

I currently have a dataset with 50,000+ rows of data for which I need to find rolling sums. I have completed this using rollaply which has worked perfectly. I need to apply these rolling sums across a range of widths (600, 1200, 1800...6000) which I have done by cut and pasting each line of script and changing the width. While it works, I'd like to tidy my script but applying a loop, or similar, if possible so that once the rollapply function has completed it's first 'pass' at 600 width, it then completes the same with 1200 and so on. Example:
Var1 Var2 Var3
1 11 19
43 12 1
4 13 47
21 14 29
41 15 42
16 16 5
17 17 16
10 18 15
20 19 41
44 20 27
width_2 <- rollapply(x$Var1, FUN = sum, width = 2)
width_3 <- rollapply(x$Var1, FUN = sum, width = 3)
width_4 <- rollapply(x$Var1, FUN = sum, width = 4)
Is there a way to run widths 2, 3, then 4 in a simpler way rather than cut and paste, particularly when I have up to 10 widths, and then need to run this across other cols. Any help would be appreciated.
We can use lapply in base R
lst1 <- lapply(2:4, function(i) rollapply(x$Var1, FUN = sum, width = i))
names(lst1) <- paste0('width_', 2:4)
list2env(lst1, .GlobalEnv)
NOTE: It is not recommended to create multiple objects in the global environment. Instead, the list would be better
Or with a for loop
for(v in 2:4) {
assign(paste0('width_', v), rollapply(x$Var1, FUN = sum, width = v))
Create a function to do this for multiple dataset
f1 <- function(col1, i) {
rollapply(col1, FUN = sum, width = i)
lapply(x[c('Var1', 'Var2')], function(x) lapply(2:4, function(i)
f1(x, i)))
Instead of creating separate vectors in global environment probably you can add these as new columns in the already existing dataframe.
Note that rollaplly(..., FUN = sum) is same as rollsum.
bind_cols(x, purrr::map_dfc(2:4,
~x %>% transmute(!!paste0('Var1_roll_', .x) := rollsumr(Var1, .x, fill = NA))))
# Var1 Var2 Var3 Var1_roll_2 Var1_roll_3 Var1_roll_4
#1 1 11 19 NA NA NA
#2 43 12 1 44 NA NA
#3 4 13 47 47 48 NA
#4 21 14 29 25 68 69
#5 41 15 42 62 66 109
#6 16 16 5 57 78 82
#7 17 17 16 33 74 95
#8 10 18 15 27 43 84
#9 20 19 41 30 47 63
#10 44 20 27 64 74 91
You can use seq to generate the variable window size.
seq(600, 6000, 600)
#[1] 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000

Cut dendrogram / cluster: Error in function 'cutree': tree incorrect (composante 'merge')

I have a dendrogram which I want to cut into less clusters because right know there are too many for interpretation.
My dataframe looks like this:
> head(alpha)
locs 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1 A1 12 14 15 15 14 21 10 18 18 20
2 A2 11 11 12 13 9 16 20 18 18 11
3 B1 12 13 20 17 21 20 27 14 22 25
4 B2 15 18 18 25 21 17 27 23 28 23
5 B3 22 22 26 24 28 23 31 25 32 25
6 B4 18 21 25 20 20 14 23 22 20 26
library("ggplot2") #for the heatmap
library("ggdendro") #for the dendrogram
library("reshape2") #for data wrangling
library("grid") #to combine the two plots heatmap and dendrogram
# Read in data
alpha <- read.csv2("alpha.csv", header=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)
str(alpha) #structure of the dataset: locations (locs) = factor, values = integer
#scale the data variables (columns 4-9)
alpha.scaled <- alpha
alpha.scaled[, c(2:11)] <- scale(alpha.scaled[, 2:11])
alpha.scaled[, c(2:11)] <- scale(alpha.scaled[, 2:11])
# run clustering
alpha.matrix <- as.matrix(alpha.scaled[, -c(1)])
rownames(alpha.matrix) <- alpha.scaled$locs
alpha.dendro <- as.dendrogram(hclust(d = dist(x = alpha.matrix), method="complete" ))
# Create dendrogram (=cluster)
dendro.plot <- ggdendrogram(data = alpha.dendro, rotate = TRUE)
alphacut <- cutree(alpha.dendro, h=3)
alphacut <- cutree(alpha.dendro, h=3)
Error in cutree(alpha.dendro, h = 3) :
'tree' incorrect (composante 'merge')
alphacut <- cutree(as.dendrogram(hclust(d = dist(x = alpha.matrix), method="complete" )),k=5)
alphacut <- cutree(as.dendrogram(hclust(d = dist(x = alpha.matrix), method="complete" )), k=5)
Error in cutree(as.dendrogram(hclust(d = dist(x = alpha.matrix), method = "complete")), :
'tree' incorrect (composante 'merge')
I haven't found a solution to this. When I look at 'alpha.dendro' there is a list of 2 but no merge component, so this seems to be the problem. Does somebody know what to do?

How to randomly select row from a dataframe for which the row skewness is larger that a given value in R

I am trying to select random rows from a data frame with 1000 lines (and six columns) where the skewness of the line is larger than a given value (say Sk > 0.3).
I've generated the following data frame
I can get row skewness from the fbasics package:
rowSkewness(df) gives:
[8] -0.2243295435 0.5306809351 0.0707122386 0.0341447417 0.3339384838 -0.3910593364 -0.6443905090
[15] 0.5603809206 0.4406091534 -0.3736108832 0.0397860038 0.9970040772 -0.7702547535 0.2065830354
But now, I need to select say 10 rows of the df which have rowskewness greater than say 0.1... May with
for (a in 1:10) {[a,] = sample(x=df[which(rowSkewness(df[sample(1:nrow(df),1)>0.1),], size = 1, replace = TRUE)
or something like this?
Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.
you can use the sample_n() function or sample_frac() - makes your version a little shorter:
x=df %>% dplyr::filter(rowSkewness(df)>0.1) %>% dplyr::sample_n(10)
Got it:
x=df %>% filter(rowSkewness(df)>0.1)
for (a in 1:samplesize) {[a,] = sample(x=x, size = 1, replace = TRUE)
Just do a subset:
res1 <- DF[fBasics::rowSkewness(DF) > .1, ]
# X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
# 7 56 28 21 93 74 24
# 8 33 56 23 44 10 12
# 12 29 19 29 38 94 95
# 13 35 51 54 98 66 10
# 14 12 51 24 23 36 68
# 15 50 37 81 22 55 97
Or with e1071::skewness:
res2 <- DF[apply(as.matrix(DF), 1, e1071::skewness) > .1, ]
stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))
set.seed(42); DF <- data.frame(replicate(6, sample(10:100, 1000, rep=TRUE)))

