Counting the Position of the First 0 in Each Row - r

I have a dataset that looks like this:
col1 =, 10)
col2 =, 10)
col3 =, 10)
col4 =, 10)
col5 =, 10)
col_data = data.frame(col1, col2, col3, col4, col5)
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5
1 4 8 3 9 8
2 7 5 9 7 10
3 1 7 7 8 2
4 6 6 5 5 4
5 8 10 8 3 7
6 2 3 1 2 6
7 5 9 2 1 1
8 10 2 4 4 3
9 9 1 10 6 9
10 3 4 6 10 5
I would like to create new columns in this dataset that :
Find out the position (i.e. column number) for the first "9" in each row
Find out the position (i.e. column number) for the first "7" in each row
Find out the position (i.e. column number) for the first "1" in each row
Find out the position (i.e. column number) for the first "10" in each row
Find out the position (i.e. column number) for the first "4" in each row
I thought this might be easier to do if the data was a matrix, and then convert it back to a data frame:
col_d = as.matrix(col_data)
first_4 = apply(col_d == 9, 1, which.max)
first_7 = apply(col_d == 7, 1, which.max)
first_1 = apply(col_d == 1, 1, which.max)
first_10 = apply(col_d == 10, 1, which.max)
first_4 = apply(col_d == 4, 1, which.max)
final = cbind(col_data, first_4, first_7, first_1, first_10, first_4)
But this does not appear to be working:
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 first_4 first_7 first_1 first_10 first_4
1 4 8 3 9 8 1 1 1 1 1
2 7 5 9 7 10 1 1 1 5 1
3 1 7 7 8 2 1 2 1 1 1
4 6 6 5 5 4 5 1 1 1 5
5 8 10 8 3 7 1 5 1 2 1
6 2 3 1 2 6 1 1 3 1 1
7 5 9 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1
8 10 2 4 4 3 3 1 1 1 3
9 9 1 10 6 9 1 1 2 3 1
10 3 4 6 10 5 2 1 1 4 2
For example: In the first row, there is no 10 - but the value of "first_10" is 1
Is there a way to resolve this error?
Thank you!

How about
apply(col_data == 7, 1, function(x) {ifelse(sum(x)==0, NA, which.max(x))})
[1] NA 1 2 NA 5 NA NA NA NA NA
apply(col_data == 10, 1, function(x) {ifelse(sum(x)==0, NA, which.max(x))})
[1] NA 5 NA NA 2 NA NA 1 3 4
You may change NA whatever you want, that it means there is no that number(i.e 7 or 10)
get second one
apply(col_data == 7, 1, function(x) {ifelse(sum(x)==0, NA, which(x)[2])})
get last one
apply(col_data == 7, 1, function(x) {ifelse(sum(x)==0, NA, dplyr::last(which(x)))})

