Use Framer Motion to make page transitions horizontal open in React - css

I need to write animation like this website when loading.
I only need animation like horizontal open transition using framer (or) any other library in react.
please help me. ( horizontal open transition )
I have no time to learn framer. so i need your help.


How to make Youtube's sliding navbar effect?

result I'm looking for:
I have a React/NextJS project and I want to make this sliding navbar effect. I tried to emulate what I saw in this video, but it didn't work with my React project. Is there a way to make this effect with my current code?

Vue3 + element-plus side menu: overlay in mobile and animation issue

Vue 3 and UI newbie here. Given this playground area with a code sample, I wanted
In the "collapse" animation of the menu, for the entire menu to slide out (but if you notice, the size of the menu changes first - making it occupy less than 100% of the height - and then it slides out)
If it is a smaller screen, I wanted the side menu to be collapsed by default and for it to be an overlay when sliding in (so the main contents are not pushed by it when sliding in)
As a Vue and UI beginner, I feel like I am going down the wrong paths when trying to explore solutions for these problems, and was hoping the community of experienced developers could help me with them.
I ended up using It is a pretty neat component.

Bounce or fade In texts and divs when shown on the screen React

The part of the animation is very easy I can do it the thing is that I want to animate them when they are shown on the screen and without using pixels and offsets when to be responsive like on the phone mode also etc... And without changing my layouts because my pages are too messy
Please help I tried WOW js and animate.css they are working with pixels :/
npm install react-animate-on-scroll
And you can use animate.css animations on scroll that's perfect

Ionic slides - How do you change background smoothly?

I am using Ionic Slides in my app. I wish to gradually change the background colour as I move from the first slide to the second one from white to blue. I am able to change them abruptly, but how can I make it look like it changes smoothly?
A lot of native apps (e.g. Buffer) do that in their introductory slides.
Thanks in advance!
well there are many ways in which you can do a smooth transition one of which is
CSS3 animation
read here
or you can use angularjs animation
read here

Where to start to achieve this animation effect

How can i achieve this kind of animation effect (see link below) and where do I need to start learning, is this part of css or html5 or plugins, etc..
I have a startup knowledge in css and html5, but I have no idea how to achieve the effect.
*the effect i'm referring to is the movement of the foreground images while the mouse hovers and still maintaining its background to be static
This effect is called "parallax scrolling"
The basic idea is to layer images on top of each other and move them simultaneously but at different speeds, foreground moving faster than background.
Capturing and utilizing mouse events can be done with javascript/jQuery, and the animation can also be done with those languages or in combination with CSS3 animations.
There are quite a few jQuery plugins out there that can help you quickly achieve this effect.
See parallax.js
Or for more plugins:
