Login Failed for user Using SignalR and Impersonation - asp.net

I have implemented SignalR in my ASP.NET WebForms application and am successfully connecting to the hub. However, when a call is made to the database (SQL Server) I get Login failed for user 'MY_DOMAIN\MY_PC_NAME'. Note that the user being failed is the PC name and not the user I am impersonating (see below).
My Web.Config is set to impersonate a user who does have access to the database and this works for all calls made to the database that are not via SignalR processes.
IIS is set to use Windows Authentication for the application (and also has ASP.NET Impersonation enabled).
During debug of the SignalR process, the Context.User.Identity is the user that is authenticated in the browser session.
Is there a way to ensure that the impersonated user in the Web.Config is honored by SignalR when making SQL calls?
For reference:
Impersonate Tag in Web.Config: <identity impersonate="true" userName="MY_DOMAIN\MY_USER" password="MY_PASSWORD" />
Connection String in Web.Config: <add name="SiteDatabase" connectionString="Server=SERVER_NAME; Database=DATABASE_NAME; Integrated Security=SSPI" />

I changed the AppPool identity in IIS from LocalSystem to use the same user as that set in the impersonate of the Web.Config file and the SignalR process successfully connects to the database!
I don't know yet if this is the perfect solution or why SignalR won't honor the Web.Config impersonate, but it at least gets me going...


How to integrate an ASP.Net intranet with Active Directory?

I'm currently working on an intranet portal for my company, it will remain internal, only users with accounts on our domain will have access to it. At the moment, I use forms authentication method, and authenticate users against the Active Directory domain with System.DirectoryServices. I also interrogate the AD with System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to manage access rights depending on the Active Directory groups the user belongs to and I store some data in user sessions and everything works fine.
I've been asked to study whether Single Sign-On could be implemented in our context, all our users work in RDS without exceptions, so they always are in an authenticated session and the higher-ups would prefer not having to sign in at all. As far as rewritting the code to authentify and authorize users as explained here and here
I'm not too concerned.
I tried everything on a blank ASP.Net MVC5 project, to which I added an ADO.Net model with integrated security. My dev SQL Server is hosted on a remote server (not the dev desktop), the same server also hosts the dev IIS server. In production, both services will be on separate servers. This worked fine as long as I was debugging localy on my desktop, but once I published to the IIS server, I hit the first snag and couldn't get out of it.
When I changed settings in the IIS app to disable anonymous and enable windows authentication, IIS automatically changed <authentication mode="Forms" /> to <authentication mode="Windows" /> in the web.config file (as suggested here), but I couldn't make it work with Integrated Security=True or Integrated Security=SSPI, I get an error page saying [SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINE$'.].
The connection string reads like: <add name="ASPNetProjectEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.ModelASPNetProject.csdl|res://*/Models.ModelASPNetProject.ssdl|res://*/Models.ModelASPNetProject.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="data source=MACHINE;initial catalog=DATABASE;persist security info=True;Integrated Security=SSPI;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
I tried to add the machine account DOMAIN\MACHINE$ to SQL logins and grant it rights to the database, but no dice. I tried to authorize delegation in the server AD account and activate identity impersonation, but that didn't work either. I can only make it work on the remote IIS server if I put a SQL user/pass in the connection string.
So I'm at loss what could be missing here to make it work with Integrated Security. Or will I have to put SQL credentials in the connection string and encrypt it on IIS?
You're confusing Integrated Security with the authentication mechanism of your website. If you use Integrated Security, the connection used from your web app to SQL Server will use the account that the application pool your web app is running as is using. To use Integrated Security, have a service account created in AD, set your app pool to run as that account, and grant the necessary permissions to that service account in SQL Server.
Note that whether you're using forms auth or integrated security isn't relevant to how the web app connects to SQL Server, unless you're using impersonation, which you should never use.

