how can I send signal to computer - arduino

greetings to each of you. I need your help. I am working on a project. I need that when a > is greater than 5, the arduino sends a signal to the computer and starts playing the video on the computer. my computer operation system is Windows11. I want play video on windows media player or anything. everytime my computer is open and video on media player ready to play. I don't know how to do it. first I connected the servo motor, the servo motor rotated 70 degrees and hit the computer's "space" key. now I want to develop it further. When it enters the "if" period, it will send a signal and start playing the video automatically.

You don't need to think so complicated. With Java, C# or Python, you can code scripts where you can read values and take actions over the serial port. For Arduino side use Serial.begin(9600); in the setup() and write your code in loop as:
while (a > 5 )
While your a greater than 5 we send 1 value to serial port. Now I will continue to explain over python.
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('COM5')
while True:
ser_bytes = ser.readline()
decoded_bytes = float(ser_bytes[0:len(ser_bytes)-2].decode("utf-8"))
print("Keyboard Interrupt")
You do your test and write your code in try section.


Max TX power Classic bluetooth for ESP32

I have been using esp32 for some projects.
Now i want to include classic bluetooth with a serial profile for one of our old projects.
In theory ESP32 is class 1,2,3 Bluetooth and in theory it supports 100meters.
I have been trying to raise the TX power for bluetooth playing with function esp_bredr_tx_power_set.
I have been able to raise it a bit passing params:
But it is not enough. I have another bluetooth class 1 device with serial profile with more power (one from bluegiga).
Power consumption is not a problem in this project but distance is critical.
Is it possible to raise the power of classic bluetooth more on ESP32?
To check that power is assigned right, i used the get fuction
esp_power_level_t min,max;
esp_ble_tx_power_set(ESP_BLE_PWR_TYPE_ADV,ESP_PWR_LVL_P9 );
esp_bredr_tx_power_set(ESP_PWR_LVL_P9,ESP_PWR_LVL_P9 );
Serial.printf("min %d max %d",min,max);
The pause is used to be sure that power is changed (if you do it without delay, you see the old value). Probably 1s is too much, but this is just a test.
The highest TX output for an ESP32 is +9dbm, which falls in-between BT class 1 (+12dbm) and class 2 (+4dbm). So you have what it seems already set your TX power output to the maximum. It's not clear if you are using an PCB antenna or an external antenna, the latter will of course increase the range.
For the different BT power classes see this link
See Espressive document (scroll down to section with ESP_PWR_LVL_P9)

I2C between EEPROM and Arduino working, not with STM32

This is driving me nuts for a couple of days now, so maybe you guys can give me some insights into what is going wrong.
I'm trying to read some data from an EEPROM (24LC16B) with an STM32(F0), but it just doesn't let me. I've tried an Arduino, which worked and does still work, so I do know that the wiring is correct.
This is my function to read the EEPROM data. (It is cut down to the very basis, just for testing): (Pastebin of my I2C_setup function)
uint16_t readEEPROMData(uint16_t deviceAddress, int memAddress){
// Wait while I2C peripheral is not ready
// Start I2C write transfer for 2 bytes, do not end transfer (SoftEnd_Mode)
I2C_TransferHandling(I2C1, 0xA2, 2, I2C_SoftEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Write);
// For testing purpose, be sure to generate a stop command...
I2C_TransferHandling(I2C1, 0xA2, 0, I2C_AutoEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Stop);
Here's an pastebin of the Arduino library I used.
I've used a logic analyzer to see how the communication is going, and now I really don't understand it. Here's a printscreen of the working Arduino version:
And here's a printscreen of the STM32 communication:
Logic analyzer exports (viewable with Saleae Logic)
As you can see, I'm using the same address (although I had to use 0xA2 with the STM32), and there are no weird things happening, besides the NACK. So what could possible be wrong?
Confirm if all bus timing requirement are satisfied.
Confirm if their is adequate delay after every write cycle (5 mS)
Confirm is bus capacitance falls under permissible limit of I2C (400 pF - Theoretically).
Confirm if the correct VCC is supplied
As mentioned by you are interfacing EEPROM with MCU using cable you need to conform on capacitance.
You can use an oscilloscope to check if their are any distortion in waveform. You can use a LCR meter to check the capacitance.
Try reducing bus speed 25kHz to 50 kHz and check waveform.
Try increasing the strength of pull resister.
The problem with the wrong VCC capacity (4.2v instead of 5v for example) is, that the timing can be different to. (not fully verified, but it fixed the problem)

