It looks like a simple task, but after hours looking aroung I'm not able to find a suitable solution.
I'm using plotly to plot line and bar charts, and I have trouble formatting hover numbers.
I want the following :
decimal separator ','
thousand separator ' '
I'm able to setup the decimal separator by setting the locale to FR. I'm also able to get space separator for the ticklabeld.
However I'm not able at all to add space as thousand separator.
I would like to find an elegant solution by setting hovertemplate = '%{x} | %{y:.0f}' , but any other solution would fit.
This is the code for my plot :
data <- EMPL1019[,c(1,2,4)]
colnames(data) <- c('Date','Salaries','Equivalent')
ticklabels <- seq(from=0, to=round(max(data$Salaries)), by=5000)
ticktexts <- c(0,paste(ticklabels[-1]/1000, " 000", sep=""))
EMP.g1 <- plot_ly(data = data,
name = 'Salariés',
line = list(color = ispfPalette[1]),
x = ~Date,
y = ~Salaries,
hovertemplate = '%{x} | %{y:.0f}<extra></extra>',
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'line')
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>% add_trace(y = ~Equivalent,
hovertemplate = '%{x} - %{y:.2f}<extra></extra>',
name = 'Equ. temps plein',
line = list(color = ispfPalette[9]))
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>% layout(yaxis = list(separatethousands = T,tickformat = '.0f'))
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>% layout(yaxis=list(tickvals = ticklabels,
ticktext = ticktexts))
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>% layout(yaxis = yaxis_template,
xaxis = xaxis_template,
legend = list(orientation = 'h'))
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>% config(locale = 'fr')
And this is a sample of my data :
structure(list(Date = structure(c(1635724800, 1633046400, 1630454400,
1627776000, 1625097600, 1622505600, 1619827200, 1617235200, 1614556800,
1612137600, 1609459200, 1606780800, 1604188800, 1601510400, 1598918400,
1596240000, 1593561600, 1590969600, 1588291200, 1585699200, 1583020800,
1580515200, 1577836800, 1575158400), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"
), tzone = "UTC"), `Nombre de salariés` = c(67124L, 66347L,
65629L, 66937L, 66503L, 65780L, 64963L, 64820L, 64320L, 63978L,
64320L, 65139L, 64726L, 64824L, 64349L, 64252L, 63802L, 63302L,
60612L, 58449L, 66069L, 66680L, 66934L, 67530L), `Masse salariale` = structure(c(0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000938992338891789,
), class = "integer64"), `Effectif équivalent temps plein` = c(58126.7732710957,
57206.3988279215, 55259.2352879171, 55479.1570677117, 56688.511680619,
55841.9537494603, 54526.0767610181, 53368.5979797748, 53134.6513287857,
52946.3782282233, 53251.3191244597, 54829.7587531314, 53915.6804815763,
54306.2860265348, 54170.5949118788, 53649.4815305165, 52445.0726773908,
51356.6072581076, 50193.6687158648, 48360.6793136537, 56294.0759669762,
57709.3582162786, 57246.9744898572, 58543.1814151947)), class = c("data.table",
"data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -24L), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x000001d4019765b0>)
I can't trust that there is no easy way to do it. Even tickvals and ticktext solution looks overcomplex and I'm sure there is a better way to do it.
Thanks in advance for your help !
It works, but it's not native Plotly. What I did was add the parameter hovertext, I then used this to format the values you used in y = Salaries and y = Equivalent. Then I replaced y in your hovertemplate with hovertext.
(I've only commented out the palettes because I don't have the data for these objects.)
EMP.g1 <- plot_ly(data = data,
name = 'Salariés',
line = list(color = 'darkred'), #ispfPalette[1]),
x = ~Date,
y = ~Salaries,
hovertext = ~formatC(Salaries, big.mark = " ",
format = "d"), # integer (no decimal)
hovertemplate = '%{x} | %{hovertext}<extra></extra>',
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'line')
EMP.g1 <- EMP.g1 %>%
add_trace(y = ~Equivalent,
hovertext = ~formatC(Equivalent,
big.mark = " ", # space separator
format = "d"), # integer (no decimal)
hovertemplate = '%{x} - %{hovertext}<extra></extra>',
name = 'Equ. temps plein',
line = list(color = 'black')) #ispfPalette[9]))
The rest of your code is unchanged.
I am using plotly with r. I am using hovertext but need to change the dimensions of the hovertext box.
