tiptap / prosemirror access to clientHeight or getBoundingClientRect - vuejs3

I ve been wondering is there is a way to get tiptap or Prosemirror node's height and insert those values into arrtibutes.
So best case scenario would bo to be able to use either
and get them inside every update cycle for instance in custom node extenstion addAttributes
So I imagine that the below code could look like that, but of course it's not returning any value ....
addAttributes() {
return {
{ default: null,
parseHTML: element => element.clientHeight,
renderHTML: attributes => {
return { 'data-height': attributes.height,
style:height: ${attributes.height


How to change the Gutenberg Group Block's "Inner blocks use content width" Toggle to Off/False as Default

When you wrap a new set of blocks in the core/group block the "Inner blocks use content width" toggle switch defaults to true. There is an object attribute showing called layout for that block. I'm assuming that I can update the settings on the layout attribute like I can with the align attribute.
Here is how I'm updating the align attribute:
const { addFilter } = wp.hooks;
const { assign, merge } = lodash;
function filterCoverBlockAlignments(settings, name) {
if (name === 'core/group') {
return assign({}, settings, {
attributes: assign( {}, settings.attributes, { align: {
type: 'string', default: 'wide'
} } ),
// console.log({ settings, name });
return settings;
The above works so I assume updating the layout's default would be similar, but either I don't have the syntax for an object type correct, or possibly you can't update the layout object like you can update the align string. This is what I tried for the function:
function filterCoverBlockAlignments(settings, name) {
if (name === 'core/group') {
return assign({}, settings, {
attributes: assign( {}, settings.attributes, { layout: {
type: 'object', [{
type: 'default'
} } ),
// console.log({ settings, name });
return settings;
In short I'm trying to get the blocks layer attribute (which is an object and not a string) have it's attribute of type to default to "default" instead of "constrain".
I mean yes, you could solve it by filtering. What I would suggest however, is making a block-variation. Then setting that block-variation as the default. That block variation then can have any of your settings you like to set. Quite simple in theory.
By default, all variations will show up in the Inserter in addition to the regular block type item. However, setting the isDefault flag for any of the variations listed will override the regular block type in the Inserter.
source: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/reference-guides/block-api/block-variations/
wp.blocks.registerBlockVariation( 'core/group', {
name: 'custom-group',
// this one is important, so you don't end up with an extra block
isDefault: true,
// and here you add all your attributes
attributes: { providerNameSlug: 'custom' },
} );
Here is a slightly cleaner variant (using destructuring), if you have more code:
// extract the function from wp.blocks into a variable
const { registerBlockVariation } = wp.blocks;
// register like above

Flatten Apollo response from WpGraphql in next.js

I'm trying to change the result that apollo returns with the data on the client side. I've read in the docs of version 3 that maybe this is possible. I currently have a graphql query that returns data within an EDGES array, and then each item is in a "node" before you get to the actual data.
The query looks like:
export const QUERY_ALL_POSTS = gql`
query AllPosts {
posts(first: 20) {
edges {
node {
author {
node {
avatar {
categories {
edges {
node {
featuredImage {
node {
And the response looks like:
I know that I can write the typePolicy this way to change the date string for example:
return 'date edit'
So I wanted to see if I could change the response of the entire array that gets returned to something like this because I'll be needing to check for edges and nodes in every component which is kinda of annoying:
{...item 1},
{...item 2},
{...item 3},
I've tried to write a typePolicy like this, and it returns the correct data, but when I query it on the frontend, nothing has changed. The data is still contained in an Edges object and each item is still in a NODE from the wpGraphql backend.
typePolicies: {
return 'date edit test' // returns a modified date object
Query: {
fields: {
// posts: flatten(),
read(posts, { readField }) {
const newItem = posts.edges.map(post => {
return post.node
console.log('newItem', newItem)
return newItem
return posts // does not return a modified posts object
Can I modify the response like this or do I just have to write a custom helper function to modify the data every time I query it before using the data inside a component?

