Firebase Analytics for User View in Android/Kotlin App - firebase

In My android application I am trying to achieve a page Where I want to show Some Graphs for Stats of App to Users Like Active Users , Avg Time Spent by all users who use the app, Global map indicating Users from which Country with Intensity or more
To what I know Firebase Analytics Provides such details but I think its only for Admin , That is only the people that have access to the project can view it
Is there a possibility of Bringing those Analytics Graphs , Data , Stats into the App to and Show the User ? I am trying to achieve this in Kotlin for a Android App.
Any Indicator or Clear Resource to read abt Would also be helpful With slight info on the part I am trying to Achieve.
Thanks in Advance

I believe you could achieve this by using the Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol API. The Measurement Protocol API allows developers to make HTTP requests to send events directly to Google Analytics servers. This allows you to measure how users interact with your business from any HTTP-enabled environment. Notably, this makes it easy to measure interactions that happen server-to-server.
You can use the Measurement Protocol on the following:
Tie online to offline behavior.
Measure interactions both client-side and server-side.
Send events that happen outside standard user-interaction (e.g. offline conversions).
You can go to this documentation for more information.


Need a better solution than google analytics for data visualization dashboard

I trying to find a better solution than google analytics to create dashboards for visually representing custom data.
My use case is that I need something to track and record custom data that is not passed in through custom web events into google analytics.
I was able to find a hacky solution to the problem initially by running a periodic function over my data on firebase and sending it as custom events to google-analytics. (I mention the approach in this answer. The linked blog post gives further details.)
The problem that I faced was that it wasn't always reliable as although the function did run successfully every day, the data was not shown in the google analytics dashboard.
The data I to visualize is gathered as further insights by writing basic code on existing data
I am aware that it is possible to integrate google analytics for various use cases like even the smallest button click, but I am trying to either send custom events( raised outside of the application by running cron jobs or scheduled functions ) through some API call or maybe directly save and update the data in some other place where there is direct access to visualization
Does anyone know a better solution?
The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol allows developers to make HTTP requests to send raw user interaction data directly to Google Analytics servers, so you can use it to send your data generate outside your application:

Saving statistics to Google Analytics

I'm relatively new to Google Analytics and would like to have some inputs.
So I have a web application that people can install to create a backup and can do restores as well. The application has an API where you can see the statistics of the app i.e. number of backups made, restores made, and the number of clusters connected to this application.
Now I want to send these stats to google analytics with an interval of 10 minutes. I was wondering if I can send the status to Event with a unique UUID as Event Category, the backup/restores, or nodes as Event Labels and the number as Event Actions.
Is this the right approach to using Google Analytics Events? Or is there a better way to do it in GA? My requirement is I have to do it in GA or should I use a different hit type.
Given that we are talking API's you intend to use the Measurement Protocol?
And the UUID refers to the unique user? if so, you should look at the uid
As to using Events versus Hits, using hits is probably easier on the reporting.