Here is my data:
my_data <-
flood_freq = "none",
count = 111L,
acres = 213698L,
coiids = "632879, 632880, 633192, 633643, 633647, 634220, 634252, 2517005, 2517018, 2630129, 2630149, 2630150, 635379, 632879, 632880, 2517005, 635629, 635631, 2517005, 2517018, 2630129, 2630149, 2630150, 2630203, 2630207, 2630215, 2528971, 2406001, 2719494, 2719503, 2719504, 634220, 2517005, 2517018, 2630149, 2630150, 1423710, 2630203, 2630207, 1472815, 1472823, 2630215, 2528971, 2630207, 2406001, 635796, 635797, 635798, 635799, 635803, 635804, 635862, 635864, 635865, 635867, 635868, 635870, 635871, 635917, 635947, 635948, 635949, 635950, 635984, 635985, 635986, 635987, 635988, 635989, 635990, 635997, 636005, 636008, 636095, 636097, 636099, 636119, 636120, 636121, 637182, 637183, 637184, 637196, 637230, 637232, 637259, 637260, 637473, 637475, 637477, 637479, 2719494, 2719503, 2719504, 637647, 637649, 637652, 637657, 637667, 637821, 637944, 637945, 637946, 637947, 637949, 638073, 638160, 638161, 638216, 638217, 638218"
class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"),
row.names = c(NA, -1L)
I make a plotly barplot with the coiids as the hovertext.
x = my_data$flood_freq,
y = my_data$count,
name = "Flood freq.",
type = "bar",
hoverinfo = "text",
hovertext = paste("coiids: ", my_data$coiids)
The hovertext of my concatenated coiids is long and gets cut off by the screen width.
How can I change the dimensions of the hovertext box to give it a constained width and greater height so that all of the coiids can be read?
One option would be to wrap your hover text using e.g. stringr::str_wrap:
x = my_data$flood_freq, y = my_data$count,
name = "Flood freq.", type = "bar",
hoverinfo = "text",
hovertext = paste("coiids: ", stringr::str_wrap(my_data$coiids, 60))
I want to plot a barchart timeseries with timestamps on the x-axis. My problem is the daylight-saving in Octobre, as there are 2 timestamps at 02:00, one with CEST timezone and one with CET.
The plotly-barchart superimposes these values, which is hard to spot and looks like an error when you hover over the barchart as you will find that the value does not correspond to the y-axis.
How can I display these 2 bars side by side, without changing the tickmode to "array" and defining tickvals/ticktext?
df <- structure(list(value = round(runif(46, 20, 26), 3),
timestamp = structure(c(1603576800, 1603584000, 1603587600, 1603591200, 1603594800, 1603598400,
1603602000, 1603605600, 1603609200, 1603612800, 1603616400, 1603620000,
1603623600, 1603627200, 1603630800, 1603634400, 1603638000, 1603641600,
1603645200, 1603648800, 1603652400, 1603656000, 1603659600, 1603576800,
1603584000, 1603587600, 1603591200, 1603594800, 1603598400, 1603602000,
1603605600, 1603609200, 1603612800, 1603616400, 1603620000, 1603623600,
1603627200, 1603630800, 1603634400, 1603638000, 1603641600, 1603645200,
1603648800, 1603652400, 1603656000, 1603659600),
class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "Europe/Berlin"),
col = c(rep("#FFBA00", 23), rep("#B9CC2E", 23)),
name = c(rep("Grp1", 23), rep("Grp2", 23))),
row.names = 1:46, class = "data.frame")
plot_ly(data = df, text = "text") %>%
add_trace(x = ~timestamp, y = ~value, type = "bar",
marker = list(color = ~col),
text = ~sprintf("Time: %s<br>Value: %s", timestamp, value),
hoverinfo = "text",
name = ~name) %>%
plotly::layout(xaxis = list(title = 'Time', type = "date"),
barmode = 'group')
Wraping up my comments to an answer for future readers:
plotly currently doesn't support displaying daylight saving time natively:
Changes our internal date linearization to use UTC rather than local
milliseconds. Every day on a Plotly graph will now be 24 hours long,
with no daylight shifts.
Accordingly, the only possibility I'm aware of, to work around this issue is using the tickvals and ticktext arguments in plotly's layout function (not desired by #SeGa and this is reasonable as we'll have duplicated tick labels. Nevertheless, maybe the following helps others).