Automate regression by rows

I have a data.frame
exp <- data.frame(exp = c(rep(LETTERS[1:2], each = 10)), re = c(rep(seq(1, 10, 1), 2)), age1 = seq(10, 29, 1), age2 = seq(30, 49, 1),
h = c(runif(20, 10, 40)), h2 = c(40 + runif(20, 4, 9)))
I'd like to make a lm for each row in a data set (h and h2 ~ age1 and age2)
I do it by loop
exp$modelh <- 0
for (i in 1:length(exp$exp)){
age = c(exp$age1[i], exp$age2[i])
h = c(exp$h[i], exp$h2[i])
model = lm(age ~ h)
exp$modelh[i] = coef(model)[1] + 100 * coef(model)[2]
and it works well but takes some time with very large files. Will be grateful for the faster solution f.ex. dplyr
Using dplyr, we can try with rowwise() and do. Inside the do, we concatenate (c) the 'age1', 'age2' to create 'age', likewise, we can create 'h', apply lm, extract the coef to create the column 'modelh'.
exp %>%
rowwise() %>%
age <- c(.$age1, .$age2)
h <- c(.$h, .$h2)
model <- lm(age ~ h)
data.frame(., modelh = coef(model)[1] + 100*coef(model)[2])
} )
gives the output
# exp re age1 age2 h h2 modelh
#1 A 1 10 30 19.23298 46.67906 68.85506
#2 A 2 11 31 17.73018 47.55402 66.17050
#3 A 3 12 32 26.56967 46.69174 84.98486
#4 A 4 13 33 11.69149 47.74486 61.98766
#5 A 5 14 34 24.05648 46.10051 82.90167
#6 A 6 15 35 24.51312 44.85710 89.21053
#7 A 7 16 36 34.37208 47.85151 113.37492
#8 A 8 17 37 21.10962 48.40977 74.79483
#9 A 9 18 38 26.39676 46.74548 90.34187
#10 A 10 19 39 15.10786 45.38862 75.07002
#11 B 1 20 40 28.74989 46.44153 100.54666
#12 B 2 21 41 36.46497 48.64253 125.34773
#13 B 3 22 42 18.41062 45.74346 81.70062
#14 B 4 23 43 21.95464 48.77079 81.20773
#15 B 5 24 44 32.87653 47.47637 115.95097
#16 B 6 25 45 30.07065 48.44727 101.10688
#17 B 7 26 46 16.13836 44.90204 84.31080
#18 B 8 27 47 20.72575 47.14695 87.00805
#19 B 9 28 48 20.78425 48.94782 84.25406
#20 B 10 29 49 30.70872 44.65144 128.39415
We could do this with the devel version of data.table i.e. v1.9.5. Instructions to install the devel version are here.
We convert the 'data.frame' to 'data.table' (setDT), create a column 'rn' with the option keep.rownames=TRUE. We melt the dataset by specifying the patterns in the measure to convert from 'wide' to 'long' format. Grouped by 'rn', we do the lm and get the coef. This can be assigned as a new column in the original dataset ('exp') while removing the unwanted 'rn' column by assigning (:=) it to NULL.
modelh <- melt(setDT(exp, keep.rownames=TRUE), measure=patterns('^age', '^h'),'age', 'h'))[, {model <- lm(age ~h)
coef(model)[1] + 100 * coef(model)[2]},rn]$V1
exp[, modelh:= modelh][, rn := NULL]
# exp re age1 age2 h h2 modelh
# 1: A 1 10 30 19.23298 46.67906 68.85506
# 2: A 2 11 31 17.73018 47.55402 66.17050
# 3: A 3 12 32 26.56967 46.69174 84.98486
# 4: A 4 13 33 11.69149 47.74486 61.98766
# 5: A 5 14 34 24.05648 46.10051 82.90167
# 6: A 6 15 35 24.51312 44.85710 89.21053
# 7: A 7 16 36 34.37208 47.85151 113.37492
# 8: A 8 17 37 21.10962 48.40977 74.79483
# 9: A 9 18 38 26.39676 46.74548 90.34187
#10: A 10 19 39 15.10786 45.38862 75.07002
#11: B 1 20 40 28.74989 46.44153 100.54666
#12: B 2 21 41 36.46497 48.64253 125.34773
#13: B 3 22 42 18.41062 45.74346 81.70062
#14: B 4 23 43 21.95464 48.77079 81.20773
#15: B 5 24 44 32.87653 47.47637 115.95097
#16: B 6 25 45 30.07065 48.44727 101.10688
#17: B 7 26 46 16.13836 44.90204 84.31080
#18: B 8 27 47 20.72575 47.14695 87.00805
#19: B 9 28 48 20.78425 48.94782 84.25406
#20: B 10 29 49 30.70872 44.65144 128.39415
Great (double) answer from #akrun.
