How to avoid race during Kafka rebalance in concurrent processing with reactor Kafka? - spring-kafka

I'm using 'reactor-kafka' out-of-order commits and interval commits (using manual acknowledge for each message). I'm wondering what will happen if I process messages that I polled before the rebalance, while they are currently processed asynchronously in another thread (using publishOn(Schedulers.parallel()) after the kafkaReceiver.receive()).
Will they be committed after the rebalance while the partition may be consumed by a new consumer? I want to avoid this situation, which can lead to processing event at the same time by two consumers, since that can cause race and conflicts (that I need to avoid).
I'll be ok with processing an event that was polled before the rebalance only if I don't acknowledge and commit it. That's because then the new consumer will process this message after the rebalance either (I'm working with 'at least once' strategy so that's fine).
How can I achieve this behaviour? Does checking if the event's source partition belong to the assigned partitions before acknowledging is a good option?
Or is there any way of forcing the acknowledge function to fail if it's an event of old partition that is not currently assigned by the consumer?


Corda: Making HTTP request within a responder flow?

Is it okay to make HTTP requests to a counter party's external service from within a responder flow?
My use case is a Party invokes a "request-token" flow with an exchange node. That exchange node makes a HTTP request (on the responder flow) to move cash from that parties account to an exchange account in the external payment system. The event of the funds actually hitting the count and hence the issuance of the tokens would happen with another flow.
If it is not okay, what may be an alternative design to achieve the task?
It is not always a good idea to make HTTP request that way.
Unless you think very carefully about what happens when the previous checkpoint is dedupe and idempotence are key what happens if target is down? plus this may exhaust the thread pool upon which the fibers operate.
Flows are run on fibers. CordaServices can spawn their own threads
threads can block on I/O, fibers can only do so for short periods and we make no guarantees about freeing resources, or ordering unless it is the DB. Also threads can register observables
The real challenge is restart-ability and for that they need to test the hell out of their code with a random kills.
You need to be aware that steps can be replayed in the event of a crash. this is true of any server-side work based system that restarts work.
Effectively, you should:
Step 1) execute an on-ledger Corda transaction to move one or more
assets into a locked state (analogous to XA 'prepare'). When
successfully notarised,
Step 2) execute the off-ledger transaction
with an idempotent call that succeeds or fails. When we know if it
succeeded or failed, move to
Step 3) execute a second Corda
transaction that either reverts the status of the asset or moves it
to its intended final state

How to make BizTalk only take one message at a time from the MSMQ

I have a BizTalk orchestration that is picking up messages from an MSMQ. It processes the message and sends it on to another system.
The thing is, whenever a message is put on the queue, BizTalk dequeues it immediately even if it is still processing the previous message. This is a real pain because if I restart the orchestration then all the unprocessed messages get deleted.
Is there any way to make BizTalk only take one message at a time, so that it completely finishes processing the message before taking the next one?
Sorry if this is an obvious question, I have inherited a BizTalk system and can't find the answer online.
There are three properties of the BizTalk MSMQ adapter you could try to play around with:
Specifies the number of messages that the adapter will take off the queue at a time. The default value is 20.
This may or may not help you. Even when set to 1, I suspect BTS will try to consume remaining "single" messages concurrently as it will always try parallel processing, but I may be wrong about that.
Specifies messages are dequeued in the order they were enqueued. The default is false.
This is more likely to help because to guarantee ordered processing, you are fundamentally limited to single threaded processing. However, I'm not sure if this will be enough on its own, or whether it will only mediate the ordering of message delivery to the message box database. You may need to enable ordered delivery throughout the BTS application too, which can only be done at design time (i.e. require code changes).
Specifies that messages will be sent to the message box database as part of a DTC transaction. The default is false.
This will likely help with your other problem where messages are "getting lost". If the queue is non-transactional, and moreover, not enlisted in a larger transaction scope which reaches down to the message box DB, that will result in message loss if messages are dequeued but not processed. By making the whole process atomic, any messages which are not committed to the message box will be rolled back onto the queue.
While you can process the messages in order by using Ordered Delivery, there is no way to serialize to they way you're asking.
However, merely stopping the Orchestration should not delete anything, much less 'all the unprocessed messages'. Seems that's you problem.
You should be able to stop processing without losing anything.
If the Orchestration is going into a Suspended state, then all you need to do is Resume that one orchestration and any messages queued will remain and be processed. This would be the default behavior even if the app was created 'correctly' by accident ;).
When you Stop the Application, you're actually Terminating the existing Orchestration and everything associated with it, including any queued messages.
Here's your potential problem, if the original developer didn't properly handle the Port error, the Orchestration might get stuck in an un-finishable Loop. That would require a (very minor) mod to the Orchestration itself.

