Openstack ussuri Openrc file content - openstack

I would like to create an openrc file for all my horizon users (admin, normal user, ...) so that i can scope in cmd and execute openstack commands that interact directly with Horizon Dashboard. The issue is that i'm not sure about the right content of openrc file for example ( which contains in my case:
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=openstack
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_AUTH_URL= (example of controller IP)
My issue is that i don't understand which URL should be used in the release Ussuri of openstack in the line :
export OS_AUTH_URL= (example of controller IP)
I'm supposing that the remain 7 lines are correct.
If anyone can help me to understand, it will be very helpful for me.
Thanks a lot.

The auth_url is your keystone endpoint since keystone is the authentication service. You can verify by running openstack endpoint list | grep keystone. Just one note: the port 35357 is deprecated, usually all endpoints use port 5000.
You can also download a current openrc file via horizon dashboard and compare. But the basic structure is the same. Can you clarify why you compare Newton vs. Ussuri? Are these two different environments or did you upgrade N to U? I thought this was a new installation.


Why can't Openstack find clouds.yaml (or is unable to access it)?

Openstacks configuration page says (highlights and numbering by me):
OpenStackClient looks for a file called clouds.yaml in the following locations: I) current directory II) ~/.config/openstack III) /etc/openstack
but when I place an openstack clouds.yaml at I-III), it doesn't read any data from it. openstack configuration show at least is not showing the additional information and calls that would require said information fail due to that information not being available to openstack.
I used the command: openstack configuration show
openstack configuration show won't show any information from your clouds.yaml unless you either specify --os-cloud <name> on the command line or set the OS_CLOUD environment variable (because otherwise how does it know which cloud configuration to use?).

VPC creation problem in aws via terraform

I have been trying to create vpc infrastructure in AWS through terraform I am unable to perform the "Terraform apply" command anyone has a similar problem while using a free trial account.
Error: Error creating VPC: UnauthorizedOperation: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message: 4HZVo3-eWCS-YLhRy55P_0T13F_fPtA29TYrJrSe5_dyPxIcqRbh7_wCcrCZr2cpmb-B5--_fxVaOngBfHD_7yfnPH7NLf1rrqpb7ge1mvQrK8P0Ltfpgpm37nZXezZUoYf1t4peB25aCxnbfeboHpgJjcFnHvqvf5so5G2PufnGZSB4FUZMfdaqppnJ-sNT7b36TonHUDNbLhBVUl5Fwd8d02R-6ZraRYvDx-o4lDfP9xSWs6PMUFXNr1qzruYaeMYMxIe-9kGOQptgBLYZXsxr966ajor-p6aLJAKlIwPGN7Iz7v893oGpGgz_8wxTv4oEb5GnfYOuPOqSyEMLKI69b2JUvVU1m4tCcjKBaHJARP5sIiFSGhh4lb_E0_cKkmmFfKzyET2h8YkSD8U9Lm4rRtGbAEJvIoDZYDkNxlW7W2XvsccmLnQFeSxpLolVhguExkP7DT9uXffJzFEjQn-VkhqKnWlwv0vxIcOcoLP04Li5WAqRRr3l7yK2bYznfg
│ status code: 403, request id: 5c297a4d-7bcf-4bb4-b311-37480e1f26b8
make sure you have properly setup aws credentials and permissions.
check these two files
this docs can help you.
Did you configure your access keys?
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
access_key = "my-access-key"
secret_key = "my-secret-key"
There are multiple ways to do it (described here).
My above example can be a good start but you don't want to commit those so I recommend to configure the keys in ~/.aws/credentials (like you need them for AWS CLI). The aws provider will pick them up automatically and so you don't need to define them somewhere in your terraform code.

Using R and paws: How to set credentials using profile in config file?

I use SSO and a profile as defined in ~/.aws/config (MacOS) to access AWS services, for instance:
aws s3 ls --profile myprofilename
I would like to access AWS services from within R, using the paws() package. In order to do this, I need to set my credentials in the R code. I want to do this through accessing the profile in the ~/.aws/config file (as opposed to listing access keys in the code), but I haven't been able to figure out how to do this.
I looked at the extensive documentation here, but it doesn't seem to cover my use case.
The best I've been able to come up with is:
x = s3(config = list(credentials = list(profile = "myprofilename")))
... which throws an error: "Error in f(): No credentials provided", suggesting that the first line of code above does not connect to my profile as stored in ~/.aws/config.
An alternative is to generate a user/key with programmatic access to your S3 data. Then, assuming that ~/.aws/env contains the values of the generated key:
insert the following line at the beginning of your file:
This AWS blog provides details about how to get the temporary credentials for programatic access. If you can get the credentials and set the appropriate environment variables, then the code should work fine without the profile name.
Or You can also try the following if you can get temporary credentials using aws cli
Check if you can generate temporary credentials
aws sts assume-role --role-arn <value> --role-session-name <some-meaningful-session-name> --profile myprofilename
If you can execute the above successfully, then you can use this method to automate the process of generating credentials before your code runs.
Put the above command in a bash script and generate a JSON containing the temporary credentials as per the documentation.
Add a new profile programmatic-access in the ~/.aws/config
[profile programmatic-access]
credential_process = "/path/to/"
Finally update the code to use the profile name as programmatic-access
If you have AWS cli credentials set up as a bash profile eg. ~/.aws/config:
[profile myprof]
.. and credentials eg. ~/.aws/credentials:
aws_access_key_id = XXX
aws_secret_access_key = xxx
.. paws will use these if you add a line to ~/.Renviron:

Openstack CLI does not honour project scope

Is it possible to scope Openstack CLI output for listing networks only for a single project. I have tried multiple options like --os-project-id, --os-project-name etc but it seems to list down all networks across multiple projects/tenants.
Currently, the command I am using is:
openstack network list --os-username XXX --os-password YYY --os-project-id ZZZ
Note: The credentials that I am using here are of an 'admin' account
Parameters set in the environment are :
May be your networks are shared by all tenants. If you only have a few networks you can verify with neutron net-show Network-Name and review the shared attribute
BTW I use the env variable OS_PROJECT_NAME to switch between projects
Without any explicit filter specified in the parameters, Neutron's network API returns all networks that the user accessing the API has privileges to list. The recommended way to scope down the list of networks to a specific project is to explicitly specify that filter.
Via CLI, you can scope the list to a specific project "demo" using the following example:
openstack network list --project demo
You can see more filtering options via the help text:
openstack help network list
Issues were caused by an older version of Openstack CLI v3.7.0
Using Openstack CLI version v3.13.0, I was able to solve my requirement. By default, with the domain admin account, the CLI still dumped the entire network list but with the --long flag, the 'project' field this time was populated and I could filter out the results for the specific project.
This was not the case with the previous CLI versions. Usage of '--long' flag had all the values of 'Project' as none.

Instance creation in Openstack Nova - Logfile

I need to keep track of Instance creation in openstack Nova.
That is I need to perform some special operations on creation of new instance in openstack.
So that I need to know where all the details are getting stored (In Log file).
Please some one guide me regarding the Log file for tracking instance creation or some other way to track the same.
As I am aware you have to look in the following services' log files
nova-scheduler (oftenly installed on controller node). This will show which 'server' will host the newly created Virtual Machine.
The logs of nova-compute service running on the host that the Virtual Machine was instantiated.
You can additionally check the logs of qemu and libvirt (again on the host that the Virtual Machine was instantiated)
Have in mind that the info you will find there, depends on the 'logging level' you have set in each service configuration files. For more information about how you can configure the OpenStack Components logging refer to the official documentation "Logging and Monitoring".
