How could I refer to a variable new in a function without writing them as string or indexing before. I want to construct a function where I can replace grouping variables easily.
For example:
final_table %>% data.table::dcast(Lipids ~ combi_new)
Another time this factor variable could be named differently.
e.g., group_2
It doesn't work with final_table[,2] - how could I solve this?
I'm not sure I understand the question, are you trying to build the formula for a dcast from the column indices?
Maybe that answers your problem:
measurevar <- colnames(final_table)[2]
groupvar <- colnames(final_table)[1]
valvar <- colnames(final_table)[3]
formula <- as.formula(paste(measurevar, groupvar, sep=" ~ "))
test <- dcast(final_table, formula, value.var = valvar)
At the moment I am trying to apply GLM predict on a dataframe. The dataframe is quite large therefore I want to apply predict by chunks.
I have found a solution but it is quite unhandy. I first create an empty dataframe and then use rbind. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
for (x in split(data, factor(sort(rank(row.names(data))%%10)))) {
x["prediction"]=predict(model, x, type="response")
As the comments mention, an example of what you want your output dataframe to look like would be very helpful.
But I think you can achieve what you want by making a grouping variable first then using 'group_by', something like this:
df <- data %>%
mutate(group = rep(1:10, times = nrow(.)/10)) %>% # make an arbitrary grouping factor for this example
group_by(group) %>% # group by whatever your grouping factor is
summarise(predictions = predict(model, x, type = 'response')) # summarise could be replaced by mutate
Relatively new R user here that has been wrestling with making code more efficient for future uses, mainly trying out functions from the apply family.
Right now, I have a script in which I pull means from a large number of variables by (manually) creating a list of variable names and passing it into a sapply.
So this is an example of how I made a list of variable names and how I passed that into sapply
vars <- c("data$age", "data$gender", "data$PCLR")
means <- sapply(vars, fmean, data$group, na.rm=TRUE)
However, I now want to use a function that uses the argument format of function(varname, data), so I can't actually use that list of names I made. What I'm trying to do:
krusk <- sapply(vars, function(x) kruskal.test(x ~ group, data))
I feel like there is a way to pass my variable names into functions I have been completely overlooking, instead manually creating lists. Anyone have any suggestions?
This can work using iris dataset as data similar to great suggestion from #deschen:
vars <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")
krusk <- sapply(vars, function(x) kruskal.test(iris[[x]] ~ iris[['Species']]))
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
statistic 96.93744 63.57115
parameter 2 2
p.value 8.918734e-22 1.569282e-14
method "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test" "Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test" "iris[[x]] by iris[["Species"]]" "iris[[x]] by iris[["Species"]]"
You were very close! You can do it by subsetting the data frame that you input to sapply using your vars vector, and changing the formula in kruskal.test:
vars <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width")
sapply(iris[, vars], function(x) kruskal.test(x ~ iris$Species))
R is a very diverse coding language and there will ultimately be many ways to do the same thing. Some functions expect a more standard evaluation while others may use NSE (non-standard evaluation).
However, you seem to be asking about functions who just expect a single vector as impute as opposed to functions who have a data argument, in which you use variable as opposed to data$variable.
I have a few sidebars before I give some advice
Sidebar 1 - S3 Methods
While this may be besides the point in regards to the question, the function kruskal.test has two methods.
#[1] kruskal.test.default* kruskal.test.formula*
#see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
Which method is used depends on the class of the first argument in the function. In this example you are passing a formula expression in which the data argument is necessary, whereas the default method just requires x and g arguments (which you could probably use your original pipelines).
So, if you're used to doing something one way, be sure to check the documentation of a function has different dispatch methods that will work for you.
Sidebar 2 - Data Frames
Data frames are really just a collection of vectors. The difference between f(data$variable) and f(x = variable, data = data), is that in the first the user explicitly tells R where to find the vector, while in the latter, it is up the the function f to evaluate x in the context of data.
I bring this up because of what I said in the beginning - there are many ways to do the same thing. So its generally up to you what you want your standard to be.
If you prefer to be explicit
vars <- c("data$age", "data$gender", "data$PCLR")
means <- sapply(vars, fmean, data$group, na.rm=TRUE)
krusk <- sapply(vars, kruskal.test, g = data$group)
or you can write your functions in which they are expected to be evaluated within a certain data.frame object
vars <- c("age", "gender", "PCLR")
means <- sapply(vars, function(x, id, data) fmean(data[[x]], id = data[[id]], na.rm=T), id = "group", data = data)
krusk <- sapply(vars, function(x, id, data) kruskal.test(data[[x]], data[[id]]), id = "group", data = data)
My Advice
I recommend looking into the following packages dplyr, tidyr, purrr. I'm sure there are a few things in these packages that will make your life easier.
For example, you have expressed having to manually make list before doing the sapply. In dplyr package you can possibly circumvent this if there is a condition to filter on.
data %>%
group_by(group) %>% #groups data
summarise_if(is.numeric, mean, na.rm = TRUE) #applys mean to every column that is a numeric vector
And similarly, we can summarise the results of the kurskal.test function if we reshape the data a bit.
data %>%
group_by(group) %>% #grouping to retain column in the next select statement
select_if(is.numeric) %>% # selecting all numeric columns
pivot_longer(cols = -group) %>% # all columns except "group" will be reshaped. Column names are stored in `name`, and values are stored in `values`
group_by(name) %>% #regroup on name variable (old numeric columns)
summarise(krusk = list(kruskal.test(value ~ as.factor(group)))) #perform test
I've only mentioned purrr because you can almost drop and replace all apply style functions with their map variants. purrr is very consistent across its function variants with a lot of options to control the output type.
I hope this helps and wish you luck on your coding adventures.
