How can I translate date placeholders using moment.js - momentjs

When polish language is used for HTML5 date input one can see the following placeholder is given which is translated from How Can I access the translated placeholder from moment?


Change date format from default

I have one problem. In code I have set the format for display the date time as below image:
But the result still show as below format:
How can I change the format for this problem.
You can't do it using pure HTML, You can use combination of jQuery and Masked input plugin like
try to use the
String.Format method
something like this:
Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format(yourDate.ToLongDateString(), "dd/MM/yy"))
You can't change this format
It gets the format from the OS. The input format will be varying depending on the international settings of the OS. It could also depend on the browser and the OS of the client computer too.
According to this question
We have to differentiate between the over the wire format and the
browser's presentation format.
Wire format The HTML5 date input specification 1 refers to the
RFC3339 specification [2], which specifies a full-date format equal
to: yyyy-mm-dd. See section 5.6 of the RFC3339 specification for more
Presentation format Browsers are unrestricted in how they present a
date input. At the time of writing Chrome has the most extensive date
support [3]. It displays a date picker using the user's local calendar
format. Opera (v10.6+) also displays a date picker, but shows the date
in the wire format. Other browsers, such as Firefox 24 and Internet
Explorer 9/10 display a text input field with the wire format.

Mandrill Templates With Handlebars - How To Format Date

Mandrill has a great feature that allows one to use Handlebars in templates to customize email content. See docs here.
One of the helpers that Madnrill supports is date that can be used like {{#date}}. The default date format is d/m/Y. My question is how can I specify a different date format (e.g. yyyy)?
I need to display something like 2015 Name. I tried:
{{#date yyyy}} Name - displays 05/31/15 (default format and seems to erase any HTML after it).
{{#date 'yyyy'}} Name - displays {{#date 'yyyy'}} Name (can't be parsed).
{{#date yyyy}}{{/date}} Name - displays 05/31/15 Name (default format).
{{#date 'yyyy'}}{{/date}} Name - displays {{#date 'yyyy'}}{{/date}} Name (can't be parsed).
Appreciate you help ;)
The issue was 2-fold:
You should use {{date}} instead of {{#date}}
You should use double quotes for formatting
The correct syntax would be {{date "Y"}}.
Mandrill also updated their docs that now provide more details on handlebars syntax.
I would assume this may follow the original Merge Tag formatting. Have you tried this?
Use |DATE:FORMAT| to show the current date in a given format. For example, |DATE:d/m/y| where d is replaced by the day, m by the month, and y by the year. View a full reference of date options on the PHP website. This format isn't available for automation workflows.

Visual FoxPro 9.0 report show unicode

I am using Visual Foxpro 9, I want to print Unicode chars in report (frx).
There are some ways to extend report listener to show unicode. I need the code to extend/show reportListner to show unicode.
I've never had to work with Unicode within VFP either, or spent any time working with Reports, but the Help for the Render method of the ReportListener does mention Unicode:
Indicates the text to be rendered for Expression (Field) and Label layout elements.
For Picture layout elements sourced from a file, cContentsToBeRendered contains the filename.
When specifying a filename for an image, ReportListener provides cContentsToBeRendered
as a DBCS string, which is the standard format for strings in Visual FoxPro.
However, when indicating text to be rendered, ReportListener provides
cContentsToBeRendered as a Unicode string, appropriately translated to the correct
locale using any regional script information associated with this layout control in
its report definition file (frx) record.
If your derived class sends the text value through some additional processing, such as
storage in a table, you can use the STRCONV() function, and its optional regional
script parameter, to convert the string to DBCS first. For more information, see
STRCONV( ) Function.
Although I could be incorrect, but I believe VFP does NOT support UniCode and only works with the base ASCII character set. But then again, I've never needed to use Unicode either and have used FoxPro since the beginning of its lifetime.
I would imagine Rick Strahl's article Using Unicode in Visual FoxPro
Web and Desktop Applications would be fairly definitive on the topic.

How can I make input fields accept locale dependent number formatting?

I'm working on a Spring MVC Project and ran into a problem with the internationalization in forms, especially the number formatting.
I already use fmt:formatNumber to format the numbers according to the current selected locale.
<fmt:formatNumber value="${object[field]}"/>
Like this, number formatting works well when I display numbers. But how about the forms?
At the moment, the input fields that are supposed to receive float values are prefilled with 0.0 and expect me to use "." as decimal separator, no matter what locale is selected. Values containing "," are refused by the server (...can not convert String to required type float...).
How can I make my input fields use and accept the appropriate number format as well?
Did you have a look at #NumberFormat? If you annotate the property the input field is bound to, this should result in the proper formatting. Something like:
#NumberFormat(style = Style.NUMBER)
private BigDecimal something;
This style is the "general-purpose number format for the current locale". I guess, the current locale is determined threadwise from the LocaleContextHolder.
Your app needs to be annotation-driven, also see the section "Annotation-driven Formatting" in the docs.
You might want to take a look at the DecimalFormatSymbols as suggested in this answer.

ASP.NET AJAX toolkit MaskEditExtender Date autocomplete mask

I'm using the ajax toolkit maskeditextender to mask a textbox for date input. Problem is, though, I can't get it to validate against the date they enter properly. If I turn off autocomplete mask and they type 7 slash 6 slash 88 it will fill in "07/06/88" which, funny enough, is not a valid date. If I autocomplete the mask it should autocomplete to "07/06/1988" but it autocompletes to "07/06/0088" even though I set the century to 1900...
Any advice?
My Solution:
So, autocomplete is terrible. You'd probably have to write some JS to put a 19 in front of the YY because it just appends 00. So you get "07/06/0088"...
As the answerer suggested I turned autocomplete off but it would still not validate the date right. I was using a compare validator against the date datatype. But as it turns out it needs a very specific format:
and nothing else. So, I wrote a custom validator that padds zeros to the month and day and 19 to the year. Also, when I used the txt box's value I had to replicate the same fix to get it convert to datetime without throwing an exception.
I've seen this issue before and there are a few differnet fixes. Are you setting the MaskType to "Date" or "None"? If you're using Date, you may need to write some custom code to autocomplete with the correct digits. If you're using None, you should be able to force the four-digit year which will effectively eliminate the autocomplete issue. This is probably the route that I'd suggest you go becasue you can still restrict the input to digits and validate the input as a date, but you dont have to worry about it autocompleting the wrong century.
