Can I display a custom field inside a Loop Query block? - wordpress

I’m fairly new to Wordpress and I’m trying all my best to learn, but I can’t find a solution for this one…
I’ve been using the Twenty Twenty-Two theme and I’ve added a custom field ("city") to my articles.
Of course when I add a Query Loop block on my homepage, the visual editor allows me to use Titles, Categories and so on… but it won’t let me use my custom field.
I tried adding what follows to functions.php:
add_shortcode( 'city', 'return_my_custom_value' );
function return_my_custom_value() {
$myCity = do_shortcode(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'city', true));
return $myCity;
But it won’t work, because then I use the following shortcode inside my Query Loop block:
and it shows a list of my articles all with the same 'city' value, repeated — which is the one I assigned to the page I’m showing the query on (my homepage).
Any solution for this? I would really appreciate each suggestion. Thank you so much in advance!

We have checked the code you are not calling shortcode inside the query loop. we have updated the code you can use the code. Please check below the updated code and add in the functions.php file.
add_shortcode( 'city', 'return_my_custom_value' );
function return_my_custom_value() {
$myCity = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'city', true);
return $myCity;
Please use the following shortcode inside your query loop block
echo do_shortcode('[city]');


Wordpress: Can I use get_post_meta in my Plugin?

So I'm trying to reference custom field values in a plugin I'm building. All I need to do at this stage is grab the values and store them in variables. This is my code to get the custom field value of pageName:
global $wp_query;
$postid = $wp_query->post->ID;
$pageName = get_post_meta($postid, 'pageName', true);
So when I try to echo that out, I get nothing. I notice that my plugin runs before the head or anything else, so it's the first code in the source. My hunch is that this is due to timing and the value just isn't there yet. Is there a way to make my plugin, or this chunk of code, wait until the custom field values are there before trying to grab them?
I'm trying to avoid doing anything in the theme files so this can be a stand alone plugin that I can share.
yes, you can get the value of any post meta of the custom post type.
Just make sure that you are receiving the correct post_id in the $postid variable.
If you get the correct id of the post type you can get any meta field
global $post;
if ($post->ID) {
$media_id_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'media_id', true);
Found the solution! I wrapped the whole thing in a function to put it in the footer, which made sure that everything it needed was there.
//----This function is wrapped around the code for my plugin
function dataLayerInject() {
//----This drops my code into the footer
add_action('wp_footer', 'dataLayerInject');

Custom Columns Don't Display Anything

I have added a new column to a custom post type to display the post's ID. This works for the WordPress core post type, but not for my custom post type. I have tried using the manage_{post_type}_custom_column hook and just applying it to all posts, but neither works.
It DOES add the custom column headers, but I can't populate them with anything at all when viewing the custom post type.
This is what it looks like when viewing the custom post type
this is what it looks like when viewing a regular core post.
// Add post ID column to use an order ID in all posts view.
add_filter('manage_posts_columns', 'oms_order_id_header');
add_action('manage_posts_custom_column', 'oms_order_id_column', 10, 2);
function oms_order_id_header($columns) {
//Remove title column
//Add new columns
$columns['order_id_header'] = 'Order ID';
$columns['customer_header'] = 'Customer';
$columns['author'] = 'Owner';
return $columns;
function oms_order_id_column( $column, $post_id ) {
if ($column == 'order_id_header') {
echo $post_id;
This turned out to be an issue with the post type being set to hierarchical. Hierarchical post types need to be targeted by a different action hook than the one used here.
Instead of manage_posts_custom_column, hierarchical post types need to use manage_pages_custom_column.
I just tried you code and it seems to be working perfect on my WordPress installation in both cases: Custom Post and Post.
Maybe your error is happening because your posts are drafts? I don't think so but maybe. (I tried your code also with drafts on my installation and it worked). Here is the screenshot:
Try printing "hello world" instead of the $post_id to check if it prints in all cases.