DF <- structure(list(value = round(runif(46, 20, 26), 3),
timestamp = structure(c(1603576800, 1603584000, 1603587600, 1603591200, 1603594800, 1603598400,
1603602000, 1603605600, 1603609200, 1603612800, 1603616400, 1603620000,
1603623600, 1603627200, 1603630800, 1603634400, 1603638000, 1603641600,
1603645200, 1603648800, 1603652400, 1603656000, 1603659600, 1603576800,
1603584000, 1603587600, 1603591200, 1603594800, 1603598400, 1603602000,
1603605600, 1603609200, 1603612800, 1603616400, 1603620000, 1603623600,
1603627200, 1603630800, 1603634400, 1603638000, 1603641600, 1603645200,
1603648800, 1603652400, 1603656000, 1603659600),
class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "Europe/Berlin"),
col = c(rep("#FFBA00", 23), rep("#B9CC2E", 23)),
name = c(rep("Grp1", 23), rep("Grp2", 23))),
row.names = 1:46, class = "data.frame")
# DF$timestamp_utc <- DF$timestamp
# attr(DF$timestamp_utc, "tzone") <- "UTC"
plot_ly(data = DF, text = "text") %>%
add_trace(x = ~as.numeric(timestamp), y = ~value, type = "bar",
marker = list(color = ~col),
text = ~sprintf("Time: %s<br>Value: %s", timestamp, value),
hoverinfo = "text",
name = ~name) %>%
plotly::layout(xaxis = list(title = 'Time',
ticktext = ~timestamp,
tickvals = ~as.numeric(timestamp),
tickmode = "array"),
barmode = 'group')
Minor edit: If we want to reduce the amount of ticklabels without a lot of effort we can use pretty in ticktext and tickvals:
ticktext = ~pretty(timestamp),
tickvals = ~as.numeric(pretty(timestamp))
Related docs: Formatting Ticks in R
I'm trying to use highcharter to plot some time-series data:
volumes <- structure(list(priorDate = structure(c(18125, 18126, 18127, 18128,
18129, 18130), class = "Date"), s_1_1 = c(18481L, 18503L, 18247L,
17994L, 17755L, 17506L), s_1_2 = c(83143L, 83129L, 83160L, 83171L,
83120L, 83107L), s_1_3 = c(74456L, 74487L, 74510L, 74549L, 74614L,
74633L), s_1_4 = c(240095L, 240242L, 240416L, 240604L, 240776L,
241006L), s_2_10 = c(44542L, 44600L, 44605L, 44665L, 44749L,
44827L), s_2_11 = c(183468L, 183565L, 183628L, 183692L, 183706L,
183794L), s_2_5 = c(1400L, 1394L, 1415L, 1406L, 1462L, 1415L),
s_2_6 = c(1063L, 1041L, 1046L, 1050L, 1093L, 1051L), s_2_7 = c(38073L,
38066L, 38021L, 37936L, 37929L, 37875L), s_2_8 = c(19175L,
19156L, 19248L, 19345L, 19420L, 19502L), s_2_9 = c(44103L,
44052L, 44029L, 43939L, 43817L, 43747L)), row.names = 1:6, class = "data.frame")
I'm having a lot of trouble customising the tooltip. My goal is to have the tooltip display the data for all series. I thought this would do the trick:
highchart(type = "stock") %>%
hc_add_series(volumes, type = 'line', hcaes(x = priorDate, y = s_1_1), name = 'Prime Enquirer') %>%
hc_add_series(volumes, type = 'line', hcaes(x = priorDate, y = s_1_2), name = 'Active Enquirer') %>%
hc_xAxis(type = 'date') %>%
hc_tooltip(shared = TRUE)
But this plots in exactly the same fashion as without hc_tooltip(shared = TRUE).
I am also unable to get the chart to display a legend. I have to assume I'm being an idiot and missing something really simple.
I'd appreciate any help; this has been annoying me for a while.
Here is my code to generate barplot using rAmChart,
amBarplot(x = "month", y = "value", data = dataset,
dataDateFormat = "MM/YYYY", minPeriod = "MM",
show_values = FALSE, labelRotation = -90, depth = 0.1)
However, is there a way to use month names & year in my x axis? I am trying to use MMM-YY formats.
Sample dataset,
structure(list(value = c(11544, 9588, 9411, 10365, 11154, 12688
), month = c("05/2012", "06/2012", "07/2012", "08/2012", "09/2012",
"10/2012")), .Names = c("value", "month"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
It appears that rAmCharts doesn't expose AmCharts' dateFormats setting in the categoryAxis, so you have to access it through the init event and create your own dateFormats array with a modified format string for the MM period. I'm not very experienced with R, but here's how I managed to make it work using R 3.4.2 and rAmCharts 2.1.5
chart <- amBarplot( ... settings omitted ... )
addListener(.Object = chart,
name = 'init',
expression = paste(
"function(e) {",
"e.chart.categoryAxis.dateFormats = ",
'{"period":"mm","format":"JJ:NN"},{"period":"hh","format":"JJ:NN"},{"period":"DD","format":"MMM DD"},',
'{"period":"WW","format":"MMM DD"},',
'{"period":"MM","format":"MMM-YY"},', # "add YY to default MM format
'{"period":"YYYY","format":"YYYY"}]; ',
Here is a different solution:
dataset <- structure(list(value = c(11544, 9588, 9411, 10365, 11154, 12688
), month = c("05/2012", "06/2012", "07/2012", "08/2012", "09/2012",
"10/2012")), .Names = c("value", "month"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
dataset$month <- as.character(
as.Date(paste0("01/",dataset$month), "%d/%m/%Y"),
"%B %Y"))
amBarplot(x = "month", y = "value", data = dataset,
show_values = FALSE, labelRotation = -90, depth = 0.1)
I have a dataset with lat/lon and a timestamp. I want the color of the markers to show time with a continous palette. I am using colorNumeric() with julian dates earlier created using julian(x, "2015-01-01").
