Mask Image with disappearing text - css

I want to have a background and a mask which lie on top of each other. So the visitor has an impression of an normal background image. But when the visitor scrolls down the text/navbar is sticky and floats behind the image (in relation to the movement). I have seen an similiar effect on this Website but it doesn't work on mine
I am happy for generally or specific tips/solutions.
I am new into coding and just doing it since a few weeks, so maybe the solution ain't that difficult.

Set the z-index of the text to -9 and the position to fixed.


Website layout "breaks apart" when zooming in or out in browsers + a few other basic css questions

I'm pretty much as new to CSS as it gets and what I'm trying to do right now is just design a very simple/basic splash or landing page for a small business.
Here is the url for the site: My site
Now if you go on any browser, lets say google chrome and you zoom out or in (ctrl -/+) you will notice that the website layout starts to "break apart" in that all my divs just start shifting around. I obviously dont want this, and just want the site to remain the same when people zoom in or out, pretty much like all good sites haha.
I know it must have something to do with positioning, but I can't figure it our for the life or me. Last night I spent hours browsing similar questions but I can figure it out.
I'm not posting the code as to take up more space, I'm assuming since I gave you the URL you'll be able to retrieve the code from there.
I also have a few more, smaller questions:
1) if you open my site on chrome, or ie you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" on the bottom of the page, the site ends, like it should. however, if you go on firefox, you'll notice that after the "terms and conditions" the background so to speak continues for a while. why is this and how can i fix it?
2) you'll notice that on different browsers positioning of elements is slightly different.
most noticeably if you look or chrome/firefox and then internet explorer 9 you'll notice that the "terms and conditions" are slightly higher than in chrome or ff and thus slightly touching the main content area. is there a way to fix this?
3) what is an efficient, effective way to center divs? For example, I want to center the "sign up" button perfectly centered relative in the main content area. ive pretty much just been eyeing it out and using relative positioning to center it. what is a more accurate way to center it?
Thanks, and sorry if these questions seem a little redundant. if you need any clarification on anything I'll be monitoring this question like a hawk.
When you zoom in or out, you will encounter issues because of rounding and text rendering. It is a good idea to make sure the layout can survive a bit of stretching without breaking down.
Relative positioning is affected by issues mentioned in #1, and therefore unreliable.
Look into using something to remove the properties that the various browsers will apply. You could use a reset to give you something more workable or try to normalize the values to make them more even between browers.
For (horizontal) centering you have some options:
If you have a container with "text-align:center" it will center all child elements that are inline-blocks or inline.
If you want to center a block element, you can use "margin: 0 auto" to center it horizontally and remove vertical margins.
If you want to center an absolutely positioned element, you can use "left: 50%, margin-left: -(width of element/2)".
In addition to attempting to get rid of relative positioning, I would recommend that you do not explicitly set the height of the body element. Generally you want the elements to manage their own size, that way they will be more robust.
If you use "position: relative" now because that is what you know how to use, I would suggest you try using "float: left" (or right), or changing the display type (display: inline-block). That may help you get started in the right direction.
not sure for your points 1 & 2, but as for 3 what i've come to use is the following have the div i want to center and then use width : some-percentage; margin-left : 100-(some_percentage)*0.5 ;, where some percentage is the width I want to use.
a couple suggestions before go into fixing the zoom in and zoom out issue.
Don't use <div> to wrap around text.
Use <h1> tags for header
Store your CSS in a separate css file.
You defined the header section that's great, but do that for container and footer as well.
Comments! That would make the job much easier for people who try to help you.

Header With position:fixed is not staying in front of images

I am experimenting with customizing a WordPress template and I have things close to the way I want them. One of the last issues is that I have a header that has position:fixed so it floats at the top the whole time. It works but when it floats past an image, it goes behind the image. How do I get it to stay in the foreground the whole time while scrolling? Here's a link:
You need to give it a z-index higher than the images' (eg, 1).

CSS: Background image does not fill when scrolling - redux

I am seeking help with trying to fix my background image fill issue. I wanted to have a sticky footer, which I finally figured out, but now if I view my site in a smaller window and then scroll down, my background image disappears. I understand that this is due to my height settings being 100% which makes my image be based off of the initial viewport size, but I can't quite seem to implement any kind of fix.
Here is the site I am working on (still very much under development):
The problem is best viewed when looking at this page in a small window:
I have read many, many posts on various sites trying to figure it out (including this one: CSS: background image does not fill when scrolling), but I am not having any luck. I tried setting all the different properties for background in css that I could think of, including some of the newer ones. Then I experimented with the overflow property, but it just hides all of my text or creates a weird scroll-bar that makes my text scroll up over the header. I also tried moving my page background from body to html and my container background from container to body, but it didn't change anything, so I must be doing something wrong (perhaps the fact that I have the two background images to deal with?).
I'm just a coding newbie and have been teaching myself as I go along, so I would really appreciate specific suggestions on what method of fixing this would be best for my site, and how I can go about implementing it. After spending about 10 hours straight on this one problem, I am at my wits' end.
Thank you so much!
just change min-height:100% to min-height:1092px (the height of the image) and you'll be fine...
previous answer was a bit too quick, after having a second look on the code i noticed the error is caused by the floated columns: if you float an element, the container element will not inherit the height of the floated element - that's why the height was set to 100% of the initial window, and was not expanded if the content column got longer.
This can be fixed by adding an extra element in #container, after #rightcolumn, with clear:both on it - this will force the parent element to take over the height of its contents.
See for a simplified example, including improved fixed footer.
Hope it helps...

CSS pixel shifting issue. Page shifting to some pixels and then back normal

I have some problem in CSS. Check this page. If you click "Barcelona" link in that page you can see the whole page shifting to 10 pixels right and come back to normal. Why its happening? Any help? Thanks
It shifts because of vertical scrollbar showing up. Also the image corresponding to "barcelona" shows in wrong place in firefox. Maybe the old images isn't removed before next one shows, and that forces it to be displayed below?
Apart from the image positioning, a good thing is have overflow-y:scroll set on html. It will force the scrollbar to be always visible (I know maybe not the nicest look) but in exchange the page won't be shifting when navigating to different pages (some may be long, and thus scrollbar shows, some not and have no scrollbar)
Image which is loaded when you click "Barcelona" is wider than it's container. You either reduce width of that image or make the image container a bit wider.

Image Sprites and Cross Browser Compatibility Issues

I'm having some trouble with the CSS in my site, both with image sprites and IE compatibility.
Here is a jsfiddle:
The two main problems are:
In IE, the contact links at the bottom are not appearing in the blue bar, but way down and to the right of the rest of the site.
The image sprites for MMA Cage Door and FightNight Nutrition are not working. It appears that the hover image is on constant display, as the non-hovered image is supposed to be much lighter than what we are looking at.
On a side note - For some reason the background image repeating isn't working in the jsfiddle, but I haven't noticed a problem with it outside of that.
Any advice that you all can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
One other thing I am noticing with the sprites. It appears when I hover over an image the first image doesn't disappear, it still remains while the hover image appears on top of it. Is that how it is supposed to work? Because my images are semi-transparent, this is something I would like to avoid if possible.
Here is a link to the site in action:
Could be a width, margin-left, or even position relative/absolute giving problems here. I have not checked in depth through all css code to see the cause. A fast/dirty fix, obviously loading alternative css or html for IE7, is that setting (in IE7) the UL #social with top:190px and left:100px , it seems to fit ok (or fine tune to the preferred position) .I'd go from here to guess what is causing to act differently.
Seems you already fixed, images seen light when not hovered, darker when hovered. All in IE7.
