How to use onClick event to change the background after onMouseover event on same togglebutton in react js? - onclick

How to use #onClick event to change the background after #onMouseover event on same #togglebutton in react #js?


React + Material-UI 4: When same-domain iFrame has focus, <Button> onClick doesn't get fired in Appbar

I have a React application that utilizes material-ui (v4). The specific component combination includes MUI's Appbar as a sticky header (position: sticky), which contains 2 Button components. The body of the component includes numerous tabs, some grids, etc..., and a same-domain iFrame.
Everything works fine, with one exception. When the iFrame has focus (a field or tab or whatever within the iFrame has been clicked), clicking directly on the Button components in the Appbar do not trigger the onClick callback. I temporarily converted the Button components into Link components, and attached an onClick event to those, and that works fine. A second click on the Button components does trigger the onClick callback.
I'm thinking that the Appbar is the issue, since I can place the Button components into the body (removing them from the Appbar), and their onClick callback is called.
So my question is - does anyone know if the Appbar MUI component specifically, in combination with a Button component, has some sort of limitation on event propagation? If so, is there a workaround other than converting the Button into a Link? Also, why does the Link work where the Button does not? And why does the button work in the body, but not in the Appbar?

How to check button clicked in new UI button of unity 5.0

I added the new UI buttons of unity 5.0 in place of the old GUI texture buttons
in these buttons how to i check when the button has been pressed and released
and how to make the Onclick event keep repeating itself
Add an Event Trigger component to your button . From there you can add a listener for OnPointerUp for when mouse is released and OnPointerDown for when mouse is pressed

How to disable the dojo button with click event

I need to disable the dojo button with click event, But my dojo button disable color only button now also click event working properly, how to restrict this? In j query when we use the disable attribute the click vent also change to the disable mode. How its in dojo?
My code:
dom.byId("somID").setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
You need to work with the widget and not the dom node.
require(['dijit/registry'], function(registry) {
registry.byId('somId').set('disabled', true);

Flex tooltip disappears when button is Clicked

I have tooltips in flex but when a component is clicked the tooltip disappears and the user has to move mouse out of the control and then back into the control to display the tooltip.
Is there a way to prevent the tooltip from getting destroyed on mouse click.
I tried calling
e.preventDefault(); on mouse click event of button. also tried handling and preventing tooltipEnd and tooltipHide events but they are not fire when the button is clicked.
I have fixed the issue by adding a event handler to the mouseDown event and then calling preventDefault and stopImmediatePropagation there this prevents the tooltip from vanishing and the button is still clickable.

Flex 4: How to override the default button functionality in a skin class?

I have a videoplayer with a custom skin class. I want to override the functionality of the fullscreen button. When I add an click event, the player still goes into fullscreen mode. How can I prevent the fullscreen event from firing?
It turns out that if you change the id of the button to anything other than the default then you regain full control over the button.
I changed fullScreenButton to customFullScreenButton (below):
<s:Button id="customFullScreenButton" label="Fullscreen"
Have you tried calling stopImmediatePropagation on the event when your event listener gets called? That should stop it from bubbling, but I'm not sure if your listener will get it first. It's worth a shot though. Hope that helps.
