tmux within guake eats my scrollback buffer - tmux

I want to run tmux within guake, then start a long command, hide guake, and bring it back to access the whole output.
But when I hide guake then show it back, I can no longer scroll to the beginning : I seem to scroll up only to the point where the output was when I brought back the guake window.
I do not have this scrolling issue when running my command in guake alone, or when running tmux through a basic terminal like gnome-terminal.
How can I toggle tmux visibility with guake, while still preserving my scrollback?
my tmux settings:
set -g mouse on
bind -n Pageup copy-mode -u


Is it possible make tmux status bar float over the terminal content (instead of push it)?

I recently changed my tmux config to toggle the status bar when I press a key map.
When the status bar is displayed, it pushes the terminal content up and the flick effect is annoying.
Is it possible to display the status bar over the terminal content?
(tmux prompt have this 'floating behavior', so I was thinking if there is some option to also apply it to status bar)
I found a workaround!
Instead of displaying the status, I'm using a display-message and recreating my status line inside the message. The display-message have the wanted float behavior.
Something like
tmux display-message -d 3000 "#{E:status-format[0]}"

How does one set the mouse on a remote HPC?

I am running tmux on a remote HPC but the mouse scrolling for history does not work. I know it usually works if one does:
C-b :
to get into command mode. Then:
setw -g mouse on
to turn the mouse on. But when I do that it doesn't like it:
Ambiguous option: mouse
Is this not possibel? How do I do it?
For me, on tmux v1.8, the following command worked:
set -g mode-mouse on
Other mouse related excerpts from man tmux :
mouse-resize-pane [on | off]
If on, tmux captures the mouse and allows panes to be resized by dragging on their
mouse-select-pane [on | off]
If on, tmux captures the mouse and when a window is split into multiple panes the
mouse may be used to select the current pane. The mouse click is also passed
through to the application as normal.
mouse-select-window [on | off]
If on, clicking the mouse on a window name in the status line will select that win‐
mouse-utf8 [on | off]
If enabled, request mouse input as UTF-8 on UTF-8 terminals.
mode-mouse [on | off | copy-mode]
Mouse state in modes. If on, the mouse may be used to enter copy mode and copy a
selection by dragging, to enter copy mode and scroll with the mouse wheel, or to
select an option in choice mode. If set to copy-mode, the mouse behaves as set to
on, but cannot be used to enter copy mode.

How can I enter the copy mode when I scroll the mouse while using Tmux in MinTTY?

Scrolling the mouse while using Tmux in MinTTY, the command history is scrolled.
It seems that MinTTY converts mouse scroll event to up/down key.
In the past, I tried the following terminal with tmux2.1 or later,
the terminal was automatically set to copy mode.
The .tmux.conf options are all the same.
set -g mouse on
I want to stop sending up/down key when I scroll the mouse while using Tmux in MinTTY.
And if possible, I want to enter copy mode automatically like other terminals.
Current Environment:
Ubuntu20.04 on WSL2
temporary solution:
I want to stop sending up/down key when I scroll the mouse while using Tmux in MinTTY.
add this line to ~/.mintty
I want to enter copy mode automatically like other terminals.
Shift + MousuWheel worked.
Shift may depend on the [Options->Mouse->Modifier for overriding default] setting.

Mouse thinks it is in a different tmux pane

I am using tmux 3.0 in bash over ssh on CentOS 7. My tmux.conf is fairly simple. It has some bindings and
set-option -g mouse on
set -g focus-events on
I have a fairly large tmux window with 3 vertical panes. When I move the mouse to the right side of the rightmost pane and do something (e.g. scroll with mouse wheel or click to select this pane). The action gets executed on the leftmost pane instead.
This behavior persists if I detach from and reattach to the session. Any ideas what might be causing this and how to fix it?
Terminal emulators which do not support SGR mouse mode will not correctly report any mouse actions to the right of column 227. Is your terminal emulator window wider than this?
Try using a different terminal emulator.

In zsh within a tmux, how do you make page up/down scroll up/down

With my current zsh and tmux (byobu) configuration, typing the page up/down keys will enter ~ in the prompt. What I would like is that
within a simple shell, page up/down scroll using the terminal history/scrollbar
within tmux, page up/down make the escape command and use the tmux history navigation for the current window
within a pager/editor, page up/down scroll up/down use the pager/editor scroll function
Actually after some research it happens that my current configuration already provide all I need :
shift+<page up/down> will send the corresponding scroll command to the terminal
alt+<page up/down> will send the corresponding scroll command to tmux
<page up/down> will send the corresponding scroll command to the foreground process