Hierarchy of Google Analytics for Multiple Builds of Same App

I am setting up Google Analytics Accounts for a Product which have multiple builds as frontend for same user base.
So we have one Product called X and have:
Web Build
Mobile Web
Android App 1
iOS App 1
Android App 2
iOS App 2 6.
The main point is identical APIs and User base is used in all platforms and apps. So if we have a user John Doe he can login in any of the web or apps.
We want to extract following information from Google Analytics.
Under User ID feature want, sessions aggregations of that user around all build and apps, but identifiable. So I can know that user John login to web yesterday and used mobile app today.
Each user belong to a customer (company) in our system. So want to segregate all information based on companies.
I already have achieved point 2 by creating a custom dimension in Google Analytics and believe that's the best way to do it.
Now need suggestions from Gurus on how to acheive point 1 using Google Analytics.
Either use single account and single property for all builds and apps
If yes, then how to identify those apps and builds in sessions
If I use multiple properties/apps in GA account then how to aggregate user sessions among all?
Looking forward to hear how guys around hand or should have handled this scenario. Cheers!
This question is extremely broad, IMO any answer your going to get is going to be primarily opinion based. So here is my opinion and a little extra info to boot.
The first issue you are going to have is that there is a difference between Mobile google analytics accounts and web analytics accounts. The two do not mix. Mobile analytics accounts insert screen views with a screen name. While web accounts insert PageViews with a document location.
There is no way to analyze between two different Google analytics web properties. Unless you intend your android and ios apps to run as websites and send it like its a webpage its not going to work. You could potentially download the data into your own system or big query and analyze it there. Comparing your custom dimension to see what the users have done differently. I would wonder at the quality of the analysis you will get as there will be no real way for you to compare the data and match it up beyond using your custom dimensions user id and possibly date.
I am adding this because I am not sure what your saving in your custom dimension.
The second issue you are going to have is tracking. Google analytics TOS does not allow you to send any identifiable information to Google.
The Analytics terms of service, which all Analytics customers must adhere to, prohibits sending personally identifiable information (PII) to Analytics (such as names, social security numbers, email addresses, or any similar data), or data that permanently identifies a particular device (such as a mobile phone’s unique device identifier if such an identifier cannot be reset).
You could for example send your companies customer id for John as a user_id but user_id is an internal valuable used for internal processing this is not something you can extract out via the api.
The User ID enables the association of one or more sessions (and any
activity within those sessions) with a unique and persistent ID that
you send to Analytics.
To implement the User ID, you must be able to generate your own unique
IDs, consistently assign IDs to users, and include these IDs wherever
you send data to Analytics.
For example, you could send the unique IDs generated by your own
authentication system to Analytics as values for the User ID. Any
engagement, like link clicks and page or screen navigation, that
happen while a unique ID is assigned can be sent and connected in
Analytics via the User ID.
The best you could do would be to create a custom dimension and send that with every hit username=johnscustomerId. Which you appear to have already done. This is what I have done in the past and it works perfectly well.

System design - Google Analytics

I'm working on the architecture for a project that includes a Android and iOS apps and a web interface with a subset of the mobile apps functionalities. The project is basically a e-commerce solution. In all three interfaces I'm using Google Analytics to track some information. However I'm having an internal discussion about the extent of the information I should send to GA. What should I store in GA and what should I store in my own server?
Let me give you some examples.
Session tracking is clearly something that belong to GA.
ProductDetailViews. Sounds like something that should go into GA, specially considering the enhanced e-commerce module.
Shared item. When a user shares some content over a social network, should I store that information on GA or in my own server? I'm inclined to GA but it becomes more ambiguos.
Do you see my point? Can someone share a general rule or recommendation on what should be saved in GA and what should be saved on the projects own server?
For those examples I would generally send all the hits to Google Analytics. Here are a few reasons:
Preventing data silos. You want all of your data in one place and Google provides you with a database reachable via the API where you can keep all your data organised in one place. This is important when you are considering measuring performance, as you want to avoid duplication of conversions or traffic hits
Useage of Google Analytics advanced segments. With all your data in GA, you will be able to create advanced segments for analysis. But the real power is if you are using AdWords or retargeting, as you can send those Advanced Segments to AdWords, and target those users around the web with your custom data
Single point of reference for users All analytics are inaccurate, but you want to make sure they are inaccurate to the same degree. Using GA keeps all your data on the same playing field
Usability and Freedom of information Its easier to serve up your data to users within the GA interface as people are more likely to know how to navigate that than your database. You can also use the GA API to pull out any data you need to push into other visualisation tools.
User session merging With your data and userID tracking in GA, you may be able to track users as they arrive via mobile to desktop and back again, over multiple sessions.
What you need to avoid putting in to Google Analytics is personal info such as names, email address etc. There are against the TOS. But you can capture a unique userID, and match that outside of the tool later.

Google Analytics events while user is offline (mobile)

Mixpanel, Localytics and so on record events even when the user is off wifi and send it over when he comes back again. I couldn't find much detail if Google Analytics is able to do that. So is it?
I think this is what you are looking for.
The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol allows developers to make HTTP requests to send raw user interaction data directly to Google Analytics servers. This allows developers to measure how users interact with their business from almost any environment. Developers can then use the Measurement Protocol to:
Measure user activity in new environments.
Tie online to offline behavior.
Send data from both the web and server.
More specifically there is a parameter called queue time - you can send an offset between the time when an event occured and the time is was sent to the server.
