Coin change problem with limited and unlimited amount of coins - sage

I'm currently working in SageMath. I'm trying to tackle the coin change problem, but instead of having an unlimited amount of each denomination we could have a finite amount of some of them (but still an infinite amount of others). I've solved this problem using generating functions, but it is really inefficient, since it has to calculate each and every of the previous coefficients before reaching the desired one. Is there a dynamic programming approach that could solve this efficiently?


Averaging when events are slower than measurement time

I'm trying to come up with a better way of providing an instantaneous average when input signal is very slow. This seems like a math-y kinda question so if it should be over there let me know.
I have events that are measured as a pulse. Normally I can collect the pulses in a counter and then read the counter value at a fixed interval, say 1/4 second. I can then take the count value and divide by the number of seconds so n/0.25 and get a rate. I then apply a low pass filter to clean up the average and that works great normally.
What do I do when the events happen once every 1-60 seconds? The obvious choice is to wait until I have a sufficient number of counts and divide by total time. However, I need to provide the user with a reading every few seconds so waiting is not an option. I need some way to estimate the value.
I've thought of one solution that's kinda hard to explain. I was wondering if there was a standard way of doing this. I'm pretty sure I have to utilize a different kind of "data," the lack of an event. The goal is to estimate until enough time/events have passed to really calculate a rate and to transition from estimate to real rate seamlessly.

Sudden drop in performance of hash table

I recently implemented an algorithm in Java that used a hash table. I compared it to a few other algorithms with rather large data input sizes such as 100000.
The thing that has struck me is that once my data input size exceeds 10000 the performance of the hash table drops dramatically. To emphasise this drop, what took 4000 ms with input size 1000 suddenly goes up to 172000 ms for input size 5000.
Can anyone please explain to me what the reason for this is? I'd really like to know.
This question is way too ambiguous for anyone to give a definitive answer, but if I had to guess I would say that you are encountering collisions. The stock implementation of java's HashMap uses linked lists to hold the entries whose keys' hashes collide, which will certainly happen if the hashCode method has been incorrectly defined; perhaps returning a constant value.
Having said that, if you're just measuring elapsed time, that doesn't tell you too much. Perhaps you crossed a threshold that caused a major garbage collection to occur. You should try to measure performance after your JVM and hash table are sufficiently warmed up, and take lots of measurements and consider their average, before coming to any conclusions.

Are all scheduling problems NP-Hard?

I know there are some scheduling problems out there that are NP-hard/NP-complete ... however, none of them are stated in such a way to show this situation is also NP.
If you have a set of tasks constrained to a startAfter, startBy, and duration all trying to use a single resource ... can you resolve a schedule or identify that it cannot be resolved without an exhaustive search?
If the answer is "sorry pal, but this is NP-complete" what would be the best heuristic(s?) to use and are there ways to decrease the time it takes to a) resolve a schedule and b) to identify an unresolvable schedule.
I've implemented (in prolog) a basic conflict resolution goal through recursion that implements a "smallest window first" heuristic. This actually finds solutions rather quickly, but is exceptionally slow at finding invalid schedules. Is there a way to overcome this?
Yay for compound questions!
The hardest part of most scheduling problems in real life is getting hold of a reliability and complete set of constraints. If we take the example of creating a university timetable:
Professor A will not get up in the morning, he is on a lot of committees, but no-one will tell the timetable office about this sort of constraint
Department 1 needs the timetable by the start of term, however, Department 2 that uses the same rooms is unwilling to decide on the courses that will be run until after all the students have arrived
Then you need a schedule system that can cope with changes, so when one constraint is changed at the last minute you don’t have to change the complete timetable.
All of the above is normally ignored in research papers about scheduling systems. As to NP completeness of a given scheduling problem, in real life you don’t care as even if it is not NP complete you are unlikely to even be able to define what the “best solution” is, so good enough is good enough.
See for a list of papers that may help get you started; there are still many PHDs to be had in scheduling software.
There are often good approximation algorithms for NP-hard/complete optimization problems like scheduling. You might skim the course notes by Ahmed Abu Safia on Approximation Algorithms for scheduling or various papers.
In a sense, all public key cryptography is done with "less hard" problems like factoring partially because NP-hard problems offer up too many easy cases. It's the same NP-completeness that makes them "morally hard" which also gives them too many easy problems, which often fall within some error bound of optimal.
There is a deeper theory of hardness of approximation that discusses the limitations of approximation algorithms though.
You can use dynamic programming to solve some of these things. Greedy algorithms also come to mind. Scheduling theory is both deep and beautiful but those two I find will solve most of the problems I've faced. Perhaps I've been lucky.
What do you mean with startBy?
With startAfter and if there is only one resource, then a fast solution could be to use topological sorting. The example algorithm runs in linear time, but does not include the error case if the graph contains cycles.
Here's one that isn't.
Schedule a set of jobs i= 1,2...n on a single machine which each take time t(i) so that the average waiting time is minimized.
Solution: Sort in increasing order of t(i). O(n log n)
Good list here
Consider the scheduling problem that is in the class P:
Input: list of activities which include the start time and finish time.
Sort by finish time.
Select the first N elements of this sorted list to find the maximum amount of activities you can schedule in a given time.
You can add caveats like: all activities must end at 5pm, well in this case as you work through the list, stop once you reach an activity which ends after this time.

