I want to define some functions as described in the official doc but with some documentation.
Minimal reproducible example :
julia> cases = ( :A => 1, :B => 2 )
(:A => 1, :B => 2)
julia> for (name,value) in cases
func_name = Symbol("foo_"*string(name))
$func_name() = $value
julia> foo_A()
julia> foo_B()
My problem is that I want to also define some associated doc :
help?> foo_A
search: foo_A foo_B unsafe_pointer_to_objref
No documentation found.
foo_A is a Function.
# 1 method for generic function "foo_A":
[1] foo_A() in Main at REPL[2]:4
I can do :
for (name,value) in cases
func_name = Symbol("foo_"*string(name))
" The function doc is here "
$func_name() = $value
in that case :
help?> foo_A()
The function doc is here
But what I really need is some kind of substitution :
julia> for (name,value) in cases
func_name = Symbol("foo_"*string(name))
" The function $name returns $value"
$func_name() = $value
ERROR: UndefVarError: name not defined
Is it possible ?
Use the #doc macro:
for (name,value) in cases
func_name = Symbol("foo_"*string(name))
docstr = " The function $name returns $value"
#doc $docstr $func_name() = $value
Now yo can do as expected:
julia> foo_A(), foo_B()
(1, 2)
help?> foo_A
search: foo_A foo_B unsafe_pointer_to_objref
The function A returns 1
help?> foo_B
search: foo_B unsafe_pointer_to_objref foo_A
The function B returns 2
I want to filter a dictionary using filter() function but I am having trouble with it. What I wish to accomplish is, to return the key for some condition of the value. However I am getting a method error
using Agents: AbstractAgent
# Define types
mutable struct Casualty <: AbstractAgent
function Casualty(id,ts; rescued = false)
mutable struct Rescuer <: AbstractAgent
function Rescuer(id; action = rand(1:3) , dist = rand(1)[1])
cas1 = Casualty(1,2)
cas2 = Casualty(2,3)
resc1 = Rescuer(3)
agents = Dict(1=> cas1, 2 => cas2, 3 => resc1)
Now to filter
filter((k,v) -> v isa Casualty, agents)
# ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::var"#22#23")(::Pair{Int64, AbstractAgent})
# what I truly wish to achieve is return the key for some condition of the value
filter((k,v) -> k ? v isa Casualty : "pass", agents)
# ofcourse I am not sure how to "pass" using this format
Any idea how I can achieve this. Thanks
For dictionaries filter gets a key-value pair, so do either (destructuring Pair):
julia> dict = Dict(1=>"a", 2=>"b", 3=>"c")
Dict{Int64, String} with 3 entries:
2 => "b"
3 => "c"
1 => "a"
julia> filter(((k,v),) -> k == 1 || v == "c", dict)
Dict{Int64, String} with 2 entries:
3 => "c"
1 => "a"
or for example (getting Pair as a whole):
julia> filter(p -> first(p) == 1 || last(p) == "c", dict)
Dict{Int64, String} with 2 entries:
3 => "c"
1 => "a"
julia> filter(p -> p[1] == 1 || p[2] == "c", dict)
Dict{Int64, String} with 2 entries:
3 => "c"
1 => "a"
Explanation why additional parentheses are needed:
julia> f = (x, y) -> (x, y)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> g = ((x, y),) -> (x, y)
#3 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> methods(f)
# 1 method for anonymous function "#1":
[1] (::var"#1#2")(x, y) in Main at REPL[1]:1
julia> methods(g)
# 1 method for anonymous function "#3":
[1] (::var"#3#4")(::Any) in Main at REPL[2]:1
julia> f(1, 2)
(1, 2)
julia> f((1, 2))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::var"#1#2")(::Tuple{Int64, Int64})
Closest candidates are:
(::var"#1#2")(::Any, ::Any) at REPL[1]:1
julia> g(1, 2)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::var"#3#4")(::Int64, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
(::var"#3#4")(::Any) at REPL[2]:1
julia> g((1, 2))
(1, 2)
As you can see f takes 2 positional argument, while g takes one positional argument that gets destructured (i.e. the assumption is that argument passed to g is iterable and has at least 2 elements).
See also https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/functions/#Argument-destructuring.
Now comes the tricky part:
julia> h1((x, y)) = (x, y)
h1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> methods(h1)
# 1 method for generic function "h1":
[1] h1(::Any) in Main at REPL[1]:1
julia> h2 = ((x, y)) -> (x, y)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> methods(h2)
# 1 method for anonymous function "#1":
[1] (::var"#1#2")(x, y) in Main at REPL[3]:1
In this example h1 is a named function. In this case it is enough to just wrap arguments in extra parentheses to get destructuring behavior. For anonymous functions, because of how Julia parser works an extra , is needed - if you omit it the extra parentheses are ignored.
