Invite own contact to join Telegram public channel as channel itself - telegram

A Telegram public channel that I manage has exceeded the number of subscribers beyond which I can manually add contacts to it.
Is it possible to invite people in my contact lists, but have the invitation appear as coming from the channel itself, rather than from my personal profile?


Unable to join Telegram channel after Using Banchatmember

I'm using a telegram bot to maintain a private group, where I kick the user accordingly.
It works great but then comes this issue, When I use bot.ban_chat_member(user_id, chat_id) or bot.kick_chat_member(user_id, chat_id) to remove a user from the chat I can't add the user back again.
After I use bot.unban_chat_member(chat_id, user_id) and send an invite link to the user that I kicked, The user can't join the group. It shows that the channel is private and the user should wait for admin approval.
The only way allowed to join the group is by using an invite link generated by the bot.
What is the issue? How can I fix it? I can't afford anything else except the invite link generated by the bot.

Telegram Auto forward

I have subscribed to a couple of paid alerts which sends me alert on the critical financial events on telegram via telegram-bot.
I intend to develop an application that captures such messages which are sent by these bots and store in the database.
Is it possible to do it in telegram ? (telegram is only option. I can create other 'special ID or somekind of BOT and share this my custom bot with companies which are sending alert)
thanks in advance.

Telegram Bot which sends any member of a Group a DM

is there any Telegram bot out there which can send a private message to any member of a Group(where I am not the owner). If not, how would the procedure look like to build one?
That's not possible. For a bot to be able to send a message to a user, the user must have initiated a conversation with the bot first. Moreover, bots can't even get the list of members of groups or channels, especially not private ones (via the bot api).

Invite a friend to telegram channel

Is it possible to have an “inline button” on a channel that says “invite a friend” that forwards the private channel URL to friends on the channel. The idea is to make the “invitation process” for users to invite their friends much easier.
Yes . Go to channel and then click on manage channel then click on channel type and you will see a pop-up that you can select your channel type as Public Channel or Private Channel .
In the below of the form you can see Invite link. So you can copy it and give it to your friends or have an "Join channel" button with that refer to that link.
Here is a link that you can read more about URL buttons and here is API link
These screen shots are also useful :

how to get latest post on channel with link

i have a bot and want to get last posts from a telegram channel that isn't joined on in. if that's bot add into channel administrator it's possible, but It is not possible for me.
how should i do it?
It's impossible with current Telegram Bots APIs.
The bot must be administrator of the channel to handle channel posts.
