Programmatically access files in a device showing up in 'This PC' - r

I am on Windows 10. I want to write a function (in R) to copy the files stored in a camera (actually in the SD of the camera, but I cannot just read the memory card in the PC), to a different storage unit (say, the pc or an external HDD).
The camera is connected to the PC via an USB cable.
The problem I am facing is that, when opening the File Explorer, the camera is showing up as a link under "This PC" with no letter to indicate the drive (e.g., 'G:/').
While I can see the files using the file explorer window, I cannot find a way to get to those file from a cli type of interface (e.g., the command prompt, or the R console).
Googling, I found that 'This PC' is not a folder but rather a link to something in the registry called CLSID for which the identifier should be {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. However this is very confusing to me and I cannot figure out how to use this information.
Is there a way to do it? And if so: how?
Please consider I do not know much of commands from prompt (way better off in R).

A CLSID is just a GUID. My computer is a implementation of IShellFolder.
My Computer is part of the shell namespace. Several entries in the shell namespace are virtual (Control panel, scheduled tasks etc.) and cannot be accessed with low-level file functions nor cmd.exe.
While it would be possible to develop a tool that does something like shellcopy Computer\MyCamera\*.jpg x:\backup, I'm not aware of any existing tools that do this. You might have to code it yourself.
In the old days you would call SHGetDesktopFolder to get the root and then use the returned IShellFolder to navigate but these days it is simpler to use IShellItem instead.
To do this it is crucial to understand how IShellFolder and PIDLs work. See Introduction to the Shell Namespace for more information...


Using GPS as external editor for AdaMULTI

I'm trying to use GPS (version 19.1) as an external editor for Greenhills AdaMULTI.
I entered -P<myproject.gpr> +%LINE %FILE0 %FILES into the "command line arguments" and also the correct path to GPS for "AdaMULTI Other Editor Configuration".
So far this works as expected, i.e. when pressing CTRL+E in the AdaMULTI Project Manager GPS opens with the file to be edited. Also, when a bug is encountered while compiling GPS opens at the proper line and file.
But ... when configured this way, always a new instance of GPS is opened, which is some kind of annoying because you'll have several instances running all with a single file opened after a while.
Is there a way (option, environment variable or whatever) to tell GPS to use an already running instance?
I have read both the AdaMULTI documentation and GPS User'S Guide to find anything relevant, but to no avail.
you can write some Python plugin for GPS to watch some file for changes, then read a "command" from it to open a file at a given position. Or some other kind of IPC.
What OS do you use? Windows?
I wonder whether you could treat the GPS system as "running on a remote server", see GPS documentation chapter 14, Using GPS for Remote Development, where the "remote" server is in fact the local machine.

Creating a cross-platform custom virtual printer in Qt or any other IDE

I've searched a lot on this topic but I keep getting more and more confused.
I want to create a cross-platform application (using Qt with C++, for example) that once installed on either MAC or WIN, it will present itself to the system as a virtual printer. So if you hit Ctrl-P on any document, my printer will also be present in the printers list.
My printer will call custom code to extract the data received, create a PDF file, and upload it to some server via FTP.
I looked at "Printing with Qt" documentation here and also some existing threads suggesting I need to write a Print Driver for MAC(using CUPS) and another one for WIN (using WDK).
I'm just afraid to start in the wrong direction and just waist lots of time ... so anything that points me to the right direction is useful.
Any ideas are welcome !

CC2540 DK Program SimpleBLE Peripheral Application

I have purchased the CC2540 EK I am trying to program the SampleBLE peripeheral onto the CC2540EM. I am using the IAR tool chain and the USB cable is connected directly to the SMARTRF05EB (not using the CC debugger) In IAR I can download the code but the SimpleBLEperipheral does not seem to run.
Looks like the App that came with the CC250EM from the factory has been erased and I am unable to reload that application again.
What is the exact project workspace that I shoud open?
Are there any changes that need to be made to the IAR project so that it can be run on the CC2540EM?
The IAR project name is SimpleBLEPeripheral - CC2540DK- MiniKeyfob - this seems to suggest that it is meant for the keyfob and not the CC2540EM.
It's due to the build option.
You got to set the build option to "cc2540", instead of "cc2540df-mini keyfob"...
In IAR, you can set the build option in the drop-down menu in the Workspace area. (it's right under the word "Workspace")
After doing this, compile and reload the hex file to the module.
It should be able to solve the problem.

