how to create instance with multiple Ephemeral Disks in Openstack client or openstacksdk - openstack

This website show nova tool could create instance with multiple ephemeral disks, but how could I achieve that through openstack command or openstacksdk?
And I could find any clue through the openstack flavor create -h, it shows that only support one option Ephemeral Disk GB, and I can't figure out how to add multiple Ephemeral Disks.

Unless you already found the answer, this was added in python-openstackclient 5.5.0 References: 1,2,3


How to setup Airflow > 2.0 high availability cluster on centos 7 or above

I want to setup HA for airflow(2.3.1) on centos7. Messaging queue - Rabbitmq and metadata db - postgres. Anybody knows how to setup it.
Your question is very large, because the high availability has multiple level and definition:
Airflow availability: multiple scheduler, multiple workers, auto scaling to avoid pressure, high storage volume, ...
The databases: a HA cluster for Rabbitmq and a HA cluster for postgres
Even if you have the first two levels, how many node you want to use? you cannot put everything in the same node, you need to run one service replica per node
Suppose you did that, and now you have 3 different nodes running in the same data center, what if there is a fire in the data center? So you need to use multiple nodes in different regions
After doing all of above, is there a risk for network problem? of course there is
If you just want to run airflow in HA mode, you have multiple option to do that on any OS:
docker compose: usually we use it for developing, but you can use it for production too, you can create multiple scheduler instances, with multiple workers, it can help you to improve the availability of your service
docker swarm: similar to docker compose with additional features (scaling, multi nodes, ...), you will not find much resources to install it, but you can use the compose files and just do some changes
kubernetes: the best solution, K8S can help you to ensure the availability of your services, easy install with helm
or just running the different services on your host: not recommended, because of manual tasks, and applying the HA is complicated

Debugging poor I/O performance on OpenStack block device (OpenStack kolla:queen)

I have an OpenStack VM that is getting really poor performance on its root disk - less than 50MB/s writes. My setup is 10 GbE, OpenStack deployed using kolla, the Queen release, with storage on Ceph. I'm trying to follow the path through the infrastructure to identify where the performance bottleneck is, but getting lost along the way:
nova show lets me see which hypervisor (an Ubuntu 16.04 machine) the VM is running on but once I'm on the hypervisor I don't know what to look at. Where else can I look?
Thank you!
My advice is to check the performance first between host (hypervisor) and ceph , if you are able to create a ceph block device, then you will able to map it with rbd command , create filesystem, and mount it - then you can measure the device io perf with : sysstat , iostas, iotop, dstat, vmastat or even with sar

How to provide support for Persistent Volume provisioner within an kubernetes cluster?

Ok so this might be a basic question, but i'm new to kubernetes and tried to install wordpress using helm unto it, using the stable/wordpress chart, but i keep getting an error "pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 2 times)" is this because of the requirement in here "PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure" how do i enable this in my infrastructure, i have setup my cluster across three nodes on digitalocean, i've tried searching for tutorials on this, with no luck until now. Please let me know what i'm missing, thanks.
PersistentVolume types are implemented as plugins. Kubernetes currently supports the following plugins:
FC (Fibre Channel)
RBD (Ceph Block Device)
Cinder (OpenStack block storage)
Quobyte Volumes
HostPath (Single node testing only – local storage is not supported in any way and WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster)
Portworx Volumes
ScaleIO Volumes
You can enable support for PVs or Dynamic PVs using thoese plugins.
detail reference
On Digital Ocean you can use block storage for volumes.
Kubernetes can be set-up for Dynamic Volume Provisioning. This would allow the Chart to run to completion using the default configuration as the PVs would be provisioned on-demand.

Migrate from legacy network in GCE

Long story short - I need to use networking between projects to have separate billing for them.
I'd like to reach all the VMs in different projects from a single point that I will use for provisioning systems (let's call it coordinator node).
It looks like VPC network peering is a perfect solution to this. But unfortunately one of the existing networks is "legacy". Here's what google docs state about legacy networks.
About legacy networks
Note: Legacy networks are not recommended. Many newer GCP features are not supported in legacy networks.
OK, naturally the question arises: how do you migrate out of legacy network? Documentation does not address this topic. Is it not possible?
I have a bunch of VMs, and I'd be able to shutdown them one by one:
change something
unfortunately it does not seem possible to change network even when VM is down?
it has been suggested to recreate VMs keeping the same disks. I would still need a way to bridge legacy network with new VPC network to make migration fluent. Any thoughts on how to do that using GCE toolset?
One possible solution - for each VM in the legacy network:
Get VM parameters (API get method)
Delete VM without deleting PD (persistent disk)
Create VM in the new VPC network using parameters from step 1 (and existing persistent disk)
This way stop-change-start is not so different from delete-recreate-with-changes. It's possible to write a script to fully automate this (migration of a whole network). I wouldn't be surprised if someone already did that.
UDPATE tool automates the above process, plus it supports migration of a whole Instance Group or Load Balancer, etc. Check it out.

Using snow (and snowfall) with AWS for parallel processing in R

In relation to my earlier similar SO question , I tried using snow/snowfall on AWS for parallel computing.
What I did was:
In the sfInit() function, I provided the public DNS to socketHosts parameter like so
sfInit(parallel=TRUE,socketHosts =list(""))
The error returned was Permission denied (publickey)
I then followed the instructions (I presume correctly!) on in the 'Passwordless Secure Shell (SSH) login' section
I just cat the contents of the .pem file that I created on AWS into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the AWS instance I want to connect to from my master AWS instance and for the master AWS instance as well
Is there anything I am missing out ?
I would be very grateful if users can share their experiences in the use of snow on AWS.
Thank you very much for your suggestions.
I just wanted to update the solution I found to my specific problem:
I used StarCluster to setup my AWS cluster : StarCluster
Installed package snowfall on all the nodes of the cluster
From the master node issued the following commands
hostslist <- list("","")
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=2, type="SOCK",socketHosts=hostslist)
l <- sfLapply(1:2,function(x)system("ifconfig",intern=T))
The ip information confirmed that the AWS nodes were being utilized
Looks not that bad but the pem file is wrong. But it is sometimes not that simple and many people have to fight with this issues. A lot of tips you can find in this post:
Or check google for other posts.
From my experience most people have problems in these steps:
Can you log onto the machines via ssh? (ssh Try to use the public DNS, not the public IP to connect.
You should check your "Security groups" in AWS if the 22 port is open for all machines!
If you plan to start more than 10 worker machines you should work on a MPI installation on your machines (much better performance!)
Markus from :-)
I believe #Anatoliy is correct: you're using an X.509 certificate. For the precise steps to take to add the SSH keys, look at the "Types of credentials" section of the EC2 Starters Guide.
To upload your own SSH keys, take a look at this page from Alestic.
It is a little confusing at first, but you'll want to keep clear which are your access keys, your certificates, and your key pairs, which may appear in text files with DSA or RSA.