Add specific words to WordPress custom type slug

I have a WordPress installation with a custom type (places) wich produces this permalink structure:
And I would like to show all my sites like this:
where 'visit' and 'and-enjoy' would be always those specific words (constants).
Even better I would like to put a custom taxonomy I have (year) as a metadata
I can access the DB and modify the post name of all post, but I would have to do for the new post also, and I'm looking for some automated rule, but can't find how to do.
Maybe some rewrite rule, but I don't know how to do it.
Any ideas??
You do not have to edit anything in your database nor any codes in your WordPress installation; you can achieve that directly from your WordPress administration panel.
From your Dashboard, click on the Permalink sub-menu under Settings; there, you will have to select the Custom Structure option and set it as follow in order to achieve your desired effect:
Please note: here, we made use of both %postname% and %year% Structure Tags so as to get names of posts with their corresponding year of publication respectively.
Don't forget to click on the Save Changes button on the page in order to effect your changes.
... Read more on Permaklinks (for general knowledge).
For a custom post type and taxonomies as expressed further in comments, you will need a custom solution which will require a little bit of coding and or tweaking, depending on your abilities; you may use this handy plugin (Custom Post Type Permalinks) from the Plugins repository.
This posts should equally be of great help to you, to getting started and understanding further, should you chose to code.
You have différent hook like save_post or pending_to_publish, where you can set or change the "post_name" (that's corresponds to the permalink slug).
To Add specific words to WordPress custom type slug You have to Register custom rewrite rules.
suppose this is Your URL !
and you have a post type places.
function add_rewrite_rules()
$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%places%', '([^/]+)', 'places=');
$wp_rewrite->add_rewrite_tag('%state%', '([^/]+)', 'state=');
$wp_rewrite->add_permastruct('places', 'places/visit-%state%-and-enjoy/', false);
function permalinks($permalink, $post, $leavename)
$no_data = 'no-data';
$post_id = $post->ID;
if($post->post_type != 'story' || empty($permalink) || in_array($post->post_status, array('draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft')))
return $permalink;
$state = get_post_meta($post_id, 'location', true);
$state = $no_data;
$permalink = str_replace('%state%', $state, $permalink);
return $permalink;
add_action('init', 'add_rewrite_rules');
add_filter('post_type_link', 'permalinks', 10, 3);
put this code in your custom post type plugin. and if get page not found error please change your permalink setting. or make a custom template file to show this post.

execute do_shortcode in functions.php

I'm trying to run a do_shortcode in functions.php with no luck
I'm using Types plugin for creating custom post types and custom fields.
What I'm trying do is adding a custom column in admin for view all custom posts that displays a thumbnail from a custom field.
This is what I got so far, but it seems that the shortcode doesn't work inside functions.php
// add a column for custom post type (products)
add_filter('manage_product_posts_columns', 'add_thumbnail_column');
add_action('manage_product_posts_custom_column', 'add_thumbnail_content', 10, 2);
function add_thumbnail_column($defaults)
$newSlice = array('thumbnail' => 'Image preview');
$counter = 2;
$array_head = array_slice($defaults,0,$counter);
$array_tail = array_slice($defaults,$counter);
$defaults = array_merge($array_head, $newSlice);
$defaults = array_merge($defaults, $array_tail);
return $defaults;
function add_thumbnail_content($column_name, $post_ID)
// this one works when putting into post content
echo do_shortcode('[types field="square-picture" id="' . $post_ID . '" size="thumbnail"]' . '[/types]');
Can anyone help please?
In the Wordpress notes for the function it says
"If there are no shortcode tags defined, then the content will be
returned without any filtering. This might cause issues if a plugin is
disabled as its shortcode will still show up in the post or content."
Types may be conditionally declaring their short code only when you are on the frontend. What may be happening is that, in the admin, the short code is not defined and you are simply getting a false return. While on the frontend, the shortcode is defined and you get the results you intended.

Inserting Wordpress Plugin content to posts

I am trying to learn more about Wordpress and creating plugins. I have seen an existing plugin use a technique where you can add a 'reference' to it within your posts and WP will parse it and replace it with the plugins own content. The example i am referring to is the NextGen gallery which uses the following code
[nextgen id=9]
I have tried searching for how this technique works but trying to find something that you don't know the name of is pretty difficult!
Can anyone point me towards some resources about how to use this feature of WP?
The technique is called shortcodes.
function my_plugin_shortcode($atts, $content = null) {
$atts = shortcode_atts($my_default_atts,$atts); // $atts is now an associate array
$my_content = 'This is some content.';
return $my_content;
Then, if you have a post with the following content:
Hey, here is some content.
You will get the following output when the post is displayed:
Hey, here is some content. This is
some content.
If you passed a shortcode like [my-content id="9" test="test"], then the $atts variable in the above function would be like the following array declaration
$atts = array('id'=>9, 'test'=>'test');
The $content variable only has content when you use matching shortcodes around some text:
[my-content]This is some test