How can I use Windows Authentication to allow group members access to my web application

I under stand how to configure .NET Authorization under Windows Authentication to limit access to a website to specific users and groups.
However, for a web application, how do I set the database connection to impersonate the logged in user? The SQl database is on another server.
If this strictly IIS configuration? Code? Both? For an individual, I can add the credentials via the <identity> element, but what about impersonating AD group members?
The SQL Server is set up to to only allow connections from a specific group. The DBA set this up, I do not know the details.
<identity impersonate="true" />
and Integrated Security=true results in the following error:
HTTP Error 500.24 - Internal Server Error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in
Integrated managed pipeline mode.
Using <identity impersonate="true" />
in your web.config along with Integrated Security=true; in your connection string should do this for you.
It will be up to the database to discover if the Active Directory User supplied is in the appropriate AD Group.

Why does Windows/Integrated Authentication in IIS not pass user credentials to SSRS and SQL?

In ASP.NET 4.0, I use my SSRS 2005 server's ReportService2005.asmx web service to get a list of reports. Also in .NET, I use Entity Framework to communicate with my MS-SQL 2005 database. When I use Visual Studio Development Server as my web server, calls to SSRS and SQL work fine. But when I switch to IIS 5.1, both SSRS and Entity code produce errors. I use only Windows/Integrated Authentication in IIS.
For SSRS, I get The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
For Entity Framework, I get Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
Attempted Solutions:
In the Web.Config I added <identity impersonate="true" /> and that fixed Entity Framework errors but not SSRS errors. I expanded the identity reference to include my username and password, and that fixed all errors.
Why does specifying my username and password fix the errors, and why does SQL say I am not specifying a username ('')? I thought Windows Authentication automatically impersonated the current user. How can I fix this without hardcoding a "service" account into the web.config?
Windows or Integrated authentication means that user is identified using windows credentials (or token) but it does not means that the request in running under that user. ASP.NET run-time will execute the request under worker process (App Pool) identity unless you configure it to impersonate some other identity.
So when you are accessing the site using development server, the server is running under your identity and so access to SSRS and Sql Server is done under your identity and it works.
When you loaded your site under IIS, ASP.NET request would be run under whatever identity is configured for the application pool. Typically this identity is local user and hence access to network resources such as SSRS or Sql Server would be denied. Adding <identity impersonate="true" username="your name" ../>, ASP.NET will run requests under your identity and that should work for both SSRS and Sql Server.
The curious case here is <identity impersonate="true" /> - under this setting, ASP.NET will impersonate currently authenticated windows identity. However, for this to work correctly, you have configure both IIS and ASP.NET on integrated authentication and deny anonymous access (in ASP.NET as well as IIS). Failing to do so may result in not authenticating current user's identity and the request would be run under anonymous user's identity (as configured in IIS). If you marked integrated authentication in IIS but not in ASP.NET then identity would not be passed to the ASP.NET request. You need to check your environment to see what exact scenario you had faced but ultimate result was your ASP.NET request was running under credential that has access to SQL Server but not to SSRS.
You also need to be aware of the 'double hop' issue - this means that your credentials can only be used twice.
If you are accessing a website using Windows Authentication and impersonation, that website can call another service as you. If that other service is another website (i.e. Reporting Services) which in turn calls another service (e.g. database) it cannot pass your credentials on again. This means that the database will throw an error if it expects credentials from the user.

Asp.NET Delegation and Calling a SharePoint Webservice

I'm trying to make a call to the SharePoint Search Webservice from an Asp.NET 4.0 application that does not reside on the SharePoint server. Everything seems to work, accept it is using the AppPool's credentials (a domain service account) to authenticate to SharePoint, which only returns results that that pin has access to. What I need to be able to do is impersonate the calling user, so that I get results for that user and not the domain account. I've set the server that the application is running under up to be trusted for delegation to the http spn that the SharePoint server is using, but I get a 401 error when doing the impersonation in my code. What could I be doing wrong?
you have to impersonate your call to the sharepoint web service.
you can do this at a web application level, with either the calling user or a static user, inside the web.config in the system.web node using the identity element, i.e...
<identity impersonate="true" />
or you can do this with inline code when you make your requesting call.
here is a microsoft KB on how to impersonate with an asp.net application. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306158

