Estimating Robust Standard Errors from Covariate Balanced Propensity Score Output - r

I'm using the Covariate Balancing Propensity Score (CBPS) package and I want to estimate robust standard errors for my ATT results that incorporate the weights. The MatchIt and twang tutorials both recommend using the survey package to incorporate weights into the estimate of robust standard errors, and it seems to work:
design.CBPS <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=CBPS.object$weights, data=SUCCESS_All.01)
SE <- svyglm(dv ~ treatment, design = design.CBPS)
Additionally, the survey SEs are substantially different from the default lm() way of estimating coefficient and SE provided by the CBPS package. For those more familiar with either the CPBS or survey packages, is here any reason why this would be inappropriate or violate some assumption of the CBPS method? I don't see anything the CBPS documentation about how to best estimate standard error so that's why I'm slightly concerned.

Sandwich (robust) standard errors are the most commonly use standard errors after propensity score weighting (including CBPS). For the ATE, they are known to be conservative (too large), and for the ATT, they can be either too large or too small. For parametric methods like CBPS, it is possible to use M-estimation to account for both the estimation of the propensity scores and the outcome model, but this is fairly complicated, especially for specialized models like CBPS.
The alternative is to use the bootstrap, where you bootstrap both the propensity score estimation and estimation of the treatment effect. The WeightIt documentation contains an example of how to do bootstrapping to estimate the confidence interval around a treatment effect estimate.
Using the survey package is one way to get robust standard errors, but there are other packages you can use, such as the sandwich package as recommended in the MatchIt documentation. Under no circumstance should you use or even consider the usual lm() standard errors; these are completely inaccurate for inverse probability weights. The AsyVar() function in CBPS seems like it should provide valid standard errors, but in my experience these are also wildly inaccurate (compared to a bootstrap); the function doesn't even get the treatment effect right.
I recommend you use a bootstrap. It may take some time (you ideally want around 1000 bootstrap replications), but these standard errors will be the most accurate.


Obtaining glmer coefficient confidence intervals via bootstrapping

I am in my first experience using mixed models in R for my statistical analysis. Due to my data being comprised of binary outcome variables, I have managed to build a logistic model using the glmer function of the lme4 package that I think works as I wanted it to.
I am now aiming to investigate the statistical significance of my model coefficients. I have read that generally, the best approach for generalized mixed models is to bootstrap confidence intervals, but I haven't managed to find a good, clear, explanation of how to do this in R.
Would anyone have any suggestions? Are there any packages in R that expedite this process, or do people generally build their own functions for this? I haven't really done any bootstrapping before so I'd appreciate some more in-depth answers.
If you want to compute parametric bootstrap confidence intervals, the built-in functionality
confint(fitted_model, method = "boot")
should work (see ?confint.merMod)
Also see this answer (which illustrates both parametric and nonparametric bootstrapping for user-defined quantities).
If you have multiple cores, you can speed this up by adding parallel = "multicore", ncpus = parallel::detectCores()-1 (or some other appropriate number of cores to use): see ?lme4::bootMer for details.

How should you use scaled weights with the svydesign() function in the survey package in R?

I am using the survey package in R to analyse the "Understanding Society" social survey. The main user guide for the survey specifies (on page 45) that the weights have been scaled to have a mean of 1. When using the svydesign() function, I am passing the weight variable to the weight argument.
In the survey package documentation, under the surveysummary() function, it states:
Note that the design effect will be incorrect if the weights have been rescaled so that they are not reciprocals of sampling probabilities.
Will I therefore get incorrect estimates and/or standard errors when using functions such as svyglm() etc?
This came to my attention because, when using the psrsq() function to get the Pseudo R-Squared of a model, I received the following warning:
Weights appear to be scaled: rsquared may be wrong
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
No, you don't need to worry
The warning is only about design effect estimation (which most people don't want to do), and only about without-replacement design effects (DEFF rather than DEFT). Most people don't need to do design-effect estimation, they just need estimates and standard errors. These are fine; there is no problem.
If you want to estimate the design effects, R needs to estimate the standard errors (which is fine) and also estimate what the standard errors would be under simple random sampling without replacement, with the same sample size. That second part is the problem: working out the variance under SRSWoR requires knowing the population size. If you have scaled the weights, R can no longer work out the population size.
If you do need design effects (eg, to do a power calculation for another survey), you can still get the DEFT design effects that compare to simple random sampling with replacement. It's only if you want design effects compared to simple random sampling without replacement that you need to worry about the scaling of weights. Very few people are in that situation.
As a final note surveysummary isn't a function, it's a help page.

How to train a multiple linear regression model to find the best combination of variables?