Use max.col:
nr <- c(9, 7, 1, 10, 4)
nr <- setNames(nr, paste0("first_", nr))
cbind(col_data, sapply(nr, function(x) {
. <- col_data == x
tt <- max.col(., "first") <- tt == 1 & !.[,1]
# col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 first_9 first_7 first_1 first_10 first_4
#1 4 8 3 9 8 4 NA NA NA 1
#2 7 5 9 7 10 3 1 NA 5 NA
#3 1 7 7 8 2 NA 2 1 NA NA
#4 6 6 5 5 4 NA NA NA NA 5
#5 8 10 8 3 7 NA 5 NA 2 NA
#6 2 3 1 2 6 NA NA 3 NA NA
#7 5 9 2 1 1 2 NA 4 NA NA
#8 10 2 4 4 3 NA NA NA 1 3
#9 9 1 10 6 9 1 NA 2 3 NA
#10 3 4 6 10 5 NA NA NA 4 2
For the last:
nr <- c(9, 7, 1, 10, 4)
nr <- setNames(nr, paste0("last_", nr))
cbind(col_data, sapply(nr, function(x) {
. <- col_data == x
tt <- max.col(., "last") <- rowSums(.) == 0
# col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 last_9 last_7 last_1 last_10 last_4
#1 4 8 3 9 8 4 NA NA NA 1
#2 7 5 9 7 10 3 4 NA 5 NA
#3 1 7 7 8 2 NA 3 1 NA NA
#4 6 6 5 5 4 NA NA NA NA 5
#5 8 10 8 3 7 NA 5 NA 2 NA
#6 2 3 1 2 6 NA NA 3 NA NA
#7 5 9 2 1 1 2 NA 5 NA NA
#8 10 2 4 4 3 NA NA NA 1 4
#9 9 1 10 6 9 5 NA 2 3 NA
#10 3 4 6 10 5 NA NA NA 4 2
And for the second match:
nr <- c(9, 7, 1, 10, 4)
nr <- setNames(nr, paste0("2nd_", nr))
cbind(col_data, sapply(nr, function(x) {
. <- which(col_data == x, TRUE)
. <- tapply(.[,2], .[,1], `[`, 2)
replace(rep(NA_integer_, nrow(col_data)), as.integer(names(.)), .)
# col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 2nd_9 2nd_7 2nd_1 2nd_10 2nd_4
#1 4 8 3 9 8 NA NA NA NA NA
#2 7 5 9 7 10 NA 4 NA NA NA
#3 1 7 7 8 2 NA 3 NA NA NA
#4 6 6 5 5 4 NA NA NA NA NA
#5 8 10 8 3 7 NA NA NA NA NA
#6 2 3 1 2 6 NA NA NA NA NA
#7 5 9 2 1 1 NA NA 5 NA NA
#8 10 2 4 4 3 NA NA NA NA 4
#9 9 1 10 6 9 5 NA NA NA NA
#10 3 4 6 10 5 NA NA NA NA NA
Or using apply on one column.
apply(col_data == 9, 1, function(x) if(any(x)) which.max(x) else NA)
# [1] 4 3 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 1 NA
apply(col_data == 9, 1, function(x) if(any(x)) tail(which(x), 1) else NA)
# [1] 4 3 NA NA NA NA 2 NA 5 NA
apply(col_data == 9, 1, function(x) if(any(x)) which(x)[2] else NA)


Transpose specified columns columns to rows with grouped data

I have a dataframe like this:
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA
and I'm trying add new columns which are the grouped transposed versions of columns R01 to R05, like this:
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R01x R02x R03x R04x R05x
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3 NA
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3 NA
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11 NA
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA NA
I have tried various attempts using t() and reshaping using gather() and spread() but I don't think they are designed to do this as I'm moving the data around rather than just reshaping it.
Example Code
df <- data.frame(household = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,3)),
person = c(1:4,1:3),
R01 = c(NA,1,3,3,NA,3,15),
R02 = c(1,NA,3,3,7,NA,3),
R03 = c(7,7,NA,11,16,7,NA),
R04 = c(7,7,11,rep(NA,4)),
R05 = rep(NA,7))
Referring to my previous answer, you can transpose the matrx within group_modify():
df %>%
group_by(household) %>%
group_modify(~ {
mat <- t(.x[-1][1:nrow(.x)])
colnames(mat) <- paste0(rownames(mat), "x")
cbind(.x, mat)
}) %>%
# # A tibble: 7 × 11
# household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R01x R02x R03x R04x
# <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3
# 2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3
# 3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11
# 4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA
# 5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA
# 6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA
# 7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA
Partly using a previous answer, here's a way to do it.
Split the dataframe according to their group
Get their number of columns with at least one non-NA (important to do the transposition)
Reduce their size using the length size created in step 2, and do the transposition.
Swap (again) the colnames and rownames which were swapped (first) in the transposition.
Bind the columns with the original dataframe.
l <- split(df[startsWith(colnames(df), "R")], df$household)
len <- lapply(l, \(l) ncol(l) - (sum(sapply(l, \(x) any(!
l <- mapply(\(x, y) t(x[1:(length(x) - y)]), l, len, SIMPLIFY = F)
l <- lapply(l, function(x){
r <- paste0(rownames(x), "x")
c <- colnames(x)
rownames(x) <- c
colnames(x) <- r
cbind(df, bind_rows(l))
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R01x R02x R03x R04x
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA
df %>%
left_join(pivot_longer(.,starts_with('R'), names_to = 'name',
names_pattern = "(\\d+)", values_drop_na = TRUE,
names_transform = list(name = as.integer)) %>%
pivot_wider(c(household,name), names_from = person,
names_glue = "R0{person}x"),
by = c('household', person = 'name'))
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R01x R02x R03x R04x
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA
Another solution:
df %>%
reshape2::recast(.,household+variable~person,id.var = c('household', 'person'))%>%
group_by(household) %>%
mutate(person = seq_along(variable), variable = NULL))
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA
Here's a way to do it.
transposed_df <- df %>%
group_split(household) %>%
select(x, -1:-2) %>%
t() %>%
head(nrow(x)) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
setNames(paste0(names(x)[-1:-2], 'x'))
}) %>%
df %>%
#> household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R01x R02x R03x R04x
#> 1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA 1 3 3
#> 2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA 1 NA 3 3
#> 3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA 7 7 NA 11
#> 4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA 7 7 11 NA
#> 5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA NA NA 3 15 NA
#> 6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA NA 7 NA 3 NA
#> 7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA 16 7 NA NA

