Can a saga put an action which triggers itself? - redux

I have an saga which takes and action however it also puts this action I thought it would result in an infinite loop but it does bot What am i missing

It is how it works, you probably have a mistake in your code that prevents the loop from happening. try running this code:
function* recursiveSaga({ count }) {
console.log({ count });
if (count > 0) {
yield put({ type: "FOO", count: count - 1 });
function* rootSaga() {
yield takeEvery("FOO", recursiveSaga);
yield put({ type: "FOO", count: 10 });
As you can see it runs 10 times until the count reaches zero.


Where is the best place to modify backend response with redux-saga?

I have a function that prepares the errors from backend to be easy for displaying in the components - it's named prepareErrorMessages. It accepts the response from the backend and some default error message.
So - in the saga I have this:
function* updateSomethingFlow(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(updateSomething, action.payload);
if (response) {
yield put({
} catch (err) {
yield put({
payload: prepareErrorMessages(err, 'Failed to update. Please, try again.')
So - am I wrong to modify the errors from the backend here?
Or is it better to do this in the reducer?
nextState = {
loading: false,
errors: prepareErrorMessages(payload, 'Failed to update. Please, try again.'),
And also - why is it better to update there?
Personally, I think its right to do it in the reducer.
That is where you handle the responses. Action creators should only set the payload which could be some static data or a promise.
Dont see why you cannot transform/modify the received data there.
Personally, I would prefer to have it in the saga because I think it is the right place of handling this kind of logic.
I prefer my reducers to only be responsible for changing state, not for data transformation.
But it is my personal opinion.
We are using a Transformer for transforming the response getting from the Api. Transformer is the function which takes the input and provide the desired output. Designing the transformer makes the code clean and easy to test.
For example :-
function* updateSomethingFlow(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(updateSomething, action.payload);
// after getting the response from the api pass through the transformer.
const transformedResponse =apiTransformer(action.payload);
if (response) {
yield put({
data: trasnformedResponse
} catch (error) {
yield put({
error: error)
const apiTransformer = function(apiResponse) {
// implement the logic. This function returns the transformed Response
Using this you can move reducer free from the error. Makes the code testable and making mocks easy.
For global backend Errors make a global errorHandler using Redux Middleware, like this
const errorTracking = store => next => action => {
if (/_FAILURE$/.test(action.type)) {
const errorCode = parseInt(
_.get(action, ['error', 'response', 'status'])
// this was for my use case
if (errorCode === 403) {
// launch an Global error handler action
return next(ErrorHandlerAction())
} else return next(action)
return next(action)
While for not genric error You can implement HOC wrap it around the component for visualisation. Thus you can have global implementation for the errors.

redux saga before action

I have whole application depending on config data that are loaded with request from server, how can I create blocking "before" action on every action using redux saga, now my globalSaga looks like this. The help would be really appreciated
function * rootSaga () {
yield takeLatest(LOAD_ONBOARDING.REQUEST,loadOnboardingSaga)
const res = yield put.resolve(loadOnboarding())
yield console.log(res)
yield all([
takeLatest is the same as forking with automatic cancellation of each subsequent fork. Check this for a descriptive example.
So in your case since loadOnboardingSaga should continuously block next calls the cheapest solution would be to put it all under loadOnboardinSaga since there is a direct succession like this:
function* initRestSaga() {
yield all([
function* loadOnboardingSaga() {
const res = yield put.resolve(loadOnboarding())
yield console.log(res)
yield call(initRestSaga)
function* rootSaga() {
yield takeLatest(LOAD_ONBOARDING.REQUEST, loadOnboardingSaga)
Otherwise you have to manually fork and cancel each and every side effect in between takeLatest and last fork.

In Redux-saga, how to call a saga in one saga's fetch?