How to Improve Performance of Kafka Producer when used in Synchronous Mode

I have developed a Kafka version : application that cannot afford to lose any messages.
I have a constraint that the messages must be consumed in the correct sequence.
To ensure I do not loose any messages I have implemented Retries within my application code and configured my Producer to ack=all.
To enforce exception handling and to Fail Fast I immediately get() on the returned Future from Producer.send(), e.g.
final Future<RecordMetadata> futureRecordMetadata = KAFKA_PRODUCER.send(producerRecord);
This approach works fine for guaranteeing the delivery of all messages, however the performance is completely unacceptable.
For example it takes 34 minutes to send 152,125 messages with ack=all.
When I comment out the futureRecordMetadata.get(), I can send 1,089,125 messages in 7 minutes.
When I change ack=all to ack=1 I can send 815,038 in 30 minutes. Why is there such a big difference between ack=all and ack=1?
However by not blocking on the get() I have no way of knowing if the message arrived safely.
I know I can pass a Callback into the send and have Kafka retry for me, however this approach has a drawback that messages may be consumed out of sequence.
I thought request.required.acks config could save the day for me, however when I set any value for it I receive this warning
130 [NamedConnector-Monitor] WARN org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig - The configuration request.required.acks = -1 was supplied but isn't a known config.
Is it possible to asynchronously send Kafka messages, with a guarantee they will ALWAYS arrive safely and in the correct sequence?
Is there anyway I can consume messages in kafka message KEY order direct from the TOPIC?
Or would I have to consume messages in offset order then sort programmatically
to Kafka message Key order?
If you expect a total order, the send performance is bad. (actually total order scenario is very rare).
If Partition order are acceptable, you can use multiple thread producer. One producer/thread for each partition.

Ensure In Process Records are Unique ActiveMQ

I'm working on a system where clients enter data into a program and the save action posts a message to activemq for more time intensive processing.
We are running into rare occasions where a record will be updated by a client twice in a row and a consumer on that activemq queue will process the two records at the same time. I'm looking for a way to ensure that messages containing records with the same identity are processed in-order and only one at a time. To be clear if a record with ID 1, 1, and 2 (in that order) are sent to activemq, 1 would process, then 2 (if 1 was still in process) and finally 1.
Another requirement, (due to volume) requires that the consumer be multi-threaded, so there may be 16 threads accessing that queue. This would have to be taken into consideration.
So if you have multiple threads reading that queue and you want the solution to be close to ActiveMQ you have to think about how you scale related to order concerns.
If you have multiple consumers, they may operate at different speed and you can never be sure which consumer goes before the other. The only way is to have a single consumer (you can still achieve High Availability by using exclusive-consumers).
You can, however, segment the load in other ways. How depends a lot on your application. If you can create, say 16 "worker" queues (or whatever your max consumer count would be) and distribute load to these queues while guarantee that requests from a single user always come to the same "worker queue", message order will remain per user.
If you have no good way to divide users into groups, simply take the userID mod MAX_CONSUMER_THREADS as a simple solution.
There may be better ways to deal with this problem in the consumer logic itself. Like keeping track of the sequence number and postpone updates that are out of order (scheduled delay can be used for that).

Kafka - Dynamic / Arbitrary Partitioning

I'm in the process of building a consumer service for a Kafka topic. Each message contains a url to which my service will make an http request. Each message / url is completely independent from other messages / urls.
The problem I'm worried about is how to handle long-running requests. It's possible for some http requests to take 50+ minutes before a response is returned. During that time, I do not want to hold up any other messages.
What is the best way to parallelize this operation?
I know that Kafka's approach to parallelism is to create partitions. However, from what I've read, it seems that you need to define the number of partitions up front when I really want an infinite or dynamic number of partitions (ideally each message gets its own partition created on the fly)
As an example, let's say I create 1,000 partitions. If 1,001+ messages are produced to my topic, the first 1,000 requests will be made but every message after that will be queued up until the previous request in that partition finishes.
I've thought about making the http requests asynchronous but then I seem to run into a problem when determining what offset to commit.
For instance, on a single partition I can have a consumer read the first message and make an async request. It provides a callback function which commits that offset to Kafka. While that request is waiting, my consumer reads the next message and makes another async request. If that request finishes before the first it will commit that offset. Now, what happens if the first request fails for some reason or my consumer process dies? If I've already committed a higher offset, it sounds like this means my first message will never get reprocessed, which is not what I want.
I'm clearly missing something when it comes to long-running, asynchronous message processing using Kafka. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have thoughts on how to best solve this? Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this.
You should look at Apache Storm for the processing portion of your consumer and leave the message storage and retrieval to Kafka. What you've described is a very common use case in Big Data (although the 50+ minute thing is a bit extreme). In short, you'll have a small number of partitions for your topic and let Storm stream processing scale the number of components ("bolts" in Storm-speak) that would actual make the http requests. A single spout (the kind of storm component that reads data from an external source) could read the messages from the Kafka topic and stream them to the processing bolts.
I've posted an open source example of how to write a Storm/Kafka application on github.
Some follow-on thoughts to this answer:
1) While I think Storm is the correct platform approach to take, there's no reason you couldn't roll your own by writing a Runnable that performs the http call and then write some more code to make a single Kafka consumer read messages and process them with multiply-threaded instances of your runnable. The management code required is a bit interesting, but probably easier to write than what it takes to learn Storm from scratch. So you'd scale by adding more instances of the Runnable on more threads.
2) Whether you use Storm or your own multi-threaded solution, you'll still have the problem of how to manage the offset in Kafka. The short answer there is that you'll have to do your own complex offset management. Not only will you have to persist the offset of the last message you read from Kafka, but you'll have to persist and manage the list of in-flight messages currently being processed. In this way, if your app goes down, you know what messages were being processed and you can retrieve and re-process them when you start back up. The base Kafka offset persistence doesn't support this more complex need, but it's only there as a convenience for the simpler use cases anyway. You can persist your offsets info anywhere you like (Zookeeper, file system or any data base).
