How to limit multidays events in Fullcalendar to some times? - fullcalendar

I use FullCalendar 5, and I have some events which can long several days.
The default behavior of FullCalendar is to make events to go until midnight, then start at 0:01 the next day.
Is it possible to constraints the events to always start and end at a specific time ?
Here is a fiddle:
I defined my events like:
events: [
title: 'Meeting',
start: '2022-04-13T10:00:00',
end: '2022-04-15T15:00:00',
constraint: 'availableForMeeting', // defined below
color: '#257e4a'
// areas where "Meeting" must be dropped
groupId: 'availableForMeeting',
startTime: '10:00:00',
endTime: '16:00:00',
display: 'background'
I want my Meeting event to start and end every day at the constraint I set. For now, it doesn't take care of startTime and endTime.


In Firestore, how do you query a range of numbers for items that have a range of numbers

I'm trying to figure out in firestore what the best way is to query date data for a week. I have objects that span multiples days and i want to know what elements are a part of a particular time span. Right now my data hasa start and end date represented by their unix ms value. Some start before the query start date and some end After the query end date. How am I to properly query this or properly denormalize the data.
For example i want to retrieve all items that occur for this current month, Oct. Some elements might have a start date of Sept 30 - Oct 2 and some might be Oct 31 - Nov 2nd. How do i structure/query my data to include those edge cases?
active: true,
address: {
addressLine1: "5 May Way",
city: "Wilmington",
state: "Ny",
zip: "40778"
createdOn: 1570558984758,
day: 1570507200000,
event: {
startDate: 1570558945155,
endDate: 1570559945160,
utcOffset: -240
id: "6FXSCc8BFqww59PT0HyE",
name: "Test",
portalId: "iHvdmHxsQsQvoaQIO0r4",
statusId: 0,
From the top of my head, you may include a field for the months that event happen in (e.g. occurrence). This field would be an array and your query to find out if that event happened in a specific month you could use a where clause where that field would contain the month you are looking for. Something like where('occurrence', 'array-contains', 'October').
That is, you could add to your event field the array occurrence, it would look like this:
event: {
startDate: xxxxxxxxx,
endDate: xxxxxxxxx,
utcOffset: xxx,
ocurrence: [September, October]
This would handle both regular and edge cases.

Fullcalendar Year view (December not showed)

I need to create a view of all months in a year in fullcalendar.
I've found this nice example that work except DECEMBER not appear.
I don't understand what's wrong in the code:
views: {
timelineCustom: {
type: 'timeline',
buttonText: 'Year',
dateIncrement: { years: 1 },
slotDuration: { months: 1 },
visibleRange: function (currentDate) {
return {
start: currentDate.clone().startOf('year'),
end: currentDate.clone().endOf("year")
Well just asumed the currentDate counts with months starting from zero and visible range expects a value between 1-12 for months, currentDate.clone().endOf("year") would then display until november ( december is the 11th month when counting from zero).
If you cange it to
currentDate.clone().endOf("year") +1;
it displays december too.
The fullcalendar documentation says following about visibleRange:
The visibleRange object must have start/end properties that resolve to Moment values. The end moment is exclusive, just like all other places in the API.
So if you want the range to include the last day, you have to add one day.

Set height of event with no end

In my agendaDay view I some times need to display events that do not have an end time:
events: [
title: "Start day",
start: '2017-04-19T09:00:00'
title: "Do some work",
start: '2017-04-19T09:05:00',
end: '2017-04-19T17:00:00'
Such events get rendered as if they lasted two hours:
Is there a way to control that or an alternative feature I should be using?
Docs for v1 mention the exact property I need:
defaultEventMinutes 1.4
Determines the length (in minutes) an event appears to be when it has
an unspecified end date.
Integer, default: 120
By default, if an Event Object as no end, it will appear to be 2
... but the property is apparently not available on 3.3.1 :-?
In the v2 & 3 API it's been split in two properties, so you can set different values to all day events and timed ones:
Also, the new properties expect a string with a time ("00:45:00") rather than seconds (2700).

Design a custom year view with 12 month slots

Sample View:
I would like to create a custom year view to show the timeline in every month slots. I can use fullcalendar-scheduler with a custom view and define like this:
views: {
timelineCustom: {
type: 'timeline',
buttonText: 'Year View',
duration: {year:1},
slotDuration: {month:1}
However, there is no way to set up a fiscal year view with month start at April 1st and end at March 31st next year. And also, a timeline bar will cover a whole month slot even though an event only starts from the second half of that month.
Your first problem - starting the view in April and ending in March of the following year, can be solved using the new "visibleRange" option. This lets you supply start/end dates for the view, relative to the "currentDate" (i.e. the date fullCalendar curently regards as being selected). You also have to set the "dateIncrement" option, to ensure that Next/Previous increment the current date by 1 year.
N.B. This requires fullCalendar 3.3.0 and Scheduler 1.6.0, or later.
timelineCustom: {
type: 'timeline',
buttonText: 'Year View',
dateIncrement: { years: 1 },
slotDuration: { months: 1 },
visibleRange: function(currentDate) {
return {
start: currentDate.clone().startOf('year').add({ months: 3}),
end: currentDate.clone().endOf("year").add({ months: 4})
See and for more details
However, your issue where the timeline bar covers a whole month slot even though an event only starts in the second half of a month, is not really solvable in the way you want. The whole point of "slots" is to be the minimum time that an event can be displayed for in that particular view. If you want it to be more subtle than that, you would have to define shorter slots. The same thing happens in fullCalendar's default "Month" (non-timeline) view - all events cover a whole day even if they're timed, but you can see the times in the description. I see in your example you have already got the dates of those events displayed in the description, so it should be reasonably clear for your users.
I suggest your users click on the Month View to get a more detailed breakdown with the slot durations more accurately displayed. Either that or you have to compromise and set slotDuration to something smaller.

Make night mode on fullcalendar

I need a option for night mode in a fullcalendar(adamshaw) agenda week view, that is it show the night time only for example 8pm to 8am (from top 8pm to continue until 8am) is there any help regarding this?
Check out the businessHours on the fullcalendar docs. You can specify start and end times and optionally days of the week.
start: '10:00', // a start time (10am in this example)
end: '18:00', // an end time (6pm in this example)
dow: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
// days of week. an array of zero-based day of week integers (0=Sunday)
// (Monday-Thursday in this example)
Very easy:
minTime: "20:00",
maxTime: "32:00",
Use this in fullCalendar options when creating it.
