Multi Module SBT Project List All Modules Before Run - sbt

I have a multi module sbt project where I would like the build process behave like when I have a Maven multi module project. For example., with Maven, I first get to see a list of all modules and then Maven shows the current module it is compiling and testing. How could I get a similar behavior with sbt?
My project is structured like below:


Specify jar structure in sbt assembly

When sbt-assembly builds a fat jar, it places all the dependencies in the main folder. I need to construct a jar that looks like this
domain classes
-- lib
dependency classes
is it possible to do this with sbt assembly, or any other plugin?
If you want to seperate your app jar file and your dependecy jar files, here is the most practical method i found with sbt;
Create project/plugins.sbt file if not exists and add following line:
addSbtPlugin("org.xerial.sbt" % "sbt-pack" % "0.8.0")
After adding this line refresh your project.
Note: Plugin version might change in time.
When sbt refresh finishes update your build.sbt file like this:
lazy val MyApp ="."))
.settings(artifactName := {(
sv: ScalaVersion,
module: ModuleID,
artifact: Artifact) => "MyApp.jar"
Then run:
sbt pack
Or if you're doing this for child project, run this:
sbt "project childproject" clean pack
This will nicely seperate your main jar file and your dependency jars.
Your app jar will be in target scala folder.
Your dependencies will be in target/pack/lib.
In this way you can deploy your dependencies once.
And whenever you change your app, you can just deploy your app jar file.
So in every change you don't have to deploy an uber jar file.
Also in production, you can run your app like:
java -cp "MyApp.jar:dependency_jars_folder/*" com.myapp.App

How to use Gradle to download JAR dependencies on production site?

In the hope of finding the solution on Google as it seems a very general task, I've been trying to do this past few weeks but strangely I couldn't find anything!
What I'm doing:
I am writing an small application, It will be at most a 20KB JAR file in the end. However it has many dependencies, Hibernate and SLF4J to name a few. Directly including these dependencies with the jar file will make it 9Mb.
What is used:
Gradle is used as the build tool. the custom task fatJar creates the jar including all required dependency jar files from (the original) maven repository.
The problem
with my slow internet connection I'd rather not to directly include dependencies, but download these them on the server and not my local production site. What would be the Gradle task like to:
Read the dependencies from jar file
Download them (I know how to do it during Gradle build task).
Add them to class path
Add classpath defined in too
run the jar, by main class defined in
I've read gradle documentation over and over, but no help.

How to unpack dependency jars into the classpath in target?

I am using sbt-osgi to repackage some library dependencies into OSGi packages, and that works well, until I started using scalajs as well. The library dependencies are defined as normal projects something like this:
lazy val bonecp = OsgiProject("com.jolbox.bonecp", buddyPolicy = Some("global")) settings
(libraryDependencies += "com.jolbox" % "bonecp" % "0.8.0-rc1")
The OsgiProject function has default OSGi settings plus some implicits for determining what path the project has. When the bundle task is run on these projects, a new jar with OSGi stuff is created based on the OSGiProject settings. This project just rebundles the bonecp library as an OSGi jar and has no sources. The problem here is that since there's no source, theres no files in target/scala-2.11. This causes sbt-osgi to spit out a ton of ignorable errors, but scalajs is not as forgiving and refuses to do anything with these projects. Is there any good way to unpack the downloaded libraryDependency jars into target/scala-<scalaVersion>?

sbt plugins isn't picked up from submodules?

I'm trying to convert a single module project into two modules with a
root aggregate. Feels like a normal thing to do.
So, to simplify I have removed the second project that I added, but I
do something like:
cd myproject
mkdir core
mv * core
and then add a build.sbt in myproject like
lazy val root = file(".") ).aggregate(core)
lazy val core = project in file("core")
However, trying to build core I get:
[myproject]/core/build.sbt:22: error: not found: value lessSettings
which is the settings for a plugin added in project/plugins.sbt of the
original project now in
How come this is not picked up? Can't I have plugins living only in
submodules? cd:ing into core submodule and running sbt it works just fine. Do I have
to move my plugins to root/project? Pretty please, it can't be so?
Your plugin.sbt file is ignored because you cannot have a project subfolder in a sub-project of a multi-project build.
In a multi-project build,
The .sbt files of the root project, and all .sbt files of all sub-projects, are all part of a single build definition. The settings defined in a sub-project are just automatically scoped to that project.
Since there is only one build definition, there is only one project to build that build definition, and that is in the project/ folder of the root project. All project/ folders of sub-projects will be ignored.
In your case, moving your plugin.sbt to the build root project folder should make your plugin appear again.
Furthermore, if you only work on the core project, instead of running sbt in core, you can run sbt in the root project and type project core to "move" (actually, scope everything you do) to the core sub-project.

Add external jars to Eclipse plugin classpath

In the manifest file for an eclipse plugin its possible to add jar files and
folders to the classpath (on the Runtime tab).
In the root of my plugin I have a folder lib containing a-1.0.1.jar, b-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. But only when I select each jar separately:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
...can they be used inside my project. Why is it not possible to add them to the classpath by adding the common root folder only:
Bundle-ClassPath: .,
No, you can't. Eclipse is based on OSGi, which is the platform providing MANIFEST.MF support to build plugins.
When you set values under Bundle-ClassPath, OSGi search into each one to find class files. So you can put folders containing Java packages and class files. When you put a jar file, it is uncompressed in memory and viewed by OSGi as a regular folder, still searching for class files.
Unfortunately, there is no way to load all jar from a folder. No wildcard mechanism or something like that is allowed here.
