Extract music metadata (music title, album title, artist name...) using react-player - nginx

I'm building a simple web app that plays music streams.
The constitution of the web app is
audio.m4a -> ffmpeg -> nginx + rtmp module -> frontend browser
In the frontend browser, use react-player.
The audio data is published as HLS audio data.
So, I want to extract the metadata(music title, album title, artist name ...) from the data and display it in the browser. However, I could not find the way to that.
Anyone who knows this?

use javascript and this library, that read that all you want,
explore it! it works


search song using emoji from firebase storage, is it possible?

i am trying to make a website where there is a server side which is for admin who will upload songs to firebase storage and a client side who can search the songs using emoji, like for happy songs, smiley emoji will be used, how should i implement this? im stuck. How should i relate the songs im uploading to an emoji, so that when the user searches using emoji the respective songs related to that emoji shows up? That would be a great help!
I think it's quite possible. The server side would not only need to keep the songs but also have some information on moods associated with every song. This way, client app can pass an emoji and server side will respons with all songs that consist of this particular emotion.
For example - song "Happy" can be found by using 🙂 or 💃🏼

Extract audio stream from http site (online radio)

I'm new here so firstly sorry for all my mistakes.
I'm trying to add one more radio station to my raspberryPi based online radio player (of course for private use only). It is an polish radio, radio Wawa. Here is the official site and stream: https://www.eskago.pl/radio/wawa But unfortunately on official site there are some adds before stream start (and I don't see the stream url :( ). I found an unofficial site with stream: https://pl.radioonline.fm/sluchac/Radio-WAWA Here there is no adds but still it's some complicated for me to extract stream which would be useful to play e.g. in omxplayer.
I found that the url for stream is http://waw.ic.smcdn.pl/t050-1.aac but the site is adding to this url a timestamp and a mistery hash. Full request looks like:
Now is the question: is it possible to play this with command line only (the best option with omxplayer)? And how?

Build your own Street View with Google Street View API

Is there is a way to upload my own panoramic images of our hours/building using Google Street View API, then use Google Street View Engine to navigate throw them?
Yes, you need to make custom street view panoramas: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/streetview#CustomStreetView
Here's a great sample of someone who has done this: http://www.gta4.net/map/
I'm doing a similar project for a large building.
First, you need some way to generate a 360 degree panorama for the images. I've adapted hugin to be used in a set of bash scripts to generate the panos automatically in a Linux box. So, I just upload the images to a folder, execute the script with the folder location and number of images per panorama and leave it alone. Depending on the number of images you have per panorama, expect to wait 5-45 minutes for each panorama.
Second, check out the example link for how to use JS and StreetView. I think your task will be easier as you can probably write all your locations inside the JS file rather than relying on database calls and parsing.
Third, make sure your usage is under the limits set by the API if you're not paying for the service. If you go over the daily limit, the tour won't be available.

Capturing a Map to embed in a Wordpress Blog post

I originally asked this question on Super User but was told that it might be better placed here...
I have a running blog and to help me track and write about my runs I've recently bought a Garmin GPS watch. The setup works a treat and I'm able to share links to my runs in my blog such as:
Is there an easy way for me to capture the map itself out of the Garmin Connect site (see the link) and display it in my blog posting? I can take a screenshot but an interactive map would be heaps better. It's obviously a Google Map with the run info overlayed so there must be a way... right?
To created an embedded interactive Google Map to render your run polylines, you will need to extract the data that the Garmin site is using to render the line.
From the Garmin site, there are two Javascript files that do the work:
http://connect.garmin.com/resource/garmin-js-lib/map/MapsUtil.js - Bunch of utility functions for rendering Google maps based on data in the Garmin system
http://connect.garmin.com/api/activity/component/mapLoader.js - Uses Garmin.service.ActivityClient to grab the JSON data describing the polyline. It feeds this data into Garmin.map.MapsUtil.addEncodedPolylineToMap to render the map.
So do do this on your blog, you will need to either request the JSON data from the Garmin site (and trust that the URI format doesn't change) or grab the data and store it on your own site. The URI format is currently:
http://connect.garmin.com/proxy/activity-service-1.0/gpolyline/activity/<activity id>?full=true
Where activity ID is the last number in your original URL. So:
This data request will return some JSON that you can then use to render a Google Map.
Once you have decided how you want to store the JSON data, you will need to write some Javascript to request the JSON and, in the callback, feed it into the GPolyline.fromEncoded method. Once you have a GPolyline object (that is populated from the encoded JSON data), you can add it to a Google Maps GMap2 with the addOverlay method.
I realize that this answer is fairly technically involved and might be overwhelming if you haven't played with Google Maps before. If this is the case, I suggest heading over to the Google Maps API intro page for some hints on getting started.
Since this question was first posted, Garmin Connect has since added a quick code snippet to embed in your WordPress site to display your maps and course data. If you're having issues getting the code snippet to stay in the post after saving - check out these instructions for embedding Garmin Connect activities in WordPress.

Shutterfly Order API .

I found this site
but there are no examples of actually walking through the whole process. Does anyone have any good documentation on using this API to take a local photo and allow someone to order a print via shutterfly?
I went through these steps:
Sign up for an account
Sign up as a developer
Create an application (I called mine Test). Note the generated Application Id and Shared Secret
The Shutterfly API page has a list of references for various Domain-specific APIs:
Address Book
Album Data
Folder Data
Go To Shutterfly UE
Image Upload
Interactive Sign-in
Image Request
Seamless Sign-in
User Data
User Authentication
Each uses RESTful principles. The documentation looks pretty comprehensive to me, if you need some background, here's links for RESTful APIs and ROME you may find useful
There is also an API Explorer section on the same page that allows you to test the methods via a form on their site. For example this form for CRUD operations on the album data.
Based on your comment, for your requirements, you would:
Use the Album GET to list albums, then get the data for a specific album.
Use the Image Get request to retrieve the image data, so your friend can verify the image(s) they want to purchase.
Authenticate the user
Use the Pricing POST request to get the estimated pricing for the image.
User the Order POST to submit the order over https
Update: Found a page describing using a Greasemonkey script which adds Shutterfly print ordering capability to Flickr. This might provide the basis for a solution.
For Reference:
The original link above is a middle step of the Shutterfly Open API ordering procedure.
The whole process goes through a series of steps allowing you to control much more than just pushing photos into somebody's album in Shutterfly.
With this process, your application can actually carry out the entire procedure of:
specifying the images and the sizes and quantities, or other products
calculating shipping, taxes, and totals
paying, and
launching the processing
It also includes the ability to see when the packages will be delivered and arrive.
Thus if you have a solid application for mapping your images onto paper and products, you can pretty much control the entire process.
Once the order is submitted, it will appear on the user's account at Shutterfly who the order was associated with.
Kudos to Shutterfly for making such a powerful tool! It would be great if other printing facilities had similar tools.
