How can I start a process and convert its PID to/from an integer? - ada

I'm writing a process manager in Ada, for Linux. I'm using GNAT.OS_Lib to spawn processes:
Pid := GNAT.OS_Lib.Non_Blocking_Spawn(
Program_Name => Program,
Args => Arguments
This gets me back the PID as a Process_Id, an OS_Lib private type. I would like to be able to store this PID in a file as an integer, for compatibility with other, non-Ada code, and then re-load it later from that file and use it from within Ada to kill the process, check its status, etc.
OS_Lib provides a Pid_To_Integer function, but not the inverse.
Perhaps I need a different library? As far as I can tell, there are no current Ada POSIX libraries. Should I write one myself? I only need support for like three POSIX calls. I'm open to all suggestions.

Chasing through the RTS for the definition, says
with System.OS_Lib;
package GNAT.OS_Lib renames System.OS_Lib;
and at the bottom of we find
type Process_Id is new Integer;
so I’d go for Ada.Unchecked_Conversion.

In the end, I wrote my own implementation. Here is an example of how to run execv and fork in Ada.
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
procedure Main is
subtype C_String is Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
Null_String: C_String := Interfaces.C.Strings.Null_Ptr;
function As_C_String(s: String) return C_String renames Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String;
type Argument_List is Array(1..2) of C_String;
function Execute(Program: C_String; Arguments: Argument_List) return Integer
with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "execv";
function Fork return Integer
with Import => True, Convention => C, External_Name => "fork";
Program: C_String := As_C_String("/bin/sh");
Args: Argument_List := (Program, Null_String);
N : Integer;
Pid: Integer;
Pid := Fork;
if Pid = 0
N := Execute(Program, Args);
end if;
end Main;
project Main is
for Languages use ("ada");
for Source_Dirs use (".");
for Main use ("main.adb");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Exec_Dir use ".";
end Main;
Compiling with gprbuild and it works fine. Run main and you should see an integer in the console, run ps ux and you should see an instance of sh running with that PID.


