Using the Videotile for one specific users stream - acs

How can i code so that only one specific participant in the meeting is showed in the VideoTile. My scenario is that i want to stream a webinar using ACS that many participants join but without seeing all the participants in the meeting. Only "my" stream/video are supposed to be shown.


Qualtrics: Assign 4-digit Unique Participant ID number after enrolling via QR code

This is for longitudinal human subjects biomedical research. The basic flow of the enrollment process is this:
Enter clinic & scan QR code OR click email link
Read informed consent form and check I consent [survey]
Pass study screener question (are you 18 yo) [survey]
Contact form - enter your name, phone, email [survey w/ workflow to create XM
directory from this data]
Baseline survey [survey w/ ID number attached]
I have it set up right now that survey 2,3,4 all flow together assuming you meet all the criteria. This study is longitudinal so for every survey I want their ID number attached so we can track changes over time at the person-level. We are also collecting blood samples so I will need their participant ID number on their blood tubes so we know who's who when we process and analyze them. Therefore the nurse will need to know their ID number between steps 4 & 5.
I've seen on the community boards that assigning a random number does not guarantee unique values and that unless you make the number long you might have a duplicate. Can't have that. The numbers must be unique and 4 digits so the clinic staff doesn't get bogged down writing a 10-digit number on a blood tube.
I'd love for this number to be sequential, but beggars can't be choosers.
Any ideas on how to do this?? Here are my thoughts thus far
In step 4 (the contact sheet) set a quota larger than the participants I plan to enroll and then save the quota count as embedded data. Then in the workflow where I create the contact directory, save the quota number into an ID number field. DRAWBACK: if multiple people are enrolling at once, Quatrics Customer Service said they can't guarantee that two people won't have the same quote number but couldn't give details about how to define "at the same time". like clicking it at the same milisecond? second? few seconds?
Use the Qualtrics generated unique Person ID field, which is very long and alphanumeric and somehow re-code it with.... python magic?
Thank you!!!

Google API shows duplicate rows for TransactionId's

I've got a strange problem.
I'm trying to pull out data from GA API.
metrics: ga:users
dimensions: ga:date,ga:source,ga:medium,ga:transactionId
After reviewing the data I can see that I have multiple transaction Id's.
Usually 5 to 7 duplicates per month - the same transaction ID is in two dates.
In Google Analytics there are no duplicates.
There are in the exported data + Query Explorer also shows duplicates.
Does anybody know why?
First of all, do you make sure you use unique transactionIDs for each transaction? I've seen cases where the ERP makes certain transaction or orderIDs available again after an order was cancelled.
If you look at the transactionID in GA (click in on the ID itself to drill down into it) and change to Quantity or look at the product revenue for the graph line, do they occur on two different dates?
This behaviour is often seen if you forget to prevent the transaction pixel again on things like a page refresh. Another example is if they perhaps receive an email with "Click here to view your order/transaction" and it fires again on the receipt page.

Using Face API To Identify Users

I am trying to create the ability to take a picture of a person and locate their user account based on a picture of them. I have 1MM users and each will have a photo which is only of them and will be associate to their user account via the creation of a PersonFace which is added to a Person which is in a PersonGroup. So with 10K persons per Person Group I need about 100 person Groups for me 1MM users.
So once all this is setup I am not clear on how I detect a face given a supplied photo. That is, I know I pass the photo via 'Detect' call however what is returned is an array of Face[] each which include a FaceId and to get from FaceId to a person I must call 'Identify', however that call requires I pass a Person Group Id, but I have 100 of them.
So given this the only solution I can come up with is to call Identify via loop through all 100 group Ids?
Currently, yes, that is the only way to do it. Which obviously makes scanning 1 million persons a less than ideal scenario given the 10 transactions per second limit.
There are a couple upcoming features which will improve this scenario, but right now I don't have an ETA for them:
Significantly higher limits of Persons per PersonGroup
Additional tiers of the Face API which allow significantly higher transaction per second rate limits.

Unique Users in Google Analytics

I'm trying to get all unique visitors for a selected time period, but I want to filter them by date on the server. However, the sum of unique visitors for each day isn't the number of unique visitors for the time period.
For example:
Monday: 2 unique visitors
Tuesday: 3 unique visitors
The unique visitors for the two days period isn't necessarily 5.
Is there a way to get the results I want using the Google Analytics API (v3)?
You're right that Users aren't additive, so you can't simply add them day by day. There are several ways around this.
The fist and most obvious is that if you've implemented the User-ID you should be able to straight up pull and interrogate the data about which users saw your site on which days.
Another way I've implemented before is to dynamically pull the number of Users from the Google Analytics API whenever you need it. Obviously this only works if you're populating a live web dashboard or similar, but since it's just the one figure you're asking for, it wouldn't slow down the load time by much. Eg. if you're using a dashboarding tool such as Klipfolio, you may be able to define a dynamic data source, and query Google whenever you needthe figure (
You could also limit the number of ways that the data can be interrogated, and calculate all of them. For example, if you only allow users to look at data month-by-month or day-by-day, then you only need those figures.
Finally, you can estimate the figure with reasonable accuracy by splitting it into two parts. New Users are equal to New Sessions (you're only new on your first Session), which is additive, so that figure can be separated out and combined as required.
Then, you could take a rough ratio of new to returning Users (% New Users) from, say, 1 year of data, and use that with the New Users figure to generate an average on any level.

Google Analytics API: Creating arbitrary "dimensions" to group metrics

I have a requirement to programmatically get unique visitors grouped by partial matches on some fields. For example, assume I want to group my users by the source domain like "google" or "facebook".
A single user's visits might come in with a ga:source of "" and then "" on another visit, or "" and "", etc. I can perform an API query specifying "ga:source" as the dimension, and it will give me the unique visitors for "", "", "" and "" respectively. However users who visited via more than one of them in the requested period are counted in each group, so aggregating this data subsequently into "facebook" and "google" groups results in duplicate users being counted.
Would it be possible to group the "ga:source" dimension using a Regex (^(?:.*?\.)(.*?)(?:\..*) for instance) or some similar arbitrary mechanism so that I can get two groups of unique visitors instead: "facebook" and "google"?
I can of course, use filters to get each category and then perform multiple requests and that works fine, but being the lazy programmer I am, I was wondering if I could do it all in one go, or if anyone had alternative suggestions I haven't thought of.
The conclusion appears to be that the only way is indeed to submit a filtered query for each desired grouping of unique users. So I shall do that. :)