Now let us check filter docstring:
filter(f, d::AbstractDict)
Return a copy of d, removing elements for which f is false.
The function f is passed key=>value pairs.
As you can see from this docstring f is passed a single argument that is Pair. That is why you need to use either destructuring or define a single argument function and extract its elements inside the function.
The right syntax is:
filter(((k,v),) -> v isa Casualty, agents)
which prints
julia> filter(((k,v),) -> v isa Casualty, agents)
Dict{Int64, AbstractAgent} with 2 entries:
2 => Casualty(2, 3, false)
1 => Casualty(1, 2, false)
About the problem of only getting involved keys... I have no idea beside:
julia> filter(((k,v),) -> v isa Casualty, agents) |> keys
which prints
julia> filter(((k,v),) -> v isa Casualty, agents) |> keys
KeySet for a Dict{Int64, AbstractAgent} with 2 entries. Keys:
I have issue after calling my macro:
#introspectable square(x) = x * x
Then when calling
i should be able to get 9, cause the function call has been specialized to execute an attribute of the structure which is Julia code, however when I enter the macro, the code seems to be directly evaluated.
What i have tried:
struct IntrospectableFunction
(f::IntrospectableFunction)(x) = f.native_function(x)
macro introspectable(expr)
name = expr.args[1].args[1]
parameters = tuple(expr.args[1].args[2:end]...)
body = expr.args[2].args[2]
:( global $name = IntrospectableFunction( :( name ), $parameters, :( body ) ))
#introspectable square(x) = x * x
The answer should be 9 , however i get "Object of type symbol are not callable ". However if i replace :( body ) with x -> x * x i get the desired result, my objective is generalizing the macro-call.
I usually find it easier to work with expressions in macros (it is not the shortest way to write things, but, from my experience, it is much easier to control what gets generated).
Therefore I would rewrite your code as:
macro introspectable(expr)
name = expr.args[1].args[1]
parameters = expr.args[1].args[2:end]
anon = Expr(Symbol("->"), Expr(:tuple, parameters...), expr.args[2].args[2])
constr = Expr(:call, :IntrospectableFunction, QuoteNode(name), Tuple(parameters), anon)
esc(Expr(:global, Expr(Symbol("="), name, constr)))
Now, as you said you wanted generality I would define your functor like this:
(f::IntrospectableFunction)(x...) = f.native_function(x...)
(in this way you allow multiple positional arguments to be passed).
Now let us test our definitions:
julia> #introspectable square(x) = x * x
IntrospectableFunction(:square, (:x,), getfield(Main, Symbol("##3#4"))())
julia> square(3)
julia> #macroexpand #introspectable square(x) = x * x
:(global square = IntrospectableFunction(:square, (:x,), ((x,)->x * x)))
julia> #introspectable toarray(x,y) = [x,y]
IntrospectableFunction(:toarray, (:x, :y), getfield(Main, Symbol("##5#6"))())
julia> toarray("a", 10)
2-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> #macroexpand #introspectable toarray(x,y) = [x,y]
:(global toarray = IntrospectableFunction(:toarray, (:x, :y), ((x, y)->[x, y])))
julia> function localscopetest()
#introspectable globalfun(x...) = x
localscopetest (generic function with 1 method)
julia> localscopetest()
IntrospectableFunction(:globalfun, (:(x...),), getfield(Main, Symbol("##9#10"))())
julia> globalfun(1,2,3,4,5)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
julia> function f()
v = 100
#introspectable localbinding(x) = (v, x)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f()
IntrospectableFunction(:localbinding, (:x,), getfield(Main, Symbol("##11#12")){Int64}(100))
julia> localbinding("x")
(100, "x")
(note that it is useful to use #macroexpand to make sure our macro works as expected)
EDIT - how to handle a minimal multiple dispatch
I am writing a non-macro example because it is related to the data structure:
Use e.g. such a definition:
struct IntrospectableFunction
method_array::Vector{Pair{Type{<:Tuple}, Function}}
function (f::IntrospectableFunction)(x...)
for m in f.method_array
if typeof(x) <: first(m)
return last(m)(x...)
error("signature not found")
and now you can write:
julia> square = IntrospectableFunction(:square, [Tuple{Any}=>x->x*x,Tuple{Any,Any}=>(x,y)->x*y])
IntrospectableFunction(:square, Pair{DataType,Function}[Tuple{Any}=>##9#11(), Tuple{Any,Any}=>##10#12()])
julia> square(3)
julia> square(2,3)
Keep in mind that the approach I present is not perfect and universal - it just serves to give a very simple example how you could do it.
I want to unpack parameters that are stored in a dictionary. They should be available inside the local scope of a function afterwards. The name should be the same as the key which is a symbol.
macro unpack_dict()
code = :()
for (k,v) in dict
ex = :($k = $v)
code = quote
return esc(code)
function assign_parameters(dict::Dict{Symbol, T}) where T<:Any
return a + b - c
dict = Dict(:a => 1,
:b => 5,
:c => 6)
However, this code throws:
LoadError: UndefVarError: dict not defined
If I define the dictionary before the macro it works because the dictionary is defined.