How to save an Access type of a Discriminant record for later use

How do I save an Access Pointer to a discriminant record for use later on in the program?
In main.adb (1) I demonstrate how I was able to get it to compile, but I get a runtime error:
raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
This is small example program based on a much larger/complex codebase.
i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.
ii. The solution must not change the package specification of as this is existing code that must be used as-is.
with Interfaces;
package Foo is
type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited private;
type Base_Class_Ref is access all Base_Class'Class;
for Base_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
Max_Count : constant := 6;
type Count_Type is new Interfaces.Unsigned_16 range 1 .. Max_Count;
type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with private;
type Foo_Class_Ref is access all Foo_Class;
for Foo_Class_Ref'Storage_Size use 0;
procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class);
function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
type Base_Class is abstract tagged limited null record;
type My_Data_Type is
X, Y, Z : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
end record;
type My_Data_Array is
array (Count_Type range <>) of My_Data_Type;
type Foo_Class (Max : Count_Type) is new Base_Class with
Other_Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Data : My_Data_Array(1 .. Max);
end record;
end Foo;
package body Foo is
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure Initialize (This_Ptr : Access Foo_Class) is
This_Ptr.Other_Data := 0;
This_Ptr.Data := (others => (0,0,0));
end Initialize;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get_Using_Pointer (This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref)
return Interfaces.Unsigned_16 is
return This_Ptr.Other_Data;
end Get_Using_Pointer;
end Foo;
-- Issue:
-- How do I save an Access Pointer for later use (1) to a discriminent record?
-- Constraints:
-- i. The solution is required to be Ada95 Compatible.
-- ii. The solution must not change the package specification of
with Interfaces;
with Foo;
procedure Main is
Foo_Count : constant := 3;
Foo_Obj : aliased Foo.Foo_Class (Max => Foo_Count);
procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class) is
-- (1) Save Pointer
-- **** This Line reports: ****
-- raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access; -- This Compiles...
-- ^^^ I know that this is not correct.
-- But it was the only way I could find to get it to compile.
Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
-- (2) Get Data
Data := Foo.Get_Using_Pointer(This_Ptr => Foo_Ptr); -- This Compiles...
Foo.Initialize(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
Test(This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
end Main;
Quick answer:
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Unchecked_Access;
Checked as far as I can with
lockheed:jerunh simon$ gnatmake main.adb -gnat95 -f
gcc -c -gnat95 main.adb
gcc -c -gnat95 foo.adb
gnatbind -x main.ali
gnatlink main.ali
lockheed:jerunh simon$ ./main
lockheed:jerunh simon$
In the line
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access;
replace 'Access with 'Unchecked_Access.
PS. It could cause a dangling references if you destroy the object before Foo_Ptr gone.
The types Base_Class_Ref and Foo_Class_Ref are named access types and variables of this type can only refer to objects either on the heap or on package level, NOT objects on the stack. Since Storage_Size is set to zero it means the heap is out of the question.
package Main_App is
procedure Run;
end Main_App;
package body Main_App is
procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class) is
-- (1) Save Pointer
-- **** This Line reports: ****
-- raised PROGRAM_ERROR : main.adb:14 accessibility check failed
Foo_Ptr : Foo.Foo_Class_Ref := This_Ptr.all'Access; -- This Compiles...
-- ^^^ I know that this is not correct.
-- But it was the only way I could find to get it to compile.
Data : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
-- (2) Get Data
Data := Foo.Get_Using_Pointer(This_Ptr => Foo_Ptr); -- This Compiles...
end TEST;
Foo_Count : constant := 3;
Foo_Obj : aliased Foo.Foo_Class (Max => Foo_Count);
procedure Run is
Foo.Initialize (This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
TEST (This_Ptr => Foo_Obj'Access);
end Run;
end Main_App;
with Main_App;
procedure Main is
end Main;
I hope this solution applicable to your use-case since it avoids usage of Unchecked_Access.
Ok what you're dealing with here is an anonymous access type, from the signature procedure TEST (This_Ptr : access Foo.Foo_Class). The error is telling you that this particular subprogram is in a deeper nesting than the thing it's pointing to: IOW, it could give you a dangling reference.
The proper solution, staying strictly in Ada95 would be to (A) put the TEST subprogram in the library unit [IIRC; 95 and 2005 are so similar they blur together]; or (B) put use a generic.
For a generic, IIRC, you can do this:
Object : Aliased Foo_Class'Class; -- Might not need 'Class.
with Function Operation(This_Ptr : in Foo_Class_Ref) return Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Procedure Execute;
Procedure Execute is
Result : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
Result:= Operation( Object'Access );
End Execute;
O : Aliased Foo.Foo_Class(3);
Procedure TEST is new Foo.Execute( Operation => Foo.Get_Using_Pointer, Object => O );
This might require a little fiddling for your application, but if you put the generic inside`, it should work. [IIRC] Aside from this, your best bet is to move your aliased object outside your main subprogram's declaration area, then it should work.

Ada: Manipulate a private type

I'm kinda new with Ada and recently got an error that I don't seem to know how to solve.
I have the following code:
with Text_IO; use text_io;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use ada.Integer_Text_IO;
package data is
type file is private;
type file_set is array (Integer range <>) of file;
procedure file_Print (T : in out file); --Not used
type file is record
start, deadline : integer;
end record;
end data;
with ada.Integer_Text_IO; use ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Main is
Num_files: integer:=3;
Files(1):=(2,10); -- Expected private type "file" defined at
for i in 1..Num_Files loop
But I'm getting this error Expected private type "file" defined at
How can I access the file type and declare a new array of values in main?
That's right - you don't get to see or manipulate what's inside a private type. That would be breaking encapsulation. Bugs and security risks follow.
You can only interact with a private type via its methods : functions and procedures declared in the package where it's declared.
Now file_set is NOT a private type (you might consider making it private later, for better encapsulation, but for now ....) you can index it to access a file within it (using one of those procedures).
As you want to create a file here, you need a method to create a file ... a bit similar to a constructor in C++, but really more like the Object Factory design pattern. Add this to the package:
function new_file(start, deadline : integer) return file;
And implement it in the package body:
package body data is
function new_file(start, deadline : integer) return file is
-- check these values are valid so we can guarantee a proper file
-- I have NO idea what start, deadline mean, so write your own checks!
-- also there are better ways, using preconditions in Ada-2012
-- without writing explicit checks, but this illustrates the idea
if deadline < NOW or start < 0 then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
return (start => start, deadline => deadline);
end new_file;
procedure file_Print (T : in out file) is ...
end package body;
and that gives the users of your package permission to write
Files(1):= new_file(2,10);
Files(2):= new_file(start => 3, deadline => 15);
but if they attempt to create garbage to exploit your system
Files(3):= new_file(-99,-10); -- Oh no you don't!
this is the ONLY way to create a file, so they can't bypass your checks.

