Accordions in a Grid pushing content down - css

I have a grid of accordions like in the codesandbox below. The problem is when I open one of the accordions, it pushes down all the accordions in the row below, whereas the desired behaviour is to just push down the accordion right below it and the other accordions in the lower row staying in the same place. What needs to be changed in the following code to get this effect?

You can utilize the power of the Grid component to get your desired behavior. Nesting grids within grids is the magic sauce:
To do this with the material Grid component, the layout will need to be as such:
EXAMPLE (I forked your sandbox)


Relatived positioned children with column-fill parent

I wanted to create a layout where when the divs reach the bottom they will continue from the top. See my (super fancy) image I drew:
I got it working by using column-fill: auto. And now I'd like to add a dimmer on each item when being clicked. I'm using React and Semantic UI React for my app so I'm trying to achieve this with their Dimmer component.
My problem is that when I active the dimmer, it's not "dimmering" the whole item. I made a small CodeSandbox for my problem so we can debug this more easily. When you press the third item you can see that the part who is coming from the top is not dimmed. I assume it because the position of the dimmer is relative.
I hope I described my issue well enough and that we can solve this together.

How build css for custom layout?

I want to reproduce Google's spreadsheet behaviour with frozen first row and first col, in htmlm with little additions. This is done inside a web browser, so it's a site, page or web app (written in React, if that even matters, cuz question is mostly about css). Lets start with layout:
Availble view space of the page is separated in 3 distinct areas:
100% width, variable height Header, attached to top
Main View, occupying space between header and footer
100% width, variable height Footer, attached to bottom
Main View is then gonna to be split into two sections:
Menu of variable width, attached to the left-side
Table view, occupying remaining width
And Table view should have following properties:
Table area is scrollable, except
First row, where table headers must remain always visible
First column, where order No # of item must be always visible
I am stucked of a good and straightforward implementation. I gave up using <table> because it has no power to implement it, so clever <div> handling most probably would do the trick.
My question is How to write css for that layout? Lets omit layout html/jsx, I think its obvious. What css structure and classes would you suggest to me for this particular task?

Get Canvas to stick next to other canvas vue.js

I have a project that use multiple canvas elements. I have one canvas called gutter and then multiple groups of canvas that render as many times as needed. Each group contains three canvas layered over each other. I am using vue js and vuetify to work with all this. What I want is to place the canvas called gutter next to the first group of canvas. I have tried floating both elements to the left and that has not worked and variety of different div configurations and also display properties such as flex block and flex inline with no luck. I attached a picture to try and illustrate what I am doing, on the far left is the gutter that I want to move next to the other canvas. The blue boxes illustrate the groups.Each group has a name that renders on top of it.
rendered layout in inspector

Kendo Grid not rendering properly using Hierarchal Grids with many columns

I am currently using a Hierarchical Kendo Grid. You can see some exmples from kendo what I am trying to acomplish foud at this link: .
Now I have it all working properly as I want, except for how it renders. I have over 15 columns in the child grids within each row, and when I do a horizontal scroll to view them all, the styling all falls apart on the kendo UI.
If you look closely you will see that once a scroll occurs the headers of the parent rows do not stay fixed with the data, and the child grids, the rows extend beyond the rendered view. Has anyone come across this issue, and does any one know what I can do to address this?
If the child grid columns do not fit due to their number or large widths, then enable scrolling for the detail grids.

Add fixed sized items to grid layout in correct row

I am trying to create a grid layout of images kind of like how google images does it.
I want to add fixed sized images left to right, top to bottom but I am having trouble is figuring out when adding another image to a row would make it not fit and then decide that that images should be placed in a new row.
Also when the window resizes it should move images into/from rows based on how many it can fit in.
Ive got a scroll area with a grid layout in it which is fine if I know what can fit, but I can't figure out how to make it move items if say the window width is shrunk, and say an item needs to be moved down 1 row which moves other etc.
Assuming you are using QWidgets I'd suggest you to use QListView which does the layouting for free, if you want more control on how items are displayed use a QItemDelegate. For QListView the view mode should be set to QListView::IconMode so that you have a grid of items and not a list.
But if you are using QtQuick things are much easier, a GridView with Image delegates would do what you want really quickly and using GPU power to build you UI.
