Downloading multiple jpegs into an array from urls in a data frame - r

Like the title says, I want to download multiple jpegs into an array from their url in a dataframe. The code I now have is as follows:
# for loop for train set
for (i in 1:274) {
theurl <- paste(train[i,c("Icon.URL")], sep = "")
z <- tempfile()
download.file(theurl,z,mode = "wb") #Download to the directory
train_image <- readJPEG(z)
writeJPEG(train_image, paste("imageTrain", i, ".jpg", sep = ""))
The 'train_image' is now a large array, with 786432 elements. This means that ultimately, only one of the jpegs is downloaded into that file, as each jpeg's dimensions are 512 x 512 x 3 = 786432. What is going wrong in the code that it seems to overwrite itself each time the for loop runs?
Additional information:
'train' is the data frame containing the urls
I got this code from here: and
I have also tried to use append() in the following way:
for (i in 1:10) {
theurl <- paste(train[i,c("Icon.URL")], sep = "")
z <- tempfile()
download.file(theurl,z,mode = "wb") #Download to the directory
train_img <- readJPEG(z)
train_image <- append(train_image, train_img)
writeJPEG(train_img, paste("imageTrain", i, ".jpg", sep = ""))
In this way, the images are added to 'train_image', but the results is a large numeric vector instead of an array

We can create an array with the desired dimensions and use an additional dimension for the picture number.
#Example list of urls
urllist <- rep("", 10)
#create array with desired dimensions (pics here are 492x492x3). Include length of urllist as dimension
#create array with desired dimension
arrays <- array(dim = c(492, 492, 3, length(urllist)))
#loop through urllist and assign to array
for(i in 1:length(urllist)){
z <- tempfile()
pic <- readJPEG(z)
#add to array.list
arrays[,,,i] <- pic


Read nested folder and file name, export to Excel file

So I am tasked with building an excel spreadsheet cataloging a drive with various nested folders and files.
This SO gets me somewhat there but I am confused on how to get my desired output.
I know that there might be a command to get file info and I can break that into these columns.
Apart from the directories split into subdirs, the adaptation of the function in the question's link, Stibu's answer, might be of help.
rfl <- function(path) {
folders <- list.dirs(path, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)
if (length(folders)==0) {
files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
finfo <-
Filename <- basename(files)
FileType <- tools::file_ext(files)
DateModified <- finfo$mtime
FullFilePath <- dirname(files)
size <- finfo$size
data.frame(Filename, FileType, DateModified, FullFilePath, size)
} else {
sublist <- lapply(paste0(path,"/",folders),rfl)
If you have the full path and file names then you can loop through that and parse it into these columns. You can get more file info with
files <- c("I:/Administration/Budget/2015-BUDGET DOCUMENT.xlsx",
"I:/Administration/Budget/2014-2015 Budget/BUDGET DOCUMENT.xlsx")
# files <- list.files("I:", recursive = T, full.names = T) # this could take a while to run
file_info <- list(length = length(files))
for (i in seq_along(files)){
fullpath <- dirname(files[i])
fullname <- basename(files[i])
file_ext <- unlist(strsplit(fullname, ".", fixed = T))
file_meta <-[i])[c("size", "mtime")]
path <- unlist(strsplit(fullpath, "/", fixed = T))[-1]
file_info[[i]] <- unlist(c(file_ext, file_meta, fullpath, path))
l <- lapply(file_info, `length<-`, max(lengths(file_info)))
df <- data.frame(, l))
names(df) <- c("filename", "extension", "size", "modified", paste0("sub", 1:(ncol(df) - 4)))
rownames(df) <- NULL
df$modified <- as.POSIXct.numeric(as.numeric(df$modified), origin = "1970-01-01")
df$size <- as.numeric(df$size)
If you do not have the files you can recursively search the drive using list.files() with recursive = T: list.files("I:", recursive = T, full.names = T)
l <- lapply(file_info, `length<-`, max(lengths(file_info))) sets the vector length of each list element to be the same. This is necessary because otherwise when the vectors are stacked with unequal lengths values get recycled. A simple example of this is: rbind(1:3, 1:5)
The output of unlist(c(file_ext, file_meta, fullpath, path)) is a vector and vectors in R are atomic, meaning all elements have to be the same class. That means everything gets converted to character in this case, which is why we have the lines df$modified <- ... and df$size <- ... at the end to convert them to their appropriate type.
If you want to output this data frame to excel check out xlsx::write.xlsx or openxlsx::write.xlsx. If you don't have those libraries installed you'll need to use install.packages() first.
Because these files/locations don't actually exist on my computer there are NA values in the size and date modified fields:
filename extension size modified sub1 sub2 sub3 sub4
1 2015-BUDGET DOCUMENT xlsx NA <NA> I:/Administration/Budget Administration Budget <NA>
2 BUDGET DOCUMENT xlsx NA <NA> I:/Administration/Budget/2014-2015 Budget Administration Budget 2014-2015 Budget