In my React app, there is a Saga calling backend API to retrieve some chart data. Please read the source code
function fetchData () {
return fetch(`${config.base}dashboard_charts.json`)
.then((response) => {
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.json();
} else if (response.status === 403) {
return 'logon';
function * getData (action) {
try {
const charts = yield call(fetchData);
if (charts === 'logon') {
yield logon();
} else {
yield put({ type: UPDATE_DASHBOARD_CHART, charts });
} catch (error) {
yield put({ type: UPDATE_DASHBOARD_CHART, charts: [] });
function * logon (action) {
yield auth();
export default function * portfolio () {
yield [
There is a checking against the http response status in the function fetchData, if the status is 200 then return the response directly. But if the server side returns 403, it means the client needs to be authenticated, thus the program will goes to auth() and perform logon.
However, the http response status code checking is somehow a general functionality applied to all API calls. So I don't want to repeat this kind of code in every saga. For this purpose, I wrote a service 'responseHandler' to group the response code checking inside like this:
export default function responseHandler (resp) {
if (resp.status === 401 || resp.status === 403) {
yield auth();
} else if (resp.status === 200) {
} else {
console.log('error handling');
And it will be called inside the the fetchData
return fetch(`${config.base}dashboard_charts.json`)
.then((response) => {
But this approach is never working. 'yield auth()' is invalid in the responseHandler.
Can anyone suggest how to better design the code for this case ?
Maybe it makes a sense to organize logic several?
First, the fetch-wrapper can be modified so that in case of origin of HTTP of a response code which doesn't meet expectation for formation of successful result, to execute transition to catch-section. It will allow to save the fetchData function in the form of pure Promise without entering of generator logic into it.
Secondly the essence of the auth and logon functions isn't especially clear. If by results of such action the form for login be generated, then realize it through appropriate redux action. If transition to other page is required, use react-redux-router.
function fetchData () {
return fetch(`${config.base}dashboard_charts.json`).then(response => (
(response.status === 200) ? response.json() : Promise.reject('logon')
function* getData (action) {
try {
const charts = yield call(fetchData);
yield put({ type: UPDATE_DASHBOARD_CHART, charts });
} catch (error) {
yield put({ type: UPDATE_DASHBOARD_CHART, charts: [] });
if(error.message === 'logon') {
yield put({ type: PERMORM_AUTORIZE });
export default function * portfolio () {
yield [ takeEvery(FETCH_DASHBOARD_CHART, getData) ];
And is your logic is more complex, just use fork from redux-saga. It allows perform more complex tasks.

Redux saga and immutablejs

I have created a basic authorization flow using redux, redux-saga and immutable js.
Redux form (v6.0.0-rc.4) allows the form to create an immutable map. I'm passing these values to redux-saga, where I'm trying to pass these values to my login functions.
Question 1: Conceptually, when is the appropriate time to use values.get('username') to access the data inside an immutable map? Inside my saga, in the function? Should I be looking to wait until the last possible step to extract the values?
Question 2: Assuming I am able to extract the values at the right place, I'm not sure I see how this should be handled within the sagas - this is my saga for loginFlow:
export function* loginFlow(data) {
while (true) {
yield take(LOGIN_REQUEST);
const winner = yield race({
auth: call(authorize, { data, isRegistering: false }),
logout: take(LOGOUT),
if (winner.auth) {
yield put({ type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: true });
} else if (winner.logout) {
yield put({ type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: false });
yield call(logout);
With data being the immutable map from redux-form. However, whenever I console log data in my sagas, it only ever returns 0.
Apparently I wasn't handling passing the immutable Map to the action correctly - correct code:
export function* loginFlow() {
while (true) {
// this line ensures that the payload from the action
// is correctly passed through the saga
const { data } = yield take(LOGIN_REQUEST);
const winner = yield race({
// this line passes the payload to the login/auth action
auth: call(authorize, { data, isRegistering: false }),
logout: take(LOGOUT),
if (winner.auth) {
yield put({ type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: true });
} else if (winner.logout) {
yield put({ type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: false });
yield call(logout);

Meteor Reactive Session: Not Working (Why?)

I'm having trouble with reactive Sessions in Meteor.js.
Demo: Meteor Pad
'rows': function () {
return Session.get('rows'); // data set in Session
'click .mdl-radio__button': function (e) {
// target represents a number of selected rows (1, 2, 5, or 10)
var value = $(e.currentTarget).val();
Session.set('limit', value);
'click #reset': function () {
Session.set('limit', 0);
Session.set('rows', null);
'click #run': function () {
// should only get rows when run() is pressed
Session.set('rows', currentItems);
Users should be able to select a new number of collections to receive, controlled by the limit. However, I keep getting the following error:
Error: Match error: Failed Match.OneOf or Match.Optional validation
Any ideas why? Can someone show me a working MeteorPad demo?
I'm having trouble with your meteorpad. But your problem isn't Session. The problem is your usage of Tracker.autorun. You should read the docs on that.
You are assuming that Tracker.autorun(getItems) returns what getItems returns. That's not the case tough. You'll need to set currentItems inside the autorun (in your case getItems).
getItems = function () {
if (Session.get('limit') > 0) {
currentItems = Items
.find({}, {limit: Session.get('limit')})
.map(function (item, index) {
item.index = index + 1;
return item;
} else {
currentItems = null;
Finally figured it out. Apparently Session creates a string, so that Session.set('limit', 1) sets the limit to "1". Of course, strings can be processed in a Mongo collection request.
The solution was using {limit: parseInt(Session.get('limit')}.
