I use Daru and have a vector.
vector = Daru::Vector.new({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})
Now, I have a function which I'd like to apply on each element and obtain result as vector.
// example function; a function I'd like to apply on each element
f = ->(num) { rand(num) }
# => expects Vector of { a: rand(1), b: rand(2), c: rand(3) }
I tried .map method, but that returns result in an array.
How can I map each element in a vector and return a vector, which has the same index as the original one?
In python terms, I want .map method of pd.Series in pandas.
There are map! and recode methods for Vector (see documentation)
So, you should be able to do either:
vector.map! {|value| rand(value)}
new_vector = vector.recode {|value| rand(value)}
(or vector = vector.recode {|value| rand(value)} if you want to change your vector in place)
I used recode in my code, not map!, so I don't guarantee it works this way. Documentation on map! is not the best
When working with packages like openxlsx, I often find myself writing repetetive code such as defining the wb and sheet arguments with the same values.
To respect the DRY principle, I would like to define one variable that contains multiple arguments. Then, when I call a function, I should be able to provide said variable to define multiple arguments.
foo <- list(a=1,b=2,c=3)
bar <- function(a,b,c,d) {
bar(foo, d=4) # should return 10
How should the foo() function be defined to achieve this?
Apparently you are just looking for do.call, which allows you to create and evaluate a call from a function and a list of arguments.
do.call(bar, c(foo, d = 4))
#[1] 10
How should the foo() function be defined to achieve this?
You've got it slightly backwards. Rather than trying to wrangle the output of foo into something that bar can accept, write foo so that it takes input in a form that is convenient to you. That is, create a wrapper function that provides all the boilerplate arguments that bar requires, without you having to specify them manually.
bar <- function(a, b, c, d) {
call_bar <- function(d=4) {
bar(1, 2, 3, d)
call_bar(42) # shorter than writing bar(1, 2, 3, 42)
I discovered a solution using rlang::exec.
First, we must have a function to structure the dots:
getDots <- function(...) {
out <- sapply(as.list(match.call())[-1], function(x) eval(parse(text=deparse(x))))
Then we must have a function that executes our chosen function, feeding in our static parameters as a list (a, b, and c), in addition to d.
execute <- function(FUN, ...) {
dots <-
getDots(...) %>%
out <- rlang::exec(FUN, !!!dots)
Then calling execute(bar, abc, d=4) returns 10, as it should do.
Alternatively, we can write bar %>% execute(abc, d=4).
Let me give you an example!
How to get two or more return values from a function
Method 1: Set global variables, so that if you change global variables in formal parameters, it will also be effective in actual parameters. So you can change the value of multiple global variables in the formal parameter, then in the actual parameter is equivalent to returning multiple values.
Method 2: If you use the array name as a formal parameter, then you change the contents of the array, such as sorting, or perform addition and subtraction operations, and it is still valid when returning to the actual parameter. This will also return a set of values.
Method 3: Pointer variables can be used. This principle is the same as Method 2, because the array name itself is the address of the first element of the array. Not much to say.
Method 4: If you have learned C++, you can quote parameters
You can try these four methods here, I just think the problem is a bit similar, so I provided it to you, I hope it will help you!
I have a problem with elipsis usecase. My function accepts list of objects, let's call them objects of class "X". Now, objects X are being processed inside of my function to class "Xs", so I have list of "Xs" objects. Function that I import from other package can compute multiple "Xs" objects at once but they have to be enumerated (elipsis mechanic), not passed as list. Is there a way how to solve it? I want something like this
examplefun <- function(charlist){
nums <- lapply(charlist, as.numeric)
sum(... = nums)
Of course example above throws an error but it shows what i want to achieve. I tried to unlist with recursive = FALSE ("X" and "Xs" are the list itself) but it does not work.
If there is no solution then:
Let's assume I decideed to accept ... insted of list of "X" objects. Can I modify elipsis elements (change them to "Xs") and then pass to function that accepts elipsis? So it will look like this:
examplefun2 <- function(...){
function that modify object in ... to "Xs" objects
In your first function, just call sum directly because sum works correctly on vectors of numbers instead of individual numbers.
examplefun <- function (charlist) {
nums <- vapply(charlist, as.numeric, numeric(1L))
(Note the use of vapply instead of lapply: sum expects an atomic vector, we can’t pass a list.)
In your second function, you can capture ... and work with the captured variable:
examplefun2 <- function (...) {
nums <- as.numeric(c(...))
For more complex arguments, Roland’s comment is a good alternative: Modify the function arguments as a list, and pass it to do.call.
My apologies if this has been answered somewhere else. I've defined two functions in R and then nested them with good results. Now I would like to evaluate these two nested functions by changing a variable in the second function. I've tried creating a list for the changing variable and then using lapply to evaluate each element, but I'm getting an error.
My code looks something like this:
# First function
FirstFun <- function(a, b, c, d) {
answer1 <- (a + b)/(1-(0.2*(c/d))-(0.8*(c/d)^2))
# First function evaluated
# Second function
SecondFun <- function(answer1,c,d) {
answer2 <- answer1*(1-(0.2*(c/d))-(0.8*(c/d)^2))
# Nested function evaluated
# Nested function evaluated with elements of a list
c <- list(0:1980)
lapply(c, SecondFun(FirstFun(13,387,1728,1980),c,1980))
if I under stand you correctly - you are looking for :
or maybe this :
both return a numeric vector of length 1981.
2 things -
1. no need for a list. a range would work.
2. calling a variable 'c' is a bad idea..... c is reserved
I have an Array of arrays, called y:
y=Array(Vector{Int64}, 10)
which is basically a list of 1-dimensional arrays(10 of them), and each 1-dimensional array has length 5. Below is an example of how they are initialized:
for i in 1:10
y[i]=sample(1:20, 5)
Each 1-dimensional array includes 5 randomly sampled integers between 1 to 20.
Right now I am applying a map function where for each of those 1-dimensional arrays in y , excludes which numbers from 1 to 20:
map(x->setdiff(1:20, x), y)
However, I want to make sure when the function applied to y[i], if the output of setdiff(1:20, y[i]) includes i, i is excluded from the results. in other words I want a function that works like
setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20),i) ,y[i])
but with map.
Mainly my question is that whether you can access the index in the map function.
P.S, I know how to do it with comprehensions, I wanted to know if it is possible to do it with map.
comprehension way:
[setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20), index), value) for (index,value) in enumerate(y)]
Like this?
map(x -> setdiff(deleteat!(Vector(1:20), x[1]),x[2]), enumerate(y))
For your example gives this:
I had a few questions about subsetting a named list in R using the [] operator:
For example, consider the list formals <- list(x = DOUBLE, y = DOUBLE, z = NULL). In this example, DOUBLE is treated as a symbol in R.
1) How should I retrieve all elements that are not equal to NULL. I tried formals[formals != NULL] but this only returns an object of type listwith no members.
2) How should I retrieve elements whose names satisfy for a condition. For example, how would I get all elements whose names are not z? I could use names(formals) but this is cumbersome and I was hoping for a quick solution using [].
Another option for the first question:
Filter(Negate(is.null), formals)
For the second case, you'll have to use names. Here's one way:
formals[names(formals) != 'z']
formals is actually a function in R. It's best to avoid names of functions when naming your variables.
This will work for your first question:
formals[!unlist(lapply(formals, is.null))]
I don't think you can avoid using names for the second question.