Just a suggestion for your future analysis as you mentioned "it's an example of a bigger problem". Obviously, if you are really interested in building models rowwise then you'll create more and more columns as your age and h observations increase. If you get N observations you'll have to use 2xN columns for those 2 variables only.
I'd suggest to use a long data format in order to increase your rows instead of your columns.
Something like:
exp[1,] # how your first row (model building info) looks like
# exp re age1 age2 h h2
# 1 A 1 10 30 19.23298 46.67906
reshape(exp[1,], # how your model building info is transformed
varying = list(c("age1","age2"),
v.names = c("age_value","h_value"),
direction = "long")
# exp re time age_value h_value id
# 1.1 A 1 1 10 19.23298 1
# 1.2 A 1 2 30 46.67906 1
Apologies if the "bigger problem" refers to something else and this answer is irrelevant.
With base R, the function sprintf can help us create formulas. And lapply carries out the calculation.
strings <- sprintf("c(%f,%f) ~ c(%f,%f)", exp$age1, exp$age2, exp$h, exp$h2)
lst <- lapply(strings, function(x) {model <- lm(as.formula(x));coef(model)[1] + 100 * coef(model)[2]})
exp$modelh <- unlist(lst)
# exp re age1 age2 h h2 modelh
# 1 A 1 10 30 19.23298 46.67906 68.85506
# 2 A 2 11 31 17.73018 47.55402 66.17050
# 3 A 3 12 32 26.56967 46.69174 84.98486
# 4 A 4 13 33 11.69149 47.74486 61.98766
# 5 A 5 14 34 24.05648 46.10051 82.90167
# 6 A 6 15 35 24.51312 44.85710 89.21053
# 7 A 7 16 36 34.37208 47.85151 113.37493
# 8 A 8 17 37 21.10962 48.40977 74.79483
# 9 A 9 18 38 26.39676 46.74548 90.34187
# 10 A 10 19 39 15.10786 45.38862 75.07002
# 11 B 1 20 40 28.74989 46.44153 100.54666
# 12 B 2 21 41 36.46497 48.64253 125.34773
# 13 B 3 22 42 18.41062 45.74346 81.70062
# 14 B 4 23 43 21.95464 48.77079 81.20773
# 15 B 5 24 44 32.87653 47.47637 115.95097
# 16 B 6 25 45 30.07065 48.44727 101.10688
# 17 B 7 26 46 16.13836 44.90204 84.31080
# 18 B 8 27 47 20.72575 47.14695 87.00805
# 19 B 9 28 48 20.78425 48.94782 84.25406
# 20 B 10 29 49 30.70872 44.65144 128.39416
In the lapply function the expression as.formula(x) is what converts the formulas created in the first line into a format usable by the lm function.
big.exp <- data.frame(age1=sample(30, 1e4, T),
age2=sample(30:50, 1e4, T),
h=runif(1e4, 10, 40),
h2= 40 + runif(1e4,4,9))
plafort = {strings <- sprintf("c(%f,%f) ~ c(%f,%f)", big.exp$age1, big.exp$age2, big.exp$h, big.exp$h2)
lst <- lapply(strings, function(x) {model <- lm(as.formula(x));coef(model)[1] + 100 * coef(model)[2]})
big.exp$modelh <- unlist(lst)},
akdplyr = {big.exp %>%
rowwise() %>%
age <- c(.$age1, .$age2)
h <- c(.$h, .$h2)
model <- lm(age ~ h)
data.frame(., modelh = coef(model)[1] + 100*coef(model)[2])
} )}
t: seconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
plafort 13.00605 13.41113 13.92165 13.56927 14.53814 15.08366 5 a
akdplyr 26.95064 27.64240 29.40892 27.86258 31.02955 33.55940 5 b
(Note: I downloaded the newest 1.9.5 devel version of data.table today, but continued to receive errors when trying to test it.
The results also differ fractionally (1.93 x 10^-8). Rounding likely accounts for the difference.)
all.equal(pl, ak)
[1] "Attributes: < Component “class”: Lengths (1, 3) differ (string compare on first 1) >"
[2] "Attributes: < Component “class”: 1 string mismatch >"
[3] "Component “modelh”: Mean relative difference: 1.933893e-08"
The lapply approach seems to perform well compared to dplyr with respect to speed, but it's 5 digit rounding may be an issue. Improvements may be possible. Perhaps using apply after converting to matrix to increase speed and efficiency.