Trying to rename multiple.csv files using data contained within the file

A machine I use spits out .csv files named by the time. But I need them named after the plate they were read from, which is contained within the file.
I created list of files:
files <- list.files(path="", pattern="*.csv")
I then tried using a for-loop to first create a data frame from each file containing the 1st row only, then to create a variable from the relevant piece of data, (the desired name), and then renaming the files.
for(x in files)
y <- read.csv(x, nrow = 1, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
z <- y[2, 2]
file.rename(x, z)
It didn't work. After 7 hours of trying (new to R) I am here. Please give simple advice, I have basically zero R experience.
I believe the following for loop does what the question asks for if the new filename is the second column header value.
If it is not, change nmax to the appropriate column number.
fls <- list.files(pattern = '\\.csv')
for(f in fls){
x <- scan(file = f, what = character(), nmax = 2, nlines = 1, sep = ',')
g <- paste0(x[2], '.csv')
file.rename(f, g)

rbind txt files from online directory (R)

I am trying to get concatenate text files from url but i don't know how to do this with the html and the different folders?
This is the code i tried, but it only lists the text files and has a lot of html code like this How do I fix this so that I can combine the text files into one csv file?
url <- ""
dir <- getURL(url, dirlistonly = T)
filenames <- unlist(strsplit(dir,"\n")) #split into filenames
#append the files one after another
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
file <- past(url,filenames[i],delim='') #concatenate for urly
if (i==1){
cp <- read_delim(file, header=F, delim=',')
temp <- read_delim(file,header=F,delim=',')
cp <- rbind(cp,temp) #append to existing file
rm(temp)# remove the temporary file
here is a code snippet that I got to work for me. I like to use rvest over RCurl, just because that's what I've learned. In this case, I was able to use the html_nodes function to isolate each file ending in .txt. The result table has the times saved as character strings, but you could fix that later. Let me know if you have any questions.
url <- ""
doc <- xml2::read_html(url)
text <- rvest::html_text(rvest::html_nodes(doc, "tr td a:contains('.txt')"))
# define column types of fwf data ("c" = character, "n" = number)
ctypes <- paste0("c", paste0(rep("n",11), collapse = ""))
data <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:2){
file <- paste0(url, text[1])
date <- as.Date(read_lines(file, n_max = 1), "%m/%d/%y")
# Read file to determine widths
columns <- fwf_empty(file, skip = 3)
# Manually expand `solar` column to be 3 spaces wider
columns$begin[8] <- columns$begin[8] - 3
data <- rbind(data, cbind(date,read_fwf(file, columns,
skip = 3, col_types = ctypes)))