Start executable from Ada program and read result

I found this question and the first answer contains some example code demonstrating how to start an executable with Ada code. The output of the executable is written to the standard output.
What options do I have to read the output of the executable for further parsing/processing in Ada (for example line by line)?
If you use GNAT, then you might want to take a look at Get_Command_Output in the GNAT.Expect package. Here's an example:
with Ada.Text_IO, GNAT.Expect;
procedure Main is
Command : constant String := "gnat";
Argument_1 : aliased String := "--version";
Input : constant String := "";
Status : aliased Integer := 0;
-- Execute the command and retrieve the output.
Output : String :=
(Command => Command,
Arguments => (1 => Argument_1'Unchecked_Access),
Input => Input,
Status => Status'Access,
Err_To_Out => False);
-- NOTE: Cheating with Unchecked_Access, OK for demo. You may want
-- to properly new and Free these strings (see Argument_List
-- type in package GNAT.OS_Lib).
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Output);
end Main;
The program returns after execution:
$ ./main
GNAT Community 2019 (20190517-83)
Copyright (C) 1996-2019, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
As can be seen, the result is returned as a single string. You will have do the line splitting yourself.
An update in response to some comments below.
You might also consider using the system function if you're targeting the Windows platform (see also this post on SO). Quoting from the function reference:
The system function passes command to the command interpreter, which executes the string as an operating-system command.
This is similar to what the program cmd.exe does. You can obtain the output of the command by redirecting its output to a file (i.e. using >) and then subsequently read it back. Here's an example:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
procedure Main is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Content : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
-- Execute.
use Interfaces.C;
use Interfaces.C.Strings;
function system (command : chars_ptr) return int
with Import, Convention => C, External_Name => "system";
command : chars_ptr := New_String("gnat --version > gnat_version.out");
result : int := system (command);
-- Check value of result (omitted in this example).
-- Read.
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
Fd : File_Type;
Open (Fd, In_File, "./gnat_version.out");
while not End_Of_File (Fd) loop
Content := Content
& Unbounded_String'(Get_Line (Fd))
& ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF; -- Restore the line break removed by Get_Line.
end loop;
Close (fd);
-- Show.
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put (Content);
end Main;

