Call notebook using R in Databricks - r

I have a R notebook in Databricks, that I want to call inside an other R notebook.
I know that to call the notebook_a, one should do :
%run /path/notebook_a
But I want to do it inside an R script. For example :
if(condition){ %run /path/notebook_a }
Of course this code does not work.
Thanks a lot.

You should be able to use for calling another notebook, but there is a difference between it and %run: executes another notebook as a separate job, so no definitions, etc. is pulled into the context of the current notebook - you can communicated data via temp views, etc.
%run execute another notebook and pulls all definitions and sides effects into the context of the current notebook.
I'm not sure if will help in your case.
P.S. I personally would recommend to use %run with notebooks that only define functions, not doing any calculations, etc. - in this case, even if you have %run this doesn't cause any side effect on your current context.


DataSpell - save state like in RStudio?

Is it possible to save the Jupyter variables in DataSpell similar to how this works in RStudio?
At the moment, after I closed DS, I need to recompute everything. Of course I can write the main variables to disk myself, but I don't want to do that for all variables all the time.
I think the closest thing to the save/load workspace behavior in RStudio is the %store magic. IPython provides the %store magic, but %store is available in Jupyter Notebooks in DataSpell.
Here is the %store documentation:

Very simple question on Console vs Script in R

I have just started to learn to code on R, so I apologize for the very simple question. I understand it is best to type your code in as a Script so you can edit and save it. However, when I try to make an object in the script section, it does not work. If I make an object in the console, R saves the object and it appears in my environment. I am typing in a very simple code to try a quick exercise on rolling dice:
die <- 1:6
But it only works in the console and not when typed as a script. Any help/explanation appreciated!
Essentially, you interact with R environment differently when running an .R script via RScript.exe or via console with R.exe, Rterm, etc. and in GUI IDEs like RGui or RStudio. (This applies to any programming language with interactive compilers not just R).
The script does save thedie object in R environment but only during the run or lifetime of that script (i.e., from beginning to end of code lines). Your code line is simply an assignment of object. You do nothing with it. Apply some function, output results, and other actions in that script to see.
On the console, the R environment persists interactively until you quit it with q(). So assigned objects remains for lifetime of your console session. After assigning, you can afterwards apply function, output results, or other actions in line by line calls.
Ultimately, scripts gathers all line by line code in advance of run for automated execution without relying on user to supply lines. Imagine running 1,000 lines of code with nested if/then or for/while loops, apply functions on console! Therefore, have all your R coding needs summarily handled in scripts.
It is always better to have the script, as you say, you can save edit correct, without having to rewrite the code to change a variable or number.
I recommend using Rstudio, it is very practical and will help you to program more efficiently and allows you to see, among other things, the different objects that you have created.

How do I test if R is running as Rscript?

I have code in a single R file that I want to be able to source (i.e., to define my functions etc.) within RStudio during development, and also run using the #! /usr/bin/env Rscript syntax via the command line (actually, using Hadoop). For the latter, I need the last thing that Rscript does to be to kick off the analysis (i.e., using a call to a main() function). For the former, I don't want my main() function called. I'd like to be able to test if the code is running within Rscript (or, alternatively, within RStudio), so that I can either execute main() or not. Is this possible, please?
One solution would be to break my code into multiple files, but I'd rather avoid this if possible (to make the Hadoop stuff slightly easier).
Thanks in advance.
You could use interactive to test if R is running in interactive mode. interactive will return FALSE under Rscript and TRUE under (most?) GUIs.

Is there any way in Linux to show what's going on about the freezing code on the R session?

I am running a set of selected code on R. Like
There is no output. Only the prompt '>' flickered there.
I use 'killall' to kill the R session. But I don't know where is wrong on the code. Because R did not give any output. How could I know what's going on about the code.
I'd try two things:
Run the code interactively. As in, open the Rsource-2704 file and run its lines one by one.
If that doesn't replicate the problem or is not possible, you can take Joshua Ulrich's suggestion or use:
R CMD BATCH --vanilla Rsource-2704-quantmod.R out.log
Which will run the code in a batch mode and output the usual console lines to a file called out.log (you can name it whatever you like).
Instead of using print statements, you could also take a look at the browser() command. This drops you into an interactive session at the point where the command is put. This works particularly well when trying to figure out what is happening inside a function, although I don't know if your script contains them.

Starting a second R script from within a parent script

I have about 5 scripts that are all part of a project to be run one after the other. I would like to open the first script, run it and then be prompted at the end, "Do you want to run XrefGenetic.r?" If yes, then XrefGenetic.r should open and run. I am 100% certain R can do this, in fact I think I used to know how but have forgotten and cannot find it anywhere.
How do I open another r script from within an r script?
Are you thinking of source() ?
My usual recommendation is to create a package, as that alleviates all these issues: functions and symbols are known (or hidden if you chose not to export them) and you have generally much better control.
