How can I report all subdomains pageviews in a GA4 Property? - google-analytics

I have a website with language based subdomains, there are 65 languages. Subdomains are like,, etc.
I want to view the report with subdomains in GA4. But I can't find any solution.
I can do that with view filter in old GA universal analytics, but GA4 does not have this option.
I'dont want to add all subdomains as new websites. How can I report pageviews with subdomains in one GA4 property.


Google Analytics with Google Tag Manager not reporting properly on subdomains

I have a site with 3 subdomains with the same Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics tracking ID. I created 3 views on the property, I applied the proper inclusion filters so I can focus each view on its counterpart subdomain.
GTM is firing GA on the three subdomains and the GA debugger is showing that it is tracking (I tried recording and it worked, I tried GA plugin and there are no errors).
The problem: One of the subdomains is reporting everything (all subdomains)! Even with the proper inclusion filter in place. The 2 other subdomains are reporting nothing.
Note that my inclusion filter is equal (and the same view is reporting on and
I spent 6 hours so far, reading documentation and trying different options to no avail.
Why would be a filtered view for one subdomain show stats for the other subdomains? Why would the other subdomains show nothing? Would this be related somehow to GTM?
GTM id is the same across the domains and not duplicated and matches the account number
GA snippet is not included on the pages and the id is double checked
The three subdomain settings are exactly the same with only the inclusion filter being different
Make sure that you disable UserId Tracking when you create a View.
Enabling UserId Tracking will exclude all analytics without it being set.

Referral sessions between subdomains tracked with different views in Google Analytics

One of the Google Analytics properties I manage tracks multiple subdomains.
Subdomains are tracked through views created in this property using filters to include only traffic for the subdomain.
I've noticed that these subdomain views do not include data on source/medium coming through other subdomains on the same property.
Can views under the same property track source/medium session coming in from views under same property?
You probably have and in the Referral Exclusion List at the property level, so those referrals will be swapped to Direct.
This is normal behavior to avoid interrupting sessions on the same domain.
You can get more information here:

Tracking traffic of individual microsites Google Analytics

I have a web site which has many microsites.
I want to use Google Analytics to track the traffic of each individual Microsite as opposed to tracking traffic of the whole site?
I have looked at Google Tag Manager, but I am not sure if this is the right solution - how can this be done?
There's two basic ways in which this can be done:
If you don't care about inter-microsite traffic, you can just create a different GA property for every microsite and use Google Tag Manager to create your GA tracking tag with the right property ID depending on the hostname (using a lookup table variable, for example).
If you want to be able to see traffic flow between your microsites (i.e. not have a visitor navigating from one site to another show up as a referral but as the same session), then you should use the same GA property for all sites and set up cross domain tracking. Then inside your GA property, you can set up different views based on the hostname dimension of the hits.

Behavior flow in Google analytics. How to filter on specific domain under cross domain tracking?

Does anyone know how to filter the "behavior flow" on specific domains under cross domain tracking?
Today we have a lots of clients we track and therefore the flow is jumping between the different subdomains.
On other views in Google analytics you can easily put a filter on a specific page:
I know there is an option for selecting "Pages and Events" in a drop down menu, where you can select some of the specific pages, but this list is auto generated to just some of the popular landing sites under the sub domains.

Can I use Google Tag Manager to collect analytics from mulitple domains?

The set-up:
1 site, 2 domains: = and
These 2 domains use DNS to point to the same site (IP).
There is 1 snippet of Google Tag Manager (GTM) code just after the opening <body> tag of the site (every page).
In the GTM container, I have added both domains on the "Container Settings" page.
There is one Google Analytics (GA) account which only contains the domain. (An analytics account can only contain 1 domain.)
A tag has been set up in GTM with the type of Google Analytics and it has the UA code from the 1 GA account added.
A rule has been added to fire on all pages
Now, I don't care whether someone visits via .com or, but I want to capture combined analytics for both. My questions is, with the way I've set things up using GTM, will GA save data for both domains ie and, or do I need to set things up another way to achieve this? Ideally, I don't want to go down the forwarding route i.e. forward all traffic from .com to
First a bit of pedantry: Google Tag Manager cannot even collect informatiom from a single domain (it's not a tracking tool). And while you can only enter one domain in Google Analytics that domain setting serves no actual purpose; a Google Analytics account can track multiple domains in different "properties" (porperties are sections in an account that each have a unique id) or in a single property via cross domain tracking. Cross Domain tracking is used if you want to treat multiple domains as a single presence on the web (i.e. if you have a website and a shop with different domains, they still belong together).
Now, the way you have set things up data will be collected from both domains. There are at least two caveats:
1) If users can switch between domains inside a session (go from .com to and back) their sessions will be interrupted and Google Analytics will register multiple visitors (that's because users are tracked via cookies which are domain specific). To avoid that you'd need to set up cross domain tracking (and how you would do that depends on if you are using Universal Analytics or asynchronous code. Look at your tracking code, if it contains a line that starts "ga("send"...." your are using analytics. If it contains lines that start with _gaq.push you use asynchronous code).
Cross domain tracking documentation for UNiversal Analytics (analytics.js)
Cross domain tracking for asynchronous code (ga.js)
2) By default Google Analytics tracks only the path, not the domain. If pages on both domains have the same path they will be displayed in aggregated form in the reports, that is if you have an index.php on both pages the visits for both will be added up. Maybe that's just fine with you, if they show the same content in any case. Else you'd either have to use "hostname" as a second dimension (which is not a sticky setting, you would need to re-apply that every time you switch to another report), or you create a filter on your view that includes the hostname in the reports.
Those caveats are relevant because data will show up in any case and will look perfectly okay even if it's not (even if you decide that those two things do not bother you you need to take them into account when you interpret the data).