Ada: Serial port, String to Stream_element_array

when 'B' |'b' =>
cons.Put_Line("Enter text - less than 20 chars: ");
cons.Get_Line(Item => st,
Last => m);
ser.Write(Port => S_Port,
Buffer => buffer_ser);
Defined as:
package cons renames gnat.IO;
package ser renames gnat.Serial_Communications;
S_Port : gnat.Serial_Communications.Serial_Port;
buffer_ser: ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array(1..20);
x : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
m : Integer;
st : string(1..20) := (others => ASCII.NUL);
ComPort : GNAT.Serial_Communications.Port_Name(1..5);
Basically, I needed a very portable application, to operate an old device that overlays a video stream based on serial commands. I decided to try out Ada as I'd been learning it for something else.
How do I convert to a Stream_element_array(1..20) from a String(1..20) in Ada? I've tried the obvious answers, and I'm just totally stuck!
Edited as requested for the person who down voted me...
First we need an MCVE.
with gnat.IO;
with ada.Streams;
with gnat.Serial_Communications;
procedure MCVE is
package cons renames gnat.IO;
package ser renames gnat.Serial_Communications;
S_Port : gnat.Serial_Communications.Serial_Port;
buffer_ser: ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array(1..20);
x : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
m : Integer;
st : string(1..20) := (others => ASCII.NUL);
ComPort : GNAT.Serial_Communications.Port_Name(1..5);
cons.Put_Line("Enter text - less than 20 chars: ");
cons.Get_Line(Item => st,
Last => m);
ser.Write(Port => S_Port,
Buffer => buffer_ser);
end MCVE;
it compiles successfully and fails with the error
A little reading on Streams shows that the answer to the actual question:
How do I convert to a Stream_element_array(1..20)
is : normally, you don't. Streams take care of that for you.
A couple of modifications, respectively:
make S_Port aliased so we can take its access (to allow redirectable stream Writes) and delete unnecessary intermediate variables
actually open the serial port as a Stream
write the string directly to the stream
look like
S_Port : aliased gnat.Serial_Communications.Serial_Port;
-- buffer_ser: ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array(1..20);
-- x : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
String'Write(S_Port'access, st(1..m));
--ser.Write(Port => S_Port, Buffer => buffer_ser);
But using fixed length strings when they aren't appropriate is a bad idea. Let's declare the string to be of the right length and simplify further. This requires a function form of Get_Line, which the Gnat.IO package doesn't provide, so let's use the more portable Ada.Text_IO instead. (And initialise the serial port name, and actually use the renamed packages...)
When we're done, we have something like
with Ada.Text_IO;
with ada.Streams;
with gnat.Serial_Communications;
procedure MCVE is
package cons renames Ada.Text_IO;
package ser renames gnat.Serial_Communications;
S_Port : aliased ser.Serial_Port;
ComPort : ser.Port_Name := "COM1";
cons.Put_Line("Enter text : ");
st : String := cons.Get_Line;
String'Write(S_Port'access, st);
end MCVE;