ASP.Net web application trying to use Impersonation and Delegation to connect to SQL Server

I'm trying to use Impersonation and Delegation in an intranet ASP.Net web-app in order to pass authenticated users' credentials onto a SQL Server.
The web server and SQL server are two separate machines, but in the same domain, so Delegation is required.
I've done the following:
set <authentication mode="Windows"/> and <identity impersonate="true"/> in my web-app's web.config.
enabled Constrained Delegation from the web server to the MSSQLSvc service on the SQL Server, in Active Directory.
enabled only Windows Authentication in the website, through IIS.
Apparently this should all work, but it doesn't (the SQL Server is denying access to the anonymous user - "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'").
In IIS7, the Application Pool is set to use Integrated Pipleline Mode and is running with the NetworkService Identity. The website only has Windows Authentication enabled, Extended Protection is Off, Kernel-mode authentication is enabled, and NTLM is the provider.
All the web pages I've read seem to indicate that my setup should work. What am I missing?
I've discovered the answer:
The Windows Authentication provider in IIS7 must be set to Negotiate:Kerberos, not NTLM. This means that the Kernel-mode authentication setting must be disabled. This seems to be fine. I think I'm right in saying that Kernel-mode authentication is required when using a custom identity, i.e. one specific identity. Delegation can use an arbitrary number of identities. So all is well.
I've written a blog post about this too, which goes into a bit more detail.
No - it is not accurate to say you need Kerberos, an SPN, to trust the server for delegation, and that this is the ONLY way to do it. Yes, this is one way to do it (and you do need all of it to make it happen via Kerberos), but it is not the ONLY way, or even technically the most secure way or easiest way. Do you really want to have to do extra configurations and create a login for every web user to your DB in SQL? What if any one of those accounts is compromised? More accounts, more vulnerabilities.
No, create a Domain service account, instead, and let that access SQL. If your security guys lock down things, give that user these rights: Logon as a service, Logon as a batch job, and Allow logon locally. Or, if this is just to develop and test the theory or you don't care or can't find the settings or are still getting errors later on, and this might not get a large following, but give it local Admin (sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do - some security pros lock down things tighter than I would care to write about - can always troubleshoot security later to lock it back down). Then set that account as the custom account on the app pool and give that account a login in SQL. Give it dbo on just THAT ONE database.
On the website in IIS, set the authentication type as Windows. I've seen them say "Basic" in other blogs so Kerberos will work, but NTLM uses Windows authentication. In IIS 7, you may also want to enable ASP .NET impersonation. Personally, I've only tried this on IIS 6, but the principal is the same.
In the web.config, add this under <configuration>, which is a "peer" to <system.web>:
connectionString="Data Source=serverName;Initial
Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI;User
And in <system.web>:
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"
password="password" />
Then read the string into your app like this:
using System.Configuration;
string connString = String.Empty;
if (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings.Count > 0)
connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
if (connString != null) // do DB connection stuff here
Console.WriteLine("Northwind connection string = \"{0}\"",
Console.WriteLine("No Northwind connection string");
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178411.aspx.
If it will not connect with the service account after filling in that account in the web.config for the impersonate tag and the SQL connection, you can then use impersonation methods using WindowsImpersonationContext (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.principal.windowsimpersonationcontext.aspx). Specifically, you want wic.Impersonate() and wic.Undo() after getting their token. You can read in the service account domain, name, and password from the web.config, in the form of AppKeys.
In short, there are ways around the issues. You can even encrypt the password in the web.config - both in the ConnectionString, and if you want to store it in an AppKey instead of directly in the "impersonate" tag, if you don't want plain text passwords in there (which I'd recommend against), and so you can have it for the creation of a Logon token, if you need to use the Impersonation methods (as I did).
