Azure Language Studio Orchestration Projects cannot see LUIS App - azure-cognitive-services

I have an Azure Language Studio Orchestration Projects in
I have a LUIS app in
When I try to add a Schema Definition, the LUIS is not showing.
Both the Language and LUIS are created with same Tenant.
What could be the issue?
Below is from FAQ. But I recreated everything in west Europe, I still cannot see the LUIS project in Orchestration.
In LUIS, I also cannot see the Language resource when changing the Authoring resource.
Which LUIS applications can I connect to in orchestration workflow projects?
LUIS applications that use the Language resource as their authoring resource will be available for connection. You can only connect to LUIS applications that are owned by the same resource. This option will only be available for resources in West Europe, as it's the only common available region between LUIS and CLU.


Migrate from Azure to Other Hosting providers

I have a WordPress site hosted on Microsoft azure and I want to migrate it from azure to other hosting providers like netlify, digital ocean, etc. I don't want to lose my site data and its configurations.
If there is a way out then please suggest.
To provide some pointers on your scenario. Azure offers a number of ways to host your application code. The term compute refers to the hosting model for the computing resources that your application runs on. The flowchart (in the doc), will help you to choose a compute service for your application.
This article helps you understand the options and make the right choice for your web application.
Best Practices for Hosting WordPress Site on Azure App Service
Long answer: Just to provide you a good understanding on hosting website on Azure. Azure offers several ways to host websites: Azure App Service WebApps (PAAS solution), Virtual Machines (IAAS), Service Fabric and Cloud Services. You can leverage the service that best suits your requirement.
I suggest you take a look at the criteria and flow chart (Decision tree for Azure compute services), weigh the platform strengths based on your organizational requirement and then chose the best platform.
Azure App Service – More details:
Migration checklist -Migration checklist when moving to Azure App Service

How to enable Bing Spell check in LUIS API 2.0?

I have created 2 resources on Azure, 1 is LUIS Authoring Resource and other is Cognitive Services resource. Then created a LUIS app and deployed it.
I'm trying to use the Bing Spell Check feature on the LUIS but it doesn't seem to work.
Am I missing anything here?

Adding Company Web App to Office 365

so I don't know a whole lot about Office 365 and have been learning other frameworks that do not include ASP.NET.
The company I work for is using is Office 365 and CRM. I read you can interface CRM with a web app. What I am wondering is if a company had a web application they used on their intranet, is it possible to migrate it to Office 365? Possibly as a Site? Is it possible to develop a web app that shows up under Office 365 and is therefore accessible to employees at that Office 365 account? You would need access to the MS SQL and IIS web server running, can you get that kind of access through Office 365?
The answer is yes, you can have your application hosted on Azure or anywhere with all you backend and host it as an App in o365.
What i suggest you to do, Get Office Development tools for VS 2015, just create a project from under Office/SharePoint section and select SharePoint Add-In project template and check out the created project. you will see that an web project has been created and another project as a shell for deploying this app as SP app. you do have the option to host this app anywhere :)
Check out this tutorial:
Hope this helps.
Yes - you can build a web application and have it appear in the Office 365 app launcher. However, there are some specific architectural requirements such as integration with Azure AD and single sign-on.
Have a look at this article:

Using AD in windows Azure for user account management

Has anyone implemented a project using Azure for user registration and authentication?
I can see how it would work well in an Enterprise application, but it seems as if there is no easy way to enable "self registration"
It looks like it is intended to work with an on premises AD solution, or alternatively for new users to be added using the Azure management portal.
Can anyone give me the benefit of their experience?
WAAD is a fully implemented solution for what I think you are trying to do, but created in a way very different than the "Active Directory" server product that it shares a name with. Take a look at the Windows Azure Active Directory Graph API, which is the RESTful management API for WAAD. With Graph API you would be able to create a fully functional application authenication system to meet your needs.
API Reference
Links, Examples, etc

ASP.NET Web Forms Applications on Azure (or any cloud hosting)

This is a pretty vague question but I'm struggling a bit to get my head around what is involved in cloud hosting.
Say for instance if I had an web app using:
- Webforms
- linq to sql
- an sql server database
- Calling some external restful webservices
What would need to be done to host it on a cloud service?
Are there specific code changes that would be required and do these need to be considered in the initial design?
Can sql server and linq to sql be used in this type of setup?
What platform if any would be best suited?
in it's most basic form, Azure is just a highly available web-hosting environment - if you have an ASP.Net web application, you can deploy it to and it should work.
To try it out, get yourself a Vista/7 machine, download the Azure SDK and VS Tools, and create a new Azure application. There are 2 main parts at this point, the Cloud project, and an ASP.Net Web Application. The ASP.Net will have a "web-role" relationship with the Cloud project. This is as it sounds, it is the visual front-end to the Cloud application, that interacts with visitors.
You can, at this point, just leave it there - it's a normal ASP.Net application with very good hosting. Your SQL connection strings should work, though you may want to consider SQL Azure. You can also host WCF services.
As Manoj points out, Azure does have a different programming model which you can take advantage to produce very robust applications. Azure also has the concept of Worker Roles, which are similar to Managed Services, in that they perform processing without a public interface. Instead, your web-roles take the requests, place them on the Queues, and the worker-roles then pick them up, process and send back responses.
It's a very powerful system, which I haven't fully explored, but the good news is that you don't have to be an immediate expert in the whole system, but can create simple ASP.Net sites as web-roles, deploy those then expand from there.
Have a go, it's well worth it
AppHarbor is a .NET Platform-as-a-Service. We can host your ASP.NET websites more or less un-modified and without the Visual Studio plugins and other crud that Windows Azure requires.
It depends on what type of cloud hosting are you looking for. There is some cloud hosting which will just give you space for application data like Amazon. While Azure gives you complete application framework which supports your application to be hosted in cloud. But programming in cloud is different programming paradigm than in traditional web form. You will have some limited classes from .Net framework available but better resources for scalability.
You cant directly use sql server in azure application. What you can use SqlAzure services.
Just referring a book which i feel would provide you the answer
Cloud Computing Book
Check this microsoft link
Ramp Up
yes, it is supported and live demo of Asp.NET 4.5 Web Forms available on Microsoft azure websites... you can visit this link for detailed information
Create and deploy a secure ASP.NET Web Forms app with Membership, OAuth, and SQL Database to Azure App Service