Sending output from arduino to picaxe

I am doing a class project involving an Arduino Uno and a Picaxe 14m2.
I am in the middle of attempting to code a program for the Arduino Uno that will allow me to send and output value to the input on the Picaxe.
So in layman's, this is what I wish to achieve:
I want the Arduino to check a sensor, and if the sensor returns a specific value. (- I know this part, but not the next.) I then want the Arduino to send a value (HIGH, or 1 .. something like that) as an output to one of the Picaxe input pins. I then need the Picaxe to notice a value has been sent, and then do something else.
Any help would be appreciated.
If you are looking for that, you may want to specify what kind of PICAXE you have.
Since there is a difference in the types of these chips.
After that you may wanna look over the datasheet of the PICAXE so that you can find the instructions set and the type of program memory you have, "EEPROM....".
After that:
List your Is/Os, inputs and outputs.
Set your source code editor.
Write the source code and burn it to the PICAXE program
memory.(C, Assembly...)
Write your Arduino code, setting the Is/Os and telling the
Arduino how to deal with the signals in and out.(C language)
Make a circuit diagram for the hardware you are going to connect
between both chips.
Don't forget to see the loading effects on both the Arduino and
the PICAXE, because you don't want to burn your project hardware
after all.
Test your project and note that you will have to troubleshoot
both software and hardware whenever a problem occurs.
I suggest that you use the Oscilloscope to test the signals going in or coming out of both circuits + the sensor's signal.
For any extra thing you need the PICAXE to do, use If statements, because they are not so technical to implement and they are easy to write and troubleshoot.
For your scheme, you are actually making the Arduino give instructions to the PICAXE through a variable signal coming from a sensor.
^send me feedback and I will help more.
You will probably want to look into using UART (aka Serial) or i2c communication.
Serial communication should work with any PICAXE and Arduino, While i2c Will only work if you are using the X2 Series PICAXE Chips. i2c's main advantage is when using multiple slave devices (plus the master device, i.e. more than just 2 devices total) in which you can use the same two wires for up to around 128 devices. Serial (UART) communication is simpler, and only needs one wire (plus a common ground) to send data one way, it is what i'll show for the rest of this answer
Here is the manual entry for serial input for the PICAXE, and Here's the entry for serial output from the Arduino. The code you will need given your question will be something like the following:
For the arduino:
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (conditionMet){ //whatever the condition is in your code
int bytesSent = Serial.write(“HIGH”); //send the string “HIGH"
and for the PICAXE:
serin 6, T9600, ("HIGH") 'uses qualifier to look for exact message "HIGH"
'do whatever when criteria met
goto main

How do I make my speakers as an output on Arduino?

I want to use the readings off an LDR to dictate the sound. I know have to do this with a buzzer in my circuit and I know how to call my speakers in java, but I don't have any idea how to do this in Arduino.What I want exactly is something along the line of:
input = analog read(pin 6);
tone(LAPTOP SPEAKERS, input);
So you want to use laptop to play music? them your arduino will send a messagge to the PC (by Serial, Bluethoot, Wifi, Ethernet, smoke signal) and a pc program will read that signal and play the according sound.
Or you can use the arduino with a buzzer, or with a speaker jack, and use the tone() function, or a mp3 shield if you need specific sound.
You can send the readed value from pin6 over serial to pc , and use this value on java to generate a sound at this frequency. Send it over serial it's not a problem, it's so easy as Serial.print(input);, this will sent the readed value (0 - 255) to pc.
The main problem for me will be generate the tone at specific frequency on java, and it's not so hard.

Windows XP embedded - RS485 problems

We've got a system running XP embedded, with COM2 being a hardware RS485 port.
In my code, I'm setting up the DCB with RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE. I'd assume that would do what it says... turn off RTS in kernel mode once the write empty interrupt happens. That should be virtually instant.
Instead, We see on a scope that the PC is driving the bus anywhere from 1-8 milliseconds longer than the end of the message. The device that we're talking to is responding in about 1-5 milliseconds. So... communications corruptions galore. No, there's no way to change the target's response time.
We've now hooked up to the RS232 port and connected the scope to the TX and RTS lines, and we're seeing the same thing. The RTS line stays high 1-8 milliseconds after the message is sent.
We've also tried turning off the FIFO, or setting the FIFO depths to 1, with no effect.
Any ideas? I'm about to try manually controlling the RTS line from user mode with REALTIME priority during the "SendFile, clear RTS" cycle. I don't have many hopes that this will work either. This should not be done in user mode.
RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE does not work (has a variable 1-15 millisecond delay before turning it off after transmit) on our embedded XP platform. It's possible I could get that down if I altered the time quantum to 1 ms using timeBeginPeriod(1), etc, but I doubt it would be reliable or enough to matter. (The device responds # 1 millisecond sometimes)
The final solution is really ugly but it works on this hardware. I would not use it on anything where the hardware is not fixed in stone.
1) set the FIFOs on the serial port's device manager page to off or 1 character deep
2) send your message + 2 extra bytes using this code:
int WriteFile485(HANDLE hPort, void* pvBuffer, DWORD iLength, DWORD* pdwWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
int iOldClass = GetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess());
int iOldPriority = GetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread());
SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
EscapeCommFunction(hPort, SETRTS);
BOOL bRet = WriteFile(hPort, pvBuffer, iLength, pdwWritten, lpOverlapped);
EscapeCommFunction(hPort, CLRRTS);
SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), iOldClass);
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), iOldPriority);
return bRet;
The WriteFile() returns when the last byte or two have been written to the serial port. They have NOT gone out the port yet, thus the need to send 2 extra bytes. One or both of them will get trashed when you do CLRRTS.
Like I said... it's ugly.
Any ideas?
You may find that there's source code for the serial port driver in the DDK, which would let you see how that option is supposed to be implemented: i.e. whether it's at interrupt-level, at DPC-level, or worse.
Other possibilities include rewriting the driver; using a 3rd-party RS485 driver if you can find one; or using 3rd-party RS485 hardware with its own driver (e.g. at least in the past 3rd parties used to make "intelligent serial port boards" with 32 ports, deep buffers, and its own microprocessor; I expect that RS485 is a problem that's been solved by someone).
8 milliseconds does seem like a disappointingly long time; I know that XP isn't a RTOS but I'd expect it to (usually) do better than that. Another thing to look at is whether there are other high-priority threads running which may be interfering. If you've been boosting the priorities of some threads in your own application, perhaps instead you should be reducing the priorities of other threads.
I'm about to try manually controlling the RTS line from user mode with REALTIME priority during the "SendFile, clear RTS" cycle.
Don't let that thread spin out of control: IME a thread like that can if it's buggy preempt every other user-mode thread forever.
