Woocommerce - Custom pixel set up at thank you page - woocommerce

On our woocommerce website we get visitors from other channels. We give product informations using Product Feed ELITE for WooCommerce
One of our partner would like to get conversion report, when there is a successfull order. They sent the following code:
The code snippet below needs to be placed on the order confirmation page. Within it are a number of variables that allow identify what products have sold. These are outlined in the table below:
<img src='https://gethatch.com/iceleads_rest/merch/{merch_id}/direct;mpn={mpn};ean={ean};cur={currency};pr={price};qty={quantity};vendor_name={vendor};prod_name={product};proprietary_id={proprietary_id}’height='0' width='0' />
I have the merch_id, the mpn and ean is filled up at every product in a custom field provided by Product Feed ELITE for WooCommerce
Sorry for my stupid questions.
Do i have to write a plugin for this? Or is there an easier way?


Automatically assign product into existing category based on tags in functions.php

I tried looking for answers, but the related post doesn't help me. I have an existing Category without any products assigned in Woocommerce. I need to have a condition like what Shopify collections have if it's possible. So for example, a specific category will display products based on tag. Please see screenshot shopify screenshot sample

WooCommerce additional booking form

in advance apologies for my English. think i speak better than my write.
so i have tour agency web site, with woocommerce Booking. this is my sample situation: I use bookable product for my services products. when i click on a product this shows normal tittle, then pictures and on right side the booking form fields. (here is ok)
But, i dont know if there is an a plugin or shortcode for this?...i have two differents categories into the same product, sample:( Chichen itza tour) for this i have 1.Regular Group Tour package and 2.Deluxe Private Tour
i would like to have into the product page an additional booking form, first one for Regular Tour and second for Deluxe tour.
so the tittle product, pictures, then right side with two options booking form.
hope my situation can helps to more people. and hope someone can help me to solve this.
im attaching a picture of a sample product page with two booking forms.
Without the picture it is a bit difficult to say, but you could use WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. This allows you to add custom fields to a product variation based on a condition.
So, for example; Show this field if the variation is Deluxe Private Tour.
More info here: https://pluginrepublic.com/custom-fields-for-woocommerce-variations/

How to show products dynamically based on visitors' geolocations on WooCommerce store?

I would like to display WooCommerce products, categories based on visitors' locations. For example if someone from "New York, US" is visiting the website then it'll show New York-specific product to them instead of showing all products from the store.
If someone visit from "Indore, India" then it'll show specific product which I would like to sell to that specific area. So, based on visitors' GEO locations it'll show the products accordingly.
I don't have any specific IP list but I would like to display products based on locations.
Please let me know if you have any question.
As per my understanding WooCommerce Geolocation Based Products
This WooCommerce plugin/extension that adds ability for your store to show/hide products based on visitors geolocation.
You can add many different countries in which you want the settings to apply to. You do this by adding a rule and setting the 2 letter ISO country code in which you want to apply to. For example “US”. You then can set which products and categories to show/hide. You may select more than one for each rule.
You can also add a region or filter by city.

Create custom product filter with wordpress woo commerce

I have educational website which sales the management and computer courses online.I am using woo commerce to sale a product(course) all courses shows on program page.
On home page i have to display search filter which will search the product by category,attribute.And after search the product i have to redirect on program page and display filtered product here.Like bellow scenario i am looking for.
my requirement is to search by product category-> attribute-attribute Bellow is structure
1) product Category:- Finance,Marketing,Agriculture
2)Product Attribute(Skills):-Performance management,Team Building,Ms-office
3)(Duration)Sub attribute terms of Attribute(Skills):- Short Time ,Long Time
user will first select category,then select skill,and the duration on home page after that user will filter the result and redirect on program page and display search result here.
The home page filter will look like this.
Is this possible with WordPress ,woo commerce filter's or using any plugin.
Maybe Filter Custom Fields and Taxonomies can help you.
There is a free version in the WordPress repository
But you will probably need the PRO version
More information about the plugin can be found here: http://www.profisearchform.com

WooCommerce: Override product info before adding to cart

I've found the following example (WooCommerce: Add product to cart with price override?) which lets the user add a product to the cart. However, it hard codes the prices directly on the cart itself.
Is there a way to make adjustments to a product instance i.e. costs, append additional user input, etc. and then add the product to the cart?
Thank you very much for everyones help.
Having another crack at explaining, as doublesharp has pointed out it's not quite clear.
Joe clicks on a product, he then chooses various options on the product form which then calculates a custom cost after the 'add to cart' button is clicked but before it is added to the cart.
These options need to be completely custom as the calculations involved are outside of scope of a woocommerce 'variable product'. What I'm trying to achieve is the customer being able to add multiple instances of the same product with various costs and info associated with it.
With regards to the first part of your question where you want to add multiple instances of a product with various costs, you can have a look at the following plugins to achieve that objective
Dynamic Pricing
Pricing Deals for WooCommerce
As for the second part of your question where you want to append additional user input to the cart. This can be done using the following steps
Create a custom session and add the custom data to this session.
Add the data from the custom session to the WooCommerce session.
Extract custom data from WooCommerce session and insert it into cart
Display custom data in Cart and Checkout page.
Add custom data as metadata to the order items.
Remove the associated custom data if an item is removed from the
For a more detailed on the above steps you have a look at the following link,
How to Add Custom Data to WooCommerce Order