Extjs beforerender to set async-obtained variable

My ExtJS application displays certain UI elements depending on a boolean variable.
This boolean variable, however, is the result of calling an async function. As a result, the boolean is set to a Promise that is fulfilled, rather than true or false proper. This affects whether the UI elements are actually displayed (a Promise is not exactly a boolean, after all).
The code looks like this:
Ext.define('userDefinedComponent', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
requires: ['someHelperFile'],
initComponent: function () {
var me = this,
var enabled = someHelperFile.someAsyncFunc() // enabled is a boolean that is returned as fulfilled Promise instead
Ext.apply(me, {
// layout and padding
items: [
xtype: 'internallyDefinedForm',
fieldConfigs: {
// other fields
'someFormField': {
hidden: !enabled, // depends on enabled
xtype: 'internallyDefinedGrid',
columnConfigs: {
// other columns
'someColumn': {
hidden: !enabled, // deends on enabled
I want the field enabled to really be a boolean rather than a Promise. In other words, I want to wait for the someAsyncFunc to run the result, before setting hidden property of the internallyDefinedForm and internallyDefinedGrid.
What are my possibilities? I was thinking of using a beforerender, like below:
Ext.define('userDefinedComponent', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
requires: ['someHelperFile'],
initComponent: function () {
var me = this;
Ext.apply(me, {
// layout and padding
items: [
xtype: 'internallyDefinedForm',
fieldConfigs: {
// other fields
'someFormField': {
hidden: !me.enabled, // depends on enabled
xtype: 'internallyDefinedGrid',
columnConfigs: {
// other columns
'someColumn': {
hidden: !me.enabled, // deends on enabled
listeners: {
beforerender: function() { // this is the beforerender
me.enabled = someHelperFile.someAsyncFunc();
console.log("beforerender triggered in grid");
And in fact, using the beforerender for the internallyDefinedGrid only, I can see the text "beforerender triggered in grid" triggered very early. However, the fact remains that the behavior that I observe does not correspond to what I expect: although the async someAsyncFunc should return true based on the API response it gets, such that me.enabled is true, the actual UI associated with the internallyDefinedGrid behaves as if me.enabled is false instead. I observe that the column on the UI is hidden, and this is only possible when me.enabled is false, such that the column someColumn does not appear on the grid. After all, the hidden field of someColumn is set to !enabled.
I am confident that the UI for the grid behaves not like what I expect it to, so there is a problem with the async behavior. But I'm really lost as to how to set the asynchronously obtained enabled or me.enabled field adequately.
Any help is appreciated.
I would suggest to use a View Model and binding, as explained here.
Basically you define what your UI is depending on, under the data tag in the View Model (you can set the initial value here):
Ext.define('MyApp.TestViewModel', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
data: {
something: false,
Then you bind the visibility to this value in the view:
bind: {
hidden: '{something}'
bind: {
hidden: '{!something}'
You fetch the async data, and once you have the result, set the value in the View Model (this can be either the view or the controller):
this.getViewModel().set('something', RESULT_OF_ASYNC)
With binding ExtJS takes care of refreshing the visibility of your component every time when the value in the View Model is changed. There are good examples at the link I provided. This is a very powerful and complex feature of ExtJS, worth learning.

Adding styles to dynamically created component

I’m working on content driven Angular apps.
To give an overview,
API will share the rich text JSON.
Based on type field from response, components will be created dynamically.
Below is the sample JSON,
text: 'This is paragraph',
Below code works for only one item, if I get multiple text items, it doesn't work.
text(offset, length, text: string) {
return text.substr(offset, length);
stlye(type: string, text: string): string {
switch (type) {
case 'blold': return `<b>${text}</b>`;
The problem you are having is with timing. I was unable to find out exactly where, but at the time the bold change was made, you eventually overwritten the original modified content. If you put a console log in the snippet that stylizes your component will understand what I'm saying
setTimeout(() => {
this.styleList.forEach(styleItem => {
this.renderer.setProperty(this.test.nativeElement, 'innerHTML', this.test.nativeElement.innerHTML.replace(styleItem.styleText, styleItem.type));
}, 1000);
I have not figured out exactly where the sync problem is, but I've managed to produce the expected result that might help you better understand the problem.
setTimeout(() => {
this.styleList.forEach(styleItem => {
const elements = this.test.nativeElement.getElementsByTagName('bw-information-plain-text')
for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
this.renderer.setProperty(elements[i], 'innerHTML',
elements[i].innerHTML.replace(styleItem.styleText, styleItem.type));
}, 1000);
good luck

In Collection.find, how to format .limit, .sort, fieldlist, and variable column names

In non Meteor Server-Side calls to mongodb it is possible make the following chained-option call to the database
collection.find( { myField: { $gte: myOffset } ).limit( myLimit ).sort( { mySortField : 1 } );
where myField, myOffset, myLimit and mySortField may be resolved from elsewhere at run-time.
This pattern is very useful to create such a run-time generated generic query.
Meteor seems to insist on the non-chained options pattern of
collection.find( { { myField: { $gte: myOffset } }, { limit: myLimit, sort: { mySortField : 1 }} );
and I am having problems 'building up' a working Find Query as required above from js objects as described
in previous questions 17362401 and 10959729
Would anyone like to help?
Edited to show usage of variable:
I do it this way. You send two hashes, where the first is the where clause, and all else are peer level keys.
var locations;
var myfield = 'gps';
search = {
sureties: {
$in: sureties
search[myfield] = {
$near: this.gps,
$maxDistance: kilometers
locations = Agents.find(search, {
fields: {
name: 1,
phone: 1
limit: limit,
sort: { field1 : 1 }
The chained pattern is not possible in Meteor, neither server side nor on the client. But the params pattern is as universal, you should be able to create any query you need with those params.
