What is "dlta" and "ridlist" parameters used in Requests library (Python) - python-requests

Guys I am working on getting data as tables from QuickBase using Requests library (Python). I found somebody doing it using the URL of the report, but he added two parameters to the URL like that:
Can anybody please tell me what are those two parameters, I searched for them in the internet but found nothing related to them.

I've been using Quickbase for over ten years and haven't seen documentation for either of these parameters. I have noticed that ridList seems to be used by Quickbase's grid edit view of reports (I suspect it's an ID for a server-side cached list of record IDs to display especially when using the type-ahead search of a report before choosing to grid edit) and dlta is used in the "Download report as CSV" button.
That example you're following may have simply copy and pasted a link generated by Quickbase as a hack to get a CSV instead of XML response. I recommend following the Quickbase HTTP API Reference instead. If you don't want an XML response, Quickbase also has a JSON RESTful API which may be easier to work with.


aikau - implement export search results functionality

I have recently started developing with aikau in alfresco share.
I want to achieve a functionality wherein I can export search results to a CSV file.
For that, I can change the back-end repository web script to return csv data.
Now, At alfresco share end - I was successfully able to show the export link by adding a new widget to FCTSRCH_TOP_MENU_BAR. I used alfresco/renderers/PropertyLink to display this link. Now, the missing part for me is - how can I invoke the search web script passing additional param format=csv and alongwith that pass all the query parameters used to retrieve the results.
I am stuck with that. If I use the publishTopic as ALF_CRUD_GET_ALL and provide the URL there then it invokes the sample web script (I created to return sample csv response) and returns the response. However, the csv doesn't come as downloadable response. I am stuck here in order to how to achieve export csv functionality for search results.
It would be great if any of you can help me here and provide your guidance/suggestions.
This blog post provides an example on how you can custom the search page in Share. Although it specifically addresses changing the search queries the basic extension approach is more or less that same in that you will want to change the data that is used to send an XHR request. I think that the major difference here is that you may need to do more in-depth updates to the service - in particular with regards to the switch statement that is used to build the advanced search query object.
If you have extended or replaced the default search REST API then I would expect that you will need to call the same URL, but if you have provided an entirely new REST API to return the CSV data then you'll also need to change the URL that is used by the service.
In terms of providing a link for downloading the content we have previously implemented something in the DragAndDropModelCreationService (see the generateDownload function) but this only works with Chrome due to security limitations and the generation of files to download.
Your best bet may be temporarily store the CSV content on the repository in a hidden location and then use the standard download links to allow it to be downloaded - this would be more complex but would provide better cross browser support. Something similar is done for the "Download as ZIP" action.
OK, with the extra information provided I would do the following...
The information on the process of adding widgets to the search page are quite well detailed here (although you're not adding a view, you can follow the approach to add a new PropertyLink after the widget with the id "FCTSRCH_RESULTS_COUNT_LABEL").
The approach I would take would be to include an additional custom service on the page that subscribes to the "ALF_RETRIEVE_DOCUMENTS_REQUEST_SUCCESS" topic (which is published on a completed search). It should save the the search response in a variable in preparation for users clicking on the PropertyLink.
This custom service should also subscribe to a topic that is published by the PropertyLink (called say "DOWNLOAD_CSV"). This custom service could then generate a file download using the approach described in my previous answer using the CSV data that will have been provided in the payload. As I said though, this may only work with some browsers due to security reasons.
If your custom search WebScript were able to store the CSV data as a node on the Repository then you could just provide a the NodeRef of the CSV data in the search response and the PropertyLink could just publish the "ALF_DOWNLOAD" topic for the DocumentService to handle the download.
Trying to generate a file to download on the client side is going to be an issue for most browsers I think.

Web scraping Oracle (ATG) Commerce

I am new to web scraping, and I use the following tool and method to scrap:
I use R (with packages Curl, XML, etc) to read the web pages (with a url link), and htmlTreeParse function to parse the html page.
Then in order to know get the data I want, I first use the developer tool i Chrome to insepct the code.
When I know in which node the data are, I use xpathApply to get them.
Usually, it works well. But I had an issue with this site: http://www.sephora.fr/Parfum/Parfum-Femme/C309/2
When you click on the link, you will load the page, and in fact it is the page 1 (of the products).
You have to load the url again (by entering a second time the url), in order to get the page 2.
When I use the usual process to read the data. The htmlTreeParse function always gives me the page1.
I tried to understand more this web site:
It seems that it is built with Oracle commerce (ATG commerce).
The "real" url is hidden, and when you click on the filter (for instance, you select a brand), you will get url with requestid: http://www.sephora.fr/Parfum/Parfum-Femme/C309?_requestid=285099
This doesn't help to know which selection I made.
Could you please help:
How can I access to more products ?
Thank you
I found the solution: selenium ! I think that it is the ultimate tool for web scraping. I posted several questions concerning web scraping, now with rselenium, almost everything is possible.