Flex Profiling (Flex Builder): comparing two results

I am trying to use Flex Profiler to improve the application performance (loading time, etc). I have seen the profiler results for the current desgn. I want to compare these results with a new design for the same set of data. Is there some direct way to do it? I don't know any way to save the current profiling results in history and compare it later with the results of a new design.
Otherwise I have to do it manually, write the two results in a notepad and then compare it.
Thanks in advance.
Your stated goal is to improve aspects of the application performance (loading time, etc.) I have similar issues in other languages (C#, C++, C, etc.) I suggest that you focus not so much on the timing measurements that the Flex profiler gives you, but rather use it to extract a small number of samples of the call stack while it is being slow. Don't deal in summaries, but rather examine those stack samples closely. This may bend your mind a little bit, because it will not give you particularly precise time measurements. What it will tell you is which lines of code you need to focus on to get your speedup, and it will give you a very rough idea of how much speedup you can expect. To get the exact amount of speedup, you can time it afterward. (I just use a stopwatch. If I'm getting the load time down from 2 minutes to 10 seconds, timing it is not a high-tech problem.)
(If you are wondering how/why this works, it works because the reason for the program being slower than it's going to be is that it's requesting work to be done, mostly by method calls, that you are going to avoid executing so much. For the amount of time being spent in those method calls, they are sitting exposed on the stack, where you can easily see them. For example, if there is a line of code that is costing you 60% of the time, and you take 5 stack samples, it will appear on 3 samples, plus or minus 1, roughly, regardless of whether it is executed once or a million times. So any such line that shows up on multiple stacks is a possible target for optimization, and targets for optimization will appear on multiple stack samples if you take enough.
The hard part about this is learning not to be distracted by all the profiling results that are irrelevant. Milliseconds, average or total, for methods, are irrelevant. Invocation counts are irrelevant. "Self time" is irrelevant. The call graph is irrelevant. Some packages worry about recursion - it's irrelevant. CPU-bound vs. I/O bound - irrelevant. What is relevant is the fraction of stack samples that individual lines of code appear on.)
ADDED: If you do this, you'll notice a "magnification effect". Suppose you have two independent performance problems, A and B, where A costs 50% and B costs 25%. If you fix A, total time drops by 50%, so now B takes 50% of the remaining time and is easier to find. On the other hand, if you happen to fix B first, time drops by 25%, so A is magnified to 67%. Any problem you fix makes the others appear bigger, so you can keep going until you just can't squeeze it any more.

Fixed vs. variable frame rates in games: what is best, and when?

After working for a while developing games, I've been exposed to both variable frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed since the last tick and update actor movement accordingly) and fixed frame rates (where you work out how much time has passed and choose either to tick a fixed amount of time or sleep until the next window comes).
Which method works best for specific situations? Please consider:
Catering to different system specifications;
Ease of development/maintenance;
Ease of porting;
Final performance.
I lean towards a variable framerate model, but internally some systems are ticked on a fixed timestep. This is quite easy to do by using a time accumulator. Physics is one system which is best run on a fixed timestep, and ticked multiple times per frame if necessary to avoid a loss in stability and keep the simulation smooth.
A bit of code to demonstrate the use of an accumulator:
const float STEP = 60.f / 1000.f;
float accumulator = 0.f;
void Update(float delta)
accumulator += delta;
while(accumulator > STEP)
accumulator -= STEP;
This is not perfect by any means but presents the basic idea - there are many ways to improve on this model. Obviously there are issues to be sorted out when the input framerate is obscenely slow. However, the big advantage is that no matter how fast or slow the delta is, the simulation is moving at a smooth rate in "player time" - which is where any problems will be perceived by the user.
Generally I don't get into the graphics & audio side of things, but I don't think they are affected as much as Physics, input and network code.
It seems that most 3D developers prefer variable FPS: the Quake, Doom and Unreal engines both scale up and down based on system performance.
At the very least you have to compensate for too fast frame rates (unlike 80's games running in the 90's, way too fast)
Your main loop should be parameterized by the timestep anyhow, and as long as it's not too long, a decent integrator like RK4 should handle the physics smoothly Some types of animation (keyframed sprites) could be a pain to parameterize. Network code will need to be smart as well, to avoid players with faster machines from shooting too many bullets for example, but this kind of throttling will need to be done for latency compensation anyhow (the animation parameterization would help hide network lag too)
The timing code will need to be modified for each platform, but it's a small localized change (though some systems make extremely accurate timing difficult, Windows, Mac, Linux seem ok)
Variable frame rates allow for maximum performance. Fixed frame rates allow for consistent performance but will never reach max on all systems (that's seems to be a show stopper for any serious game)
If you are writing a networked 3D game where performance matters I'd have to say, bite the bullet and implement variable frame rates.
If it's a 2D puzzle game you probably can get away with a fixed frame rate, maybe slightly parameterized for super slow computers and next years models.
One option that I, as a user, would like to see more often is dynamically changing the level of detail (in the broad sense, not just the technical sense) when framerates vary outside of a certian envelope. If you are rendering at 5FPS, then turn off bump-mapping. If you are rendering at 90FPS, increase the bells and whistles a bit, and give the user some prettier images to waste their CPU and GPU with.
If done right, the user should get the best experince out of the game without having to go into the settings screen and tweak themselves, and you should have to worry less, as a level designer, about keeping the polygon count the same across difference scenes.
Of course, I say this as a user of games, and not a serious one at that -- I've never attempted to write a nontrivial game.
The main problem I've encountered with variable length frame times is floating point precision, and variable frame times can surprise you in how they bite you.
If, for example, you're adding the frame time * velocity to a position, and frame time gets very small, and position is largish, your objects can slow down or stop moving because all your delta was lost due to precision. You can compensate for this using a separate error accumulator, but it's a pain.
Having fixed (or at least a lower bound on frame length) frame times allows you to control how much FP error you need to take into account.
My experience is fairly limited to somewhat simple games (developed with SDL and C++) but I have found that it is quite easy just to implement a static frame rate. Are you working with 2d or 3d games? I would assume that more complex 3d environments would benefit more from a variable frame rate and that the difficulty would be greater.
