How to unzip downloaded file in Git bash - unzip

$ unzip /c/Users/David/Downloads/initializer-verekia-4.0
unzip: cannot find or open /c/Users/David/Downloads/initializer-verekia-4.0, /c/Users/anusa/Downloads/ or /c/Users/David/Downloads/initializer-verekia-4.0.ZIP.
my git version(2.36.1) windows


How to get the deb package located directory in preinst

I am creating a .deb package that would run a shell script as preinst.
The shell script needs some input files, which would be available at where I have the .deb package, as below.
Package_located_directory $ >
I would just transfer all the files to the different machine at any location and install it with dpkg -i mydebpackage.deb
I tried using pwd in the preinst to get the current deb file located directory.
So, I can get the path of the inputfiles from the preinst script.
But if I run pwd from preinst , it is giving me / instead of the package located directory.
Also I tried passing pwd from the PIPE to achieve this, as below,
pwd | dpkg -i mydebpackage.deb
But I do not want to depend on the user input for the path.
Please guide me for getting the current deb package located directory path from inside of preinst script.
it's better to use postinst and modify the file on your system.
for example : Modify the file /etc/test/test.txt in postinst file

Unzip gives me file path for filename

When I run unzip and ls -l the result,
I got:
I expect:
The zip is generated on windows with nodejs.

How to install gdb in unix without root access

I am trying to install gdb in unix but i don't have root access to create files and directories in root folder. However i can only create folders in my own directories. I have followed this link but every time execution fails at step 4 because it needs to create files at root level. How do I fix it?
$ build> gzip -d gdb-6.6.tar.gz
$ build> tar xfv gdb-6.6.tar
$ build> cd gdb-6.6
$ gdb-6.6> .⁄configure
$ gdb-6.6> make
$ gdb-6.6> make install
**execution fails at this point.
Or is there any other solution to install gdb in unix without root level access. Please help.
When you ./configure, you can specify --prefix which control whether software is installed.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/gdb
make install
Above will install gbd under $HOME/gdb.
You need to specify $HOME/gdb/bin/gdb to run the program after installation. Or adjust $PATH to include $HOME/gdb/bin:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/gdb/bin

Unzip file and give permissions (UNIX, Solaris)

How could we unzip file and give (rwx) permissions to files and directories inside .zip file in Solaris?
unzip -d
It should be done in one command.
Not first unzip and then chmod -R +rwx

Installing Boost on Unix...can't unzip boost library

I am trying to install Boost on an unix cluster machine following the Boost instructions
I downloaded boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2 and was then instructed to execute the following command:
tar --bzip2 -xf /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2
However it didn't work and this is the output I get:
tar --bzip2 -xf
tar: /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2:
Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous
You don't literally write /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2.
If the archive is in the current directory, you write ./boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2, for instance. Or if you saved it in the /tmp directory, the command would be tar --bzip2 -xf /tmp/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2.
Instructions that use /path/to/some/file to indicate that you need to use your own path are pretty common. You'll need to be careful about reading the commands before you execute them in the future, too.
By /path/to/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2 they mean the path to the downloaded file, wherever you happened to save it on your machine. So if you downloaded it in /home/Elpezmuerto, the path would be /home/Elpezmuerto/boost_1_43_0.tar.bz2.