How do I populate upper.tri of matrix with matched integers from the lower.tri?

I have a dataframe of familial relationships coded with integers, where R01 is the relationship of person N to person 1, R02 their relationship to person 2 etc.
However, only the lower.tri of each family matrix is coded, so I am trying to write a function to match the correct relationship in the upper.tri.
The relationships are coded in integers as follows:
1 = Spouse, 2 = Cohabiting partner, 3 = Son/daughter, 4 = Step son/daughter, 5 = Foster child, 6 = Son-in-law/daughter-in-law, 7 = Parent/guardian, 8 = Step-parent, 9 = Foster parent, 10 = Parent-in-law, 11 = Brother/sister, 12 = Step-brother/sister, 13 = Foster brother/sister, 14 = Brother/sister-in-law, 15 = Grand-child, 16 = Grand-parent, 17 = Other relative, 18 = Other non-relative.
thus the relationships are:
rel = c("1" = 1, "2" = 2, "3" = 7, "4" = 8, "5" = 9, "6" = 10, "7" = 3, "8" = 4, "9" = 5, "10" = 6, "11" = 11, "12" = 12, "13" = 13, "14" = 14, "15" = 16, "16" = 15, "17" = 17, "18" = 18)
Example Data
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06
2 1 2 1 NA NA NA NA NA
3 1 3 3 3 NA NA NA NA
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA NA
6 2 2 3 NA NA NA NA NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA NA
9 3 2 18 NA NA NA NA NA
10 4 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
11 5 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
12 5 2 5 NA NA NA NA NA
Required Output
household person R01 R02 R03 R04 R05 R06
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7 NA NA
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7 NA NA
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11 NA NA
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA NA NA
5 2 1 NA 1 16 NA NA NA
6 2 2 3 NA 1 NA NA NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA NA NA
8 3 1 NA 18 NA NA NA NA
9 3 2 18 NA NA NA NA NA
10 4 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
11 5 1 NA 9 NA NA NA NA
12 5 2 5 NA NA NA NA NA
Example Code
df <- data.frame(household = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5),
person = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,1,1,2),
R01 = c(NA, 1, 3, 3, NA, 3, 15, NA, 18, NA, NA, 5),
R02 = c(NA, NA, 3, 3, NA, NA, 3, rep(NA, 5)),
R03 = c(rep(NA,3), 11, rep(NA, 8)),
R04 = rep(NA, 12),
R05 = rep(NA, 12),
R06 = rep(NA, 12))
I know it's possible to write a function to do the matrix match and then apply it to each household with dplyr, however I'm not great at functions yet so I'm running into issues in a few areas.
You can make the relationship matrix symmetric in each household, and at the same time recode the elements according to rel.
df %>%
group_by(household) %>%
group_modify(~ {
mat <- as.matrix(.x[-1][1:nrow(.x)])
mat[upper.tri(mat)] <- recode(t(mat)[upper.tri(mat)], !!!rel)
cbind(.x[1], mat)
}) %>%
# A tibble: 12 × 6
household person R01 R02 R03 R04
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA
8 3 1 NA 18 NA NA
9 3 2 18 NA NA NA
10 4 1 NA NA NA NA
11 5 1 NA 9 NA NA
12 5 2 5 NA NA NA
Here's a way to do it mostly using base R.
First, create f, a function that replace the upper triangle of a matrix with the matching value from the rel vector and the lower triangle of the same matrix.
Then, split your data according to the household, compute the lengths of each group so that the resulting matrix has the right number of columns, and then apply the function to each groups. Finally, bind_rows and cbind with the original data set.
f <- function(m) {
m[upper.tri(m)] <- match(t(m)[upper.tri(m)], rel)
l <- split(df[3:6], df$household)
len <- lapply(l, \(l) ncol(l) - (sum(sapply(l, \(x) any(! + 1))
l <- mapply(\(x, y) x[1:(length(x) - y)], l, len, SIMPLIFY = F)
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(l, f)))
household person R01 R02 R03 R04
1 1 1 NA 1 7 7
2 1 2 1 NA 7 7
3 1 3 3 3 NA 11
4 1 4 3 3 11 NA
5 2 1 NA 7 16 NA
6 2 2 3 NA 7 NA
7 2 3 15 3 NA NA
8 3 1 NA 18 NA NA
9 3 2 18 NA NA NA
10 4 1 NA NA NA NA
11 5 1 NA 9 NA NA
12 5 2 5 NA NA NA