Does someone has an idea how to solve this? Using eval() works but is evaluated in the global scope what I want to avoid.
If you want to unpack them then the best method is to simply unpack them directly:
function actual_fun(d)
a = d[:a]
b = d[:b]
c = d[:c]
This will be type stable, relatively fast and readable.
You could, for instance, do something like this (I present you two options to avoid direct assignment to a, b, and c variables):
called_fun(d) = helper(;d...)
helper(;kw...) = actual_fun(;values(kw)...)
actual_fun(;a,b,c, kw...) = a+b+c
function called_fun2(d::Dict{T,S}) where {T,S}
actual_fun(;NamedTuple{Tuple(keys(d)), NTuple{length(d), S}}(values(d))...)
and now you can write something like:
julia> d = Dict(:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3, :d=>4)
Dict{Symbol,Int64} with 4 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 2
:d => 4
:c => 3
julia> called_fun(d)
julia> called_fun2(d)
But I would not recommend it - it is not type stable and not very readable.
AFACT other possibilities will have similar shortcomings as during compile time Julia knows only types of variables not their values.
EDIT: You can do something like this:
function unpack_dict(dict)
ex = :()
for (k,v) in dict
ex = :($ex; $k = $v)
return :(myfun() = ($ex; a+b+c))
runner(d) = eval(unpack_dict(d))
and then run:
julia> d = Dict(:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3, :d=>4)
Dict{Symbol,Int64} with 4 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 2
:d => 4
:c => 3
julia> runner(d)
myfun (generic function with 1 method)
julia> myfun()
but again - I feel this is a bit messy.
In Julia 1.7, you can simply unpack named tuples into the local scope, and you can easily "spread" a dict into a named tuple.
julia> dict = Dict(:a => 1, :b => 5, :c => 6)
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 3 entries:
:a => 1
:b => 5
:c => 6
julia> (; a, b, c) = (; sort(dict)...)
(a = 1, b = 5, c = 6)
julia> a, b, c
(1, 5, 6)
(The dict keys are sorted so that the named tuple produced is type-stable; if the keys were produced in arbitrary order then this would result in a named tuple with fields in arbitrary order as well.)
I am a beginner in Julia,
how can I create functions with keywords for arguments without having to initialize these arguments in function?
A very simple example:
function f(;a = 1, b = 2)
I would like to do:
function f(;a, b)
Best regards.
This is a new feature in version 0.7 — you can actually write it just as you'd like.
Julia's syntax on versions 0.6 and prior require you to give them a default value, but since that default value is evaluated at call time, you can actually use an error function to require them:
julia> function f(;a=error("a not provided"), b=error("b not provided"))
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f()
ERROR: a not provided
[1] f() at ./REPL[1]:2
julia> f(a=2)
ERROR: b not provided
[1] (::#kw##f)(::Array{Any,1}, ::#f) at ./<missing>:0
julia> f(a=2, b=3)
This is comming in Julia 0.7 line:
Keyword arguments can be required: if a default value is omitted, then an exception is thrown if the caller does not assign the keyword a value (#25830).
function f(;a, b)
Will become syntax sugar for:
function f(;a = throw(UndefKeywordError(:a)), b = throw(UndefKeywordError(:b)))
Another workaround is to create a function with variadic keyword arguments and leave any requirements over the expected keyword inputs as assertions inside the code. E.g.
function f( ; kwargs... )
V = Dict( kwargs )
try; assert( haskey( V, :a ) ); assert( haskey( V, :b ) )
catch e; throw( AssertionError("KWargs need to be a and b") )
V[:a] + V[:b]
f(a=1, b=2) #> 3
f(a=1, c=2) #> ERROR: AssertionError: KWargs need to be a and b
Or even as simple as:
function f( ; kwargs... )
V = Dict( kwargs )
a = V[:a]
b = V[:b]
a + b
f(a=1, c=2) #> ERROR: KeyError: key :b not found
Disclaimer: I'm not recommending this, I'm just saying it's another workaround to consider depending on what functionality you have in mind.
How can I get the keyword arguments and their default values of a function in a dict in Julia?
function foo(x; a = 1, b = 2, c= 3)
# How do I get a dict of keyword arguments: Dict(a=>1, b=>2,c=3) ??,
# so I can pass this Dict easily to another generic function taking v
# variable keyword arguments for further processing
You can use the splat ... operator:
function foo(x; kwargs...)
or if you just want to pass it:
function foo(x; kwargs...)
innerfunction(x; kwargs...)
Just create a Dict like so:
function foo(x; a = 1, b = 2, c= 3)
Dict(:a => a, :b => b, :c => c)