Ada DLL causes Seg Fault in system.secondary_stack.ss_mark

How do I fix this Seg Fault in my DLL?
I'm generating a Windows DLL (in Ada) and using the DLL from an Ada
program. I’m using AdaCore’s GNAT GPS v6.0.1 IDE for both the DLL
and an Ada program to test the DLL, running on a Windows 7 machine.
Two separate project files are used, one for the DLL, the other for
the test driver. The DLL does not have any DLLMain nor initialization
or finalization routines.
As a first step (because I've never created a DLL or used GPS prior to this, do know some Ada though), I coded two very simple functions for the DLL. One function returns a pointer to a string, the other function returns a fixed length string.
The test program successfully calls the DLL function that returns a fixed-length
string, however when calling the function that returns a string pointer, a
segmentation fault occurs. Here is the gcc debug output:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x6b81dd2c in system.secondary_stack.ss_mark () from C:\GNAT\2014\bin\libgnat-2014.dll
(gdb) quit
Here is the code:
DLL Spec
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
package String_Utils is
type String_Ptr_T is access String;
type Spec_Str is new String (1..7);
function Int_Trim_Left( IntToTrim : Integer) return String_Ptr_T;
pragma Export(DLL, Int_Trim_Left, "String_Utils__Int_Trim_Left");
function Spec( Input_Int : Integer) return Spec_Str;
pragma Export(DLL, Spec, "String_Utils__Spec");
end String_Utils;
DLL Body
package body String_Utils is
function Int_Trim_Left( IntToTrim : Integer) return String_Ptr_T is
String_Ptr : String_Ptr_T;
Text_IO.Put_Line("About to call new String in DLL.");
String_Ptr := new String'(
return String_Ptr;
function Spec( Input_Int : Integer) return Spec_Str
Result_Spec : String := "ABC-UNK";
case Input_Int is
when 1 => return "ABC-STD"; -- Standard
when 2 => return "ABC-PRF"; -- Performance
when 3 => return "DEF-DTL"; -- Detailed
when Others => return "ABC-UNK";
end case;
DLL Project File
project HAGUtils is
for Library_Name use "HAGUtils";
for Library_Dir use "libdir";
for Library_Version use "0.01";
for Library_Kind use "dynamic";
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Source_Dirs use ("src");
for Source_Files use ("string_utils.adb", "");
end HAGUtils;
Test Driver
-- Driver for DLL
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
procedure test_ada_dll is
type String_Ptr_T is access String;
subtype String7 is String(1..7);
input_val : Integer := 0;
Spec_Str : String7 := (Others => ' ');
Int_String_Ptr : String_Ptr_T:= null;
-- Import
function Int_Trim_Left ( IntToTrim : Integer) return String_Ptr_T
function Inner_Int_Trim_Left ( IntToTrim : Integer) return String_Ptr_T;
pragma Import (DLL, Inner_Int_Trim_Left, "String_Utils__Int_Trim_Left");
return Inner_Int_Trim_Left (IntToTrim);
end Int_Trim_Left;
-- Import
function Spec ( Input_Int : Integer) return String7
function Inner_Spec ( Input_Int : Integer) return String7;
pragma Import (DLL, Inner_Spec, "String_Utils__Spec");
return Inner_Spec (Input_Int);
end Spec;
input_val := 3;
Spec_Str := Spec(input_val);
Text_IO.Put_Line("The Spec is -- " & Spec_Str);
Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Int_Trim_Left with --" & Integer'Image(input_val));
Int_String_Ptr := Int_Trim_Left(input_val);
Text_IO.Put_Line("After call --" & Int_String_Ptr.all);
I think that the SEGV happened because your DLL wasn’t initialized. The Ada runtime system needs initialization, which in the absence of DLLs would be called up in the GNAT bind process (you may have seen calls to gnatbind or gprbind flashing up the screen).
However, you have a DLL that requires the RTS to be initialized (the part that deals with the secondary stack, which is where GNAT constructs temporary unconstrained objects such as strings); but the binder isn’t aware of this because of the way you’ve linked your program (you don’t say, but I suspect you’ve specified the DLL via -lHAGutils?).
The way to get GNAT to handle this for you is to write a project file for the test program and have it with your DLL’s project:
with "HAGutils";
project Test_Ada_Dll is
for Main use ("test_ada_dll.adb");
for Exec_Dir use ".";
for Source_Files use ("test_ada_dll.adb");
for Object_Dir use ".build";
end Test_Ada_Dll;
This then makes the interfaces of HAGlib visible to test_ada_dll, so you can change it to say
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
with String_Utils;
procedure test_ada_dll is
input_val : Integer := 0;
Spec_Str : String_Utils.Spec_Str := (Others => ' ');
Int_String_Ptr : String_Utils.String_Ptr_T:= null;
input_val := 3;
Spec_Str := String_Utils.Spec(input_val);
Text_IO.Put_Line("The Spec is -- " & String (Spec_Str));
Text_IO.Put_Line("Calling Int_Trim_Left with --" & Integer'Image(input_val));
Int_String_Ptr := String_Utils.Int_Trim_Left(input_val);
Text_IO.Put_Line("After call --" & Int_String_Ptr.all);
(note, the conversion in Text_IO.Put_Line("The Spec is -- " & String (Spec_Str)); is because Spec_Str is a derived type; I think it’s be more normal in this case to make it a subtype).
Further, you no longer need to use the pragma Exports in String_Utils’s spec.
The result of this is that the binder is aware of the properties of your HAGutils DLL, and can arrange for the necessary initializations to happen.
There is a way in which you can make your original code work, which is to use the GPR attribute Library_Auto_Init in HAGutils.gpr:
for Library_Auto_Init use “true”;
but I think you’d have to make HAGlib a proper standalone library. This is quite complex to get right, and not necessary to get the library working to start with.