How to transfer values from one dataframe to another?

Consider the following code yielding the following dataframe
df1 <- data.frame("ID"=c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", 'B', "B", "B"),
"X_A"=c(1,2,3,4,5,NA, NA, 8, 9,10), "X_B"=c(1,2,3,4,5,NA,NA, 8,9,10)
,"Y_A"=c(1,2,NA,NA, 10, 8,9,10,NA,NA), "Y_B"=c(1,2,NA, NA, 10,8,
9, 10, NA, NA))
it yields the following dataframe
1 A 1 1 1 1
2 A 2 2 2 2
3 A 3 3 NA NA
4 A 4 4 NA NA
5 A 5 5 NA NA
6 B NA NA 8 8
7 B NA NA 9 9
8 B 8 8 10 10
9 B 9 9 NA NA
10 B 10 10 NA NA
I wish to transfer data from this dataframe to df2
1 A 1 1
2 A 2 2
3 A 3 3
4 A 4 4
5 A 5 5
6 A 6 6
7 A 7 7
8 A 8 8
9 A 9 9
10 A 10 10
11 B 1 1
12 B 2 2
13 B 3 3
14 B 4 4
15 B 5 5
16 B 6 6
17 B 7 7
18 B 8 8
19 B 9 9
20 B 10 10
The end data frame should be like this
1 A 1 1 1 1
2 A 2 2 2 2
3 A 3 3 3 NA
4 A 4 4 4 NA
5 A 5 5 5 NA
6 A 6 6 NA NA
7 A 7 7 NA NA
8 A 8 8 NA NA
9 A 9 9 NA NA
10 A 10 10 NA NA
11 B 1 1 NA NA
12 B 2 2 NA NA
13 B 3 3 NA NA
14 B 4 4 NA NA
15 B 5 5 NA NA
16 B 6 6 NA NA
17 B 7 7 NA NA
18 B 8 8 8 8
19 B 9 9 9 9
20 B 10 10 10 10
The final output is like the result of a vlookup where, the ID and X_A, ID and Y_A columsn of df1 and df2 are matched so that the corresponding values of X_B and Y_B are filled in df2. In case there is no match, NA should result. I have tried the following code
merge(df1, df2).
this however slows down my system. I have also tried
df2 %>% right_join(df1, by=c(ID, x_A, y_A).
This results in all the rows appearing. Can the expected output be managed in R. request someone to help
Do you mean, join once on ID and X_A to get X_B, and afterwards ID and Y_A to get Y_B? Note that row 10 is different:
df2 %>%
left_join(select(df1, ID, X_A, X_B),
by = c("ID", "X_A")) %>%
left_join(select(df1, ID, Y_A, Y_B),
by = c("ID", "Y_A"))
# ID X_A Y_A X_B Y_B
# 1 A 1 1 1 1
# 2 A 2 2 2 2
# 3 A 3 3 3 NA
# 4 A 4 4 4 NA
# 5 A 5 5 5 NA
# 6 A 6 6 NA NA
# 7 A 7 7 NA NA
# 8 A 8 8 NA NA
# 9 A 9 9 NA NA
# 10 A 10 10 NA 10
# 11 B 1 1 NA NA
# 12 B 2 2 NA NA
# 13 B 3 3 NA NA
# 14 B 4 4 NA NA
# 15 B 5 5 NA NA
# 16 B 6 6 NA NA
# 17 B 7 7 NA NA
# 18 B 8 8 8 8
# 19 B 9 9 9 9
# 20 B 10 10 10 10
Base R:
want <- merge(df2, subset(df1, select = c(ID, X_A, X_B)), by = c("ID", "X_A"), all.x = TRUE)
(want <- merge(want, subset(df1, select = c(ID, Y_A, Y_B)), by = c("ID", "Y_A"), all.x = TRUE))

