Preview inside events on popover - fullcalendar

Can we navigate through events inside this one when we click +x more when the popover is open or can we preview over there?
This is regarding fullcalendar features where we need the functionality to view the content of popover events below is the link where you can see the demo.
navigate to image
In this image when we click on more button a new popover is display
navigate to image
Here we can see the popover where list of events are render, So my question is can we navigate to these events or can we preview the details of this event.
Link for fullcalendar demo :


Buddypress members widget tab switching issue

When I click on the buttons shown by the arrows in the picture in the Buddypress member widget, it sends them to the /members/ page.
Normally, when the buttons on that page are clicked, the buttons need to change, not the page.
Please help with this.
for example: it should show the people who are the newest when you click on the newest button, when you click on the active button, it should show the ones that are active.

Open ng-zorro-antd popover at current mouse position

I'm using the ng-zorro popover in an Angular 10 app.
When I click on the page, I'd like an instance of the popover to be shown at the current location of the mouse.
Any suggestions on how can this be quickly implemented? The code samples only seem to show how to display a popover when you click an existing element - button, link etc.

CSS open calendar on small screen showall and go button show on calendar

Let me firs include image file for better understanding
What i want that when i click on calendar showall venues and go button no showing on the calendar.How can i do this ?

How to add context menu Xamarin.forms

I would like to create context menu in my project. On android it's called PopupMenu. On click of button, I have to show the popup with 3 rows and it's clickable event. How I can implement this in my code? Example of this menu here:
The Xamarin.Forms way to handle this is to call DisplayActionSheet() on the Page.
It's not exactly a popup, but on the other hand it has better chances to be fully displayed and visible on screen if your view can scroll.

Open a Popup window without any close button

I have a webhierarchicaldatagrid and its first column is a template column which is a hyperlink. So onmouseover on the data of that column I want a small popup window to be open right next to that data so that user can drag the mouse on that popup window. The window contains few links which on click will navigate to another page. I want to know how to get the popup window to be open right next to the data and also how to keep it open only when the mouse is on it. as soon as the mouse is not on the popup I want the popup to close.
qTip is a pretty popular jQuery plugin that can do what you are wanting. Here is the demo page for the type of functionality you are describing:
Demo Fixed tooltips on hover
Here is another link, with 30 popular tooltip plugins:
30 Stylish jQuery Tooltip Plugins For Catchy Designs