I'm self-taught in R and this is my first StackOverflow question. I apologize if this is an obvious issue; please be kind.
Short Version of my Question
I wrote a custom function to calculate the percent change in a variable year over year. I would like to use purrr's map_at function to apply my custom function to a vector of variable names. My custom function works when applied to a single variable, but fails when I chain it using map_a
My custom function
calculate_delta <- function(df, col) {
#generate variable name
newcolname = paste("d", col, sep="")
#get formula for first difference.
calculate_diff <- lazyeval::interp(~(a + lag(a))/a, a =
#pass formula to mutate, name new variable the columname generated above
df %>%
mutate_(.dots = setNames(list(calculate_diff), newcolname)) }
When I apply this function to a single variable in the mtcars dataset, the output is as expected (although obviously the meaning of the result is non-sensical).
calculate_delta(mtcars, "wt")
Attempt to Apply the Function to a Character Vector Using Purrr
I think that I'm having trouble conceptualizing how map_at passes arguments to the function. All of the example snippets I can find online use map_at with functions like is.character, which don't require additional arguments. Here are my attempts at applying the function using purrr.
vars <- c("wt", "mpg")
mtcars %>% map_at(vars, calculate_delta)
This gives me this error message
Error in paste("d", col, sep = "") :
argument "col" is missing, with no default
I assume this is because map_at is passing vars as the df, and not passing an argument for col. To get around that issue, I tried the following:
vars <- c("wt", "mpg")
mtcars %>% map_at(vars, calculate_delta, df = .)
That throws me this error:
Error: unrecognised index type
I've monkeyed around with a bunch of different versions, including removing the df argument from the calculate_delta function, but I have had no luck.
Other potential solutions
1) A version of this using sapply, rather than purrr. I've tried solving the problem that way and had similar trouble. And my goal is to figure out a way to do this using purrr, if that is possible. Based on my understanding of purrr, this seems like a typical use case.
2) I can obviously think of how I would implement this using a for loop, but I'm trying to avoid that if possible for similar reasons.
Clearly I'm thinking about this wrong. Please help!
To clarify, I am curious if there is a method of repeatedly transforming variables that accomplishes two things.
1) Generates new variables within the original tbl_df without replacing replace the columns being mutated (as is the case when using dplyr's mutate_at).
2) Automatically generates new variable labels.
3) If possible, accomplishes what I've described by applying a single function using map_at.
It may be that this is not possible, but I feel like there should be an elegant way to accomplish what I am describing.
Try simplifying the process:
delta <- function(x) (x + dplyr::lag(x)) /x
cols <- c("wt", "mpg")
mtcars %>% mutate_at(cols, delta)
mtcars %>% map_at(cols, delta)
#If necessary, in a function
f <- function(df, cols) {
df %>% mutate_at(cols, delta)
f(iris, c("Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length"))
f(mtcars, c("wt", "mpg"))
If you would like to embed new names after, we can write a custom pipe-ready function:
Rename <- function(object, old, new) {
names(object)[names(object) %in% old] <- new
mtcars %>%
mutate_at(cols, delta) %>%
Rename(cols, paste0("lagged",cols))
If you want to rename the resulting lagged variables:
mtcars %>% mutate_at(cols, funs(lagged = delta))
Say I have a dataframe:
data <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,2,2),
and this line of code that's working fine:
Then I create the following variables:
ID <- "id"
CODE <- "code"
and use the variables as arguments in the cast function:
df <- cast(data, ID~CODE, fun.aggregate=sum)
Then I get the following error:
Error: Casting formula contains variables not found in molten data: ID, CODE
How can I use variables instead of the columns' name with the cast function?
You need to construct a formula:
cast(data, as.formula(paste(ID, CODE, sep="~")), fun.aggregate=sum)
However, package reshape has been superseded by package reshape2 (have a look at its function dcast and see #Ananda Mahto's comment). The reshape function in base R might also be of interest to you.
You can use as well:"cast", args = list(data = data, formula = paste(ID, '~', Code), fun.aggregate = "sum"))
Arguments can (but don't have to) be delivered as strings.
I am trying to use ddply and summarise together from the plyr package but am having difficulty parsing through column names that keep changing...In my example i would like something that would parse in X1 programatically rather than hard coding in X1 into the ddply function.
setting up an example
t <- xts(matrix(rnorm(10000),ncol=10), Sys.Date()-1000:1)
t.df <- data.frame(coredata(t))
t.df <- cbind(day=wday(index(t), label=TRUE, abbr=TRUE), t.df)
t.df.l <- melt(t.df, id.vars=c("day",colnames(t.df)[2]), measure.vars=colnames(t.df)[3:ncol(t.df)])
This is the bit im am struggling with....
cor.vars <- ddply(t.df.l, c("day","variable"), summarise, cor(X1, value))
i do not want to use the term X1 and would like to use something like
cor.vars <- ddply(t.df.l, c("day","variable"), summarise, cor(colnames(t.df)[2], value))
but that comes up with the error: Error in cor(colnames(t.df)[2], value) : 'x' must be numeric
I also tried various other combos that parse in the vector values for the x argument in cor...but for some reason none of them seem to work...
any ideas?
Although this is probably not the intended usage for summarize and there must be much better approaches to your problem, the direct answer to your question is to use get:
ddply(t.df.l, c("day","variable"), summarise, cor(get(colnames(t.df)[2]), value))
Edit: here is for example one approach that is in my opinion better suited to your problem:
ddply(t.df.l, c("day", "variable"), function(x)cor(x["X1"], x["value"]))
Above, "X1" can be also replaced by 2 or the name of a variable holding "X1", etc. It depends how you want to programmatically access the column.