replacing NA by row with value in a list

I have a table that looks kind of like this:
# item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#1 1 2 4 6 NA NA NA NA NA
#2 2 1 4 5 6 NA NA NA NA
#4 4 1 2 6 NA NA NA NA NA
#5 5 2 3 4 6 7 8 NA NA
and I have a list
I want to replace the NAs with the elements in the list by row and result should be like this:
# item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#1 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#2 2 1 4 5 6 11 12 13 NA
#3 3 11 12 13 NA NA NA NA NA
#4 4 1 2 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#5 5 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 12
I tried
for(i in 1:5){
Mydata[i,res]<-c(list1, rep(NA, 8))
It seems to work with the table in the example but gives many warning messages. And when I run it with a really large table it sometimes gives the wrong result. Can anyone tell me what is wrong my code? Or is there any better way to do this?
We loop through the rows of 'Mydata' using apply with MARGIN=1, create the numeric index for elements that are NA ('i1'), check the minimum length of the NA elements and the list1 ('l1') and replace the elements based on the minimum number of elements.
t(apply(Mydata, 1, function(x) {
i1 <- which(
l1 <- min(length(i1), length(list1))
replace(x, i1[seq(l1)], list1[seq(l1)])}))
# item X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
#1 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#2 2 1 4 5 6 11 12 13 NA
#3 3 11 12 13 NA NA NA NA NA
#4 4 1 2 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#5 5 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 12
Or as #RichardSciven mentioned, we can use na.omit with apply by looping over the rows
t(apply(df, 1, function(x) {
w <- na.omit(which([1:3])
x[w] <- list1[1:length(w)]
x }))
You could do it all in one go using matrix indexing:
sel <- pmin(outer( 0:2, max.col(, "first"), `+`), ncol(dat))
dat[unique(cbind(c(col(sel)),c(sel)))] <- 11:13
# item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#[1,] 1 2 4 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#[2,] 2 1 4 5 6 11 12 13 NA
#[3,] 3 11 12 13 NA NA NA NA NA
#[4,] 4 1 2 6 11 12 13 NA NA
#[5,] 5 2 3 4 6 7 8 11 12

Apply diff() and replace elements in original data.frame with NA

I have a little problem I'd need your help with. I have the following data frame:
test = data.frame(a = sample(10, replace=T), b = sample(10, replace=T), c=rep(NA, 10))
> test
a b c
1 1 6 NA
2 2 4 NA
3 6 3 NA
4 6 9 NA
5 1 5 NA
6 4 3 NA
7 5 1 NA
8 3 7 NA
9 5 10 NA
10 4 2 NA
and perform the diff() function to compute difference between consecutive rows within each column
test2 = abs(apply(test, 2, diff))
> test2
a b c
[1,] 1 2 NA
[2,] 4 1 NA
[3,] 0 6 NA
[4,] 5 4 NA
[5,] 3 2 NA
[6,] 1 2 NA
[7,] 2 6 NA
[8,] 2 3 NA
[9,] 1 8 NA
I would like to replace those elements in 'test' where the difference in test2 is, say, greater than/equal to 4, with NA values. I would expect, for example, test[3,1] to become NA, since its diff in test2[2,1] is >= 4
test2 <- abs(apply(test,2,function(x) c(NA, diff(x))))
Based on the new information:
test[! & test2 >4] <- NA
# a b c
# 1 4 4 NA
# 2 8 8 NA
# 3 NA 4 NA
# 4 NA NA NA
# 5 6 8 NA
# 6 NA NA NA
# 7 NA 5 NA
# 8 6 7 NA
# 9 3 NA NA
# 10 3 NA NA
