How to set type and color properties of Dash Loading dcc.Loading with CSS - css

When using dcc.Loading() in a Dash App one can set the type i.e. 'cube', or 'dots' as well as the color - documentation
What I would like to know is how to set these in the CSS rather than with inline styling to avoid having to change every loading component in all apps if I want to change the spinner or colour scheme.
So far, with help from this post and this post, I have been able to access the dash-spinner class in the CSS. But whilst I can change the background-color and size I can't work out how to fix the type or the foreground colour.
.dash-spinner {
background-color: black;
color: hotpink;
type: cube;
.dash-spinner * {
display: none !important;
This CSS seems to act on the background colour but not the spinner or the colour of the spinner.
Thank you


How to change background color of a toast depending on theme? react-toastify

I got react-toastify installed, and my toasts are working, but I want to add them some custom styling depending on a theme, and none of the solutions I saw are working in my case.
I don't want to overcomplicate it, I just want to change background color, maybe borders, font color, etc.
I tried class overriding which documentation is saying about - it's not working.
.Toastify__toast-theme--colored.Toastify__toast--error {
color: white;
background-color: red;
I tried my own className and pass it to certein toast - it's not working.
toast.error('here some error', {
className: 'toast-error'
.toast-error {
color: white;
background-color: red;
And these themed classes are not even added to the toast.success() or toast.error()
I tried to override values in the core css file that im importing, and it's not working.
And if I set background-color: red to the actual class that is added, then I get red background on toast.success() as well.
Here is documentation.
How to deal with this?
using classnames should be the solution to your problem
className={classnames("Toastify__toast-theme--colored", {
"toast-error": // here the condition by which toast-error class should pop up

Chang color of menu items wordpress

I would change the color of the menu items in wordpress. In this site I have four voices in the menu (Brand, Prodotti, Modacapelli Choice, Outlet) and I need to change the color of Modacapelli Choice (grey to blue). I added this code on the CSS file:
/* Change color menu Modacapelli Choice */
#menu-item-427 a {
color: #2976ce;
It work but just on desktop. On the mobile version in menu navigation sidebar the menu item "Modacapelli Choice" doesn't change the color.
How can I solve that?
Since this is an extremely specific case you can either .menu-item-427 > a { color: red!important; } or do .nav>>a { color: red; }
I would recommend the latter.
However both are not great, since it is bound to the ID. I would recommend making an ACF field for the page or the menu-element, then checking if it exists, and creating an inline style or adding a class if it is true.
The user can then also change the color of other elements he wishes to change without contacting you about it.
You would then add a class like this to your menu markup for example.
.is-highlighted-element {
color: red;
In Mobile view doesn't have #menu-item-427 this id. so replace with .menu-item-427
Try this css it's works
.menu-item-427 a {
color: #2976ce;

Angular ngx-swiper-wrapper arrow style change

I previously created a swiper (ngx-swiper-wrapper) and I changed the color of the arrows the following way:
::ng-deep.swiper-button-next::after, ::ng-deep.swiper-button-prev::after {
color: $primary-light;
Now I created another one on a different page where the color should be black. The problem is when I visit the page with the first swiper and then I navigate to the other page with the second swiper, the color stays the white.
Is there a better way to change the color or a workaround?
I've been running into the same issue, and spent days looking for a better solution, till i found one, it works just fine, no need to change the svg image or somthing just add the code below into your css file :
::ng-deep .swiper-button-next,
::ng-deep .swiper-button-prev {
color: #207868 !important;
:root {
--swiper-theme-color: #207868 !important;
I tried it and changed a few things and it's working:
::ng-deep .swiper{
color: #207868;
--swiper-theme-color: #207868;

How to disable Vuetify button without changing colors

I'm using Vuetify's v-btn button component with a variety of colors set via the color prop. Once a user clicks the button, I set disabled to true so they can't click it again, but the button loses its color and gets greyed out.
Is there any way to disable the button without changing its color to grey?
Instead of disabled prop you could use your custom class with pointer-events: none, e.g.
.disable-events {
pointer-events: none
<v-btn :class="{'disable-events': customCondition}">
Then add additional styling to that class if needed.
I do it by removing v-btn--disabled and playing with vuetify's css classes.
Still grey but with colored text solution
The button will still be grey, but text will be colored, like that you have a visual effect showing that the button is disabled but still have a colored part.
I, personally, also had some custom opacity to disabled buttons.
<v-btn id="btnA" :disabled="true" color="success">Success</v-btn>
button.v-btn[disabled] {
opacity: 0.6;
// Trick to remove class after initialising form
this.$nextTick(() => {
Same display solution
If you really want, the same display you will have to remove [color]--text and add [color] class (and sometimes add white--text class for readability).
// Trick to remove class after initialising form
this.$nextTick(() => {
As Vuetify allready use important! in .v-btn--disabled it's not possible to just override this class. But with the use of a higher level selector like id (example: #custom-disabled which selects id="custom-disabled") you can. This doesen't keep the original colors but you are at least able to override the class to your liking.
<v-btn :disabled="true" id="custom-disabled">
#custom-disabled.v-btn--disabled {
background-color: red !important;
For light and dark theme:
#custom-disabled.v-btn--disabled.theme--light {
background-color: red !important;
#custom-disabled.v-btn--disabled.theme--dark {
background-color: brown !important;
Okay so you can do it by disabling the pointer events as mentioned in other comments but if someone is using a keyboard they can still tab to the control and if you are writing automated tests the button can still be clicked.
You can manually override the style and change the disabled button colour in the css however this will potentially be a problem if you are manually setting the color through the color="" property on v-btn based off a theme (because your application supports branding for different clients for example) because Vuetify doesn't just override the color, it stops adding the color altogether.
So my solution was to simply set the button color via a style attribute and set the important flag (to override the disabled important flag) note that you will need to change the text color as well.
color: `${getTxtColor()} !important`,
backgroundColor: `${getBtnColor()} !important`
Click Here
This approach should play nice with testing, themeing, and will not allow users to tab to the button accidentally.

CSS a:hover keep original color

Is it possible to keep the color on a link with a class while other links do change.
For example I have a theme but i want it to support different colors set by the user.
Most links change color on :hover but some must stay the same color.
#red is generated by the theme. I want to 'inherit' the a.someclass:link color in the a.someclass:hover
color: #red;
a:hover {
color: #black;
The above part is generated which I cannot alter.
As suggested in answers and comments below I need to build this with jQuery
sure I can copy #red to the a.someclass:hover {} but then i have to hardcode the color and since the user should be able to change the color that is not an option.
I need something to overide the a:hover { color } if the class is someclass
You can make use of currentColor {
color: currentColor;
Why not do this then?
a:link, a.someclass:hover
color: #red;
At least if I understand your question correctly.. This will make sure both your <a> tags will have the same color as the <a class="someclass"> ones when hovered.
Like maxisam said above you will probably have to use js to do this. Try using jQuery's .hover() or .mouseover() .mouseout() to change the css. You would of course have to trigger these functions somehow when the user switches themes. Good luck.
As suggested by #danferth and #maxisam here is my jQuery solution
I've written to make this work:
// getting the color before the color is changed ( not sure this is needed )
var thecolor = $('.article-title').css("color");
$(".article-title").mouseover(function() {
// setting the color previously picked
where .article-title is the class of the links I want to alter