data = structure(list(timestamp = structure(c(1434056453, 1434148216, 1434153635, 1434245436, 1434358840,
1434364288, 1434369611, 1434461435, 1434466830, 1434558725), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""),
lon = c(-119.8777, -119.9614, -119.8769, -119.8775, -120.2283,
-120.2285, -119.8429, -120.0954, -120.3957, -120.4421),
lat = c(34.4041,34.376, 34.4061, 34.4021, 34.4696,
34.4697, 34.1909, 34.4328, 34.4554, 34.4456),
ID = as.factor(c("Z11","Z05","Z01", "Z04", "Z11", "Z04","Z01","Z05","Z05","Z11"))),
.Names = c("timestamp", "lon", "lat", "ID"),
row.names = c(1:10),
class = "data.frame")
data$julian = as.numeric(julian(data$timestamp, origin = "2015-01-01"))
pal = colorNumeric( palette = rainbow(7), domain = data$julian)
m = leaflet(data)
m %>% addTiles() %>%
addCircles(~lon, ~lat, color = ~pal(julian)) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~julian, title = "Time", opacity = 1)
The legend shows the labels as numeric, julian dates: I want them to show as "proper" dates in a format like "2015-01-01" or similar.
To do this, I use as.Date(x, origin=as.Date("2015-01-01")) but it does not work when I insert it into addLegend() with addLegend(pal = pal, values = ~julian,
labFormat = labelFormat(transform = ~as.Date(julian, origin=as.Date("2015-01-01"))))
Is there a way to modify legend labels so that they show dates and/or characters?
From the leaflet page on legends:
You can also conveniently customize the label appearance by passing labFormat=labelFormat(). labelFormat() has parameters that customize the separator between ranges, the number of digits to render, and prefix/suffix for each label. If your label formatting needs extend beyond what labelFormat() can provide, you can also use a custom function as the labFormat argument; see the Details section in ?addLegend for a description.
Therefore, we can modify the source code for the labelFormat function to include a custom function to convert dates
myLabelFormat = function(
prefix = '', suffix = '', between = ' – ', digits = 3, big.mark = ',',
transform = identity, dates = FALSE ## new 'dates' argument
) {
formatNum = function(x) {
round(transform(x), digits), trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE,
big.mark = big.mark
## added 'formatDate' function
formatDate = function(x) {
d = as.Date(x, origin="1970-01-01")
function(type, ...) {
numeric = (function(cuts) {
## will format numbers into dates if dates == TRUE
paste0(prefix, formatNum(cuts), suffix)
bin = (function(cuts) {
n = length(cuts)
paste0(prefix, formatNum(cuts[-n]), between, formatNum(cuts[-1]), suffix)
quantile = (function(cuts, p) {
n = length(cuts)
p = paste0(round(p * 100), '%')
cuts = paste0(formatNum(cuts[-n]), between, formatNum(cuts[-1]))
# mouse over the legend labels to see the values (quantiles)
'<span title="', cuts, '">', prefix, p[-n], between, p[-1], suffix,
factor = (function(cuts) {
paste0(prefix, as.character(transform(cuts)), suffix)
Which, as #Nice points out can be shortened to
myLabelFormat = function(...,dates=FALSE){
function(type = "numeric", cuts){
as.Date(cuts, origin="1970-01-01")
With this new function we can call it as normal
data = structure(list(timestamp = structure(c(1434056453, 1434148216, 1434153635, 1434245436, 1434358840,
1434364288, 1434369611, 1434461435, 1434466830, 1434558725), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""),
lon = c(-119.8777, -119.9614, -119.8769, -119.8775, -120.2283,
-120.2285, -119.8429, -120.0954, -120.3957, -120.4421),
lat = c(34.4041,34.376, 34.4061, 34.4021, 34.4696,
34.4697, 34.1909, 34.4328, 34.4554, 34.4456),
ID = as.factor(c("Z11","Z05","Z01", "Z04", "Z11", "Z04","Z01","Z05","Z05","Z11"))),
.Names = c("timestamp", "lon", "lat", "ID"),
row.names = c(1:10),
class = "data.frame")
data$julian <- as.numeric(as.Date(data$timestamp))
pal = colorNumeric( palette = rainbow(7), domain = data$julian)
m = leaflet(data)
m %>% addTiles() %>%
addCircles(~lon, ~lat, color = ~pal(julian)) %>%
addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = ~julian,
title = "Time", opacity = 1,
labFormat = myLabelFormat(dates=TRUE))