Firebase cloud function cannot read .env variables - firebase

I followed this doc and added .env file with variables in a Firebase Cloud Function project.
When trying to deploy, I get this message: Loaded environment variables from .env.
However, it is always undefined when I try to use process.env.ENV_VAR. Am I missing something?
I'm using firebase-cli 11.0.1 and firebase-functions 3.21.2

I used env variables for firebase credentials. Seems like it was loaded before env var. So my solution is to use firebase function config


process.env variables undefined in Nextjs

I'm reading undefined for my enviroment variable.When I console log process.env I can't seem to find the variable I defined In my .env file at the root directory.
.env.local file
mumbai: {
url: '',
accounts: [process.env.privateKey]
Is it because I'm reading process.env outside of pages? I aslo tried prefixing like NEXT_PUBLIC_privateKey="0033....." and then reading it process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_privateKey but value would only show inside pages folder and not in scripts/hardhat.config.js
Make sure you have installed and initialized the doting NPM package that is needed to use environment variables.
I ended up adding the dotenv AS SOMEONE SUGGESTED and starts reading.
Note to self
Enviroment variables outside next.js pages need that dotnev thing;

Firebase CLI suddenly ignoring environment variables on Functions deployment

I have a Firebase code project with Functions meant to be deployed to multiple Firebase projects over multiple regions.
I used to set the deployment region like this:
return functions
// ...
and used this command to deploy:
$ REGION=us-central1 firebase deploy --only functions
it worked like a charm until recently. Now it seems to completely ignore REGION=us-central1 even if I export it before I run firebase deploy.
EDIT 2022-06-13 - Possible solution
I changed the code to dump the contents of process.env to a file during deployment. This is what I got:
"FIREBASE_CONFIG": "{\"projectId\":\"REDACTED\",\"storageBucket\":\"\",\"locationId\":\"us-central\"}",
so definitely is not the same list of variables I have in my local environment.
I could use the locationId from FIREBASE_CONFIG to get the target location, or CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG (it contains the dump of the functions .config() object, so I could set the target there).
I also believe that I could use the .env and .env.{project alias or ID} files and their contents would be available in process.env at deployment time.
As per Osvaldo López's suggestion, here are some other details:
Running on MacOS
No errors are reported
No recent changes to the CLI
Any input would be very welcome! Thanks.

Next.js doesn't pick up variables from the .env file

I want to use a variable from the .env file, but I'm getting the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) IntegrationError: Please call Stripe() with your publishable key. You used an empty string.
import Stripe from "stripe";
const stripe = new Stripe(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY);
In Next.js you should declare your environment variables in a .env.local file.
For more informations check the official docs.
However, as suggested by #juliomalves, you can declare your environment variables in a .env.* file, making sure that you respect the environment variables load order.

How can I deploy a single Firebase Cloud Function in a group and a region?

I have created a group of Firebase Cloud Functions (v2) that are deployed in a region (europe-west1).
import * as apiV2 from './v2';
export const v2 = apiV2;
export const addTextMessage = functions.region('europe-west1').onCall(
I want only to deploy the addTextMessage function.
I tried:
firebase deploy --only functions:v2-addTextMessage
# or
firebase deploy --only "functions:v2-addTextMessage(europe-west1)"
However the function is not deployed:
✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully
i functions: current functions in project: v2-addTextMessage(europe-west1)
⚠ functions: the following filters were specified but do not match any functions in the project: v2-addTextMessage(europe-west1)
What command should I use?
Try to replace the "-" by ".".
You should use :
firebase deploy --only functions:groupName.functionName
In your case :
firebase deploy --only functions:v2.addTextMessage
It's true that the CLI terminal log is misleading because if you've exceeded your deployment quota and the CLI detects that the name of your function is for instance v2-addTextMessage(europe-west-1), it will print a message suggesting you to use the command firebase deploy --only functions:v2-addTextMessage to deploy this function only, which doesn't work.
See the full Firebase CLI documentation here
You are using the correct command, however, you have not exported the addTextMessage function to your index.ts file, without that the deployment cannot find the funtion to deploy. You can export it by adding the following code to your index.ts:
export const v2-addTextMessage = apiV2.addTextMessage
Also, you cannot use the functions parameter and the function name as a String. So your command on this case would have to be:
firebase deploy --only functions:v2-addTextMessage
For Specifying region on deployment, as you already added to your code on the edited version of the question, you cannot do it on the FirebaseCLI command, thanks to #Doug Stevenson for pointing that out on the comment section.
Ideally, as you can see on this video, you would have to specify that in your cloud function code, before deployment by adding the following:
exports.v2-addTextMessage = functions
.storage.object().onFinalize((object) => { });

Firebase cloud function deploy error

irregularly my firebase deployment get stuck at this log:
i functions: updating function [FUNCTION NAME]...
After canceling the deploy and retrying it throws the following error message:
⚠ functions: failed to update function resetBadgeCount
⚠ functions: HTTP Error: 400, An operation on function [FUNCTION NAME]
in region us-central1 in project [PROJECT NAME] is already in progress.
Please try again later.
So it seams like that the deploy got stuck and kept in the pipeline blocking further deploys. After a while it let me deploy the functions normally again.
But is there an explanation for this? Or maybe even a word around?
Go to Google cloud functions console and see if there is red exclamation mark against your function. Then select that particular function and try to delete. once it gets deleted from there, you can deploy again successfully. if it is showing spinner, then wait till it shows red mark.
Try this
You can fix the issue much easier by examining the actual logs using this command to open the log
firebase functions:log
The specific issue will be visible there. I sometimes even had errors as simple as a missing package in package.json
You can temporarily rename your function:
$ firebase deploy --only functions
i functions: deleting function onSameDataChanged...
i functions: creating function onSameDataChanged1...
✔ functions: all functions deployed successfully!
✔ Deploy complete!
Comment or cut your function
Uncomment or paste back the function
Rename the function
Rename the function back
also you can wait a few minutes and you will get an error with {"code":10,"message":"ABORTED"}, then you can deploy again.
just copy your index.js to some where else and delete function form firebasa function console
firebase init -and overe write all file again
past index.js text again
For me it was the node version. Turns out I had the 15.x on my machine and the 12.x on the server. Just updating it solved my upload issue
Make sure you've installed dependencies in the functions directory.
for more information about you function you can go to this page
Set your directory to your project directory \functions then run this command:
npm install -g firebase-tools
