Combine regional netcdf file to one global file? - netcdf

I have 9 NC files, corresponding to 9 regions of the world, where longitude is divided by 60, latitude is divided by 120, how can I combine the above 9 files into one global file?
Have tried CDO mergegrid, but can only merge 2 files at a time, is there a way to merge 9 files at a time?

cdo mergegrid is likely the wrong operation for this. You want to try collgrid instead. It sounds like you have the world split into 3x3 equally sized rectangles. Combining these is exactly what collgrid is designed to do. The command should be something like:
cdo collgrid *
See page 45 of the user guide for more details


How can i split a netCDF file with conditions

I'm working with a netCDF file with a spatially averaged wind variable, which is a function of time only.
I would like to split the file into years with east wind and years with west wind.
I thought I would do it with cdo but I don't know how to write the condition.
Anything with splityear, 'u <0'?
I do not think this is advisable, as you will split the files in to two different NetCDF files with incompatible grids. In my view this would defeat the purpose of storing the data in NetCDF files.
But, if you wish to do it, there is a way within CDO. As you haven't provided files I can outline a strategy.
First create a mask file identifying cells with u<0:
cdo -setrtomiss,-10000,0 -selname,u
Then apply reducegrid to the infile using this mask:
cdo -reducegrid,
That should do it for the u condition. Just test that and modify it for the other variables.

R save as NetCDF file after simple calculation

I want to do something (apparently) simple, but didn't yet find the right way to do it:
I read a netcdf file (wind speed from the ERA5 reanalysis) on a grid.
From this, I use the wind speed to calculate a wind capacity factor (using a given power curve).
I then want to write a new netcdf file, with exactly the same structure as the input file, but just replacing the input wind speed by the new variable (wind capacity factor).
Is there a simple/fast way to do this, avoiding to redefine all the dims, vars ... with ncvar_def and ncdim_def ?
Thanks in advance for your replies!
Writing a netcdf file in R is not overly complicated, there is a nice example online here:
You could copy the dimensions from the input file.
However if your wind power curve is a simple analytical expression then you could perform this task in one line from the command line in bash/linux using climate data operators (cdo).
For example, if you have two variables 10u and 10v in the file (I don't recalled the reanalysis names exactly) then you could make a new variable WCF=SQRT(U2+V2) in the following way
cdo expr,'wcf=sqrt(10u**2+10v**2)'
See an example here:
So if your window power function is an analytical expression you can define it this way without using R at all or worrying about dimensions etc, the new file will have an variable wcf added. You should then probably use NCO to alter the metadata (units etc) to ensure they are appropriate.

Expand a netCDF Variable into an additional Dimension or multiple Variables

I am working with a very large netCDF file in three dimensions (lat/lon/time). The resolution is 300 meters and the time variable has 25 steps, which leads to 64800x129600x25 cells.
The one variable contained in the file is an integer (ranging from -36 to 120) but represents an underlying factor, which is the problem.
It is a land cover data set, so for example: -20 means the cell is of the land type Forest or 10 means the cell is covered by water.
I want to reshape the netCDF file such that there is an additional dimension which represents every factor level of the original variable. And the variable would then be just a 1 or 0 per cell indicating the presence of every factor level at a certain lat/lon/time.
The dimensions would then be lat/lon/time/land type.
Here is an example data set, that does not concern land type but is small enough that it can be used for testing. And here is some code to read it in:
# Download the data
mode="wb", destfile = "")
test.ncdf <- nc_open("", write=TRUE)
# See the lon,lat,time dimensions
tmp.array <- ncvar_get(test.ncdf, varid="air")
I'm not sure if the raster package is better more suited for this task. For very small netCDF-files I have managed the intended result to some extent, by extracting the data and then stacking it as a data.frame.
Any help or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly, you want to have a set of fields for each type that are 1 or 0 as a function of lat/long/time. e.g. if you are looking a forest you want an array which is 1 when the factor=20 and 0 otherwise.
I know you want to do this in a 4 dimensional array, for that you will need to use R I expect as you tagged the question. But if you don't mind to have a series of 3D arrays for types, a quick and easy way to do this is to use CDO to process the integer array
cdo eqc,-20
The issue with this is that the output variable still has the same name
(you don't say what it is called, so I refer to it as sfctype), and so you would need to change the meta data with nco.
Therefore a better way would be to use expr in cdo.
cdo expr,"forest=sfctype==-20"
This makes a new variable called forest which is 1 or 0.
You could now process all the types you want, and then merge them into one file:
cdo expr,"forest=(sfctype==-20)"
cdo expr,"forest=(sfctype==10)"
cdo merge type_*.nc
(I don't think you need the curly brackets, but it is a clearer syntax)
...almost what you wanted in a few lines, but not quite... I am not sure how to "stack" these new variables into a 4D array if you really need that, but perhaps nco can do it.

Read large netcdf data by ncl

I'm reading a large wrfout data(about 100x100 in space, 30 in vertical, 400 in times) by ncl.
The variable U is about 500M, so it takes much time, and I also need to read other variables.Is there any way for ncl to read large netcdf data quickly? Or can I use other languages?
It may be more helpful to extract the variables and timeslices you need before reading them into NCL.
To select by variable:
cdo selvar,var
To select by level:
cdo sellevel
or levels selected by their index:
cdo sellevidx
you can also extract subsets in terms of dates or times...
More info here:

Handling multiple raster files and executing unit conversions on them: R

I've dug around a lot for an answer to this and wasn't able to find anything, so here I am.
I have a whole bunch of ascii raster files corresponding to air temperature and dew point temperature of a certain area over 744 hourly time steps. (So I have 744 air temp and 744 dew point files corresponding to a 31-day month). The files are only about 45 kB each.
I want to stack them together so I can perform some analyses on them, and I also want to convert their units from K to deg F.
The file names air Tair1.txt, Tair2.txt, ... Tair744.txt and Eair1.txt, Eair2.txt, ... Eair744.txt.
Using the raster package, I can easily load all the files as rasters:
for (i in 1:744) {
I've tried to use ls() with pattern or glob2rx to define just the raster file names and
then do conversions on them, or to do something similar to join them in a stack, but to no avail. I also tried mget, values(mget(filename)) and things like that to get at the values in a loop.
I know R doesn't handle large datasets very well, but I'm thinking these aren't really that large so there should be something pretty simple?
I would appreciate any help and advice! Thank you.
The raster package's RasterStack is for this:
files <- paste0("Tair",1:744,".txt")
rs <- stack(files)
Why do you have these files in text format though? Who imposed this disaster on you? I suspect your individual layers have insufficient metadata, so try one and see if it's sensible. You can use extent(rs) <- and projection(rs) <- to fix:
r <- raster(files[1])
Don't use assign() that's just creating a mess.