Mean values from multiple csv to data frame

After having searched for help in different threads on this topic, I still have not become wiser. Therefore: Here comes another question on looping through multiple data files...
OK. I have multiple CSV files in one folder containing 5 columns of data. The filenames are as follows:
Moist yyyymmdd hh_mm_ss.csv
I would like to create a script that reads processes the CSV-files one by one doing the following steps:
1) load file
2) check number of rows and exclude file if less than 3 registrations
3) calculate mean value of all measurements (=rows) for column 2
4) calculate mean value of all measurements (=rows) for column 4
5) output the filename timestamp, mean column 2 and mean column 4 to a data frame,
I have written the following function
moist.each.mean <- function() {
directory <- tk_choose.dir("","Choose folder for Humidity data files")
filelist <- list.files(path = directory)
filetitles <- regmatches(filelist, regexpr("[0-9].*[0-9]", filelist))
mdf <- data.frame(timestamp=character(), humidity=numeric(), temp=numeric())
for(i in 1:length(filelist)){[[i]] <- read.csv(filelist[i], header=F)
if (nrow([[i]]<3)){
} else {
newrow <- c(filetitles[[i]], round(mean([[i]]$V2),1), round(mean([[i]]$V4),1))
mdf <- rbind(mdf, newrow)
names(mdf) <- c("timestamp", "humidity", "temp")
but i keep getting an error:
Error in `[[<`(`*tmp*`, i, value = list(V1 = c(10519949L, :
replacement has 18 rows, data has 17
Any ideas?
Thx, kruemelprinz
I'd also suggest to use (l)apply... Here's my take:
getMeans <- function(fpath,runfct,
target_cols = c(2),
header = T,
min_obs_threshold = 3){
f <- list.files(fpath)
fcsv <- f[grepl("\.csv",f)]
fcsv <- paste0(fpath,fcsv)
csv_list <- lapply(fcsv,read.table,sep = sep,
dec = dec, header = header)
csv_rows <- sapply(csv_list,nrow)
rel_csv_list <- csv_list[!(csv_rows < min_obs_threshold)]
lapply(rel_csv_list,function(x) colMeans(x[,target_cols]))
Also with that kind of error message, the debugger might be very helpful.
Just run debug(moist.each.mean) and execute the function stepwise.
Here's a slightly different approach. Use lapply to read each csv file, exclude it if necessary, otherwise create a summary. This gives you a list where each element is a data frame summary. Then use rbind to create the final summary data frame.
Without a sample of your data, I can't be sure the code below exactly matches your problem, but hopefully it will be enough to get you where you want to go.
# Get vector of filenames to read
filelist=list.files(path=directory, pattern="csv")
# Read all the csv files into a list and create summaries
df.list = lapply(filelist, function(f) { = read.csv(f, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Set to empty data frame if file has less than 3 rows of data
if (nrow( < 3) {
print(paste("Discard", f))
# Otherwise, capture file timestamp and summarise data frame
} else {
data.frame(timestamp=substr(f, 7, 22),
# Bind list into final summary data frame (excluding the list elements
# that don't contain a data frame because they didn't have enough rows
# to be included in the summary)
result =, df.list[sapply(df.list,])
One issue with your original code is that you create a vector of summary results rather than a data frame of results:
c(filetitles[[i]], round(mean([[i]]$V2),1), round(mean([[i]]$V4),1)) is a vector with three elements. What you actually want is a data frame with three columns:
Thanks for the suggestions using lapply. This is definitely of value as it saves a whole lot of code as well! Meanwhile, I managed to fix my original code as well:
# directory: path to csv files
directory <-
tk_choose.dir("","Choose folder for Humidity data files")
filelist <- list.files(path = directory)
filetitles <-
regmatches(filelist, regexpr("[0-9].*[0-9]", filelist))
mdf <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(filelist)) { <- read.csv(filelist[i], header = F, skipNul = T)
if (nrow( < 3) {
} else {
newrow <-
c(filetitles[[i]], round(mean($V2, na.rm=T),1), round(mean($V4, na.rm=T),1)), nrow = 1, ncol =
3, byrow = T
mdf <- rbind(mdf, newrow)
names(mdf) <- c("timestamp", "humidity", "temp")
Only I did not get it to work as a function because then I would only have one row in mdf containing the last file data. Somehow it did not add rows but overwrite row 1 with each iteration. But using it without a function wrapper worked fine...

Generating new output filenames in for-loop

I want to write many raster files using a for loop.
path <- "D:/FolderA/FolderB/FolderC/FolderD/"
files1 <- c("FolderE1/raster.tif",
files2 <- c("FolderF1/raster.tif",
for (i in 1:length(files1)) {
raster1 <- raster(paste(path, files1[i], sep = ""), band = 1)[[0]])
raster2 <- raster(paste(path, files2[i], sep = ""), band = 1)[[0]])
mosaicraster <- mosaic(raster1, raster2, fun = mean)
NAvalue(mosaicraster) <- 0
outputfile <- paste(path, "mosaics/", files1[i], sep = "")
writeRaster(mosaikraster, outputfile , type = "GeoTIFF", datatype = "INT1U", overwrite = TRUE)
print(c(i, "of", length(files1)))
How do I create for each file a new folder within "D:/FolderA/FolderB/FolderC/FolderD/mosaics/" which includes FolderE1/, E2/... etc. plus the filename, e.g. mosaic.tif ?
outputfile <- paste(path, "mosaics/", files1[i], sep = "")
Does not give a satisfying result.
Just to demonstrate one method of making folders within a loop: If you have the directories in an object just looping over the elements of that object.
folders1 <- c("FolderE1",
for(i in folders1)
dir.create(i) #creates a dir named after the ith element of folders1
setwd(i) #goes into that directory
tiff('raster.tif') #plots your picture
setwd('../') #goes out to the original folder
Just a warning: this is all a bit dangerous because mistakes can make a big mess.