I want to run a linear regression model with a large number of variables and I want an R function to iterate on good combinations of these variables and give me the best combination.
The glmulti package will do this fairly effectively:
Automated model selection and model-averaging. Provides a wrapper for glm and other functions, automatically generating all possible models (under constraints set by the user) with the specified response and explanatory variables, and finding the best models in terms of some Information Criterion (AIC, AICc or BIC). Can handle very large numbers of candidate models. Features a Genetic Algorithm to find the best models when an exhaustive screening of the candidates is not feasible.
Unsolicited advice follows:
HOWEVER. Please be aware that while this approach can find the model that minimizes within-sample error (the goodness of fit on your actual data), it has two major problems that should make you think twice about using it.
this type of data-driven model selection will almost always destroy your ability to make reliable inferences (compute p-values, confidence intervals, etc.). See this CrossValidated question.
it may overfit your data (although using the information criteria listed in the package description will help with this)
There are a number of different ways to characterize a "best" model, but AIC is a common one, and base R offers step(), and package MASS offers stepAIC().
summary(lm1 <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss))
slm1 <- step(lm1)

How to deal with heteroscedasticity in OLS with R

I am fitting a standard multiple regression with OLS method. I have 5 predictors (2 continuous and 3 categorical) plus 2 two-way interaction terms. I did regression diagnostics using residuals vs. fitted plot. Heteroscedasticity is quite evident, which is also confirmed by bptest().
I don't know what to do next. First, my dependent variable is reasonably symmetric (I don't think I need to try transformations of my DV). My continuous predictors are also not highly skewed. I want to use weights in lm(); however, how do I know what weights to use?
Is there a way to automatically generate weights for performing weighted least squares? or Are you other ways to go about it?
One obvious way to deal with heteroscedasticity is the estimation of heteroscedasticity consistent standard errors. Most often they are referred to as robust or white standard errors.
You can obtain robust standard errors in R in several ways. The following page describes one possible and simple way to obtain robust standard errors in R:
However, sometimes there are more subtle and often more precise ways to deal with heteroscedasticity. For instance, you might encounter grouped data and find yourself in a situation where standard errors are heterogeneous in your dataset, but homogenous within groups (clusters). In this case you might want to apply clustered standard errors. See the following link to calculate clustered standard errors in R:
What is your sample size? I would suggest that you make your standard errors robust to heteroskedasticity, but that you do not worry about heteroskedasticity otherwise. The reason is that with or without heteroskedasticity, your parameter estimates are unbiased (i.e. they are fine as they are). The only thing that is affected (in linear models!) is the variance-covariance matrix, i.e. the standard errors of your parameter estimates will be affected. Unless you only care about prediction, adjusting the standard errors to be robust to heteroskedasticity should be enough.
See e.g. here how to do this in R.
Btw, for your solution with weights (which is not what I would recommend), you may want to look into ?gls from the nlme package.

Why is it inadvisable to get statistical summary information for regression coefficients from glmnet model?

I have a regression model with binary outcome. I fitted the model with glmnet and got the selected variables and their coefficients.
Since glmnet doesn't calculate variable importance, I would like to feed the exact output (selected variables and their coefficients) to glm to get the information (Standard errors, etc).
I searched r documents, it seems I can use "method" option in glm to specify user defined function.
But I failed to do so, could someone help me with this?
"It is a very natural question to ask for standard errors of regression
coefficients or other estimated quantities. In principle such standard
errors can easily be calculated, e.g. using the bootstrap.
Still, this package deliberately does not provide them. The reason for
this is that standard errors are not very meaningful for strongly
biased estimates such as arise from penalized estimation methods.
Penalized estimation is a procedure that reduces the variance of
estimators by introducing substantial bias. The bias of each estimator
is therefore a major component of its mean squared error, whereas its
variance may contribute only a small part.
Unfortunately, in most applications of penalized regression it is
impossible to obtain a sufficiently precise estimate of the bias. Any
bootstrap-based calculations can only give an assessment of the
variance of the estimates. Reliable estimates of the bias are only
available if reliable unbiased estimates are available, which is
typically not the case in situations in which penalized estimates are
Reporting a standard error of a penalized estimate therefore tells
only part of the story. It can give a mistaken impression of great
precision, completely ignoring the inaccuracy caused by the bias. It
is certainly a mistake to make confidence statements that are only
based on an assessment of the variance of the estimates, such as
bootstrap-based confidence intervals do."
Jelle Goeman, Ph.D. Leiden University, Author of the Penalized package in R.
There is CRAN packages hdi and selectiveInference which provide inference for high-dimensional models, you might want to take a look at those...
I've also seen people just run a glm using the predictors selected by glmnet, but this doesn't take into account the uncertainty produced by the selection process of the best model itself...