Send data to Com port from a web page

I'm new to web development so please, could you help me to understand if I'm working in the right direction?
There will be a webpage intended for our customers (not intranet) from where they can print labels. Some of the larger customers will have special label printers where configuration and printing using COM-port is the only acceptable option. Basically we have very limited knowledge and control over their environment.
The web-page itself will be a pretty simple html-page or more complex AJAX.
After the customer inputs all the data and happens to chose this type of printing we have following tasks:
1) get data about the printers on the customer's system installed to a comport and if possible get printer settings (like paper size and orientation). Ideally would like to be able to adjust the settings, but if it is a pain can just put into requirements that your printer must be installed to COM1 and configured correctly.
2) send commands and read answers and send PCL code to the selected com port
As I understand I'll need to install something on the customer's machine to be able to talk to com port and get any settings. Just HTML+Javascript are not capable of doing that. Right?
I found RXTX library which seems to communicate to com port on most platforms. Can it be called from JavaScript or I still need to do a Java plugin? Are there technologies other than Java plugin that would solve the task?
The web-page will be used in different environment - platforms and web-browsers. We would like to minimize the number of customized solutions. Will Java allow us to do the same plugin for all environments with minimal customization?
If we require the user to install a plugin will the user be prompted with our credentials to confirm the installation? Will our web-site require higher trust settings?
Thanks for you help!
Well, I've had to do this in the past. Here is what I did and the circumstances
1) I knew that our customers were in a windows environment so I wrote win32 software to handle the printing.
2) I created a file format to be read by the win32 software that allowed me to specify print parameters and the label data. XML works ok for things like this.
3) My web app created a file in the format used by the win32 software and returned it to the user when they clicked on the "Print Labels" button. The file extension on the file returned was registered by the installer of the win32 software. That means when their browser looked for a default app handler for that file, it found my win32 software.
Bottom line is that the browser is handing off the printer communications to a native application instead of talking directly to the printer.
Obviously you need to be able to dictate your end user's are using a windows machine (or mac or whatever you can write native code). Associating a file extension with my program and returning that file to the user was the key to making the process work for me.
Whether your native code sends pcl directly to the printer or translates into a print api (like the win32 api as mine does) is another consideration.
Another approach you could consider is instead of sending PCL codes, you could create a PDF of the document. Format the document to the size and orientation of the label printer. The user will still have to hit the print button, but that might work. I have done this for printing to bar code printers and it works fine. Sometimes getting the margin and orientation correct is a little tricky, but that can be figured out.

How to profile a shared object without profiling the host app?

I have a host application and I have written a plug-in. I compile my plug-in down to a shared object (say, and the host application will load it via dlopen. In this case, my host application is the opt tool from llvm (though I don't think that's important to the question).
I'd like to compile my plug-in with profiling enabled (i.e. g++ -pg, gprof). However, when I do this, the profile output file gmon.out is never created. Maybe gprof expects someone to call a setup routine, or something like that.
For various reasons, I would like to avoid recompiling the host app with -pg. I am curious if it is possible to profile a shared object without profiling the host application opt.
I've also looked into other profiling tools; qprof from HP should be able to handle this situation, but it is unable to resolve the names of functions in the shared object (it falls back to addr2line in a very naive way).
I assume the reason you want to do this is to find ways to optimize the plugin (as opposed to just getting timing information).
Can you run the host app under a debugger or IDE? Does the IDE have a pause button, or can you interrupt it with Ctrl-C or some such key?
Then you can quickly find the costly code by using this technique. Only take samples when your plugin is running, or if you can't do that, just ignore samples that don't end in your plugin.
Even if you get gprof to work, or a similar profiler, you're likely to be disappointed.