Web API Help Samples - C#

ASP.NET Web API has an easy install Nuget help page with sample generator. It's easy to get it to generate and display sample requests, but not so easy it seems to get it to display sample responses (httpsampleresponses) so that when developers look at the help page they'd see examples of generated responses / not static/typed in responses, but actually generated. I've seen it done before on another project, but still having trouble figuring out how to do it. MSDN's YAO has a good blog but it's just not getting me all the way to success for some reason.
From what I've seen work live and based on what there is to read about it online, it's definitely in getting the HelpPageConfig file right in terms of the config.SetSampleResponses() set up. I've discovered the configuration file that sets the parameters for the SetSampleResponses() method, but still, nothing I try is working. It was suggested to me that I should create a custom type and use extension methods, but getting that to correspond and display what I need hasn't happened yet. I can get it to compile without errors, but it still doesn't show the generated response sample on the page. It was easy with the SetSampleForType piece to get a section to show up in the requests section, but it's the response part that has given me trouble.
Has anyone out there done this with the SetSampleResponses() successfully and is there any kind of trick you can clearly define for getting it to work? Do you have any tips on setting up a specific generic type and making that work?
I'm thinking this must be something really simple and I'm just not clicking to make it happen....
Thanks for any potential info...
SetSampleResponse extension on HelpPageConfig is for statically defining samples for you action.
config.SetSampleResponse("\"Hello World!\"", new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"), "Values", "Get", "id");
if you are looking for generated sample for a particular type, have you tried using SetSampleObjects extension which allows you to set sample objects for different types and this same object is used in all cases where that particular type is returned from an action.
config.SetSampleObjects(new Dictionary<Type, object>
{typeof(string), "Hello World!"}
Could you share more specific(code) details as to how you are using SetSampleResponse extension?

SSRS 2008: How to do multiple values report?

Right now I have an application which uses Reporting Services to render reports.
This is working nicely, I call each report with a given value (e.g. a ClientId), and the report gets rendered correctly.
However, what I'd like to do now is being able to send multiple ClientIDs to the report, and would like to get 1 pdf file with count(ClientsIDs) pages, each containing the report, according to the ClienID.
How is that possible? I don't really know how to name what I want to do, so I don't really find answers on the net right now. Maybe someone has a tutorial for me?
Thanks in advance !
I believe what you're looking for are multi-value parameters. You could create a new "main" report that contains a multi-value param to accept your client IDs. Then use a subreport as Martin already mentioned to generate your current report for each client ID.
Here's the MS page on multi-value params: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa337292.aspx
And I wrote an article about using them with a stored proc: http://blog.hoegaerden.be/2009/11/21/reporting-on-data-from-stored-procedures-part-2/
Even though in your case you may not be using SPs, it should help you to understand how these params work.

Style Google dictionary API results

I have no idea what I am doing, but I keep trying. I have been trying to find a way to add a dictionary search box to my school website for my 3rd grade (7-8 year olds). Most of the dictionary sites are too complex and riddled with inappropriate advertisements. I found out about google/dictionary.com the other day and have been trying to figure out how to create a custom search with it.
I asked for help here before and was able to get a script that passed a word to the dictionary and displayed the results in an Iframe. Which works ok but it is a full page and I can't change the size of the page in the Iframe.
I came across this
Where "school" is the word that is looked up.
However I can't figure out how to style the results, any ideas?
I suggest you dont use this url(API) as it is against google policy. It violates the contract google has with its providers, google asked a developer who made a dictionary extension for chrome to stop using the api.
The result is coming back in JSON. You'll probably want something that can parse JSON, and then you can output the result in whatever form you like, based on the data from the result.
You need to be a little conversant with javascript since the results are sent back as a javascript object ie the result is sent back as json text which you need to parse to retrieve the contents. To parse the contents you can use the javascript eval() function.
